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My FIL wore suspenders and a belt.
Really insecure
The only reason I could see to wearing both at the same time is if you absolutely needed the suspenders to keep your pants up, but need a belt to hold your pistol holster, magazine pouches, knife sheath, etc. None of that stuff wants to stay on suspenders...
When ya got no ass at all, something besides a belt has to hold up your trousers.
Lannie tells me I have no ass, but I do have a slight notch called hips, but they still don't seem to want to hold up my pants.

The Cromwell

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The only reason I could see to wearing both at the same time is if you absolutely needed the suspenders to keep your pants up, but need a belt to hold your pistol holster, magazine pouches, knife sheath, etc. None of that stuff wants to stay on suspenders...

Lannie tells me I have no ass, but I do have a slight notch called hips, but they still don't seem to want to hold up my pants.
Ohh the fashion around here is combat harness to solve the suspender not holding anything.


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Some things I will not wear. Turtle necks. Feel like snoopy with a collar....

Wool itches the heck out of me.

Flip flops or crock things.


Mini skirts.....
I gotta have my flip-flops, skip duh mini-skirt....and crocs

Lady Sarah

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Member For 5 Years
Some things I will not wear. Turtle necks. Feel like snoopy with a collar....

Wool itches the heck out of me.

Flip flops or crock things.


Mini skirts.....

I hate turtlenecks. They strangle me.

I hate flip flops. I don't want to need callouses between my toes.

If I wear a miniskirt, I'll be wearing shorts under it.


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The only reason I could see to wearing both at the same time is if you absolutely needed the suspenders to keep your pants up, but need a belt to hold your pistol holster, magazine pouches, knife sheath, etc. None of that stuff wants to stay on suspenders...

Lannie tells me I have no ass, but I do have a slight notch called hips, but they still don't seem to want to hold up my pants.
Perhaps some double sided velcro? Wrap it around your waist and britches, good ta go

The Cromwell

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Never could stand flip flops.
When in a flip flop zone like beach I wore those mesh slipper things.
Forget what they were called...
Could jump off the boat and swim in them if needed and they would just drain out.

think I saw an ad for high heeled crocks a while back...
The world has gone to hell....

Lady Sarah

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Velcro the fly'll be the next fad, mark my words.....:)
Considering that velcro doesn't last for very long, they would be disposable pants. May as well make em outta paper, like they do with some hats and shoes these days.


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You hiring illegal aliens?

BTW, velcro on pants sucks. I have some cargo pants and all the leg pockets and rear pockets have flaps stuck down by velcro and they all look like shit.
Yeah I know, bought some shirts with velcro to hold the front pocket closed, big mistake, have to just about rip the buttons off the shirt to open the pocket.


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Seriously thinking about using the Xacto to remove all those little velcro patches and put on some metal snaps.


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I finally bought some new work shirts today....been wearing the same ones for over 10 yrs. Got them at they have chinese garbage, so I bought them from Vistaprint. Supposed to be wrinkle free like the last ones, hope they work, been trial and erring with shirts lately. I must have 10 different brands that are garbage.


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Kinda like ramming a shovel in a ball of roots, it bounces off....I assume there is hay mixed in.

Yeah, it's last winter's accumulated bedding mixed with poop that got tromped into the bedding before it could be picked up. Nobody really uses that stall in the summertime (they sleep outside), so it's just been sitting in there, aging, getting harder and harder. It's a bitchkitty to fork out when it gets to that point, but we've had so much rain this summer, there was a mudhole in front of the barn door, and a wheelbarrow full of crap just sank in and got stuck, so this is the first opportunity to work on cleaning that out. This morning it's raining again, but hopefully it won't make a muddy morass in front of the door again. Every time the cows walk in to get a drink, they churn up the mud even more.

Rich and I took the cabbage hat off the cabbages yesterday because something (we don't know what) fell through the top and ripped all the screening loose. There were a couple of cabbage moths in there already, so we took the screening off and I sprayed them thoroughly. Two heads out of the eight I planted are all chewed to shit, but the rest of them look OK. Rich needs to reattach the screening and we'll put the cabbage hat back on, and in the meantime, I hope the spray keeps any cabbage-eating bugs out of them. Gah, I WANT SAUERKRAUT THIS YEAR!

I also found three beautiful cucumbers in the mess of vines and weeds yesterday, then set them down to do the cabbage stuff and went in the house without them. Fortunately, I have Rich to keep track of things, so he picked them up and brought 'em inside. ;) I need to go out and do a better search today, when it stops raining, but I foresee some refrigerator pickles in the near future. :)

And Dale, there are some HUGE, MONSTROUS green tomatoes out there now. I wish they'd hurry up and ripen! They're gonna taste soooooo good. I want to make some cottage cheese, once the cows are in milk again, and there's nothing better than a sun-warmed tomato diced up on a pile of homemade cottage cheese. Nothing. Unless maybe you put a little shredded fresh basil leaf on the pile. :D


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Yeah, it's last winter's accumulated bedding mixed with poop that got tromped into the bedding before it could be picked up. Nobody really uses that stall in the summertime (they sleep outside), so it's just been sitting in there, aging, getting harder and harder. It's a bitchkitty to fork out when it gets to that point, but we've had so much rain this summer, there was a mudhole in front of the barn door, and a wheelbarrow full of crap just sank in and got stuck, so this is the first opportunity to work on cleaning that out. This morning it's raining again, but hopefully it won't make a muddy morass in front of the door again. Every time the cows walk in to get a drink, they churn up the mud even more.

Rich and I took the cabbage hat off the cabbages yesterday because something (we don't know what) fell through the top and ripped all the screening loose. There were a couple of cabbage moths in there already, so we took the screening off and I sprayed them thoroughly. Two heads out of the eight I planted are all chewed to shit, but the rest of them look OK. Rich needs to reattach the screening and we'll put the cabbage hat back on, and in the meantime, I hope the spray keeps any cabbage-eating bugs out of them. Gah, I WANT SAUERKRAUT THIS YEAR!

I also found three beautiful cucumbers in the mess of vines and weeds yesterday, then set them down to do the cabbage stuff and went in the house without them. Fortunately, I have Rich to keep track of things, so he picked them up and brought 'em inside. ;) I need to go out and do a better search today, when it stops raining, but I foresee some refrigerator pickles in the near future. :)

And Dale, there are some HUGE, MONSTROUS green tomatoes out there now. I wish they'd hurry up and ripen! They're gonna taste soooooo good. I want to make some cottage cheese, once the cows are in milk again, and there's nothing better than a sun-warmed tomato diced up on a pile of homemade cottage cheese. Nothing. Unless maybe you put a little shredded fresh basil leaf on the pile. :D
Pickled Green Tomatoes, Lannie......oh my are they delis....!!

The Cromwell

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Hello to all you earth creatures.

today was a bit slower.
Took the wife shopping and cut up and moved only 1 load of tree debris.
Still nice though low 80's.

Need to research how to pickle sweet corn....
Great with Pinto beans and fried pork tenderloin with some fried taters too and of course onions.


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Hello to all you earth creatures.

today was a bit slower.
Took the wife shopping and cut up and moved only 1 load of tree debris.
Still nice though low 80's.

Need to research how to pickle sweet corn....
Great with Pinto beans and fried pork tenderloin with some fried taters too and of course onions.
Bob, just put the corn in water and salt, add other ingreds to suite your buds.....!


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Sarah made me a new avatar


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Lannie said you got more rain?.....can't catch a break.....:(
Yeah, a thin passing line of instability this morning dumped on us, but it was OK the rest of the day, and MUCH cooler, so I spent my day forking the cow barn (back hurts, shoulder hurts, wrist hurts, ankle hurts -- ah, so what's different about today? Get on with it!) o_O

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