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PIF BOX #6 -- Active -- List Full


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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My Aunt just got me Looper for my 24th birthday this past Thursday, brought it up to the rehab I'm at, thank god this place is actually kind of cool and let's us vape, only outside though. Ya know, never in my room with the door closed when I don't feel like attending one of my 7 hour long groups a day haha. But I've been ADVing this stuff called Blue Crunch from Juicy Vapor (Nixteria) which is a local shop to me, I don't know if any of you have ever heard of their Ecto Plasma but I guess it's a super popular flavor that made itself known out of my local but regardless, the Blue Crunch is their version of Captain Crunch and it's incredible, so I've been on a cereal flavor kick as of late, tried some DIY Flavor Shop's Starstuck which is their version of Trix,, pretty good but not the dead on flavor like Looper, it is absolutely insane, this is my first "premium juice," I had some Kilo Dewberry Cream which I didn't like at first but it grew on me, it's really good, I want to try Kilo's Cereal Milk next, but this Looper literally tastes IDENTICAL to vaping a bowl of Fruit Loops, absolutely crazy, it has a citrus note though that is somewhat strong but I don't dislike it at all. I really wish ANML would do a Captain Crunch with milk flavor, if it's anywhere even close to the same as Looper is with Fruit Loops I would be in heaven. I was also looking into Cereal Killa by 9 South but I guess it's got even more of a citrus note which I'm not all for. Looper doesn't have as much of a milk/dairy note as I had hoped. Sorry I'm all over this place, bored as hell here. I may also try that Milkman ejuice which is supposed to be milk and a Pop Tart, sounds appealing to me.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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My Aunt just got me Looper for my 24th birthday this past Thursday, brought it up to the rehab I'm at, thank god this place is actually kind of cool and let's us vape, only outside though. Ya know, never in my room with the door closed when I don't feel like attending one of my 7 hour long groups a day haha. But I've been ADVing this stuff called Blue Crunch from Juicy Vapor (Nixteria) which is a local shop to me, I don't know if any of you have ever heard of their Ecto Plasma but I guess it's a super popular flavor that made itself known out of my local but regardless, the Blue Crunch is their version of Captain Crunch and it's incredible, so I've been on a cereal flavor kick as of late, tried some DIY Flavor Shop's Starstuck which is their version of Trix,, pretty good but not the dead on flavor like Looper, it is absolutely insane, this is my first "premium juice," I had some Kilo Dewberry Cream which I didn't like at first but it grew on me, it's really good, I want to try Kilo's Cereal Milk next, but this Looper literally tastes IDENTICAL to vaping a bowl of Fruit Loops, absolutely crazy, it has a citrus note though that is somewhat strong but I don't dislike it at all. I really wish ANML would do a Captain Crunch with milk flavor, if it's anywhere even close to the same as Looper is with Fruit Loops I would be in heaven. I was also looking into Cereal Killa by 9 South but I guess it's got even more of a citrus note which I'm not all for. Looper doesn't have as much of a milk/dairy note as I had hoped. Sorry I'm all over this place, bored as hell here. I may also try that Milkman ejuice which is supposed to be milk and a Pop Tart, sounds appealing to me.
Looper... Hmmm... Show a pick of your setup I been thinking bout getting one just don't know if its my cup of tea... Now you can review it for me and help me make a decision

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If you remember, my setup is currently shit, my 9 month old daughter, cute as she is, smacked my MVP 20 Watt into the toilet in one of her "I think I'm funny and I'm gonna smile while I scratch your eyes and smack shit out of your hands" moods. So I'm using an eGo stick right now and an EVod tank, but I tried dripping it on my buddy's Quasar clone with a Cloupor Mini and it was really, really good, literally IDENTICAL taste to Fruit Loops.

Here's the little demon and myself

And her being her. -_-
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But if you like cereal flavors I definitely suggest giving it a go, it's definitely good, but like I said, I'm stuck on a cereal flavor kick right now and loving it. I do like the Kilo Dewberry Cream though like I said, and it's a good summery flavor, may be getting a bottle of that from The Drip Club, but I definitely want to try their Cereal Milk also.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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But if you like cereal flavors I definitely suggest giving it a go, it's definitely good, but like I said, I'm stuck on a cereal flavor kick right now and loving it. I do like the Kilo Dewberry Cream though like I said, and it's a good summery flavor, may be getting a bottle of that from The Drip Club, but I definitely want to try their Cereal Milk also.

If you remember, my setup is currently shit, my 9 month old daughter, cute as she is, smacked my MVP 20 Watt into the toilet in one of her "I think I'm funny and I'm gonna smile while I scratch your eyes and smack shit out of your hands" moods. So I'm using an eGo stick right now and an EVod tank, but I tried dripping it on my buddy's Quasar clone with a Cloupor Mini and it was really, really good, literally IDENTICAL taste to Fruit Loops.

Here's the little demon and myself

And her being her. -_-
Ahh for some reason I thought it was a RDA I was looking at

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Hopefully it won't happen for a while that's the 7th funeral I have been to this year
Sorry, but I have to ask... I saw where you said you were in Hattiesburg for a funeral, and if I remember correctly that is where those officers were shot and killed recently. Was one of those your cousin? Just curious kind of...if so I'm really sorry about your loss. Well, I'm sorry about your loss either way...hope you know what I mean. Terrible tragedy that happened there. Nobody deserves to be attacked for doing their jobs like those officers were.


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Sorry, but I have to ask... I saw where you said you were in Hattiesburg for a funeral, and if I remember correctly that is where those officers were shot and killed recently. Was one of those your cousin? Just curious kind of...if so I'm really sorry about your loss. Well, I'm sorry about your loss either way...hope you know what I mean. Terrible tragedy that happened there. Nobody deserves to be attacked for doing their jobs like those officers were.

No he wasn't had nothing to do with that but yes both were terrible tragedies and thank you he got arrested for being drunk and ended up committing suicide


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@dodyhearts- suicide is so hard, I'm sorry to hear that.

The tragedy that happened here has been awful! I have lots of friends on the force and this is the first killed in action since 1984!! It is a senseless thing that happened because some people had a gun & a warrant. Lots of benefits and memorials going on. It's very sad but the outpouring of support for our civil servants has been overwhelming. Should you hear our mayor on tv or whatever, ignore his dumb ass. Fucking idiot


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No he wasn't had nothing to do with that but yes both were terrible tragedies and thank you he got arrested for being drunk and ended up committing suicide
Very sorry to hear that man...that really sucks. I had a cousin who committed suicide when he found out his fiance was cheating on him. He was 26 years old and had been with her for about 10 years...engaged for a little over a year. He found out she was sleeping with one of his other (so called) friends for about 3 years. I guess he just couldn't deal...hung himself in my grandparents house. It hurt I'm just pissed at him for doing it, and where/how he did it. There's nothing worth killing yourself over in my opinion...unless you're terminally ill and can't stand it any longer. Although...I think if I was going to jail for a very long term, and didn't have kids, I might consider it...don't know unless it happens, but I won't be putting myself in that situation. I'm sorry that he choose that way out...and likewise, sorry for your loss.


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Very sorry to hear that man...that really sucks. I had a cousin who committed suicide when he found out his fiance was cheating on him. He was 26 years old and had been with her for about 10 years...engaged for a little over a year. He found out she was sleeping with one of his other (so called) friends for about 3 years. I guess he just couldn't deal...hung himself in my grandparents house. It hurt I'm just pissed at him for doing it, and where/how he did it. There's nothing worth killing yourself over in my opinion...unless you're terminally ill and can't stand it any longer. Although...I think if I was going to jail for a very long term, and didn't have kids, I might consider it...don't know unless it happens, but I won't be putting myself in that situation. I'm sorry that he choose that way out...and likewise, sorry for your loss.

Sorry to hear that :/ I'm not mad at him just disappointed that it happened he was my go to guy he raised me basically with my mother we where like two peas in a pod it just sucks now and I understand why he did it but my opinion is suicide is never an option he struggled with a lot of demons and I guess they finally got the best of him


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I'm really sorry to hear that you all were close..that definitely makes it harder to comprehend. Seems to me that you at least have somewhat of an understanding as to why he did what he did. More importantly it seems you have already forgiven, and that is an important part of grieving a suicide. Some people in my family have never forgiven my cousin and this was over 10 years ago. God bless his soul! Good night brother...I'm off to finish this Netflix Sons of Anarchy marathon my wife and I started a couple weeks ago. :D


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I'm really sorry to hear that you all were close..that definitely makes it harder to comprehend. Seems to me that you at least have somewhat of an understanding as to why he did what he did. More importantly it seems you have already forgiven, and that is an important part of grieving a suicide. Some people in my family have never forgiven my cousin and this was over 10 years ago. God bless his soul! Good night brother...I'm off to finish this Netflix Sons of Anarchy marathon my wife and I started a couple weeks ago. :D

I was in his shoes at one time I've been there and back and more so it makes things easier to understand I've been there before If you love someone you look past all the crap even if you don't agree you can forgive because you love them I'm a bit of a religious guy as well so my faith in God has helped me as well but goodnight bro take it easy enjoy your night \m/ sorry about your cousin as well again :/


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Its always dead that's why I'm always in 5.1 their a bunch of chatty fucks lol, I thought once the box got going people would chat more , then after putting up a contest for a free vw box mod it would get more talking but that's all failed guess most are just here for free loot lol so I just comment when I see someone talking and go back to 5.1 when no ones here

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Its always dead that's why I'm always in 5.1 their a bunch of chatty fucks lol, I thought once the box got going people would chat more , then after putting up a contest for a free vw box mod it would get more talking but that's all failed guess most are just here for free loot lol so I just comment when I see someone talking and go back to 5.1 when no ones here

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Lol I'm been doing the same


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I'm hoping they open 5.1 to a select few and bring them in I think they would fit good over there

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I'm here! Lurking.
I don't have a lot to say most days. Which is ironic because my boyfriend is always saying I talk too much.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I'm here! Lurking.
I don't have a lot to say most days. Which is ironic because my boyfriend is always saying I talk too much.
Well if your talking to the computer that might be part of the problem ...try typing

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Received all the pieces to start my new step in vaping. Building my first mosfet box mod! Its gonna be fun. Anyone ever build one? Any advice? I've done tons of research via the inter web, feel like its a thing I can do. Will keep y'all posted as it goes.


Gold Contributor
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Received all the pieces to start my new step in vaping. Building my first mosfet box mod! Its gonna be fun. Anyone ever build one? Any advice? I've done tons of research via the inter web, feel like its a thing I can do. Will keep y'all posted as it goes.
Maybe ask over in 5.0 they have done all kinds of stuff and they are really helpful

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


Silver Contributor
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Received all the pieces to start my new step in vaping. Building my first mosfet box mod! Its gonna be fun. Anyone ever build one? Any advice? I've done tons of research via the inter web, feel like its a thing I can do. Will keep y'all posted as it goes.
Never done one myself, so no I can't help you. I can tell you that Thomas Snell of SP Custom Vapors has a show on VU Live that airs on Sundays...he sometimes does box mod builds to show people how to do them. He does a great job with his...excellent person to learn from. Good luck with the build!


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Never done one myself, so no I can't help you. I can tell you that Thomas Snell of SP Custom Vapors has a show on VU Live that airs on Sundays...he sometimes does box mod builds to show people how to do them. He does a great job with his...excellent person to learn from. Good luck with the build!
Cool thanks for that. I never knew that vu has live shows. This is news to me will check em out.


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No diy , I like to try all different flavors, right now im on the fruity creamy kick last month it was coffee caramel flavors


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Anybody ever tried gushers from midnightvapesco?? Or the epothecary line from elixir??

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