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I have never actually met anyone with narcolepsy (I have a psychology degree). First, I am sorry that you have to go through life with it. Learning to cope and medication management must be tough. Second, How is it? I mean can you hold a job? When did you learn you had it? Had you self medicated before an official diagnosis? Hopefully I don't sound insensitive or out of line (I rewrote this a few times)
You don't need to answer obviously.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Can anyone inform me what a vape waffle is, I see them on Facebook all the time

So there's this thing called the Internet and on the Internet is a place where people go to chat and look at pictures of cats and chicks in yoga pants, some call it Facebook or online message forums. Anyway, on these sites people who vape are holding a "raffle" of sorts. The raffle or "waffle" as it's known, have a limited number "slots" available. This number is often kept low to increase the odds and make the waffle more popular because there are higher chances to win. When all slots have been claimed, a number is drawn at randomand the person with that number wins the waffle item. Each slot usually costs a couple bucks or more depending on the total value of the "prize" and depending on the rules, you can "buy" as many slots as you like. Very similar to Superbowl pools where you would buy a square of your choosing, with a waffle, you can pick what number slot you want.

Put down your money and hope it lands on your number.

So if you have a few bucks burning a hole in your pocket or if you like to gamble and want a chance to win some cool vape gear, then awaffle might just be for you. Paying $5-10 for a device that costs $100 is a great deal. It adds the element and excitement of random luck. There is also no risk for the person hosting a waffle either because the value of the item is calculated into the total cost per slot.

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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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And its waffle as in raffle with a w not waffle like the food , the a is pronounced like the a in apple...wapple....waffle

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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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You may then ask why is it waffle instead of just raffle...


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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Such a plethora of information lol

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...

:a bodily condition characterized by an excess of blood and marked by turgescence and a florid complexion


:excess, superfluity; also rofusion,abundance

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:a bodily condition characterized by an excess of blood and marked by turgescence and a florid complexion


:excess, superfluity; also rofusion,abundance

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I am surfeited with your knowledge ....... lol

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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I am surfeited with your knowledge ....... lol

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...



past tense: surfeited; past participle: surfeited

cause (someone) to desire no more of something as a result of having consumed or done it to excess.

"I am surfeited with shopping"

synonyms:satiate, sate, gorge, overfeed, overfill,glut, cram, stuff, overindulge, fill;


"we'll all be surfeited with food"


consume too much of something.

"he never surfeited on rich wine"


Middle English: from Old French surfeit, based on Latin super- ‘above, in excess’ + facere ‘do.’

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past tense: surfeited; past participle: surfeited

cause (someone) to desire no more of something as a result of having consumed or done it to excess.

"I am surfeited with shopping"

synonyms:satiate, sate, gorge, overfeed, overfill,glut, cram, stuff, overindulge, fill;


"we'll all be surfeited with food"


consume too much of something.

"he never surfeited on rich wine"


Middle English: from Old French surfeit, based on Latin super- ‘above, in excess’ + facere ‘do.’

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Exactly... Weirdo

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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Exactly... Weirdo

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noun: weirdo; plural noun: weirdos

a person whose dress or behavior seems strange or eccentric.

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noun: weirdo; plural noun: weirdos

a person whose dress or behavior seems strange or eccentric.

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Self definition.........

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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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View attachment 21728yep lol

Sent From The BatCave
Sorry but those are 11's

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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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You know it seems every time guys are talking eventually they break out a ruler for some reason or another lmbo.....

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...
Its the woman's fault they started it

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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Oh no buddy... Don't blame it on us.....

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...
I'm sorry but a guy wouldn't come up with a comparison equation that used ones shoe size to determine ones junk size that be like saying a woman's breast size is determined by what gauge earrings she wears ...
Woman logic... What's you shoe size so I can inaccurately guess your junk size
Guy logic ..... Let's sword fight...(what I never argued our maturity)

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I'm sorry but a guy wouldn't come up with a comparison equation that used ones shoe size to determine ones junk size that be like saying a woman's breast size is determined by what gauge earrings she wears ...
Woman logic... What's you shoe size so I can inaccurately guess your junk size
Guy logic ..... Let's sword fight...(what I never argued our maturity)

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You can't post stuff like this when I'm mid vaping it hurts like hell lmao

Sent From The BatCave


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I'm sorry but a guy wouldn't come up with a comparison equation that used ones shoe size to determine ones junk size that be like saying a woman's breast size is determined by what gauge earrings she wears ...
Woman logic... What's you shoe size so I can inaccurately guess your junk size
Guy logic ..... Let's sword fight...(what I never argued our maturity)

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I'd like to clarify by sword fight I ment with swords not junk... Pervs

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You can't post stuff like this when I'm mid vaping it hurts like hell lmao

Sent From The BatCave
So now you have to take inventory of batman's vaping habits before you can comment here Geauxst lmbo

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


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So now you have to take inventory of batman's vaping habits before you can comment here Geauxst lmbo

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...
Lmao I was caught of guard dammmmmm it lol ..... Roses are red robin is too rhyming is hard I'm batman lmao

Sent From The BatCave


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I'm sorry but a guy wouldn't come up with a comparison equation that used ones shoe size to determine ones junk size that be like saying a woman's breast size is determined by what gauge earrings she wears ...
Woman logic... What's you shoe size so I can inaccurately guess your junk size
Guy logic ..... Let's sword fight...(what I never argued our maturity)

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We all know it's hand size not shoe size lmbo puts a new view on "hand check" guys lmbo

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


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We all know it's hand size not shoe size lmbo puts a new view on "hand check" guys lmbo

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...
Now that you have said that if anyone post dick pics because of the miss interpretation we are all blaming you lmao

Roses are red,Violets are blue,
Rhyming is hard, I'm Batman
Sent From The BatCave


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Now that you have said that if anyone post dick pics because of the miss interpretation we are all blaming you lmao

Roses are red,Violets are blue,
Rhyming is hard, I'm Batman
Sent From The BatCave

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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We all know it's hand size not shoe size lmbo puts a new view on "hand check" guys lmbo

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...
What if a guy is born with no arms

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Oh.. I missed a bottle of juice when the box was with me. If there's anyone who'd like it let me know. It's Cosmic Fog's Milk & Honey. I only dripped it so it's pretty much full.

Anyone?? Free Juice.. o_O Going once.. Twice.. Really??????
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Oh.. I missed a bottle of juice when the box was with me. If there's anyone who'd like it let me know. It's Cosmic Fog's Milk & Honey. I only dripped it so it's pretty much full.

Anyone?? Free Juice.. o_O Going once.. Twice.. Really??????

Sure I'll bite. What can I send in return?


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Sure I'll bite. What can I send in return?

Wonderful.. PM me your mailing info & i'll try 2 send it out tomorrow. Oh, & you don't have to send anything to me.


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Sure I'll bite. What can I send in return?
If you haven't tried it it's pretty good in a tank not so much for dripping though it's my preferred from cosmic fog well that and kryptonite

Roses are red,Violets are blue,
Rhyming is hard, I'm Batman
Sent From The BatCave


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If you haven't tried it it's pretty good in a tank not so much for dripping though it's my preferred from cosmic fog well that and kryptonite

Roses are red,Violets are blue,
Rhyming is hard, I'm Batman
Sent From The BatCave

Maybe that's where I went wrong, dripping it. I prefer really strong flavors & I didn't see anything to it at all.


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Maybe that's where I went wrong, dripping it. I prefer really strong flavors & I didn't see anything to it at all.
I am always trying new things and since I have a tank and a rda I try them out to see what's better in what a lot of cosmic fog is not meant for dripping

Roses are red,Violets are blue,
Rhyming is hard, I'm Batman
Sent From The BatCave


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Maybe that's where I went wrong, dripping it. I prefer really strong flavors & I didn't see anything to it at all.
What ohms you run ?

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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I was just about to ask that lmao

Roses are red,Violets are blue,
Rhyming is hard, I'm Batman
Sent From The BatCave
I'm always lurking in the shadows gotta watch your back

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