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PIF BOX #6 -- Active -- List Full


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Thanks, bkind.

I'm 22 years sober. 22 FUCKIN YEARS and I STILL want whiskey almost every FUCKIN day. Yeah, it pisses me off! My stupid brain is trying to kill me, it's as simple as that, I just have to outsmart it the best I can. So I do my white sugar, caffeine, nic, and illegal-anxiety-med-that-we-will-not-speak-of-here when necessary to sleep - ANYTHING but alcohol, cigs, c*caine, or narcs.
Amen sister!


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Thanks, bkind.

I'm 22 years sober. 22 FUCKIN YEARS and I STILL want whiskey almost every FUCKIN day. Yeah, it pisses me off! My stupid brain is trying to kill me, it's as simple as that, I just have to outsmart it the best I can. So I do my white sugar, caffeine, nic, and illegal-anxiety-med-that-we-will-not-speak-of-here when necessary to sleep - ANYTHING but alcohol, cigs, c*caine, or narcs.
That's a great accomplishment that you should be proud of!
Nope. Tomorrow first thing. Sorry, guys.
Okay...please post up the tracking info when you can.


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Does anyone in here have an IPV Mini (v1 or v2) that they would be interested in selling? If so, please PM me with what you have and how much you would want for it. I'm interested in getting one and figured I'd start here before posting in the Hardware thread. I'm leaning more towards the v2 because occasionally I like to go above 30w, but I might go with a v1 if the right price. Thanks --RZA


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You go Ms. Colegirl! I remember I thought it was going to impossible to get down from 18mg. It was about the same length of time that I jumped down to 8mg. Now I'm at 3 or 6.

I have battled those same addictions. There were times that I wished there were some alcohol alternative that was safe for me, like vaping has been for me to kick the stinkies! But there never is. It always leads to hurt. Keep fighting the fight, someday it won't be a fight anymore! There is a way out!
Best of luck to you in your addiction struggles, bkind.


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Sent from my Momabear headquarters...
Thank you, MomaBear.


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So I've figured out a trick...

I've ordered a few times from My Freedom Smokes. Good vendor, decent prices, free shipping options.

Around Christmas I was logged into my account for them, put a few things in my cart, but changed my mind and closed the page without clearing my cart. A few days later I got an email with a 10% coupon if I came back and finished the transaction. I disregarded as I had totally changed my mind.

Last week I saw they had an RDA I reallllly wanted at the best price on the net. The Twisted Messes Rda at 50 bucks shipped. I had that and two VTC 4's in my cart, but had to leave it be as the wife needed me. Low and behold, two days later, same email with another code. It also would have discounted more if I had added more.

Figured I'd share. Keep it quiet though :rolleyes:


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So I've figured out a trick...

I've ordered a few times from My Freedom Smokes. Good vendor, decent prices, free shipping options.

Around Christmas I was logged into my account for them, put a few things in my cart, but changed my mind and closed the page without clearing my cart. A few days later I got an email with a 10% coupon if I came back and finished the transaction. I disregarded as I had totally changed my mind.

Last week I saw they had an RDA I reallllly wanted at the best price on the net. The Twisted Messes Rda at 50 bucks shipped. I had that and two VTC 4's in my cart, but had to leave it be as the wife needed me. Low and behold, two days later, same email with another code. It also would have discounted more if I had added more.

Figured I'd share. Keep it quiet though :rolleyes:
I've had the same experience!!

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


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So I've figured out a trick...

I've ordered a few times from My Freedom Smokes. Good vendor, decent prices, free shipping options.

Around Christmas I was logged into my account for them, put a few things in my cart, but changed my mind and closed the page without clearing my cart. A few days later I got an email with a 10% coupon if I came back and finished the transaction. I disregarded as I had totally changed my mind.

Last week I saw they had an RDA I reallllly wanted at the best price on the net. The Twisted Messes Rda at 50 bucks shipped. I had that and two VTC 4's in my cart, but had to leave it be as the wife needed me. Low and behold, two days later, same email with another code. It also would have discounted more if I had added more.

Figured I'd share. Keep it quiet though :rolleyes:


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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So I've figured out a trick...

I've ordered a few times from My Freedom Smokes. Good vendor, decent prices, free shipping options.

Around Christmas I was logged into my account for them, put a few things in my cart, but changed my mind and closed the page without clearing my cart. A few days later I got an email with a 10% coupon if I came back and finished the transaction. I disregarded as I had totally changed my mind.

Last week I saw they had an RDA I reallllly wanted at the best price on the net. The Twisted Messes Rda at 50 bucks shipped. I had that and two VTC 4's in my cart, but had to leave it be as the wife needed me. Low and behold, two days later, same email with another code. It also would have discounted more if I had added more.

Figured I'd share. Keep it quiet though :rolleyes:
That's one thing that's actually been pissing me off about them my view point is why don't you offer this openly when I order they do it as a marketing ploy so you come back to use the code protip.... Google "my freedom smokes coupon" most the time there sites that will give you the 10-20% off code right off the bat which makes those emails useless IMO I just find it shady to do it that way but to each their own I guess

Sent from my LabRatory


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I understand the struggles. I had problems in my teen early 20 years. Got rid of the bad habits by removing myself from the situation and joining the military. Struggled with alcohol (sailor) did the alcohol rehab thing. Still continued to drink. Had a genetic sleep disorder decide to show its evil face and suddenly I now have no interest in alcohol at all. Might drink 3 beers a year. Of course now I have to take medicine daily to prevent me from sleeping all the time. So what can ya do?


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I understand the struggles. I had problems in my teen early 20 years. Got rid of the bad habits by removing myself from the situation and joining the military. Struggled with alcohol (sailor) did the alcohol rehab thing. Still continued to drink. Had a genetic sleep disorder decide to show its evil face and suddenly I now have no interest in alcohol at all. Might drink 3 beers a year. Of course now I have to take medicine daily to prevent me from sleeping all the time. So what can ya do?
Is it narcolepsy (spelling?)? If you don't mind sharing.


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So it's been a whole hour at my post office...." Got coffee in hand and tapping foot". They don't get in a hurry to put out packages lol. But anyway pif 6.0 has arrived and looks like today is pifmas for Momabear !!!!!!!!!!! Are they done to come, eeekkkkkkk one excited Momabear!!!

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


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Our PO won't let us pick up mail.
as soon as the trucks pull in they get sorted and put on the delivery trucks...


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Our PO won't let us pick up mail.
as soon as the trucks pull in they get sorted and put on the delivery trucks...
I live too close to the post office so my little town makes us buy a box.. Can't even get mail at my physical address lol, so I'm pretty much at the mercy of the queen postal workers and whenever they feel like putting out the notices for packages..... I've had packages hang around the post office all day and they put the notice in the box at 4:35 after they close the window... Better not today.... Moma ain't in the mood for stupid today..... Lmbo

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


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That's one thing that's actually been pissing me off about them my view point is why don't you offer this openly when I order they do it as a marketing ploy so you come back to use the code protip.... Google "my freedom smokes coupon" most the time there sites that will give you the 10-20% off code right off the bat which makes those emails useless IMO I just find it shady to do it that way but to each their own I guess

Sent from my LabRatory

Ok guys, TECHNICALLY this is what I do for a living. It's just a play by the company to get you to come back and spend your money. The way they see it is if you spent time in there, on the site adding things to your cart and didn't check out they have basically a 24-72 hour window to influence your decision to make the purchase...

But yes, if you are interested you can go online and find codes that you can apply right away and not wait on the email. MOST consumers want it the easiest way they can get it, which is to go online, order and pay. Most likely there is already a coupon in their email for the company anyway, but they don't want to wait and see. The coupon code is just the added incentive to make you come back and spend money.

PERSONALLY, I bargain shop and bargain shop if an item is over x price and probably never end up ordering and waiting on it to go on sale. Since I deal with re-targeting and shit all day every day I get immune and go to the sites for the codes, lol.

just my 2 cents.


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Our PO won't let us pick up mail.
as soon as the trucks pull in they get sorted and put on the delivery trucks...
She has a PO Box...I'm sure if you had a PO Box they'd let you pick up your mail. :)


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Ok guys, TECHNICALLY this is what I do for a living. It's just a play by the company to get you to come back and spend your money. The way they see it is if you spent time in there, on the site adding things to your cart and didn't check out they have basically a 24-72 hour window to influence your decision to make the purchase...

But yes, if you are interested you can go online and find codes that you can apply right away and not wait on the email. MOST consumers want it the easiest way they can get it, which is to go online, order and pay. Most likely there is already a coupon in their email for the company anyway, but they don't want to wait and see. The coupon code is just the added incentive to make you come back and spend money.

PERSONALLY, I bargain shop and bargain shop if an item is over x price and probably never end up ordering and waiting on it to go on sale. Since I deal with re-targeting and shit all day every day I get immune and go to the sites for the codes, lol.

just my 2 cents.
Wow, they actually coined a term for it...RE-TARGETING...haha. :) Maybe if their TARGETING was better to begin with, they wouldn't have to worry about RE-TARGETING. It seems a little RESPONSIVE to me...kind of like a REACTION after the fact. They should all just REDUCE their prices and then wouldn't have to worry about all these RE things. Although...that's why I'm not a retail business owner...wouldn't want to be either. :rolleyes:


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Ok guys, TECHNICALLY this is what I do for a living. It's just a play by the company to get you to come back and spend your money. The way they see it is if you spent time in there, on the site adding things to your cart and didn't check out they have basically a 24-72 hour window to influence your decision to make the purchase...

But yes, if you are interested you can go online and find codes that you can apply right away and not wait on the email. MOST consumers want it the easiest way they can get it, which is to go online, order and pay. Most likely there is already a coupon in their email for the company anyway, but they don't want to wait and see. The coupon code is just the added incentive to make you come back and spend money.

PERSONALLY, I bargain shop and bargain shop if an item is over x price and probably never end up ordering and waiting on it to go on sale. Since I deal with re-targeting and shit all day every day I get immune and go to the sites for the codes, lol.

just my 2 cents.

the thing I've found with this particular vendor is all the advertised codes, the ones I found online, and the ones in my email from them, never stack on the sale merchandise, which the RDA I wanted was. This code did.


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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The contest for the Custom Pif 6.0 Kbox VW box mod is coming to a close soon if you havent made an entry please do so you only have a few days left the 5th person has the box when they send it off to #6 you will have UNTIL
THE 6TH PERSON RETRIEVES THE BOX Then the contest will be over and judging will commence if youre not done submit if you waited this long submit cause atm i think theres only 3-4 entrys to try and win it thats very good odds for them not so good for you!!!!!


p.s. i would like all the contestants to message me to make sure i dont leave anyone out so i can get a count for all who submitted a design and any judges that signed up message me so i know your active and ready to vote when the time comes

Please hurry we only have a few days remaining !!!!


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The contest for the Custom Pif 6.0 Kbox VW box mod is coming to a close soon if you havent made an entry please do so you only have a few days left the 5th person has the box when they send it off to #6 you will have UNTIL
THE 6TH PERSON RETRIEVES THE BOX Then the contest will be over and judging will commence if youre not done submit if you waited this long submit cause atm i think theres only 3-4 entrys to try and win it thats very good odds for them not so good for you!!!!!


p.s. i would like all the contestants to message me to make sure i dont leave anyone out so i can get a count for all who submitted a design and any judges that signed up message me so i know your active and ready to vote when the time comes

Please hurry we only have a few days remaining !!!!
What if I want a kbox? lol jk man... had to say something tho!


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Sometime soon...and by soon I mean maybe by July, I'm goons be listing a few item in the Hardware section.
Grammar Nazi .... My auto cucumber on my phone is always changing my words I just give up

Sent from my LabRatory

I'm forever choosing the words "auto cucumber" when I'm pissed at my devices...

Giggled for a few minutes over that one!


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Sometime soon...and by soon I mean maybe by July, I'm goons be listing a few item in the Hardware section.

I'm forever choosing the words "auto cucumber" when I'm pissed at my devices...

Giggled for a few minutes over that one!
You should list them here and see if any 6.0 would want a shot at them before you make the hardware post kinda give us first go at them

Sent from my LabRatory


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You should list them here and see if any 6.0 would want a shot at them before you make the hardware post kinda give us first go at them

Sent from my LabRatory

Woah weird... I started to type that in a pm to someone, and then bailed on it. No idea how it appeared in that post. The bit about selling stuff, I mean.

But yeah, people here can have first crack.

2 lemo drops, and a Sigelei Fu Chai mech w/ matching RDA are the items I intend to part ways with. The drops have been replaced with lemo 2's. The mech was an impulse buy, and I've learned I simply don't enjoy vaping on mechanicals that are tube style.


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Yup narcolepsy w/cataplexy
I have never actually met anyone with narcolepsy (I have a psychology degree). First, I am sorry that you have to go through life with it. Learning to cope and medication management must be tough. Second, How is it? I mean can you hold a job? When did you learn you had it? Had you self medicated before an official diagnosis? Hopefully I don't sound insensitive or out of line (I rewrote this a few times)

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