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Using the loop method while staggering, you guys think it's easier using a higher or lower gauge?

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Mine shows up this week. Can't wait!

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Clone? I wish I knew, I would of gotten one. I'm trying not to buy anymore RDAs after I got the Goon and the TM2 but I really wanted to Tsunami since they announced it... Told myself I'm not dishing any more money on authentics for a while. I do want a Tsunami, Goon and TM2 clone though.

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Clone? I wish I knew, I would of gotten one. I'm trying not to buy anymore RDAs after I got the Goon and the TM2 but I really wanted to Tsunami since they announced it... Told myself I'm not dishing any more money on authentics for a while. I do want a Tsunami, Goon and TM2 clone though.

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Yeah, I was going to get the authentic and then I found the clone on 3fvape for $13 or something.

I pre-ordered that beast!

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Guys, what exactly is the Tsuka coil? What is it in Reguards to, the way the ribbon wire it? Or is there something more too it?

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Guys, what exactly is the Tsuka coil? What is it in Reguards to, the way the ribbon wire it? Or is there something more too it?

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Its twisted Ribbon Wire as Clapton


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Oh, so what just do a light twist in the ribbon and Clapton it? Boom you got a tsuka? Lol

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Yup, the hard part is finding the perfect amount of twist for the Clapton, it can vary depending on core size and amount.


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Well that's why Im trying to figure out staggered Clapton. Simply for all the variations you can do. There's only so much for me to do with regular fused claptons, aliens, staples... I need to expand my skills so I can venture out more. I love building, but like I said, I can't just keep making the standards :(

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What are you having trouble with?

-every animal has an adequate amount of gray matter in its cranium to tan and preserve its own hide-


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Using the loop method while staggering, you guys think it's easier using a higher or lower gauge?

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Higher guage, but I would waste the wire and parallel Clapton. Easier to master and far more clean consistent results...

-every animal has an adequate amount of gray matter in its cranium to tan and preserve its own hide-

robot zombie

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Fuckin with them fused 28g series builds again. I wrapped this one with 38g kanthal d instead of 36g kanthal A1.

This one's pretty solid. Came out to .36. Too hot for the Lush though. I had to move it over to my TM, where it's living happily. One thing I've noticed about the TM that I really like about it is how it doesn't detract from the performance of builds that don't quite have the output to keep up with the airflow. I can tell that the TM can handle much more than this build can put up, but the vape doesn't suffer for it, even wide-open with the chuff top. It's good enough to bring to work tomorrow.

To compare, the troll will dilute anything that's just a little too small or not voluminous enough for its similarly wide-open intake and mouthpiece. It's great at what it does, it just isn't very versatile. You gotta know what it likes to get something good out of it.

Whereas if a build doesn't pan out in any of my atties, I just toss it in the TM and it all comes together nicely.

Though honestly, I already know which atty this build should be in. Mutation X v3... ...all day. I have a feeling. The other one with the 36g outer was awesome in it. I discovered that it was a good series vape by accident - I originally conceived it for my Sig 150, but the cricket is what brought it to life. My only complaint was the very slight stutter on the first drag. *sigh*

In my time away from my MX v3, I'm realizing that I need to snag a decent clone. If I ever lose my MX v3 for good, I will be depressed for a very long time. Every other atty I use (the really fuckin awesome ones, even) makes me want to go back to it. Something about the airflow to drip-tip ratio is just untouchable imo. You might say it's arbitrary and all sorts of different combinations of intake/output and chamber sizes work just as well, but no... ...there is a golden ratio for every design. The troll is the same in its own way.

I just wonder if anyone is concerning themselves with perfecting their designs before adding to them, yanno? I feel like an atty in it's most perfect form... the most optimal possible implementation of its design, has likely already been made and no sooner overwritten and forgotten in the wake of something newer and less-developed.
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Just tried to build with ribbon tonight. Fuck that! Why is it so hard to get ribbon to lay flat!!!

Edit: also I just realized I got sent 28g N80 instead of Kanthal :( not sure if I ordered wrong or what but there goes my series builds. :(



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I just wonder if anyone is concerning themselves with perfecting their designs before adding to them, yanno? I feel like an atty in it's most perfect form... the most optimal possible implementation of its design, has likely already been made and no sooner overwritten and forgotten in the wake of something newer and less-developed.

Are you referring to the coil? Like perfecting a staple coil before venturing into the frames. Then framed staple alien, etc... If this is what your referring to then yes, I TRY to... If not then dirty fire misunderstanding, I'm half asleep :)

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Just tried to build with ribbon tonight. Fuck that! Why is it so hard to get ribbon to lay flat!!!

Edit: also I just realized I got sent 28g N80 instead of Kanthal :( not sure if I ordered wrong or what but there goes my series builds. :(

When I wake up I'll give u the easiest way to do it, step by step

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robot zombie

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Are you referring to the coil? Like perfecting a staple coil before venturing into the frames. Then framed staple alien, etc... If this is what your referring to then yes, I TRY to... If not then dirty fire misunderstanding, I'm half asleep :)
No man! Haha. Coils are a different story. I love the crazy, ambitious shit that people come up with, even if it turns out a little sloppy. Sometimes it's fun to come up with stuff that's beyond your abilities and do it just to do it. Novelty builds are fun. And besides, you're the one who has to vape on your weird, messy coils. I don't care about that. I'm not a perfectionist with my coils, either. If it works, that's good enough for me. I'm an "efficiency over perfection" builder.

I was referring to RDA's. Namely, how the industry seems fixated on adding new features when they haven't yet perfected the already existing designs that we know work well. They're not making them the best they could be when they easily could.

I would love to see a manufacturer just dominate with one type of RDA that they just do better than anyone else by simply sticking to a platform and tweaking every aspect of it until it reaches its true final form. That's the RDA I want. Lots of people are asking "What's next?" I think it's right in front of them. It's an atty they already know, but better, you feel? The undisputed classic... ...master of its domain.

I mean sure, you see lots of versions of atties and such, but they're all different atties with distinctly different things going on. They're often fundamentally different designs. The "version 'x'" tag almost seems like a ploy to get people who liked the last one to buy the next one. Oftentimes, they wind up sidestepping the progress they made with the previous installment by going in a direction with all of these upgrades that may or may not be good. And then, to add insult to injury, they take the original off of the market! It just makes no sense to me. There are better ways to stay relevant... ...such as building a reputation based on consistency rather than novelty.
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I think 90% of people designing RDAs only copy and mix/match what they see other people doing. Amount of actual thought from a vaping it position is about zero. Otherwise we would have squarer based attys by now - a base designed to fit in it what you are going to put there i.e. two coils which make a square-ish outline. They just take the one they have and put a fan, a ceramic bit, a chuff cap or a velocity deck in it and boom its a new atty, put a different logo on it. There is only so much you can do with a 22mm tube.

Poppa (K)

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i'm very much a function and form guy. the 3 attys that i currently own are all different in their own ways, with very little overlap in features.

Kennedy: 3 post, flavour chaser
Velocity: 2 post/4 hole cloud chaser
Phenotype-L: 2post/2(lg)hole, builders deck

the Goon will be added, due to the fact it can handle really wide builds for clamping.
i like the Pico deck for it's post-less deck. i might be adding this deck to my collection for that reason alone.

i don't think i've ever seen an industry were the flavour of the month changes daily.


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Fuckin with them fused 28g series builds again. I wrapped this one with 38g kanthal d instead of 36g kanthal A1.

This one's pretty solid. Came out to .36. Too hot for the Lush though. I had to move it over to my TM, where it's living happily. One thing I've noticed about the TM that I really like about it is how it doesn't detract from the performance of builds that don't quite have the output to keep up with the airflow. I can tell that the TM can handle much more than this build can put up, but the vape doesn't suffer for it, even wide-open with the chuff top. It's good enough to bring to work tomorrow.

To compare, the troll will dilute anything that's just a little too small or not voluminous enough for its similarly wide-open intake and mouthpiece. It's great at what it does, it just isn't very versatile. You gotta know what it likes to get something good out of it.

Whereas if a build doesn't pan out in any of my atties, I just toss it in the TM and it all comes together nicely.

Though honestly, I already know which atty this build should be in. Mutation X v3... ...all day. I have a feeling. The other one with the 36g outer was awesome in it. I discovered that it was a good series vape by accident - I originally conceived it for my Sig 150, but the cricket is what brought it to life. My only complaint was the very slight stutter on the first drag. *sigh*

In my time away from my MX v3, I'm realizing that I need to snag a decent clone. If I ever lose my MX v3 for good, I will be depressed for a very long time. Every other atty I use (the really fuckin awesome ones, even) makes me want to go back to it. Something about the airflow to drip-tip ratio is just untouchable imo. You might say it's arbitrary and all sorts of different combinations of intake/output and chamber sizes work just as well, but no... ...there is a golden ratio for every design. The troll is the same in its own way.

I just wonder if anyone is concerning themselves with perfecting their designs before adding to them, yanno? I feel like an atty in it's most perfect form... the most optimal possible implementation of its design, has likely already been made and no sooner overwritten and forgotten in the wake of something newer and less-developed.

I got the same exact build in mine with a couple more wraps...and spaced clapton.
20160318_135548.jpg 20160318_135718.jpg


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i'm very much a function and form guy. the 3 attys that i currently own are all different in their own ways, with very little overlap in features.

Kennedy: 3 post, flavour chaser
Velocity: 2 post/4 hole cloud chaser
Phenotype-L: 2post/2(lg)hole, builders deck

the Goon will be added, due to the fact it can handle really wide builds for clamping.
i like the Pico deck for it's post-less deck. i might be adding this deck to my collection for that reason alone.

i don't think i've ever seen an industry were the flavour of the month changes daily.
Replace Kennedy with Tsunami...


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Just tried to build with ribbon tonight. Fuck that! Why is it so hard to get ribbon to lay flat!!!

Edit: also I just realized I got sent 28g N80 instead of Kanthal :( not sure if I ordered wrong or what but there goes my series builds. :(

I had the hardest time also getting started with ribbon. I was under the impression every ribbon needed to lay perfectly flat prior to wrapping...they don't. I give the ribbon a few light tugs before I cut them from the spool, this helps correct the warp somewhat. Get a lil bit of water or spit on your index and thumb and that will help the end "stick together" and square up. I focus on getting the first few inches square and then secure the end. I use high guage wire...36awg and up...or you could use masking tape. After you get the and nice and tight and square, I get another short segment of high gauge wire and wrap 7-10 wraps next to the wraps you did previously. This insures that your ribbon will be as close as possible. Make sure these wraps are tight and then secure the end of the ribbon with pliers or a vice and carefully slide the second wrapping halfway down the length of the ribbon. I repeat this process to secure the opposite end of the ribbon. There may be small gaps between the ribbon and that's ok...they'll come together when your making your build

-every animal has an adequate amount of gray matter in its cranium to tan and preserve its own hide-


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Thank you @EndDetour I will try it again tonight. It's really quite a bitch. I should have gone with .5 to start off, .4 is just a bit smaller and I wish I had started wide.

I had them relatively flat and all yesterday, then adding the 28 gauge around them on the swivels like shown in Squidoode's video didn't work out because it laid right around the swivel hook but warped and laid with the ribbon horizontal in-between the 28 and not vertical.


Poppa (K)

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Just tried to build with ribbon tonight. Fuck that! Why is it so hard to get ribbon to lay flat!!!

Edit: also I just realized I got sent 28g N80 instead of Kanthal :( not sure if I ordered wrong or what but there goes my series builds. :(


this is one of my secret weapons: use it to hold a swivel in a fixed position and so that i can work head-on. it has about a half dozen other uses for coil building. i'd be fucked with out mine.

i use 34g wire for gathering to set my stacks. this i just temporally tied down out of the way at the swivel point to get things started. the ribbon tends to have two bends, the one shaped to the spool, and the other one that drives everyone crazy. i first thing i do i get everything facing in the same direction on my desk. i set the ribbons so that the spool bend looks like a smile and then pull down on the swivel. this now has the ribbon all facing in the same way on the funky bend (the funky bend is now facing downwards like half a frown), and splayed out (important). i'll then start stacking at the bend behind the swivel. i'll use 2cm to get bends to stack like bridge arches. once their set i'll pinch the .5 of the arches and pull from the swivel side. done right i'll have the ribbons one on top of each other and everything nested on the other side of the swivel for the first cm or so. once i have the ribbon nested and set into the swivel, i'll wrap it a coupe of times with the 34g right at the swivel, at this point i can go hands off and take a vape break, lol.
next i'll wrap the frame around the swivel, and then with enough wraps of the gather wire so that it doesn't slip when the frame wires are gently slayed. then starting at the swivel point start i'll start stroking everything back. this is reason one to have everything splayed as it all wants to fan out, instead of bunching and criss-crossing in the middle. i use both hands, one top and bottom, and the other on the sides/alternating. focusing primarily only on a small section at a time. every now and then, i'll take a long stoke all the way to the end. as the stack marries up, i'll pinch with one hand and wrap up to that point with the 34g.with the other it's kinda awkward to do but it works these are real open wraps, just enough to hold everything tight. this is the magic. as the stroking and wrapping end up straightening out the funky bend because i'm dealing with the whole piece of coil wire, and not just a component.

at the drill end, 5min exopy and a piece of hollow stir stick keep everything on center, without any fear of the core collapsing. because i only need 10mm or so of the wire stack in the epoxy, there in very little wire lost on the drill end.

when it is time for the drill.all i have to do is pinch and push (accordion) the gather wire up the stack towards the swivel as i'm wrapping. when my wrapping wire is close enough that the mess of gather wire is an issue, i'll either cut it out, or unwrap it. all except the last little bit by the swivel.

hope this helps!


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Thank you Poppa K!

I only bought 100ft of ribbon. It became apparent last night I'll need just 100 ft just to feel comfortable with it..

Unfortunately, I just quit my job yesterday, so no income for a while I'll have to find a real good deal on eBay or something.



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Thank you Poppa K!

I only bought 100ft of ribbon. It became apparent last night I'll need just 100 ft just to feel comfortable with it..

Unfortunately, I just quit my job yesterday, so no income for a while I'll have to find a real good deal on eBay or something.

The guy with Kanthal D has the best Ribbon deals.


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Thank you @EndDetour I will try it again tonight. It's really quite a bitch. I should have gone with .5 to start off, .4 is just a bit smaller and I wish I had started wide.

I had them relatively flat and all yesterday, then adding the 28 gauge around them on the swivels like shown in Squidoode's video didn't work out because it laid right around the swivel hook but warped and laid with the ribbon horizontal in-between the 28 and not vertical.

What I do is so simple.... I get the stack of ribbon and then in the middle of the length I get them all stacked nicely. Then I take a piece of wire and wrap it tight (but loose enough to move up and down the wire) around the stack. Now I use that wrap of wire as a guide to get the rest together. If I'm doing framed staples I get my 2 round wires ready and then slide the wrap up the length of ribbon (this should keep the ribbon perfectly stacked) about 3" away from the end of ribbon. I place my frames on each side of the ribbon and then I wrap another piece of wire around the stacked round and ribbon wire. Now I repeat this step in the middle of the length of ribbon and frame .. once I do the middle I unwrap the wire that's holding JUST THE RIBBON together and I now use the wire that's wrapped in the middle around the frames and ribbon as my guide for the last end of wire.

Sorry for the rough explanation, I'm not used to giving detailed help threw text

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I also make my round wire about 3" longer then my ribbon. I leave 2.5" longer on one end and .5" on the other. The side with 2.5" longer round wire I use that to tie to swivel (i don't wrap the ribbon) and the other end with .5" I use that to make a 90degree bend just like a regular Clapton so I have something to hook my Clapton wire onto...

Sorry for getting back to you so late, I had a busy day. I hope this helps

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What I do is so simple.... I get the stack of ribbon and then in the middle of the length I get them all stacked nicely. Then I take a piece of wire and wrap it tight (but loose enough to move up and down the wire) around the stack. Now I use that wrap of wire as a guide to get the rest together. If I'm doing framed staples I get my 2 round wires ready and then slide the wrap up the length of ribbon (this should keep the ribbon perfectly stacked) about 3" away from the end of ribbon. I place my frames on each side of the ribbon and then I wrap another piece of wire around the stacked round and ribbon wire. Now I repeat this step in the middle of the length of ribbon and frame .. once I do the middle I unwrap the wire that's holding JUST THE RIBBON together and I now use the wire that's wrapped in the middle around the frames and ribbon as my guide for the last end of wire.

Sorry for the rough explanation, I'm not used to giving detailed help threw text

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No no thank you.

It seems everyone does it differently I just have to find a way that works. Squidoode's video showed just using 3 pieces and threading it halfway through the swivel, making 6 ribbon wires all pinched at the swivel hook.

That's what I've been trying, but might try something different today. I think using 6 smaller strands of ribbon would be easier to manage... Maybe...

I think when you use long pieces of the ribbon they tend to bend and curl on themselves.

Another issue I have is that when I apply pressure with my hands on the stakced wire if I happen to let them go, they curl up like, well like ribbon on a Christmas present...



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No no thank you.

It seems everyone does it differently I just have to find a way that works. Squidoode's video showed just using 3 pieces and threading it halfway through the swivel, making 6 ribbon wires all pinched at the swivel hook.

That's what I've been trying, but might try something different today. I think using 6 smaller strands of ribbon would be easier to manage... Maybe...

I think when you use long pieces of the ribbon they tend to bend and curl on themselves.

Another issue I have is that when I apply pressure with my hands on the stakced wire if I happen to let them go, they curl up like, well like ribbon on a Christmas present...

I've made 4 framed staple coils so far and this was my first time using ribbon. Once I figured out this process I can set up my ribbon and frames in under ten min (including cutting the ribbon). Give it a try, you won't be disappointed!

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No no thank you.

It seems everyone does it differently I just have to find a way that works. Squidoode's video showed just using 3 pieces and threading it halfway through the swivel, making 6 ribbon wires all pinched at the swivel hook.

That's what I've been trying, but might try something different today. I think using 6 smaller strands of ribbon would be easier to manage... Maybe...

I think when you use long pieces of the ribbon they tend to bend and curl on themselves.

Another issue I have is that when I apply pressure with my hands on the stakced wire if I happen to let them go, they curl up like, well like ribbon on a Christmas present...

Once you tie the ribbon with the wire and then frame it and wrap it with wire again you can straighten everything out. The frames will keep it straight and the wire you use to tie everything together will keep them in place

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robot zombie

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I got the same exact build in mine with a couple more wraps...and spaced clapton.
View attachment 44291 View attachment 44292
Interesting... ...first thought was "that's gotta be hot." because it's spaced, but then I realized that you also upped the diameter, right? Mine are 2.5mm. Your's look like 3's. With the two extra wraps, I bet it actually runs cooler than mine with the 38g packed in. Might have to try that... ...see if it doesn't fill-out the chamber a lil better. Not sure I wanna do a spaced build, though. May just drop the outer to 42g nichrome instead. With how slow the other one was, I was skittish about adding too much bulk to it. But man, when I fired that build up, it lit up so fast I was worried it would be too hot to vape. I like the idea of adding more core for less outer. That's probably just what it needs to come around.

I'll wait till my MX v3 grubs arrive for that, though. For the TM, I'm thinkin a little bigger. Mebbe some fused 26's with something nice and thin on the outside. I know they're kinda slow in their sweet spot, but I have a feeling I can strike a nice balance between size, heat, and ramp with it in the TM if I choose the right outer guage.


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Interesting... ...first thought was "that's gotta be hot." because it's spaced, but then I realized that you also upped the diameter, right? Mine are 2.5mm. Your's look like 3's. With the two extra wraps, I bet it actually runs cooler than mine with the 38g packed in. Might have to try that... ...see if it doesn't fill-out the chamber a lil better. Not sure I wanna do a spaced build, though. May just drop the outer to 42g nichrome instead. With how slow the other one was, I was skittish about adding too much bulk to it. But man, when I fired that build up, it lit up so fast I was worried it would be too hot to vape. I like the idea of adding more core for less outer. That's probably just what it needs to come around.

I'll wait till my MX v3 grubs arrive for that, though. For the TM, I'm thinkin a little bigger. Mebbe some fused 26's with something nice and thin on the outside. I know they're kinda slow in their sweet spot, but I have a feeling I can strike a nice balance between size, heat, and ramp with it in the TM if I choose the right outer guage.
Its a nice warm build and Im sure you would enjoy it, 3mm Id and 9 Wraps should be a great start, be sure to space out the clapton!


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I havent done a normal FC in a while with 22KA1/40KD, I took out the Fraples out of the Magma and through these in, should see more mileage per fill now as the 4.5mm coils would go through juice like a firetruck...


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Haha, okay okay. I'll have to break out the swivels. I'm at a point now where I usually just freehand my fused claptons. :p
I bought the Mustad 417lbs swivels months ago and I have yet to stop using them or break even one....I was snapping those 109lbs swivels every time I did some glad I got the heavy duty versions..

robot zombie

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I bought the Mustad 417lbs swivels months ago and I have yet to stop using them or break even one....I was snapping those 109lbs swivels every time I did some glad I got the heavy duty versions..
Yeah, that's definately one reason why I tend to shy away from swivels. But honestly, I've kind of grown fond of free-handing simpler types of wire. It's more satisfying, somehow.

Don't get me wrong, though. I use swivels when I have to. You just reminded me that I need to upgrade them hehe. Goes to show how rarely I use them.


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Yeah, that's definately one reason why I tend to shy away from swivels. But honestly, I've kind of grown fond of free-handing simpler types of wire. It's more satisfying, somehow.

Don't get me wrong, though. I use swivels when I have to. You just reminded me that I need to upgrade them hehe. Goes to show how rarely I use them.
Until I struggled with aliens I free handed single core claptons, FC's every time. I loved it, a bit more personal with the builds when you free hand it... But it's awful nice to be able to throw one end of the cores in a chuck and the other in some swivels and just go full bore at it...

Definitely needed for things like the alien. Though I can see framed staples being done without swivels.


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