I used to free hand every thing. But i stsrted useing swivles for everything. Even basic claptons. When i free hand i just leave the spool on the table but with my lack of spool tammers, the spools unrsvle and tangle and i loose wire to it. But when im useing swivles, i wrap with the spool and keep tension on it and it keeps my spools tangle free and no lost wire. thats probably the only reason i use swivles as much as i do. But if i get spool tamers ill probably free hand simple shit if im just bustin out a quick build.
See, that's one thing that bugs me.
For a while, I used neodymium magnets right on the spool, which helps, but sometimes the tension fucks it up or the wire gets pulled up next to the magnet and the whole spool goes crazy, which of course ruins the wire you're making. I've had them try to attack me before. ;;
After that, I was sticking a pen through the spool with some crumpled paper to lock it in. I'd rest it on a cup with a slightly wider mouth, so the pen is like an axle. This actually works pretty well as long as the rotation axis is pretty even. It went off without a hitch... ...90% of the time. The other 10% always came all at once, manifesting in the occasionally really rotten day of claptoning.
Now, what I do is just tie the wire to something that's not gonna move, walk the spool back 40ft (usually enough to do 3-4 coils worth) and just hold the slightest bit of tension on it. After a few seconds, it starts to give on its own. The key is to not pull it back or you'll break it. You just gotta let it come to you when it's ready. Once it gives, you can let off and it falls slack. All you gotta do from there is secure the wire to the spool (I use sticky labels - they're the shit,) bring the spool back to where you're working, grab that other end and and get to it.
Won't work if you have carpet or don't have the (clean) floor space, though, heh. I swear, it works better than any spool tamer, though. Those all seem to add some degree of tension that comes and goes. And even when that is minimal, spools snag sometimes. I don't like that at all. It's gotta be totally slack at all times. If I couldn't manage that, I would never freehand.
As you can see, I use what I've got before I go out buying stuff. When I did my first claptons, I didn't have any of the things that people typically use except for the drill. But by the end of that day, I found a way. It was just an impulse thing... ...like "I think I'll try to make a clapton today..." That's still kinda how I operate. I try to find a way to use what I already have to accomplish my goals right then. I'm too fucking impulsive to actually be thinking things through. If I wanna do something, I wanna do it right then, not when I get this and that! By then, I won't care anymore.