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Double check where it's placed, if the air is traveling through the cotton this can happen. So make sure the pathway is clear. Other than that, how long have you been vaping it? Most cotton takes a while to break in and all. A picture may help.
i re-wicked early last night and have been hitting it every so often since then, so probably about 30-50 vapes, but its still got a subtle cottonish taste. my coil is pretty high off of my air hole maybe that is a factor?


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What kind of cotton are you using? I know many here prefer Cotton Bacon v2 I think it is. Personally I just stick with my KGD pads, they never fail me and only take a few minutes to break in.


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Those are not like any claptons I've seen, what exactly do you have going on there?

Squared, Twisted, and Claptoned SS...

I'm a fan of SS simply because it seems to last forever. If I could get some 40g SS I think I could wrap one set of claptons and beat that year old coil Raymo's buddy was using.
Only time will tell...


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Mine said shipped same day but still waiting.
I had a 3fvape order where I never got a tracking number. E-mailed them, nothing. Then a few days later it was at my door, fastest china order I've had. Don't know what was up with that one but in the end I can't complain.


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He's still got his balls, though. Just no dick. I betcha it looks really weird.

Common misconception. Hes still got a dick, it didnt fall off. But it did explode. Bad. Its a mangled mess down there. Looks like someone stuck a hot dog in the microwave too long. It looks like one of those cartoon sticks of dynamite/cigars after it explodes. Just bad. Probably why he tells people it just fell off. Easier than saying your dick exploded into a ripped up mess resembling a limp octopus.


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First attempt at a staple. Failed when wrapping the coil. I only got 1 wrap on the ribbon's edge. 3mm ID and measures 0.58 ohms. 3 pieces of 0.5x0.1 N80 ribbon for the core and a 0.5x0.1 N80 wrap.




Pretty happy with the photos. I made myself a mini lightbox to take coil pics. Much better lighting this way.


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What kind of cotton are you using? I know many here prefer Cotton Bacon v2 I think it is. Personally I just stick with my KGD pads, they never fail me and only take a few minutes to break in.

Cotton bacon = medical cotton repackaged and very expensive. Reminds of the g plat ripoff.


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Had my sister who is a nurse uhh, liberate some for me. Looks, smells, feels etc. exactly the same.


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Cotton bacon = medical cotton repackaged and very expensive. Reminds of the g plat ripoff.
I'm with you, but I trust those that say it's better. Question is, how much is slightly better worth to you? And, when it's still as cheap as it is overall, it's not that big of a difference.


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I buyt Cotton Bacon V2 for $3 a bag....Ive had 3 bags for over 3 months and have only used a bag and a 8/10 of the second so far..and I build and wick/rewick constantly...I dont mind paying $9 for 3 bags of cotton that nice and the resealable bag thats sexy looking.


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Cool. My ziploc freezer bag full has a resealable feature also lol
Like I said to Rocco I dont mind paying for Cotton Bacon...Its not a problem to me. If you want to save money then do your thing...I dont have an issue spending $3 on something that lasts a month for me...Ive spent much more on things that lasts hours in the past.
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Uh duh, I not going to buy something I can get for ya I'll do my thing. :blowkiss:

and btw, iirc, the last time I bought some it was more like 6 bucks a bag

Still have a little piece left, not gonna use it though 'cause I don't want to have to throw the bag away;)DSC_0001.png
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Uh duh, I not going to buy something I can get for ya I'll do my thing. :blowkiss:

and btw, iirc, the last time I bought some it was more like 6 bucks a bag
I can get it for much cheaper....


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Wow, they sell it by the gram. But it is pretty cheap, the other stuff (that I used to buy in a former life) that came by the gram was a lot more...


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Double check where it's placed, if the air is traveling through the cotton this can happen. So make sure the pathway is clear. Other than that, how long have you been vaping it? Most cotton takes a while to break in and all. A picture may help.


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Yea, if youre payin $6 a bag of the Cotton Bacon, youre being taken. I get it for under $3 a bag at a local B&M shop. And they are known to spike prices.

Its good stuff. I personally love it, way better than that "organic" japanese pad shit. Easier to work with, easier to wick, easier to everything. Maybe its repackaged medical shit, maybe not, but I dont care. Id rather have a slick resealable bag with a nice design with a nice name on it rather than a big sack with a giant cottonball in it labeled dental dam cotton sterile medical whatever.

Cotton Bacon all day.


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I wanted to try Nativewicks Platnium Blend soon...but it doesnt look "that much" different...
20160327_185051.jpg 20160328_141127.jpg


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I've bought cotton bacon in the past, but what i typically use is your basic "japanese organic" cotton from a B&M close to home. its like z$4 a bag, lasts around a month, and it does the job just fine...

its s convenience thing to me, and $4 a month is whatever..

i do wonder what that native wicks is all about... and VCC...


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Yea, if youre payin $6 a bag of the Cotton Bacon, youre being taken. I get it for under $3 a bag at a local B&M shop. And they are known to spike prices.

Its good stuff. I personally love it, way better than that "organic" japanese pad shit. Easier to work with, easier to wick, easier to everything. Maybe its repackaged medical shit, maybe not, but I dont care. Id rather have a slick resealable bag with a nice design with a nice name on it rather than a big sack with a giant cottonball in it labeled dental dam cotton sterile medical whatever.

Cotton Bacon all day.

Cotton bacon is no way easier to use than the pads of cotton. Buy and use the fucking shit if that whats you want to do but back the fuck off on the 'big sack of giant cottonball" as you don't know what you're talking about.


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lol, thats what those medical cotton shit come in tho, a big waddy ball or a sheet. Its just cotton bro, you dont gotta get mad about it.


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You guys try pima cotton?

Has a small break in period, usually after a redrip its good to go.

Superior than that jap stuff imo also to cotton bacon which ive also used.
Wick lasts longer, way longer and can withstand a bad dry hit or two and not burn as easily. Pretty good shit.
I think native wicks is also pima, no?

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Rolled 25 AWG KA1 40AWG Ni80 clapton at .6Ω
You would look at the Nipple RDA and think ....nah!
But you would be wrong, it's a surprising little beast :D its small so you can put it on the minivolt.

Poppa (K)

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My cotton comes in these convenient plastic tubes. It has a little plunger to push the cotton out and even has a string to tie up the rest after you cut off what you need

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this is the cotton that i like to use for my Astroglide juice.

Poppa (K)

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i might have the solution how to make *wave wire*. i should have the answer by the end of the day.


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i might have the solution how to make *wave wire*. i should have the answer by the end of the day.
There's many ways already that are really easy to do...Buy the Toothpaste Roller (Metal Version) for something really cheap and easy, or that Multi sized patter Corrugator I posted yesterday...Or bguy some RC Spur Gears and mount them on a piece of wood so the teeth are together like gears and pull the Ribbon/Wire through. Ive done both Ribbon and wire as thick as 26g so far.


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Aliens with the rolled 25Ka1 and 34ni80

I made some last week but I put them somewhere safe and can't find them :(
...that's why I did these ones.
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I saw the metal version of that...couldn't work it out ha ha, so obvious in those funky colors. Happy daze, any corrugated wire you wants.
First attempt at making twisted wire. 26 gauge 5 wraps around 3mm. Comes out to .22 and it's vaping nicely at 80 watts, 4.20 volts on my Alliance.


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Thanks for the TC tips, got a pair of SS FCs in there, .07Ω, very nice vape. Now it's time to consider less nicotine I think.


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So for a TC oriented build, does just the core need to be a TC compatible material or do you gotta do core and wrap? Ive been meaning to make some TC coils, and have a couple gauges of SS316, but for wrap I dont have anything high enough in SS or nickel.


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So for a TC oriented build, does just the core need to be a TC compatible material or do you gotta do core and wrap? Ive been meaning to make some TC coils, and have a couple gauges of SS316, but for wrap I dont have anything high enough in SS or nickel.
I made a 316l fused clapton wrapped with 38g kanthal d and it worked just fine in tc mode. The outter wrap has little effect on resistance. If anything, just drop your desired temp down to start with

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Another option is to unwrap the ends of your leads and install just the SS cores into the posts. At least. that what I've read. I still haven't ventured into the TC world yet, myself.

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