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The USPS System screwed up and sent just about 4000ft of various wire to some lucky fuck in New Hampshire this morning....luckily I talked to the seller and they are sending out the order again and hopefully USPS doesnt do it again...

With some of the wire I have I decided I would do some practice as I normally dont use this outer wrap wire size often..
3 x 26N80/30KA1 Aliens. This are the same coils in every pic but one set has a extra wrap and are Flattened/Polished...You can see the obvious amount of gained surface area, Im saving specific sets for the So Horney RDA when it finally comes in.

20160416_144349.jpg 20160416_143955.jpg 20160416_143919.jpg 20160416_144243.jpg

I also tried my hand at Stitched Aliens but I havent coiled it up yet...Do you guys feed the Stitching in before or after you stretch the Wrap? It was a pain in the Ass trying to stretch it with it and then not have it stretched enough after....


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Tried doing some polished 20ga kanthal coils. Ill say this, its a fuckin pain in the ass and fingers trying to go through all the grits on such a tiny little thing like a coil. Its labor intensive as hell and if I was selling them, motherfuckers might as well just go buy 20ga solid gold wire, cuz itd cost just as much lol.

They didnt turn out as good as I hoped, not nearly polished down enough to get that nice flat even surface like I see. Would definitely need to go heavier on the lower grit stuff to get that going. I did try just polishing the straight wire before wrapping it and it was infinitely easier, but again, theres no flat surface at all to it that way. Did work decently tho.


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Ok so mostly a lurker here checkin' out all this great porn! But this has been bugging me so I thought azk the eggspurts! Why isn't anyone that I see doing any Clapton coils of any kind out of Ti? That is all! I now return you to your normally scheduled porn!:shades:


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Its labor intensive as hell and if I was selling them, motherfuckers might as well just go buy 20ga solid gold wire, cuz itd cost just as much lol.
Now you see why I charge $39 for a pair of these. Plus, I actually go through 12-14 different grit stages, depending on the initial wire gauge. That will be going up to 18-20 stages as soon as my 15000-60000 grit packs come in. This stuff is expensive and time consuming!


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Ok so mostly a lurker here checkin' out all this great porn! But this has been bugging me so I thought azk the eggspurts! Why isn't anyone that I see doing any Clapton coils of any kind out of Ti? That is all! I now return you to your normally scheduled porn!:shades:
Im actually gonna do some ti fused claptons. For some reason, ti tc on my ipv4 is not working so if any one else has run into that id be greatful for a workaround

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Another option is to unwrap the ends of your leads and install just the SS cores into the posts. At least. that what I've read. I still haven't ventured into the TC world yet, myself.
That's what I had remembered reading, and it made sense, figured I'd check here first. Folks said you didn't need to, and so far it's working fine with not having done that. It can't hurt anything but I thought I'd give it a try just to see and it works fine.


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My goon clone has 2 postscrew sizes 1. too short and 2. ridiculously too short....might be able to fit 28 guage un-claptonned in them that's about it.


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Finally i know how you do that to the ribbon wire!!! XD i think I'll try some late this night

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Well thats one simple way to make some. If you do it that way try and make a few passes on the Ribbon, the Corrugation gets deeper and deeper each time, the first 2 passes arent that great


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Ok so mostly a lurker here checkin' out all this great porn! But this has been bugging me so I thought azk the eggspurts! Why isn't anyone that I see doing any Clapton coils of any kind out of Ti? That is all! I now return you to your normally scheduled porn!:shades:
You'd have to use some thinner wire and go for a lower resistance with that stuff. I imagine that's one of the reasons. No 24g Ti dual coil FCs unless you want to be pushing like .05Ω


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Anyone have a pic of a polished wire thats been vaped on few a few days?
Im curious.

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Thanks dude but i meant like a dirty coil lol.
I like that dirty porn haha.
Reason i ask is i wanted to know if it was dirty if it looked the same as normal, unpolished wire.
Second question, does it vape any better or does it just look good?
EDit: damn im a slob ill go a week or two sometimes before rewicking. This pima really holds on strong.
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Thanks dude but i meant like a dirty coil lol.
I like that dirty porn haha.
Reason i ask is i wanted to know if it was dirty if it looked the same as normal, unpolished wire.
Second question, does it vape any better or does it just look good?
EDit: damn im a slob ill go a week or two sometimes before rewicking. This pima really holds on strong.
Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
These are the same exact coils from the same length of wire, one is Flattened and Polished and the Other is just wrapped...
20160416_143955.jpg 20160416_143919.jpg

Polishing only would just be for looks...Flattening and Polishing greatly increases surface area as you can see from the above pictures.

I change my wick usually every day...I dont like the build up on the coils


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I might try doing some flattening, never tried that before. Looks like it would vape better cause of the surface area.
Ya ever test a coils resistance then flatten/polish it to see if it changes any?

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I might try doing some flattening, never tried that before. Looks like it would vape better cause of the surface area.
Ya ever test a coils resistance then flatten/polish it to see if it changes any?

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No, I dont think it would be much different though...Ill try it though and report back.


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Now you see why I charge $39 for a pair of these. Plus, I actually go through 12-14 different grit stages, depending on the initial wire gauge. That will be going up to 18-20 stages as soon as my 15000-60000 grit packs come in. This stuff is expensive and time consuming!

Word. I definitely see the price after making a couple myself. Really, its not worth the time OR the money since its almost 100% just for looks and serves next to no functional purpose.

I used a 9 stage grit pad kit from 1500 to 12000 same as I use on my guitar frets, and that was bad enough, cant imagine DOUBLING the amount of time and work. I have paper from 80 up to 800, but I wasnt gonna break that out for the coils lol. Though, Id like to know where youre getting this 15000-60000 kit from. I probably wont use it on coils, but definitely would like to touch those to some guitar frets and see how big a difference it makes vs the 12k I stop at now.


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Word. I definitely see the price after making a couple myself. Really, its not worth the time OR the money since its almost 100% just for looks and serves next to no functional purpose.

I used a 9 stage grit pad kit from 1500 to 12000 same as I use on my guitar frets, and that was bad enough, cant imagine DOUBLING the amount of time and work. I have paper from 80 up to 800, but I wasnt gonna break that out for the coils lol. Though, Id like to know where youre getting this 15000-60000 kit from. I probably wont use it on coils, but definitely would like to touch those to some guitar frets and see how big a difference it makes vs the 12k I stop at now.
There are Emery Clothes that Jewelers use...I wouldnt go higher then 12 myself...I ordered a Micro Mesh Sheet Kit last night, cant wait to try it out!

The humman eye cannot see scratches that are at the 12000grit level, going higher would be for fun. This is where Rolls Royce and other companies stop polishing at for this very reason.
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But a macro lens can
I cant seem to find anything higher then 12000 grit
Grade 8 (10000grit) is a "Mirror Finish Grade" and Grade 9 (12000) is supposedly the highest grade polish on the scale of polishing.
If you are actually buffing the entire surface and removing the scratches from the previous polishing grade then the scratches of the last grades will only be micros deep, only under a microscope should they be visible..
There will be variables in surface roughness but wont be scratching, it will be more dull looking.
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Yea, if youre payin $6 a bag of the Cotton Bacon, youre being taken. I get it for under $3 a bag at a local B&M shop. And they are known to spike prices.

Its good stuff. I personally love it, way better than that "organic" japanese pad shit. Easier to work with, easier to wick, easier to everything. Maybe its repackaged medical shit, maybe not, but I dont care. Id rather have a slick resealable bag with a nice design with a nice name on it rather than a big sack with a giant cottonball in it labeled dental dam cotton sterile medical whatever.

Cotton Bacon all day.
Most b&m I go to have the Cotton Bacon "Bacon Bits" (2g) for $3
I can get it for much cheaper....

I think there referring to the 10g bag of cotton Bacon. I usually get them for $4-5 which is still WELL worth the price...

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Grade 9 (12000) is supposedly the highest grade polsih on the scale of polishing.
Nope. That's why I'm going to 60000. It's strictly for visuals on the website and IG, but when people order the polished coils, I'll still polish the all the way up to 60000.


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Nope. That's why I'm going to 60000. It's strictly for visuals on the website and IG, but when people order the polished coils, I'll still polish the all the way up to 60000.
Monkey Jam or Diamond Stick? Its "Estimated" at 60k grit as its particles are 1/4 of a micron thick, it will be a higher grade then 12k but I think it would take much longer to buff the surface after 12k with it to become the overall surface roughness, I guess it would still be a better shine though. I dont know if Im willing to go that far though, I tip my hat to you :cheers:
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So I've been working on my staggered variations. I finally got the staggering down (it's so easy, IDK why it took so long for me to do). I probably jumped the gun by not trying to do regular staggered fused Clapton's first because I'm having a slight issue with wrapping the Clapton even around this wire I made -_-

24g Staggered w/36g - framed with 2 .4 ribbon - then framed in 30g staggered w/36g


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@raymo2u you been working on staggered variations lately, yeah? Any tips on keeping the final Clapton even?

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@raymo2u you been working on staggered variations lately, yeah? Any tips on keeping the final Clapton even?

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Let the cores twist if they need to, go slow and be patient...Ive even ended up hand wrapping some of them and they still dont come out perfect ....they are PITA builds bro...
20160406_113412.jpg 20160406_113854.jpg Other Wires.jpg 20160331_121503.jpg 20160330_114305.jpg

These are all loaded with Flaws...


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I dunno, dude - that one in the TM2 looks pretty awesome to me!
Thanks :D

You wouldnt believe what it looked like before I hammered it...It looked like a normal Staggered Fused Clapton BUT it was a Triangle wire....I tried wrapping it on the drill and the whole thing twisted into a triangle shape wire and it wasnt wrapping correctly so I hand wrapped it all and it took almost 45 minutes to make enough for 2 coils. I hammered it down and it laid flat like that.
This is how it was at first:
20160331_112419.jpg 20160331_112409.jpg

Then after hammering it all flat:

20160331_113736.jpg 20160331_113900.jpg

Im sure if I didnt wrap it by hand it would have snapped the outer wire when hammering it, the force was pretty high when the cores pushed outwards....
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mr vaper

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That looks like nothing i ever seen before where do you come up with all that crazy shit
I think about it while I sit and code....hours and hours of thinking....Actually it was supposed to be a normal 3 core staggered FC, it just turned out that way...Thats how most of the crazy stuff comes from...happenstance. I wanted to try a 26/38 6 Core Staggered FC but Im waiting for my Hand Vise to get here first....I got ALOT of things I want to try when it gets here Monday..Then the real crazy shit will begin!

mr vaper

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I think about it while I sit and code....hours and hours of thinking....Actually it was supposed to be a normal 3 core staggered FC, it just turned out that way...Thats how most of the crazy stuff comes from...happenstance. I wanted to try a 26/38 6 Core Staggered FC but Im waiting for my Hand Vise to get here first....I got ALOT of things I want to try when it gets here Monday..Then the real crazy shit will begin!
I've seen that people buy your coils i looked you up and nothing where can i find them?


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I love making Framed Staples....They are one type of coil in my eyes that hides more under its coat then others....Most dont see whats under the wrap if the outer wrap is tight enough, almost like a sleeper car. The performance of coils likse thes are incredible..

12 x .5R/26N80/40KD (5 Wrap/3mm ID)

20160417_135309.jpg 20160417_135326.jpg 20160417_135425.jpg

The Surface Area of a 3 Core Alien vs the Fraples:

Surface Area from select Coils (Sorry for crappy pic) :


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Looking at that and thinking surface area, I got curious. Fold over a bit of wire, back and forth zigzag like. Then clapton the whole bit, and fold it around your rod. It'd look like a single wrap but really a length of wire running through it. I just half assed "proof of concept" type test but it worked, didn't clapton it or anything just some half assed folds to see if it could even work and I think it can. Throwing it out there as an idea if anyone gets bored and wants to try completing it as I'd be curious about the results but I'm lazy :p


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Looking at that and thinking surface area, I got curious. Fold over a bit of wire, back and forth zigzag like. Then clapton the whole bit, and fold it around your rod. It'd look like a single wrap but really a length of wire running through it. I just half assed "proof of concept" type test but it worked, didn't clapton it or anything just some half assed folds to see if it could even work and I think it can. Throwing it out there as an idea if anyone gets bored and wants to try completing it as I'd be curious about the results but I'm lazy :p
F4rr3ll from IG has done alot of stuff much like that...I just have done enough with Corrugated yet.. (check out his older stuff)
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F4rr3ll from IG has done alot of stuff much like that...I just have done enough with Corrugated yet..
Naw not corrugated. I'm talking one wire, accordian like fold, so you end up with a rectangle of zigzagging wire, if you're going for a say 3mm ID you'd have it be about 9.5mm for each fold so when it wraps around it becomes circular. Before you wrap it you clapton the whole rectangle then fold it around the rod. It'd come out looking more like a pipe with 2 leads than a coil of wire. It'd be a pain in the ass to do, but just a thought I had.


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Naw not corrugated. I'm talking one wire, accordian like fold, so you end up with a rectangle of zigzagging wire, if you're going for a say 3mm ID you'd have it be about 9.5mm for each fold so when it wraps around it becomes circular. Before you wrap it you clapton the whole rectangle then fold it around the rod. It'd come out looking more like a pipe with 2 leads than a coil of wire. It'd be a pain in the ass to do, but just a thought I had.
I understand now....I didnt completely get what you were trying to portray, something like this?


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Naw, but that sure as hell looks interesting.


So that'd be your inner wire, all flat. Clapton around that rectangular portion, then fold it around whatever you use to wrap to make it circular but with a slit in it where it "connects".


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All they flattened coils stand out over non-flattened and the polished flattened are even better on the eyes :)


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It'd be a PITA but Ill try it ;)
Yeah it would, which is why I didn't do more than just a crappy fold and test to see if it was a bum idea or not, seems it should work ok. Question is whether it's worthwhile or not.


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Yeah it would, which is why I didn't do more than just a crappy fold and test to see if it was a bum idea or not, seems it should work ok. Question is whether it's worthwhile or not.
Now that I think of it the Resistance would be super high I would think...


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Now that I think of it the Resistance would be super high I would think...
Shouldn't be super high but yes higher. Potentially a thicker wire Series build option? I think it should be about the same as a single 24g 3mm wrap length at .3-.4Ω for dual coils.

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