For the Back tracking issue. Set your swivels a quarter inch lower then your drills chuck should be able to wrap them without much issue after.The best I got is fused claptons still, when I try aliens I only get a couple good inches here n there and that's with 2 core wires.. whenever I try 3 I can't keep em from bunching up.
With the 2 core my worst enemy is when it backs up on itself which it seems to love doing.
Seeing as how we have a hurricane coming tomorrow it'll probably be a good time to practice my alien work... I can't honestly say I've ever even vaped an alien coil before... soon. I hope.
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You need the 3 strands perfectly parallel and as tight as possible. If a single strand isnt tight and looser then the others it will have the ability to move and cause the wire to bunch up. I made a small tutorial a few pages back about how to make them perfectly tight.