I think the best definition of normal I've heard is from Suicide Squad. "Normal is a setting on a dryer." *chuckles* I didn't misunderstand what you were saying regarding your thought processes. I got where you were going. My big problem? I collapse everything together. For instance I can trace the roots of Nazism back to some occult Jewish origins. Of course, I can also trace lines from something happening tomorrow to something happening today. I see the lines between dots and bring all the dots together. I over think, constantly. I also have a droll, dark gallows humor.
This is why I enjoy the irony of the Britt pop group Spandu Ballet's name. Spandu being the locale where the Nazi war criminals were hung after being tried. Upon hanging bodies kick and writhe, almost like a ballet. An interesting fact, if the noose knot is turned around to a person's face, they'll strangle upon hanging. That means their dying takes quite a while, is excruciating. Some of the original Britt commandos who were acting as executioners let some of the criminals suffer that. "Oh, oops, we didn't know." If the knot is placed in back of the head, it snaps the top four vertebra of the spine up next to the skull. That's a nearly instant death, humane. A proper noose has thirteen coils to counter the seven vertebra of the spine nearest the skull.
See? I over think and can point out too there's a lot of religious implications of seven stairs to "heaven". Gee, seven vertebra against a skull, coincidence? I don't believe in such creatures. Think about that type of yoga what teaches opening charkas. You'll probably see where I'm going with my correlations. But yeah, there's me ... lost in thought/s.