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Redheaded Stepchildren


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good night

I never know whether to include a space

Either way, it is better than Huddy could manage. He probably puts 5x spaces in between the "O"s, so the wrong place. As well as a semi colon before the "T"
That bastard

Half a world away and yet the Huddy effect is affecting you in turrible ways.
You have no idea how proximity elevates the Huddy effect. It’s like radiation poisoning…the closer you are the sicker you get.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You do realize that makes the mental image even worse don't you? I'm now so traumatized by the thought that I may not ever be able to walk through a revolving door again.

I blame Huddy.

I know, right?
And I know I’ve said it before but it bears repeating.
This Huddy situation is out of control and needs to be reeled in. Now Huddy is tormenting people down under….where will it end?

Thank god Huddy and dead Fred haven’t teamed up to inflict damage.
Although I suspect it wouldn’t take long before they both move on. Seems to be their MO……


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years

And my right kneecap sometimes dislocates. You might remember my ER visit for the first time

I have my routine down now. I just stay on the ground and relax with a vape, knowing that it will resolve itself

Good boy.
I highly recommend laying on the ground and vaping for a myriad of situations.
More often than not while wearing thong type attire… broad daylight…..near a busy intersection……or food court….


Silver Contributor
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I know, right?
And I know I’ve said it before but it bears repeating.
This Huddy situation is out of control and needs to be reeled in. Now Huddy is tormenting people down under….where will it end?

Thank god Huddy and dead Fred haven’t teamed up to inflict damage.
Although I suspect it wouldn’t take long before they both move on. Seems to be their MO……
You need to be reeled in…


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Where do Aussies come up with their slang? I just read a story from an Australian news source about people "dobbing" on their neighbors over parking. Dobbing? I much prefer the proper American slang of snitching. It has more of a bite to it. Dobbing just sounds too friendly.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I think maybe a dry rub, smoked low and slow, basted with a good sticky bbq sauce.

seafood I think citrus and dill

but... they are mammals?

Thinking dolphin should be done like tuna.
Inch and a quarter thick
Piping hot griddle on the grill
Plop of butter, slap it on, count to 7, more butter, flip, 7 more seconds
Fresh lime and cilantro garnish


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I was thinking along the lines of dolphins being more like beef, or maybe pork but who knows? I just know they aren't fish so I wouldn't expect them to taste like fish, therefore I lean towards cooking 'em like beef.


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Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Tomorrow I get to start a 6 day blitz of steroids.
Watch the news for possible horrific news outta Omaha.
Me and steroids don’t mix well… it absolutely f@#ks up my blood sugars.
I have no steroid thong.

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