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Reuleaux RX 200.


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And I greatly appreciate it, sir.

Just so I'm clear, for 316 SS I set one of the memory slots to 92? Or is the default for SS already set for 316?
With mine the setting was more like 105-110. And yes, that's how you do it. Set one of the Ms to the TCR you want.


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With mine the setting was more like 105-110.

Ok thanks. When I read the description on the firmware page it makes it sound like the default setting for the SS option is for 316L

Customized TCR(Temperature Coefficient of Resistance)Mode
Newly Added TC-SS316 Mode
Optional TC-Ni/TC-Ti/VW Mode
Stainless Steel Thread & Spring Connector
Three Replaceable Cells & Magnetic Back Cover


Bronze Contributor
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Ok thanks. When I read the description on the firmware page it makes it sound like the default setting for the SS option is for 316L

Customized TCR(Temperature Coefficient of Resistance)Mode
Newly Added TC-SS316 Mode
Optional TC-Ni/TC-Ti/VW Mode
Stainless Steel Thread & Spring Connector
Three Replaceable Cells & Magnetic Back Cover
I thought so too. But OneBadWolf helped me out on that. He's up to speed on this jank

Back up a couple of pages and he explains it much better than I can..


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I thought so too. But OneBadWolf helped me out on that. He's up to speed on this jank

Back up a couple of pages and he explains it much better than I can..
I'll check it out, thanks.

The RX is by far the best vaping purchase I've ever made. I hope other companies are taking note to what Wismec is doing because they are setting the bar pretty high when it comes to value and functionality.


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Well after some monkeying around, l feel like m1 set to 650 with nickel coil in Crown works great...Can you confirm this is ok...


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I have another question....

When messing around with the TCR for stainless trying to figure out a good number, is it ok for me to go back and forth between taking a few vapes then adjusting the TCR without letting the device cool to room temp? My resistance is already set and locked in...


Bronze Contributor
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I have another question....

When messing around with the TCR for stainless trying to figure out a good number, is it ok for me to go back and forth between taking a few vapes then adjusting the TCR without letting the device cool to room temp? My resistance is already set and locked in...
That's exactly what I did, and it was just fine. Only way to get it dialed in.


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I use 304, so I set it to 0105 and it's just about perfect.


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When you fine tune tcr value to meet your needs it's fuckin awesome...l settled on 650 for ni200 coil in crown and works like s charm...My temps are runnin between 500-550...Yea this does not suck...


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I wanna coin a new phrase..."what TCR you runnin at's it vape...Lol...

I'm runnin at 650 on nickel bro...smokin like a Navajo Chief...


Bronze Contributor
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I have another question....

When messing around with the TCR for stainless trying to figure out a good number, is it ok for me to go back and forth between taking a few vapes then adjusting the TCR without letting the device cool to room temp? My resistance is already set and locked in...

I test hit so many times l got nic sick...dam thinkin l may need to bump it down from 3 to 1.5...still spinnin...


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Hahaa...that's it...all jokin aside this shit is bad ass....a temp controlers dream, to be able control the control that cortols temp...hahaa
Does anyone know the tcr for nichrome. The K box 200 supposedly does it and I've read about people doing temp control for nichrome on the dna 200.


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Now all we need in the next firmware upgrade is the provision to adjust the resistance.

And perhaps the Space Invaders game..... Or Frogger!


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Does anyone know the tcr for nichrome. The K box 200 supposedly does it and I've read about people doing temp control for nichrome on the dna 200.

GrimmGreen tried to demo Kangertech's TC for Ni80 last week for his Vlog, didn't work for shit. Burnt the cotton badly. Don't think it's possible. TCR is too low like kanthal.

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Ok so I just got home and got the rx updated... I gotta say, I love the new way of selecting what mode you want... 3 clicks then up or down... instead of 3 clicks to get to next mode, 3 clicks for next mode, ect... much better.

I agree with you, the new menu system is a vast improvement over the old one. I wish they could do something similar to the menu on my Evic VTC mini.


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I agree with you, the new menu system is a vast improvement over the old one. I wish they could do something similar to the menu on my Evic VTC mini.
Honestly, I like the whole selection/click combos on the rx200 right now... I hate how on the VTC you have to click 3x, then select what you want to change, then click again to change it... Also, I really hate how on the VTC to go down in wattage while in TC mode you have to go all the way up and around just to get back to a lower number... I just wish the RX had the VTC screen now lol
I got the Evic VTC back in July. I really liked it a lot until the chip blew up on me last month. My Reuleaux was it's replacement and I have to say that I like the Reuleaux X200 even more. The thing about the menu system; if you don't like it, wait a few days maybe there will be another firmware update. ;)


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So I want the reuleaux and the cubis tank anyone have any advice on the best place I can get it for the best price don't ever have much money so looking for the best possible price I'd like the dna200 but bc I'm always broke I'm sure my only option is rx200 if I can even afford that.plz help..thanks :)


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$40 is a great price from the US, only about $5 savings from china.

Lol, pif of 2016 so far
Being a newbie and an idiot the 200 wouldn't go into TC mode. I had put a 1.8 ohm coil in and as soon as I took it out, it worked just fine. Back to .04 coil & I freakin' love this my second serious mod after Aspire Pegasus. Been on turbo learning curve which is so important and going to the Aspire Cleito tank next. The battery life is a few days for me on low wattage!
I've had the rx200 about 2 weeks and got the cubis tank with it, having used it in temp and vw mode, even after break in and fiddlin with settings, it has practically no flavor (i've used the juice before, its usually pretty strong). I let one 0.5 ohm coil go through 6 full tanks and flavor was basically not there, on the 5th tank on the 2nd 0.5ohm coil, same thing. Vapor production is fine, flavor just isn't there for me. :/ super disappointed


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So several folks here, myself included, have mentioned less than amazing results with various mods in TC mode. The flavor issue is due to a slew of issues. But it's not necessarily the mods fault. If the mod is set properly and vapor is being produced then no flavor isn't the mods fault. Listen I tend to agree with you currently because as much as I've played around with TC I'm underwhelmed by the flavor I'm getting.

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I run a Crown tank on my RX at 75-95w and 475-525f. I use the ni200 coil and I get flavor and Clouds galore. One of the best setups I ever owned.

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Yeah, I also have a isub apex with the nickel coils (not a fan of nickel stuff myself, but they were given to me), taste is much better on that tank. I got the cubis on a bit of a whim and even in vw settings the flavor just isn't there (which is too bad, I like the airflow/fill system on this tank). That said, I'm really enjoying the rx200, I haven't run into any of the other bugs some folks seem to have and when dripping I'm very pleased with its performance.


Diamond Contributor
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I've had the rx200 about 2 weeks and got the cubis tank with it, having used it in temp and vw mode, even after break in and fiddlin with settings, it has practically no flavor (i've used the juice before, its usually pretty strong). I let one 0.5 ohm coil go through 6 full tanks and flavor was basically not there, on the 5th tank on the 2nd 0.5ohm coil, same thing. Vapor production is fine, flavor just isn't there for me. :/ super disappointed
Vapers Tongue?
Try vaping off a different set-up but use the same e-liquid.


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So several folks here, myself included, have mentioned less than amazing results with various mods in TC mode. The flavor issue is due to a slew of issues. But it's not necessarily the mods fault. If the mod is set properly and vapor is being produced then no flavor isn't the mods fault. Listen I tend to agree with you currently because as much as I've played around with TC I'm underwhelmed by the flavor I'm getting.

Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
If you have a mod that has the built in settings set correctly (so 99% of them) then there is no possible way that it is the mod causing flavor loss. In this situation there would only be one of two things (or both) causing flavor loss: user error or your tank.

User error:
By user error I mean to say that the user is using the wrong TC setting, wrong watts, wrong temperature, wrong wire, bad build, I think you get my point. On a mod that doesn't have Ti mode, in theory one can run Ti in Ni mode and adjust the temperature down about 100 degrees and it will work, but in my experience this is in no way comparable to a mod that has Ti mode. To low of watts and you could be getting spit back little vapor production. To high of watts and the mod could be getting up to temp before it realizes it and gives you a burnt hit or it could cause the mod to "slam" into the wall of temperature setting giving you a vapor, air, vapor, air, vapor, air draw. Wrong temperature could be causing spit back, little vapor production, or dry hits. Using the wrong wire for the mode you have set could potentially work, as mentioned above, but won't give you the perfect vape. A bad build could be anything from you are using contact coils when this tank likes spaced coils or your using 22g when this tank likes 26g better (you see my point).

Your tank:
Believe it or not, some tanks just aren't flavor monsters. These days a lot of new tanks are geared towards clouds and not flavor. Generally speaking more clouds equal less flavor. (Don't kill me here, I know a lot of new tanks like TFV4 offer good clouds and flavor, it was just generally speaking). This, along with the fact that every tank likes something different. Some tanks like single spaced coils wicked lightly and some work better with fancy Clapton coils wicked heavily. Hell, some tanks even like coils low, and some work better with coils high. Unfortunately it's a trial and error type of thing.

All I am trying to say is, if you are underwhelmed by the flavor that comes with TC, keep trying. Try some 22g SS or 22g Ti 5 wrap spaced around a 3mm screwdriver in a Subtank Plus or a TFV4 (I'm sure there's others, these are my favorite I've tried) and see how you like that. Also, Clapton coils help a lot when it comes to flavor. I'm currently running 28g SS core wrapped with 28g SS Clapton in my TFV4 and the flavor is awesome!

If anyone has any questions feel free to ask! :D


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Benjamin, I would like to thank you for all the information you posted yesterday. With your help I was able to fine tune the TCR values on my RX with the ni200 coils and the Crown tank. The result is a super smooth warm vape at 500* rather than having to set 570 to get same vape. Before changing the TCR values, I was running the temp between 550 and 600. After the adjustment, I'm running between 490-550... You sir are my hero for the day...

Oh and in case your wondering what I settled on for the TCR for the ni200 coil in the Crown tank it is M1 @ 650...
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Benjamin, I would like to thank you for all the information you posted yesterday. With your help I was able to fine tune the TCR values on my RX with the ni200 coils and the Crown tank. The result is a super smooth warm vape at 500* rather than having to set 570 to get same vape. Before changing the TCR values, I was running the temp between 550 and 600. After the adjustment, I'm running between 490-550... You sir are my hero for the day...
Lol I do what I can!


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I think it might be a good idea to have everyone that's using the TCR adjust, to share your settings for the specific coil or wire...For example, I found that with the Crown ni200 coil 650 on the TCR sets the temps right in the sweet spot...490-550. You can run 600 degrees without a burnt hit, but it's too hot for it should be...


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Thank you to all the people that have shared their knowledge, trials & tribulations on this thread! Especially onebadwolf & Benjammin! Shout out to that Magoo guy for the comedy though :D

I had just about given up on SS316 on TC mode due to the inconsistencies but reading the last few pages made upgrading & setting a proper TCR such a simple process. I freakin love this rx200 even more now.


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Thank you to all the people that have shared their knowledge, trials & tribulations on this thread! Especially onebadwolf & Benjammin! Shout out to that Magoo guy for the comedy though :D

I had just about given up on SS316 on TC mode due to the inconsistencies but reading the last few pages made upgrading & setting a proper TCR such a simple process. I freakin love this rx200 even more now.
Glad we could help my man... TC is awesome if you are using it correctly! lol

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