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Oh yes they will! You can order wine, and liquor online to your hearts content!

This battle has been fought between my old Governor, and some wine friends of mine, in the Supreme Court. Gov. Jennifer Granholm not only banned out of state shipments, as A.G., she staged a sting where a minor took delivery of a liquor shipment from Chicago. My wine collector friends, the Healds, sued. Michigan wineries could and did ship wine OUT of state. It was a Commerce Clause vs 21st Amendment situation. The Supremes ruled that ANY state that EXPORTS alcoholic beverages, cannot restrict their IMPORT. Almost EVERY state in the USA has wineries, that ship out of state.

Granholm V Heald

LOL... I didn't specify "spirits" by accident. :p

Oregon is one of the dozen or so states with a strictly managed Alcohol Control Board.
You cannot sell distilled spirits here except through a state controlled bottle shop, and they do not export as far as I know. Fermented stuff you can get at any market.

Wine you can import here (and beer, though not all vendors will bother for some reason) but not liquor.

It's maybe possible I could get a shipment from the UK as at least one buyer (In PA I believe) said it was tagged "decorative glass" for customs, but no US vendor will ship to OR (that I've found).

The whole control board gets on my tits (they even use the word "temperance" in their literature :rolleyes: ) but I'm not a native here and I occasionally forget about its' existence and restrictions.
This was one of those times.

This must be how S.E. Asian vapers feel. :mad:


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Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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LOL... I didn't specify "spirits" by accident. :p

Oregon is one of the dozen or so states with a strictly managed Alcohol Control Board.
You cannot sell distilled spirits here except through a state controlled bottle shop, and they do not export as far as I know. Fermented stuff you can get at any market.

Wine you can import here (and beer, though not all vendors will bother for some reason) but not liquor.

It's maybe possible I could get a shipment from the UK as at least one buyer (In PA I believe) said it was tagged "decorative glass" for customs, but no US vendor will ship to OR (that I've found).

The whole control board gets on my tits (they even use the word "temperance" in their literature :rolleyes: ) but I'm not a native here and I occasionally forget about its' existence and restrictions.
This was one of those times.

This must be how S.E. Asian vapers feel. :mad:

WTF. That kinda pisses me off. Oregon sells OCEANS of Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and much more, much direct from winery, to the rest of the USA. What about Kentucky, they can't send Bourbon to OR? Don't seem right, does it. I buy a lot from Patricia Green and St. Innocent. I might have to send them a letter about what I think of their states bullshit two faced policies. Restrictions on consenting adults engaging in activities that do not harm anyone else, in general, rile the fuck out of me.

Teresa P

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As my father used to say, "Some people would argue that hell is an ice house," just for the sake of arguing, even though they've no clue what they're talking about. He also used to say "If you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, you'd be wise to drop the shovel."
Wise man, my father.
I say you're not wise to take up for idiots, it gives others the impression you're their leader.
Random mini-rant over....;)


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LOL... I didn't specify "spirits" by accident. :p

Oregon is one of the dozen or so states with a strictly managed Alcohol Control Board.
You cannot sell distilled spirits here except through a state controlled bottle shop, and they do not export as far as I know. Fermented stuff you can get at any market.

Wine you can import here (and beer, though not all vendors will bother for some reason) but not liquor.

It's maybe possible I could get a shipment from the UK as at least one buyer (In PA I believe) said it was tagged "decorative glass" for customs, but no US vendor will ship to OR (that I've found).

The whole control board gets on my tits (they even use the word "temperance" in their literature :rolleyes: ) but I'm not a native here and I occasionally forget about its' existence and restrictions.
This was one of those times.

This must be how S.E. Asian vapers feel. :mad:
It cannot be shipped to a private residence.
My old manager figured out the way around it and had VATS of booze shipped here around the OLCC.

Get it shipped to a business and you are golden.


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WTF. That kinda pisses me off. Oregon sells OCEANS of Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and much more, much direct from winery, to the rest of the USA. What about Kentucky, they can't send Bourbon to OR? Don't seem right, does it. I buy a lot from Patricia Green and St. Innocent. I might have to send them a letter about what I think of their states bullshit two faced policies. Restrictions on consenting adults engaging in activities that do not harm anyone else, in general, rile the fuck out of me.

You're still conflating "fermented alcohol" and "distilled alcohol".... those dozen or so states I referred to place a Grand Canyon sized divide between the two.

The rest of your comment... couldn't agree more.
I'm a Cali native... what I'm used to, you can't swing a dead cat Starbucks without hitting a bottle shop. Not to mention unrestricted private business sales... meaning grocery stores etc.
The bottle shop licenses here are tightly controlled gold mines.
There's a lot of back room deals and politics involved in deciding who gets to sell booze.
And you are restricted in transferring the license (probably a lot like the limited coastal fishing licenses).

Fun fact... the store owner does not own the stock or set prices. :D
Yeah... it sucks.

eta: "unrestricted" was obviously the wrong word to use there. Of course there are regs and hoops to jump through. I'll clarify if anyone calls me out on it. Big Oops. :)
Last edited:


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It cannot be shipped to a private residence.
My old manager figured out the way around it and had VATS of booze shipped here around the OLCC.

Get it shipped to a business and you are golden.

Thanks for the heads up.
It's not a loophole I can take advantage of ATM, but I'll keep it in mind.

Teresa P

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USPS, FedEx, UPS....all idiots....after waiting 12 days for fluids from Cali, and thrilled to finally have them today, updated info states that they have "damaged" my goods and they won't be here till tomorrow. UPS can never find my house (GPS, anyone?)'s just a job to them, they don't care if you get your shit, how long it has to sit in the blazing hot sun, or what shape it's in when it gets there.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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USPS, FedEx, UPS....all idiots....after waiting 12 days for fluids from Cali, and thrilled to finally have them today, updated info states that they have "damaged" my goods and they won't be here till tomorrow. UPS can never find my house (GPS, anyone?)'s just a job to them, they don't care if you get your shit, how long it has to sit in the blazing hot sun, or what shape it's in when it gets there.

I've thought for a long time that "UPS" ought to be changed to "OOPS". which says nothing about the USPS... which I think stands for "us so privileged, see". :facepalm:

The *regular* postman for my street is amazing, just fabulous; does everything he's supposed to, with a smile and a "have a nice day!" All his fill-ins, and about 99.99% of the rest of USPS are just sluggard sinecure occupiers, who don't give a shit about working for a living, they just want dat paycheck.



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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USPS, FedEx, UPS....all idiots....after waiting 12 days for fluids from Cali, and thrilled to finally have them today, updated info states that they have "damaged" my goods and they won't be here till tomorrow. UPS can never find my house (GPS, anyone?)'s just a job to them, they don't care if you get your shit, how long it has to sit in the blazing hot sun, or what shape it's in when it gets there.

I know THAT'S true. I really like my post lady, my UPS guy and even my Fedex guy is super nice and very accommodating. It's the twatwaffles that DON'T have to put their face to their customers that make the whole system suck hard.

Of course, Fedex is scared of me now. I had a SUPER rare bottle of wine shipped to me. I was watching tracking like a hawk, because Fedex would occasionally, if really busy, leave a package next to my mailbox which I cannot see from my house, but every passing stranger CAN. It suddenly showed "Delivered Front Porch". It was not there. It was not in my garage, not near the mailbox, not even behind the shrub partially up my drive they sometimes stash my packages. I hunted that truck DOWN. I had calls in to the drivers super, CS, everyone. When I finally found the truck, I was so wound up, the driver was visibly shaking. He had put the damn package IN my mailbox, which I did not check, as that is illegal. I nearly had a heart attack, and so did they. Now, they ring my doorbell for EVERY delivery. Then they run like hell.

Teresa P

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I've thought for a long time that "UPS" ought to be changed to "OOPS". which says nothing about the USPS... which I think stands for "us so privileged, see". :facepalm:

The *regular* postman for my street is amazing, just fabulous; does everything he's supposed to, with a smile and a "have a nice day!" All his fill-ins, and about 99.99% of the rest of USPS are just sluggard sinecure occupiers, who don't give a shit about working for a living, they just want dat paycheck.

They've all been horrible on my end. This time it's FedEx. I dunno if I'll get the gallon of VG I ordered or half a gallon in a sticky box, or if the PG and flavoring will even be in there. :cuss2:

Azriel Mysterious

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Think about all the vaping things that can be open to opinion. Juice flavors, coil and cotton types, different mods/attys. Batteries are one of the few things with hard numbers behind them. You'd think it would take some of the argument out of it. But like everything else, there's too much information and misinformation out there to make learning this crap easy enough.

That means "I haven't blown up" is proof enough for some people who think they need .05 ohm coils to blow Mad Cloudz.

Whatever. We scared off the Tesiyi people. That's good enough for now.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Oh fuck this mess, you wanna push me? I'm tired of sitting on the side lines. I'm pushing back motherfucker. I'm tired of it all. Trying to help your ass, then being called a fucking liar, THEN getting pushed at every goddamn turn I make. FUCK YOU.

...............thanks, done said it here.

I volunteer to help with the hiding of the deceased...

Azriel Mysterious

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To be fair, I had a dog as a kid, and he was one helluva compadre. But now having had cats, I don't think I could respect a dog anymore. Cats are SO GFY. I have to admire their smarm.
Spoken by a real cat person. Yep. I've always been a cat person, though I love all kinds of critters. The dog came along from a relationship and is still here. The cats are teaching her, but she's still quite fully of puppy at over 2 years old. She's just effin' nuts is what she is. A real beauty, she is.
Dogs have Owners, Cats have Staff.

Dogs are nice and all, and I do love all animals, but cats are the best. ^.^

Azriel Mysterious

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Ahhhhhh... much better now. :D

A pair of finely diced onion burgers.
Done up right and dressed properly (thank you Alton).

I do believe we're now well into the cocktail hour. :p
I'm an Alton Brown FanGirl myself. There's a show on Disney Jr that my son absolutely LOVES called "Miles from Tomorrowland" and Alton Brown is the Voice Actor for an alien chef named Lysander. The episode is on RIGHT NOW.

Also lending their vocal talents are Bill Nye (the Science Guy) as Professor Rubicon and even Olivia Munn (yumm!) as Phoebe Callisto.

Oh and Geroge Takei had a cameo as an alien named Spectrix.

Fuck. I didn't realise I knew so much about this fucking show!


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I've always been a cat person, yet I have a large dog in my house, too. She's sitting at the other end of the couch right now, paw up on the arm, looking out the window, LOL.

I've always loved dogs; had a long-haired dachshund when I was a kid, and she was just great. But now that I can finally have a cat (THANK YOU, ZYRTEC!!!), I'm definitely turning into more of a cat person than dog person. Cats are so quiet, so clean, so independent and dignified (usually ;)). If she sees something outside she doesn't like, she does NOT deafen the entire household protesting it, she quietly MROWs and slinks on her belly to hide under the bed. :D If the doorbell rings, she does NOT deafen the entire household to inform us of what we already know - someone's at the door - she slinks on her belly to hide under the bed. You may see a trend here, of our cat's usual responses to the unfamiliar. :D

Poor thing, she seems to be allergic to her flea collar; her whole neck had gotten chafed and matted before we discovered it and took it off her. Now my husband is giving her neck gentle attention with a warm washcloth every night; hopefully it'll heal on its own, now that the collar's off. Gotta find some other way to keep the bloodsuckers off her.



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I've always loved dogs; had a long-haired dachshund when I was a kid, and she was just great. But now that I can finally have a cat (THANK YOU, ZYRTEC!!!), I'm definitely turning into more of a cat person than dog person. Cats are so quiet, so clean, so independent and dignified (usually ;)). If she sees something outside she doesn't like, she does NOT deafen the entire household protesting it, she quietly MROWs and slinks on her belly to hide under the bed. :D If the doorbell rings, she does NOT deafen the entire household to inform us of what we already know - someone's at the door - she slinks on her belly to hide under the bed. You may see a trend here, of our cat's usual responses to the unfamiliar. :D

Poor thing, she seems to be allergic to her flea collar; her whole neck had gotten chafed and matted before we discovered it and took it off her. Now my husband is giving her neck gentle attention with a warm washcloth every night; hopefully it'll heal on its own, now that the collar's off. Gotta find some other way to keep the bloodsuckers off her.

I had checked with my vet about a cut one of mine had on her face. I was cleaning it with peroxide once a day and they told me it was also ok to use triple antibiotic ointment. Worked great! As far as the flea treatments go, I have some ridiculously priced ones the vet sold me, because dog.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I had checked with my vet about a cut one of mine had on her face. I was cleaning it with peroxide once a day and they told me it was also ok to use triple antibiotic ointment. Worked great! As far as the flea treatments go, I have some ridiculously priced ones the vet sold me, because dog.

I'll definitely tell him about using the antibiotics ointment then; since it's around her neck, she can't lick it. :) We saw some ridiculously-priced ones at PetSmart, but we've always just gotten one of the medium-priced ones at Walmart. I told him we need to go back and find the exact box we bought before, identify the active chemicals, and find her another, with different chemicals, because she didn't have this reaction to the one we used last summer.



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Dogs have Owners, Cats have Staff.

Dogs are nice and all, and I do love all animals, but cats are the best. ^.^

Lol.... TRUE.

If scratching a dog very well resulted in 10 deep, painful puncture wounds, it would learn after the 3rd or 4th time that "OUCH" meant don't do that.
A cat learns the very first time. And then continues to not give a shit, forever.


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I'm an Alton Brown FanGirl myself. There's a show on Disney Jr that my son absolutely LOVES called "Miles from Tomorrowland" and Alton Brown is the Voice Actor for an alien chef named Lysander. The episode is on RIGHT NOW.

Also lending their vocal talents are Bill Nye (the Science Guy) as Professor Rubicon and even Olivia Munn (yumm!) as Phoebe Callisto.

Oh and Geroge Takei had a cameo as an alien named Spectrix.

Fuck. I didn't realise I knew so much about this fucking show!

Thanks, there's an ep on in about four hours... what the hell, I tagged it to remind me.

I'm a night owl so I frequently catch one or both of the ~midnight reruns of Good Eats, but I don't watch his current comp show(s).

And I haven't watched much animation at all in years but I'll see if this catches my interest for a few minutes, because... Olivia reasons. :p


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Lol.... TRUE.

If scratching a dog very well resulted in 10 deep, painful puncture wounds, it would learn after the 3rd or 4th time that "OUCH" meant don't do that.
A cat learns the very first time. And then continues to not give a shit, forever.

A couple trips to the ER/clinic when they got a good grip... and I still don't give a shit either.

I guess felines and I are made for each other. :p

Azriel Mysterious

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Oh, Snap, Yummm! INDEED! How did this beauty evade my knowledge so long? Thank you Azriel, and Google Images. I need to catch up on my X-Men I guess...
I first saw her when she was a host for "Attack of the Show" on G4.

I can't WAIT to see her as Psyloche!

Sure it is only her voice in Miles from Tomorrowland, but I like her voice too! ^.^


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I've always loved dogs; had a long-haired dachshund when I was a kid, and she was just great. But now that I can finally have a cat (THANK YOU, ZYRTEC!!!), I'm definitely turning into more of a cat person than dog person. Cats are so quiet, so clean, so independent and dignified (usually ;)). If she sees something outside she doesn't like, she does NOT deafen the entire household protesting it, she quietly MROWs and slinks on her belly to hide under the bed. :D If the doorbell rings, she does NOT deafen the entire household to inform us of what we already know - someone's at the door - she slinks on her belly to hide under the bed. You may see a trend here, of our cat's usual responses to the unfamiliar. :D

Poor thing, she seems to be allergic to her flea collar; her whole neck had gotten chafed and matted before we discovered it and took it off her. Now my husband is giving her neck gentle attention with a warm washcloth every night; hopefully it'll heal on its own, now that the collar's off. Gotta find some other way to keep the bloodsuckers off her.

Sargents kills pets dead.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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A couple trips to the ER/clinic when they got a good grip... and I still don't give a shit either.

I guess felines and I are made for each other. :p

Lol.... yeah, it doesn't stop me either. I always get a laugh when she digs in, at the look she gives me. It's like.. "You are SUCH a pussy".


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What did I miss? Tesiyis?

Yeah. If you haven't seen the threads, they don't tell the truth well, they don't backpedal well and they don't lie well. Some people started hammering them on the battery stats and bullshit amp/mah claims. I focused on the company side. Nothing was adding up.

Apparently we wore they guy down before I posted everything I had, because he edited out a bunch of his posts. Hopefully he won't be back.


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I first saw her when she was a host for "Attack of the Show" on G4.

I can't WAIT to see her as Psyloche!

Sure it is only her voice in Miles from Tomorrowland, but I like her voice too! ^.^

I'm an idiotically huge Sorkin fan, so she only hit my radar on The Newsroom, though I was aware of G4... just haven't watched those productions (CNet etc.) in years.

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