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Hank F. Spankman

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It is the new lawn darts of the 2000s.
Now that shit's funny as hell. I actually laughed out loud on that one. So fitting.

Took me a min to realize you were literally talking about the snowcap out your back door, prior to that was a conversation about turning gray. Thought for a min you were letting us know the backdoor was gray and was thinking tmi. Gotta let folks know when you're changing trains of thought haha.

I've been wondering the same thing about that pokemon crap. Far too many adult children participating in it, reminds of all the older women trying to get their groove on to 'what did the fox say'. I just wanna look them straight in the eye and be like hey, seriously, we need a heart to heart. Let it go. Then while reading through my fb feed today watched a girl in her late 20's (adult in my books), college educated, post about her 3yr old hiding in the cubbered. I shit you not. Makes me want to shoot those teachers who convinced kids to 'sound it out'. No, spell it right, hukt on fonix was a fayle. There just aren't palms big enough for the face palm required at times. When people begin spelling it 'cubbered' pokemon go makes completely perfect sense.


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Now that shit's funny as hell. I actually laughed out loud on that one. So fitting.

Took me a min to realize you were literally talking about the snowcap out your back door, prior to that was a conversation about turning gray. Thought for a min you were letting us know the backdoor was gray and was thinking tmi. Gotta let folks know when you're changing trains of thought haha.

I've been wondering the same thing about that pokemon crap. Far too many adult children participating in it, reminds of all the older women trying to get their groove on to 'what did the fox say'. I just wanna look them straight in the eye and be like hey, seriously, we need a heart to heart. Let it go. Then while reading through my fb feed today watched a girl in her late 20's (adult in my books), college educated, post about her 3yr old hiding in the cubbered. I shit you not. Makes me want to shoot those teachers who convinced kids to 'sound it out'. No, spell it right, hukt on fonix was a fayle. There just aren't palms big enough for the face palm required at times. When people begin spelling it 'cubbered' pokemon go makes completely perfect sense.
Target rich settings, mobile atms, moronic horde.

Considering crop dusting a few groups or just picking up a couple bottles of liquid ass and having someone film the interactions.


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Some silly movie I caught part of years ago... A newspaper held a sort of contest. (for the younger generation that's confused by that - a newspaper is a thick (used to be) periodical of sorts, with lots of writing in it, that keeps you up to date on local and national happenings, sometimes even world wide events) Anyway... photos were posted in the paper. They were titled "Look Up". People had to find the locations of the photos, but many struggled to find them. One person simply looked up and found them.

Fuck this Pokemon thing. Look up people. You might even find something worthy looking at.


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So I get that it might be better to be outside while playing with your phone, versus being shut in your house while playing with your phone.

Still, I don't think it's too much to ask... that a thing I'm looking for actually be where I'm looking for it.

You know, like that technology-driven hide-and-go seek shit that already exists. Geocaching.


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Rip to those cops that died, and fuck black lives matter... They should change that to all lives matter...
Black lives matters is RACIST!!!
And is fueled by Donald trump!!!



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Now that shit's funny as hell. I actually laughed out loud on that one. So fitting.

Took me a min to realize you were literally talking about the snowcap out your back door, prior to that was a conversation about turning gray. Thought for a min you were letting us know the backdoor was gray and was thinking tmi. Gotta let folks know when you're changing trains of thought haha.

I've been wondering the same thing about that pokemon crap. Far too many adult children participating in it, reminds of all the older women trying to get their groove on to 'what did the fox say'. I just wanna look them straight in the eye and be like hey, seriously, we need a heart to heart. Let it go. Then while reading through my fb feed today watched a girl in her late 20's (adult in my books), college educated, post about her 3yr old hiding in the cubbered. I shit you not. Makes me want to shoot those teachers who convinced kids to 'sound it out'. No, spell it right, hukt on fonix was a fayle. There just aren't palms big enough for the face palm required at times. When people begin spelling it 'cubbered' pokemon go makes completely perfect sense.

I'm always pleased to learn that I'm not the only one who considers adults who can't spell to be complete retards. It's NOT THAT HARD! :facepalm:

And discrete and discreet are two entirely different words with entirely different meanings; when you're about to use one of them, LOOK IT UP FOR GOD'S SAKE!



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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My husband asked me how to spell things so often I finally bought him a dictionary.

My husband's pretty sharp, but spelling isn't his strong suit; he's a coin collector, yet still manages to spell "nickel" "nickle". :facepalm:



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Now that shit's funny as hell. I actually laughed out loud on that one. So fitting.

Took me a min to realize you were literally talking about the snowcap out your back door, prior to that was a conversation about turning gray. Thought for a min you were letting us know the backdoor was gray and was thinking tmi. Gotta let folks know when you're changing trains of thought haha.

I've been wondering the same thing about that pokemon crap. Far too many adult children participating in it, reminds of all the older women trying to get their groove on to 'what did the fox say'. I just wanna look them straight in the eye and be like hey, seriously, we need a heart to heart. Let it go. Then while reading through my fb feed today watched a girl in her late 20's (adult in my books), college educated, post about her 3yr old hiding in the cubbered. I shit you not. Makes me want to shoot those teachers who convinced kids to 'sound it out'. No, spell it right, hukt on fonix was a fayle. There just aren't palms big enough for the face palm required at times. When people begin spelling it 'cubbered' pokemon go makes completely perfect sense.


Funny you mention the grammar thing. I am not the best grammar student in the world. My strong points in studies were always math and science. English was my weakest link. But you know something, it was always drilled in my head that if you spelled like a dumbass, people would think you were a dumbass.

Even in a world where everything has a "spell check", it seems no one can spell anymore. I notice this especially in articles and news. Apparently "journalists" and "editors" no longer have ANY pride in looking like they have a basic education.

If she couldn't spell cupboard, maybe she should have tried cabinet. Which in reality, would have been the right word.


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Rip to those cops that died, and fuck black lives matter... They should change that to all lives matter...
Black lives matters is RACIST!!!
And is fueled by Donald trump!!!


Seems like I said that not long ago, minus the Trump reference...


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They all fuel that shit,,
Trumps fuels racism loudly than than the others...


Then you must be deaf. Ever hear of Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, or the myriad of democrats that stump that racist shit every day?

Trump is only stumping it for votes. How many people in the upper crust of his company are people of color, openly gay, or transgender? Ask yourself that.


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Then you must be deaf. Ever hear of Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, or the myriad of democrats that stump that racist shit every day?

Trump is only stumping it for votes. How many people in the upper crust of his company are people of color, openly gay, or transgender? Ask yourself that.
Didn't i just say they all do!?
Trump is worst
Hilary is up to no good
They all suck
And there's nothing we can do...
So help us God!



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And that JACKSON guy looks like my fucking neighbor but he's INDIAN....
Alcoholic SOB, drinks everyday RUM N COKE, LOUD n shit when he's DRUNK..



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Shit. That a electric line?
At first, I wasn't sure. Was taking the dog out to do her bidness this morning, went right back into the house, made a call, LOL. Coincidentally, power company crews are in the neighborhood cutting back trees from the power lines, so I talked to them about it when I took the pup for a bidness walk. They told me it's actually the cable line. Never lost cable or internet over this, but sure as shit lose internet on bright sunny days.

They're still in the back yard working on the tree, cutting more branches out of it. It's big ass tree. Dude that came to my door to inform me of all they need to do sure was a hottie! :inlove:


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Didn't i just say they all do!?
Trump is worst
Hilary is up to no good
They all suck
And there's nothing we can do...
So help us God!

Please expand on how you think Trump is worse then say Jackson or Sharpton who are much more vocal, and have been doing the race baiting for DECADES.

Or is the truth, that Trump is white, and race baiting (for votes). Which makes him the latest in a LONG line of race baiters.


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Please expand on how you think Trump is worse then say Jackson or Sharpton who are much more vocal, and have been doing the race baiting for DECADES.

Or is the truth, that Trump is white, and race baiting (for votes). Which makes him the latest in a LONG line of race baiters.
Expand why trump is the worst?! I won't do that
Just like VAPING it's
SUBJECTIVE... But I agree with the second paragraph..



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Expand why trump is the worst?! I won't do that
Just like VAPING it's
SUBJECTIVE... But I agree with the second paragraph..

Fair enough.

I suspected the whole problem was because Trump is white.

This is the reason why racism is alive and well. People make the assumption that if someone is white, they know nothing about the issues people that are NOT white face. Like the problems people face only happen to people of certain colors. That just isn't true.

Let's just be honest. No one REALLY want's racism to go away, on either side of the issue. If it weren't for color to blame for problems, then how could we point a finger and paint with a broad brush? We can't have people facing personal responsibility in this society!


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I guess I don't get why trump must be racist. Simply because he doesn't have certain positions filled by reverse discriminatory mandates? I don't believe in racism or what have you, denying people jobs because of their race, color, sexual preference but to suggest people should be shoved in those positions just because they're a particular race/gender is equally as ignorant. They call that pandering. If people think it's fair to pick on trump's organization and say well how many transgenders does he have working at upper management, then let's be fair. What large corporation does? Betting all I hear are crickets because simple minded trump bashers never thought that far that there's no real argument to be had.

Have a look at Microsoft's senior staff, out of 14 vp's there are only 3 women, the other are men. Not being racist but looking at names and appearance I'd say one is middle eastern of some variation, one frenchman, 2 asian men. The 3 women are white and the rest are white men. Doubt any of them are tg, so does that make Microsoft racist, bigoted etc? No.

GM's senior staff, 24 executives. Only 5 are women (including the ceo), 2 are black, 1 appears middle eastern and one asian. Doubt any are transgendered. The rest? White men. Does that make GM racist or bigoted? No.

The point being that the arguments made against Trump's business are unfounded and baseless. The same could be said for any multinational corporation. I don't see where being against illegal immigrants makes him racist, the problem is right in the title - illegal. Obviously he's not against immigrants, his wife is one. Pence is born from immigrants. He has immigrants speaking on his behalf, the difference is they're all legal immigrants. They went through the process and they're not burning the american flag while waving the flag of their homeland saying america sucks. If america sucks so bad and you love another country so much, fuckin go home. Simple as that.

I guess all the liberals in hollywood are racist too, the ones crying out if Trump wins the white house they'll move to Canada. Notice none said they're moving to Mexico, gee wonder why. Just a thought lol. I think those spouting 'facts' about Trump haven't actually listened to him but that's just my opinion. He's not the one out there talking about having hot sauce in his purse, talk about racist. That's like saying boy I love me some chicken and watermelon, vote for me black america. Pfft, that's just rude as hell. One step shy of showing up in blackface if you ask me.

Gallup poles last year put the gay population of the u.s. somewhere below 5%. Even being generous and accounting for inaccuracy let's assume 10% of the population. Why should such a minority of the population hold equal share of upper ranking jobs unless it's to pander and adhere to reverse discrimination? Mathematically it doesn't make sense and would account for why not many lgbt members comprise upper management of most large corporations.


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Oh hey!! You use Crispy Caps, I'll ask you. Did you have trouble getting the cap on your tanks? I finally found a DT to fit my fave, but very awkward tank, but it won't fit on all the way - even juiced.

View attachment 56805
It's a REALLY snug fit in my herakles tanks. I haven't had one not fit in something unfortunately so don't know how you can get it on. It did take a lot of work to get mine in the first few times


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It's a REALLY snug fit in my herakles tanks. I haven't had one not fit in something unfortunately so don't know how you can get it on. It did take a lot of work to get mine in the first few times
God I hate vape speak... so dirty :banana:

I sent a pic and email to the guy, asking, because I don't wanna fuck everything up. They seem super cool, spent a while emailing with them a couple days ago. If he has no alternatives, I'll have to sand it down some. This is crazy snug. Was just super happy to find one for this tank that didn't cost a mint!


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God I hate vape speak... so dirty :banana:

I sent a pic and email to the guy, asking, because I don't wanna fuck everything up. They seem super cool, spent a while emailing with them a couple days ago. If he has no alternatives, I'll have to sand it down some. This is crazy snug. Was just super happy to find one for this tank that didn't cost a mint!
I've had good customer service there so far, but haven't really had any problems in general to need it. Hope it works for you! I love mine. Tony tried it on my herakles and said with that combination he could easily lay down the drippers


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Fair enough.

I suspected the whole problem was because Trump is white.

This is the reason why racism is alive and well. People make the assumption that if someone is white, they know nothing about the issues people that are NOT white face. Like the problems people face only happen to people of certain colors. That just isn't true.

Let's just be honest. No one REALLY want's racism to go away, on either side of the issue. If it weren't for color to blame for problems, then how could we point a finger and paint with a broad brush? We can't have people facing personal responsibility in this society!
Unfortunately this country has a long never ending history of RACISM... I agree with you
If you white you will never understand attitude!! That's why shit won't go away.....
Atleast Americans call the BLACKS

I'm not making this up!!


Hank F. Spankman

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Unfortunately this country has a long never ending history of RACISM... I agree with you
If you white you will never understand attitude!! That's why shit won't go away.....
Atleast Americans call the BLACKS

I'm not making this up!!

Fuck you motherfucker, I call you ej! lol


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Unfortunately this country has a long never ending history of RACISM... I agree with you
If you white you will never understand attitude!! That's why shit won't go away.....
Atleast Americans call the BLACKS

I'm not making this up!!

You so sure about that?


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I guess I call black people black because not all black people are from Africa. I'm white and my ancestry is german and sicilian but I'm not from either of those countries, I'm from America. Not derogatory or meant that way anymore than I find it derogatory to be white. It was much simpler in the military, we were all 'green' lol.

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Unfortunately this country has a long never ending history of RACISM... I agree with you
If you white you will never understand attitude!! That's why shit won't go away.....
Atleast Americans call the BLACKS

I'm not making this up!!


I call people by there name or the descriptive reference they tend to prefer in society. There was a point in history that "negro" was the preferred vernacular here also.

The problem is not necessarily just one group people or person.

We have a 78% population of African Americans here. It has been that way since I was a youngin.
In the big scheme of things we aren't that far past the civil war in chronological terms.

However after 4 -5 post slavery generations and the civil rights movement, Our generation here, was at the place where Martin Luther Kings dream was near realization. We (the under 40 crowd) did not judge anyone based on anything other than their actions and their character.

Having lived through experiences which meant we all worked together and helped each other despite age, color or Creed, I'm at a loss in what the fuck is going on.
Some of those cops that got shot were the same one's rescuing people after Katrina.
If there is a racial fight going on and we have degraded back to pre -1960s issues the blame is not just to one person or one group.
Everyone that is fanning the flames is to blame.

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Teresa P

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I guess I don't get why trump must be racist. Simply because he doesn't have certain positions filled by reverse discriminatory mandates? I don't believe in racism or what have you, denying people jobs because of their race, color, sexual preference but to suggest people should be shoved in those positions just because they're a particular race/gender is equally as ignorant. They call that pandering. If people think it's fair to pick on trump's organization and say well how many transgenders does he have working at upper management, then let's be fair. What large corporation does? Betting all I hear are crickets because simple minded trump bashers never thought that far that there's no real argument to be had.

Have a look at Microsoft's senior staff, out of 14 vp's there are only 3 women, the other are men. Not being racist but looking at names and appearance I'd say one is middle eastern of some variation, one frenchman, 2 asian men. The 3 women are white and the rest are white men. Doubt any of them are tg, so does that make Microsoft racist, bigoted etc? No.

GM's senior staff, 24 executives. Only 5 are women (including the ceo), 2 are black, 1 appears middle eastern and one asian. Doubt any are transgendered. The rest? White men. Does that make GM racist or bigoted? No.

The point being that the arguments made against Trump's business are unfounded and baseless. The same could be said for any multinational corporation. I don't see where being against illegal immigrants makes him racist, the problem is right in the title - illegal. Obviously he's not against immigrants, his wife is one. Pence is born from immigrants. He has immigrants speaking on his behalf, the difference is they're all legal immigrants. They went through the process and they're not burning the american flag while waving the flag of their homeland saying america sucks. If america sucks so bad and you love another country so much, fuckin go home. Simple as that.

I guess all the liberals in hollywood are racist too, the ones crying out if Trump wins the white house they'll move to Canada. Notice none said they're moving to Mexico, gee wonder why. Just a thought lol. I think those spouting 'facts' about Trump haven't actually listened to him but that's just my opinion. He's not the one out there talking about having hot sauce in his purse, talk about racist. That's like saying boy I love me some chicken and watermelon, vote for me black america. Pfft, that's just rude as hell. One step shy of showing up in blackface if you ask me.

Gallup poles last year put the gay population of the u.s. somewhere below 5%. Even being generous and accounting for inaccuracy let's assume 10% of the population. Why should such a minority of the population hold equal share of upper ranking jobs unless it's to pander and adhere to reverse discrimination? Mathematically it doesn't make sense and would account for why not many lgbt members comprise upper management of most large corporations.
Remember the good ol' days when people were hired for no other reason than the fact that they were qualified for the job?


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ECF Refugee
I call people by there name or the descriptive reference they tend to prefer in society. There was a point in history that "negro" was the preferred vernacular here also.

The problem is not necessarily just one group people or person.

We have a 78% population of African Americans here. It has been that way since I was a youngin.
In the big scheme of things we aren't that far past the civil war in chronological terms.

However after 4 -5 post slavery generations and the civil rights movement, Our generation here, was at the place where Martin Luther Kings dream was near realization. We (the under 40 crowd) did. Ot just anyone based on anything other than there actions and there character.

Having lived through experiences where we all worked together and helped each other despite age, color or Creed, I'm a loss in what the fuck is going on.
Some of those cops that got shot were the same rescuing people after Katrina.
If there is a racial fight going on and we have degraded back to pre -1960s issues the blame is not just to one person or one group.
Everyone that is fanning the flames is to blame.

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We degraded them or have they done that themselves?
Thug life begets thug shit.


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Remember the good ol' days when people were hired for no other reason than the fact that they were qualified for the job?
Oh sure I have NEVER seen that in my 41 years. I know I have gotten passed over for AA unqualified hires.

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