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Ugh some people's I just can't believe how they do business (you see iam looking for a mod you have for sale you message me asking in I want to buy it I say DEFINITELY... Iam picking up my kids I asked can send payment once I get home , agreed... only to tell me you sold it to someone else when I go to message you for your PayPal info...... Vent over

⭐I am just gonna leave this here ⭐

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We done putting cops on a pedestal now?
"Oh my, what a dangerous job they have. How underpaid they are. blah, blah blah."

I don't hear anyone piping up about the guy pulling guts out of chickens so you can eat your chicken dinner, or anything about the guy who works in the sewer plant so when you shit, your toilet flushes.

It's a JOB. They chose the job. You aren't special because you work.

Far too many "occasional bad apples" and their brothers are doing nothing to get them out, nor is the legal system doing anything to hold them to the standard of the law.

So while I don't support these murders being committed, I also understand the frustration people have BECAUSE of the actions taken over the recent years against the citizens.
There are times the bully gets his ass handed to him.



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Then I see this.

Well that's interesting. Last night's moon looked a little extra dramatic last night. With points, like an animated star. So I ran out to take a pic. Turned out it was an optical illusion because of the screen on the window.

Moon Star Thru Screen 19 July 16 Corrected.jpg

As you all can see, Huck wins in the quality-of-pic department. I'm blaming the screen. And my lack of caring enough at the time.


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Well that's interesting. Last night's moon looked a little extra dramatic last night. With points, like an animated star. So I ran out to take a pic. Turned out it was an optical illusion because of the screen on the window.

View attachment 56983

As you all can see, Huck wins in the quality-of-pic department. I'm blaming the screen. And my lack of caring enough at the time.
It was as bright as the sun, huh? I'd seen a story about it. Called it a Buck's Moon. Something about growing antlers. I don't care what it's called it was really beautiful.


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My thoughts exactly, like I said you hate them now but when you need them you love them.

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I've never called the cops or had them called on me. From what I've seen, calling the cops or having them called on you doesn't always end so well. I generally try and avoid armed people I don't know and if I ever need the help of an armed person, I can take care of myself or call any of my neighbors.

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this is the logic that really baffles me

if someone has the following line of thought:

"all cops are armed to the teeth assholes, looking to kick someone's ass or kill someone"

then a cop approaches them and they have three choices

-a) be an asshole and mouth off or try and get violent hence causing an already tense situation to become more tense especially with an incident a day someplace in the US of an officer being shot or assaulted in cold blood.
- b) do what said "asshole cop" tells them and be a grown up
-c) run and look guilty hence causing an already tense situation to become more tense especially with an incident a day someplace in the US of an officer being shot or assaulted in cold blood.

my logic would dictate option b; however I am seeing more often people going with a or c .. and in some cases for the sole purpose of fanning flames and promoting the narrative.

another one today, an officer in Columbus OH was given a sandwich with glass purposely put inside

and another shot in Kansas

if it were me, all this crap would certainly have me more on edge as I kiss my wife and kids goodbye for the day and head of to work.
Last edited:


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this is the logic that really baffles me

if someone has the following line of thought:

"all cops are armed to the teeth assholes, looking to kick someone's ass or kill someone"

then a cop approaches them and they have three choices

-a) be an asshole and mouth off or try and get violent hence causing an already tense situation to become more tense especially with an incident a day someplace in the US of an officer being shot or assaulted in cold blood.
- b) do what said "asshole cop" tells them and be a grown up
-c) run and look guilty hence causing an already tense situation to become more tense especially with an incident a day someplace in the US of an officer being shot or assaulted in cold blood.

my logic would dictate option b; however I am seeing more often people going with a or c .. and in some cases for the sole purpose of fanning flames and promoting the narrative.

another one today, an officer in Columbus OH was given a sandwich with glass purposely put inside

if it were me, all this crap would certainly have me more on edge as I kiss my wife and kids goodbye for the day and head of to work.

That's not my logic at all. I just choose to not involve third parties in my problems and try to never do anything that would warrant a third party being introduced. Even if the cops were unarmed I still would want nothing to do with them. That also goes for cps, IRS, FBI, or any other alphabet types.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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this is the logic that really baffles me

if someone has the following line of thought:

"all cops are armed to the teeth assholes, looking to kick someone's ass or kill someone"

then a cop approaches them and they have three choices

-a) be an asshole and mouth off or try and get violent hence causing an already tense situation to become more tense especially with an incident a day someplace in the US of an officer being shot or assaulted in cold blood.
- b) do what said "asshole cop" tells them and be a grown up
-c) run and look guilty hence causing an already tense situation to become more tense especially with an incident a day someplace in the US of an officer being shot or assaulted in cold blood.

my logic would dictate option b; however I am seeing more often people going with a or c .. and in some cases for the sole purpose of fanning flames and promoting the narrative.

another one today, an officer in Columbus OH was given a sandwich with glass purposely put inside

and another shot in Kansas

if it were me, all this crap would certainly have me more on edge as I kiss my wife and kids goodbye for the day and head of to work.

I'd definitely go with B. I may dislike cops, but I respect their authority, and I dislike jail. Simple really.



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I got a job offer its 40k more annually
Wifey said no!!!
I'm confused!!!



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I got a job offer its 40k more annually
Wifey said no!!!
I'm confused!!!


Is the job managing a strip club? That's probably the only reason my wife would veto an offer like that.

Edit to add - If a certain ex worked at the place making an offer, she'd definitely veto that.


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Is the job managing a strip club? That's probably the only reason my wife would veto an offer like that.

Edit to add - If a certain ex worked at the place making an offer, she'd definitely veto that.
Union work AFSCME3299



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Would you have to move?

Why is the wifey saying know? I can talk to my wife into practically anything. If I had $40k backing my argument I could get her to move to the moon.


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Would you have to move?

Why is the wifey saying know? I can talk to my wife into practically anything. If I had $40k backing my argument I could get her to move to the moon.
She thinks what I'm about to do is anti government lol.....



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She putting you ahead of money
- keep her
She didn't like me working for the union 3 years ago, she didn't like the idea of STRIKES,CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, CANDLE LIGHT VIGIL , HOUSE VISITS, MARCH TO THE BOSS and many more shit that we do... Especially with what's going on out there... But i really believe ORGANIZING is my calling, I'm good at it, I like educating folks, I like enforcing contract, i like talking to folks and hear their stories, I like that shit..
I like what I do right now, but I feel like I can do more to help... Plus



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Even more hate for Time Warner Cable:

Couldn't log in. Which I needed to do, to find my invoice, since the paper bill never showed up.

Corporate customer service stumped, tech stumped. 46 minutes on the phone to fix it.

Summary: Even trying to pay that company is close to impossible.

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She didn't like me working for the union 3 years ago, she didn't like the idea of STRIKES,CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, CANDLE LIGHT VIGIL , HOUSE VISITS, MARCH TO THE BOSS and many more shit that we do... Especially with what's going on out there... But i really believe ORGANIZING is my calling, I'm good at it, I like educating folks, I like enforcing contract, i like talking to folks and hear their stories, I like that shit..
I like what I do right now, but I feel like I can do more to help... Plus


Ive never been accused of being a genius; but, I have learned that keeping the wife happy means a happy life.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Even more hate for Time Warner Cable:

Couldn't log in. Which I needed to do, to find my invoice, since the paper bill never showed up.

Corporate customer service stumped, tech stumped. 46 minutes on the phone to fix it.

Summary: Even trying to pay that company is close to impossible.

I'm not sure if that's better or worse than Comcast/Xfinity. Everything I get from them may go absolutely to shit... but they make sure that paying them is easy! :D



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Even more hate for Time Warner Cable:

Couldn't log in. Which I needed to do, to find my invoice, since the paper bill never showed up.

Corporate customer service stumped, tech stumped. 46 minutes on the phone to fix it.

Summary: Even trying to pay that company is close to impossible.
Sharing a similar annoyance with TWC myself today. I moved apartments almost 2 weeks ago, mind you same building, just moved from the 2nd Floor, to the 1st Floor. Call up TWC, spend 45 minutes on the phone setting up getting the service transferred. Guy says alright it will go through tomorrow morning(mind you I called them this first time on 7/11). So 7/12 rolls around, internet still not working downstairs, service still not transferred. Let a couple days go by, still nothing, called again last Thursday, only to find out they never moved the service, only changed my address on the account for Mailing the bills. Said they did the transfer again and it would be active Friday Morning. Still nothing as of then. Here we are now going on almost 2 weeks, 4 phone calls, and still my service is not active downstairs, but yet still works perfectly fine in our old apartment.

So basically getting anything accomplished with TWC is impossible these days.


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this is the logic that really baffles me

if someone has the following line of thought:

"all cops are armed to the teeth assholes, looking to kick someone's ass or kill someone"

then a cop approaches them and they have three choices

-a) be an asshole and mouth off or try and get violent hence causing an already tense situation to become more tense especially with an incident a day someplace in the US of an officer being shot or assaulted in cold blood.
- b) do what said "asshole cop" tells them and be a grown up
-c) run and look guilty hence causing an already tense situation to become more tense especially with an incident a day someplace in the US of an officer being shot or assaulted in cold blood.

my logic would dictate option b; however I am seeing more often people going with a or c .. and in some cases for the sole purpose of fanning flames and promoting the narrative.

another one today, an officer in Columbus OH was given a sandwich with glass purposely put inside

and another shot in Kansas

if it were me, all this crap would certainly have me more on edge as I kiss my wife and kids goodbye for the day and head of to work.
The glass was an accident. According to the article. ;)


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Everyone's opinion will depend on where they come from. Their experience. The media does hype a lot of shit I know personally to be false. Things like cops out there to protect us, the meme's everyone likes to post about yea but who are you going to call when shit goes down. Been there, done that.

I had bullets ricocheting off my house. So I call 911, report it - yada yada, we'll send someone out. 30min goes by, 45min goes by, an hour goes by. Close to 2hrs go by, no cops. So I call back and dispatch says in a non interested and disgusted voice, 'oh, did you want us to send someone out tonight?' No you dumb mf'er how about next month at their convenience. You know, if it's ok with you. Guess who owns a gun and relies on themselves?

I've called cops and reported smelling chemicals burning (there are m*th labs nearby). Repeatedly reporting when I smell them cooking. The cops response? "Go down and see if you can buy some m*th. If they sell to you call us back so we can bust them". Did an leo seriously just advise me to go buy narcotics like I'm his unpaid informant?! What's to keep me from getting busted for buying or possession - that is if I don't end up shot.

Walking around outside a few cops pull up to the neighbors house to serve a warrant. Cop tells me 'we're gonna flush him out, here you stand by the back door and try to hold him if he tries to escape'. I'm not wearing a uniform, holding a gun or even wearing long pants. How did I get deputized and aren't they supposed to be saving the public instead of putting us in harm's way?

The chief of Dallas tried to call people out saying if they weren't happy simply go down and sign up to be a cop, be a part of the solution. Makes sense, but why then did he leave out all the details that they needed to be between 21-45yrs of age with between 45-60hrs of college, eyesight no worse than 20/100 in either eye correctable by lenses, able to pass the physical, no felonies, no class a misdemeanors, no class b misdemeanors in the past 10yrs, no traffic violations in the past 3yrs etc etc? It's all right there on dallas' pd's website but the chief left that tidbit out. It's not as easy as applying for mcdonald's. To be fair, if cops are that scared it's a job of choice. Just like if people don't like it, become a cop - if cops don't like it, go flip burgers. It goes both ways.

I can attest to how difficult it is to become a cop, rather than speculate I've been through the process personally. I was 22 at the time, thankfully in my state they don't require college but it's still preferred especially to have a criminal justice class among them. It was for a position with the state hwy patrol. I lost the job I had at the time because the hiring process meant multiple days away from work over the course of about 3mo. Was given a psych test, a polygraph, a background check that involved speaking with teacher from 2nd and 4th grade from like 5-6 states away, my family. An oral exam in front of several senior troopers at the state hq. Even though I passed all the requirements there were only around 5 positions available which due to budget constraints were dropped to 3 positions and I lost out to a couple of ex cops with prior leo experience. During the vetting process I was judged by the trooper assigned to me because I lived with a girl at the time and wasn't married to her. It 'projected an immoral image' that they 'frowned upon'.

Do I hate cops? Not at all. But I don't think they're automatically in need of ass kissing either. If that's why they signed up for the job they're in the wrong line of work in my opinion. Same for being a soldier. I'm not so ignorant to think that all cops are bad, most are decent people. Many that speak about it though make some sort of media born biased claims that are easy to parrot if they've never done it. Telling someone to 'just go become a cop then' is about as intelligent as telling someone 'oh just go down and sign up to be a pilot then'. Like that's all there is to it which is a load of horseshit. Not taking into account the reality that even IF people wanted to join the force there's much more real world involved there and the vast majority wouldn't be eligible.

A lot of the meme's are cute and all but hold about as much credibility or fact as unicorns caught humping bigfoot. It is what it is.


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Stories like the one out of Florida aren't helping the overall narrative when it comes to cops. Without trying to muddy it with racial b.s., in general the cops got a report of someone with a gun and they showed up a bit too twitchy with the trigger. Shot an unarmed care giver who was laying on his back with his hands up, unarmed. His autistic patient playing with a toy truck, not a gun. If cops lack the patience to identify toys from weapons, maybe they keep off their own triggers for just a minute.

To their defense a lot of cops have been getting ambushed lately. However basically capping an unarmed nurse's ass while they're on the ground and hands up while trying to subdue their autistic patient isn't going to help the overall cause. Even worse the man they shot happened to be black. The official report is the dept is trying to figure out what happened. "screwed the pooch" comes to mind.


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Stories like the one out of Florida aren't helping the overall narrative when it comes to cops. Without trying to muddy it with racial b.s., in general the cops got a report of someone with a gun and they showed up a bit too twitchy with the trigger. Shot an unarmed care giver who was laying on his back with his hands up, unarmed. His autistic patient playing with a toy truck, not a gun. If cops lack the patience to identify toys from weapons, maybe they keep off their own triggers for just a minute.

To their defense a lot of cops have been getting ambushed lately. However basically capping an unarmed nurse's ass while they're on the ground and hands up while trying to subdue their autistic patient isn't going to help the overall cause. Even worse the man they shot happened to be black. The official report is the dept is trying to figure out what happened. "screwed the pooch" comes to mind.

I think this is a case of poor training. I'm willing to bet he had his finger where it shouldn't have been.

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assuming the coverage is correct that cop needs charged with attempted murder..


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assuming the coverage is correct that cop needs charged with attempted murder..

Agreed but not if it was a negligent discharge.
I have not heard all the coverage but from what I saw, the victim said when he asked the cop why he shot him, the cop replied "I don't know". Either way, the cop may loose his job and the victim will get a token settlement paid by the tax payers. And tomorrow it will happen again.


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I think it's far more likely that any inquiry will turn up that the cop did nothing wrong, whitewash whitewash whitewash... and tomorrow it will happen again. They stick together like thieves, and the law is on their side, not the public's.


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Agreed but not if it was a negligent discharge.
I have not heard all the coverage but from what I saw, the victim said when he asked the cop why he shot him, the cop replied "I don't know". Either way, the cop may loose his job and the victim will get a token settlement paid by the tax payers. And tomorrow it will happen again.
I'm not judging anything until the facts are completely known, but as a cc holder- index your weapon


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I'm not judging either, I don't think of it in terms of a drastic case of a cop pulling up simply to shoot someone based on race. Far as I can tell it was reckless use of a firearm. Whether an oopsie daisy or whatever, doing so with a weapon is a bad thing. That's why they're supposed to go through training, accuracy, discipline etc. When it involves the potential to seriously injure someone or take their life especially.

Accidentally adding 2 tbsp of salt instead of sugar to a recipe is one thing, firing on someone is another.

On another note the news always manages to give me a chuckle. Breaking news from the protests outside of the RNC. We had someone try to light the american flag on fire and instead lit themselves on fire. A few cops have itchy spots from some stickers people stuck on them. Oh and there was coverage of the cops playing games of ping pong with some of the protesters. lmao. Take that Turkey, that's how to have a coup :p


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I'm not judging anything until the facts are completely known, but as a cc holder- index your weapon

People who go out of their way to obtain a CCP are more than likely going to train more. A lot of cops don't like guns and only shoot to qualify once or twice a year.


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If they're that under qualified they shouldn't be carrying one. It's part of the job. Firemen don't train with hoses only twice a year with a fear of fire extinguishers. I'd like to think (would hope) they have more training than that.


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I guess I don't get what people's problem is with him. They just butthurt because he's a rich white guy or..? lmao. He says he wants to make our trade deals better, something he actually has experience in. Wants to bring jobs back to the country to improve the labor force. Uphold the constitution. Keep isis radicals out of our country. Make sure our immigration laws are enforced (keep in mind these aren't some fairytale only he conjured up, they're real life american laws). Wants to get rid of a failed unconstitutional medical plan that never worked and cost us more. Choice of schools to all people (so that must make him a bigot).

So let's assume trump is a 'clown' and oh he's orange derp derp. I don't see anyone else sacking up to fix the mess the derpocrats left us in. If you're against trump, you think our country should continue to get raped on crappy trade deals, run around policing the rest of the world on your tax payer dollars, continue to have the freedoms of our country taken away just like the johnson reform did, you want to open the flood gates and let terrorists move in next door to you and continue to let our vets suffer while you yourselves are assraped with unconstitutional medical plans. And trump's the asshole? ha.. hahahaa.. allllriiiighty then.

Maybe if twumpy yews twoo much foo yoo thewe's a swafe space marked 'snowfwakes' ;)


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I believe the cops should shoot more unarmed people.

Shoot 'em a smile, that is.


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