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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I guess I don't get what people's problem is with him. They just butthurt because he's a rich white guy or..? lmao. He says he wants to make our trade deals better, something he actually has experience in. Wants to bring jobs back to the country to improve the labor force. Uphold the constitution. Keep isis radicals out of our country. Make sure our immigration laws are enforced (keep in mind these aren't some fairytale only he conjured up, they're real life american laws). Wants to get rid of a failed unconstitutional medical plan that never worked and cost us more. Choice of schools to all people (so that must make him a bigot).

So let's assume trump is a 'clown' and oh he's orange derp derp. I don't see anyone else sacking up to fix the mess the derpocrats left us in. If you're against trump, you think our country should continue to get raped on crappy trade deals, run around policing the rest of the world on your tax payer dollars, continue to have the freedoms of our country taken away just like the johnson reform did, you want to open the flood gates and let terrorists move in next door to you and continue to let our vets suffer while you yourselves are assraped with unconstitutional medical plans. And trump's the asshole? ha.. hahahaa.. allllriiiighty then.

Maybe if twumpy yews twoo much foo yoo thewe's a swafe space marked 'snowfwakes' ;)

No, I'm not voting for either the R's or the D's. I'll be voting for Gary Johnson.



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I guess I don't get what people's problem is with him. They just butthurt because he's a rich white guy or..? lmao. He says he wants to make our trade deals better, something he actually has experience in. Wants to bring jobs back to the country to improve the labor force. Uphold the constitution. Keep isis radicals out of our country. Make sure our immigration laws are enforced (keep in mind these aren't some fairytale only he conjured up, they're real life american laws). Wants to get rid of a failed unconstitutional medical plan that never worked and cost us more. Choice of schools to all people (so that must make him a bigot).

So let's assume trump is a 'clown' and oh he's orange derp derp. I don't see anyone else sacking up to fix the mess the derpocrats left us in. If you're against trump, you think our country should continue to get raped on crappy trade deals, run around policing the rest of the world on your tax payer dollars, continue to have the freedoms of our country taken away just like the johnson reform did, you want to open the flood gates and let terrorists move in next door to you and continue to let our vets suffer while you yourselves are assraped with unconstitutional medical plans. And trump's the asshole? ha.. hahahaa.. allllriiiighty then.

Maybe if twumpy yews twoo much foo yoo thewe's a swafe space marked 'snowfwakes' ;)

I loath Clinton.
I absolutely do not trust Trump.
1 Trump has been an outspoken supporter of liberism and liberal politicians, including Hillary.
2 His running mate is NO conservative. Yeah, Pence is the token "conservative" when the truth is, he is a RINO. Who do you think killed vaping in Indiana and locked out the free market of juice making?
3 Trump has already said he is literally saying anything he has to, to get elected. He doesn't mean half of what he says. He is treating this election like it is some episode of reality TV.

So would he actually make good on any of this shit he is saying? Who knows. One thing is for sure, Trump does not have the power to make these laws, and fund his policies on his own. It will take congress to be in line with him. A fact everyone seems to miss. If congress tells him to fuck off, he has no traction.

We actually have two VERY bad choices to choose from.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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We actually have two VERY bad choices to choose from.

And then there's Gary Johnson. I have no idea what he'll do if he gets elected, but he has the HUGE benefit of being neither Hilary nor Trump. That gets him my vote, because I WILL NOT vote for either of the other two.



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And then there's Gary Johnson. I have no idea what he'll do if he gets elected, but he has the HUGE benefit of being neither Hilary nor Trump. That gets him my vote, because I WILL NOT vote for either of the other two.

Just curious how a third party candidate can win in the U.S.?

I really think it's time for a change like a revolution of sorts.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Just curious how a third party candidate can win in the U.S.?

I really think it's time for a change like a revolution of sorts.


I don't know... and I've heard that crap about how voting for a 3rd party candidate is just throwing your vote away, but the fact is, if my only choice was between Hilary and Trump, I wouldn't vote AT ALL, because I REFUSE to vote for either of them. Since I do want to vote on all the other junk that'll be on the ballot, I'm forced to vote for the 3rd party guy; electronic voting won't let you skip.



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And then there's Gary Johnson. I have no idea what he'll do if he gets elected, but he has the HUGE benefit of being neither Hilary nor Trump. That gets him my vote, because I WILL NOT vote for either of the other two.

No borders, more free shit... hillary lite.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I loath Clinton.
I absolutely do not trust Trump.
1 Trump has been an outspoken supporter of liberism and liberal politicians, including Hillary.
2 His running mate is NO conservative. Yeah, Pence is the token "conservative" when the truth is, he is a RINO. Who do you think killed vaping in Indiana and locked out the free market of juice making?
3 Trump has already said he is literally saying anything he has to, to get elected. He doesn't mean half of what he says. He is treating this election like it is some episode of reality TV.

So would he actually make good on any of this shit he is saying? Who knows. One thing is for sure, Trump does not have the power to make these laws, and fund his policies on his own. It will take congress to be in line with him. A fact everyone seems to miss. If congress tells him to fuck off, he has no traction.

We actually have two VERY bad choices to choose from.
If he gets in I can bet you dollars to democraps he has a vested interest in actually doing what he promised.
If not it could impact his outside business empire in a very negative fashion.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Who were you people voting for in the past? I know this elections prospects have been bleak but the past isn't much better. The last few elections have been a clown car full of shit birds.

I agree. I didn't vote in the 2nd Dubya election at all, for similar reasons. I voted for Obama the first time, thinking maybe he could do something different. I soon found out, he was no better, and perhaps even worse than what had gone before... but his 2nd election, running against a guy named for sports equipment? Had to vote against "Mitt", though I knew damn well how awful Obama was.



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I don't get involved in the gun debate or the [insert topic] debate. Also, know that I'm not taking the following seriously...

It would be funny if everyone who has a gun, wants a gun or even has an opinion on guns had to go to one of those tactical target ranges where cutouts of criminals/innocent adults/children pop up out of nowhere. Would be an eye-opener, especially when they realize how easy it is to shoot the wrong people by accident, or miss their intended targets. And how about having everyone shoot a deer or shoot vermin with a bb gun so they can witness something dying. Then they can have their guns and opinions.

I wonder if that would give people more perspective.


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Thanks for the visual of the Trump Tongue.
After seeing paintings of him naked from the front, Photoshops of him naked from the back, caricatures of him using his sausage-sized digits in various disturbing ways, and seeing cartoons of him kissing dudes, that might have been the last body part I haven't seen being the focus of attention.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't get involved in the gun debate or the [insert topic] debate. Also, know that I'm not taking the following seriously...

It would be funny if everyone who has a gun, wants a gun or even has an opinion on guns had to go to one of those tactical target ranges where cutouts of criminals/innocent adults/children pop up out of nowhere. Would be an eye-opener, especially when they realize how easy it is to shoot the wrong people by accident, or miss their intended targets. And how about having everyone shoot a deer or shoot vermin with a bb gun so they can witness something dying. Then they can have their guns and opinions.

I wonder if that would give people more perspective.

I guess that's why I don't mind expressing my opinion on some things. Pop up cut outs, been there done that. Miss the intended target? Well let's see, yes I did miss twice - out of 30 targets at varying distances including magazine changes and multiple targets with seconds to hit them before they were back down and considered a miss. Good enough to be awarded an expert marksman badge. Decent enough with an m16 to put 3rds down range with a group shot no looser than a quarter while using iron sights (no scope).

I've witnessed people dying as well as animals. I've had instances where I've had people shoot at me and in my direction as a civilian and there have been a few times I've had to protect my family and held people at gun point in a tense heated situation. Yes I yelled at them and drew down on them. What I didn't do was spaz out and shoot them when it wasn't necessary.

No I'm not perfect, but I am someone who takes firearms seriously. I choose to be disciplined with them, it's called being responsible. So yes, I have my guns AND my opinions. I've earned them.


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I've had instances where I've had people shoot at me

Totally forgot I've had a dude shoot at me once. We were cross-country running and got a little off course, apparently on the edge of the guy's property.

We heard the guy yelling and there was some sort of bang (can't remember the sound), along with leaves cracking overhead. I vividly remember the leaves. The only way to describe it is what you hear from a surround sound system in war movies. The sound goes from back to front, real quick.

I remember a girl ask what it was. That's when I pieced it together... "Oh shit, someone's shooting at us." There was a slight amount of panic from the group. I figured he was shooting high on purpose, and that kept me calm enough to gtf out of there without having a heart attack.

Turns out some runners in back of us ended up approaching the guy and calming him down. You know, so he wouldn't keep firing.

I've done about 250 cross-country runs... most included a majority of running in the woods. Only time anyone's shot at us.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Totally forgot I've had a dude shoot at me once. We were cross-country running and got a little off course, apparently on the edge of the guy's property.

We heard the guy yelling and there was some sort of bang (can't remember the sound), along with leaves cracking overhead. I vividly remember the leaves. The only way to describe it is what you hear from a surround sound system in war movies. The sound goes from back to front, real quick.

I remember a girl ask what it was. That's when I pieced it together... "Oh shit, someone's shooting at us." There was a slight amount of panic from the group. I figured he was shooting high on purpose, and that kept me calm enough to gtf out of there without having a heart attack.

Turns out some runners in back of us ended up approaching the guy and calming him down. You know, so he wouldn't keep firing.

I've done about 250 cross-country runs... most included a majority of running in the woods. Only time anyone's shot at us.
You got the bonus boost/run faster level up and you whine about it.


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Member For 4 Years
Yea getting shot at isn't fun, not unless you can return the favor. Usually when the bullets get close to you they start making a whistling/whizzing sound. Those aren't the ones you have to worry about, it's the ones you don't hear. Typically (depending on the gun, type of round etc) bullets are moving faster than the speed of sound so you end up hit before you hear the bang. Especially if the shooter is a good distance from you with a rifle.


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This really happened.

Secretary of State John Kerry said in Vienna on Friday that air conditioners and refrigerators are as big of a threat to life as the threat of terrorism posed by groups like the Islamic State.

Environmental activism. You're doing it wrong.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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This really happened.

Secretary of State John Kerry said in Vienna on Friday that air conditioners and refrigerators are as big of a threat to life as the threat of terrorism posed by groups like the Islamic State.

Environmental activism. You're doing it wrong.

Well he can just fucking bite my ass, because without AC in the summer, I CAN'T FUCKING BREATHE! here's a thought: let's submerge him in a 500 gal vat of jello... and tell him to breathe. That'll give him some idea what asthma is like, in the summer.



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Member For 4 Years
The problem I see with global warming and environmental shackles, yes I know people want to save the environment. Not saying I want a crappy earth either though not only is not our problem/priority - the u.s. is only one nation. We can't monitor and prevent the entire world from polluting the earth. Well done, you peed before you got into the pool. Oops, the kid swimming 10ft away pissed all over the place. End result? Pee in the pool.

The liberals make it out that various forms of energy have an impact on the environment, coal and whatnot. So the better alternative is oil (or at least it is when you're bought and paid for by the middle east). Oil is a 'clean' alternative? Since when. I've never seen a coal spill turn up millions of dead fish and birds. Yea, the ocean is part of our environment too, or did they forget that piece of the puzzle?

Not including what it's doing to the actual earth, drilling repeatedly and draining it from the land. What do they figure happens to all that volume that comes out of the earth? Have they not heard of sink holes?

Without even going into the nitty gritty of politics I have to scratch my head in wonder. So ok, here I am average joe citizen. I turn on the news and listen to what's happening. Rnc is over, they have a dark doom and gloom speech everyone says is negative and overblown. All these things aren't happening. Obama tells me to wake up tomorrow and listen to the birds chirping and the sun is shining and all is well. Followed by a rising death count from the latest terrorist attack in Munich, people in L.A. can't go swimming because there's a sewage spill contaminating the river and ALL beaches in long beach and seal beach were closed. Bet things are just rosy for those Americans when we're having oh idk, the 14th straight hottest month.

Something about these two conflicting reports don't add up. The 'gloomy' speech refers to needing to work on our infrastructure, the other says don't worry, it's fine, it's our refrigerators that are the issue. Are you fucking kidding me? When trying to sort out the issue of the 2.4m, yes MILLION gallon raw sewage spill in California they were confused. "Officials don’t know what caused the break" is the quote from the news story and in the same story, the same breath - they say "but the large sewer line was built in 1929".

Now I'm no professional turd pilot or anything here but I have a hunch as to the issue - it's fucking old! Old shit breaks, did they not see this coming?! So the residents of L.A. pay and pay and pay into their monthly water and sewer bills and apparently they're not updating shit from 1929? What ARE they doing with all that money? That doesn't include the residents just 5yrs ago being told their sewer bills could double, the city needed $2B to repair their aging sewer system. I know where that $2B didn't go. It didn't go to fixing that ancient ass 1929 sewer pipe that dumped raw sewage along 51 miles of river in southern California.

2016 and our nation can't sort out how to make poo poo go away. Then people have the balls to wonder why we need to turn the country around, why we say it isn't great. Maybe it's all chirping birds and rosy sunshine from the porch of the White House but then what happens in L.A. doesn't affect them much. This is only one incident, it happens all over the country.

Same story in the midwest when working just outside of St Louis and repeatedly cities had to be placed on boil orders to keep from getting sick due to sewage spills and overflows, collapsed sewer pipes. As a matter of fact I know it was due to old sewer pipes from the late 1800's or early 1900's but when looking for the article I couldn't quickly locate it. There were too many other sewage spill stories. June 2015, 77k gallons spill in southern St Louis county, October 2015 90k gallons spill, Jan 2015 part of a state park closed due to sewer spill, February 2016 continued sewage spill into the Meramec River. It would appear our infrastructure is in fact falling apart. Maybe our country isn't so different from those 3rd world charity commercials showing kids playing in puddles of shit and piss. Only ours costs more for the privilege.

At this point I don't care if it's santa claus or the easter bunny who gets elected but someone needs to finally wake up and take notice that our nation's not doing so wonderful in basic key areas. We don't have time to worry about the potential negative effects of our refrigerator when we can't even keep raw shit out of the drinking water. One step at a time.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years
The problem I see with global warming and environmental shackles, yes I know people want to save the environment. Not saying I want a crappy earth either though not only is not our problem/priority - the u.s. is only one nation. We can't monitor and prevent the entire world from polluting the earth. Well done, you peed before you got into the pool. Oops, the kid swimming 10ft away pissed all over the place. End result? Pee in the pool.

The liberals make it out that various forms of energy have an impact on the environment, coal and whatnot. So the better alternative is oil (or at least it is when you're bought and paid for by the middle east). Oil is a 'clean' alternative? Since when. I've never seen a coal spill turn up millions of dead fish and birds. Yea, the ocean is part of our environment too, or did they forget that piece of the puzzle?

Not including what it's doing to the actual earth, drilling repeatedly and draining it from the land. What do they figure happens to all that volume that comes out of the earth? Have they not heard of sink holes?

Without even going into the nitty gritty of politics I have to scratch my head in wonder. So ok, here I am average joe citizen. I turn on the news and listen to what's happening. Rnc is over, they have a dark doom and gloom speech everyone says is negative and overblown. All these things aren't happening. Obama tells me to wake up tomorrow and listen to the birds chirping and the sun is shining and all is well. Followed by a rising death count from the latest terrorist attack in Munich, people in L.A. can't go swimming because there's a sewage spill contaminating the river and ALL beaches in long beach and seal beach were closed. Bet things are just rosy for those Americans when we're having oh idk, the 14th straight hottest month.

Something about these two conflicting reports don't add up. The 'gloomy' speech refers to needing to work on our infrastructure, the other says don't worry, it's fine, it's our refrigerators that are the issue. Are you fucking kidding me? When trying to sort out the issue of the 2.4m, yes MILLION gallon raw sewage spill in California they were confused. "Officials don’t know what caused the break" is the quote from the news story and in the same story, the same breath - they say "but the large sewer line was built in 1929".

Now I'm no professional turd pilot or anything here but I have a hunch as to the issue - it's fucking old! Old shit breaks, did they not see this coming?! So the residents of L.A. pay and pay and pay into their monthly water and sewer bills and apparently they're not updating shit from 1929? What ARE they doing with all that money? That doesn't include the residents just 5yrs ago being told their sewer bills could double, the city needed $2B to repair their aging sewer system. I know where that $2B didn't go. It didn't go to fixing that ancient ass 1929 sewer pipe that dumped raw sewage along 51 miles of river in southern California.

2016 and our nation can't sort out how to make poo poo go away. Then people have the balls to wonder why we need to turn the country around, why we say it isn't great. Maybe it's all chirping birds and rosy sunshine from the porch of the White House but then what happens in L.A. doesn't affect them much. This is only one incident, it happens all over the country.

Same story in the midwest when working just outside of St Louis and repeatedly cities had to be placed on boil orders to keep from getting sick due to sewage spills and overflows, collapsed sewer pipes. As a matter of fact I know it was due to old sewer pipes from the late 1800's or early 1900's but when looking for the article I couldn't quickly locate it. There were too many other sewage spill stories. June 2015, 77k gallons spill in southern St Louis county, October 2015 90k gallons spill, Jan 2015 part of a state park closed due to sewer spill, February 2016 continued sewage spill into the Meramec River. It would appear our infrastructure is in fact falling apart. Maybe our country isn't so different from those 3rd world charity commercials showing kids playing in puddles of shit and piss. Only ours costs more for the privilege.

At this point I don't care if it's santa claus or the easter bunny who gets elected but someone needs to finally wake up and take notice that our nation's not doing so wonderful in basic key areas. We don't have time to worry about the potential negative effects of our refrigerator when we can't even keep raw shit out of the drinking water. One step at a time.

I am once again awed by the clarity of your vision and self-expression. Will YOU please run for something, so I can vote for you? We really need some people with brains in their heads, instead of all these fools with dollar signs in their eyes. :facepalm:



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I believe the shooter was born in Germany and a Christian. According to what I've read he was picked on in school and was known for making death threats. So he's just like the home grown lunatics we have right here in the good ol USA.


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Member For 4 Years
I believe the shooter was born in Germany and a Christian. According to what I've read he was picked on in school and was known for making death threats. So he's just like the home grown lunatics we have right here in the good ol USA.

Yes, except ours don't run around yelling 'alahu akbar'. I would say it was racist or whatever but the eyewitness who heard him say it told the reporters 'I know this because I'm muslim too' so that kind of shuts down that spin story. Unless you believe San Bernardino was just an act of 'workplace violence'. Or that the shooter at the pulse night club in Orlando was just having a bad hair day. The fact that he was jumping up and down cheering when the towers came down and the fact his dad is anti American, a supporter of the taliban, wore military uniforms and proclaimed himself to be the revolutionary leader of Afghanistan were all just coincidences. The guy in Munich may have researched mass shootings but then the hijackers who took out the towers on 9/11 also used flight sims to practice. The shooter had dual citizenship with Iran and Iran's a known hotspot for terrorist training. Many people convert to islam and become radicalized. It also wouldn't make much sense for a christian to purposely hold dual citizenship with a country where christians are 2nd class citizens.

It's like Obama and Merkel are twinsies when it comes to denying terrorist activity. Of course they're going to try and make it out to be some lone wolf, non terrorist ordeal. Germany is facing problems just like other parts of the world where many of the citizens aren't happy with the refugees entering their country. Merkel tries to say things are fine, refugees are good people and can't admit she was wrong in spite of people being shot up, butchered on trains and 100's of women being raped in Germany by terrorists.

Same with Obama, everything is homegrown terror, he kisses up to CAIR and what's the first thing they said during San Bernardino? Oh it wasn't terrorist inspired. Then as more and more info came out, the couple had been plotting, their friend got them firearms, the mother lived in the house, the brother took off, they had all kinds of terrorist ties. They will jump to any conclusion they can other than terror in hopes that it will take the attention off their non stop train wreck of mistakes.

@AndriaD lmfao yea that's all I need, to run for office. I have so many friends as it is, I need to make more haha. They'd never let me run for office, I don't play golf. Unless you count miniature golf :p

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