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Is it just me, or does it look like Whiskeys' pants shrunk? Or is her butt just getting bi.....uhhh.., nevermind. :teehee:


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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Is it just me, or does it look like Whiskeys' pants shrunk? Or is her butt just getting bi.....uhhh.., nevermind. :teehee:

I was just considering asking her what butt exercises she's been doing to get it so plump and perky like that. My flat ass needs that, whatever it is! :D



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Party pooper...

We knew that, what's the big idea of bringing reality into this?

edit - Oops, not you Andria. Reply was nipped by your post...


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Yep, we call that a segue. O.K., thank you Andria and Whiskey for that report...In further news the weather today is forecast to be nippley with a possibility of hot ass...


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Huh? If anybody here has a job, I'm telling their boss that they are screwing the pooch and wasting time on VU.


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If you want to sell a Reo Grand that has been cut down to be like a Low Profile, and has what appears to be a mis-sized battery door, perhaps in the interest of honesty you might want to just disclose that...
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Hank F. Spankman

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If you want to sell a Reo Grand that has been cut down to be like a Low Profile, and has what appears to be a mis-sized battery door, perhaps in the interest of honesty you might want to just disclose that...
I think the door is ok. I'd be more concerned about the scratches & the dent he's hiding in the pics


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If you want to sell a Reo Grand that has been cut down to be like a Low Profile, and has what appears to be a mis-sized battery door, perhaps in the interest of honesty you might want to just disclose that...
Battery door is the right size and do they mill them down to convert it to a LP?

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the milled down isn't bad either. I had Rob mill down my grand to an LP and it looked similar from the pics I saw.
works just fine and while it was in to get milled he replaced the spring for me just to make sure it was ready to rock subohm.


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the milled down isn't bad either. I had Rob mill down my grand to an LP and it looked similar from the pics I saw.
works just fine and while it was in to get milled he replaced the spring for me just to make sure it was ready to rock subohm.
His has the new gold spring and the HD pos contact.

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I never questioned its authenticity, just wasn't for me ;-)

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Not saying it's a clone, it just didn't start life as a low profile. If it did, it would have paint on the top of the atty cup.

And it looks like the battery door protrudes at the top, the current ones appear to be flush top and bottom.


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View attachment 57519

In the midst of all the heat... I'm already planning for Halloween :D Can it be Fall early? Pretty please?

If the spray fails and you need a quick 11th-hour fix, watered-down white/school glue works wonders on fabric and yarn.

You'll need a minimum one part water for one part glue. Soak the dry fabric in it. Wax paper keeps the glued fabric from sticking to the form.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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The post office learned how to deliver packages slower recently. UPS Mail innovations. UPS got my package from Florida to Milwaukee in one day. Not exactly in my state. From Milwaukee WI, to St. Paul Regional sort center took 7 days. From the regional sort center to my local post office took 10 days, in the same state, 30 miles from the sort center. Once the local post office got my package it took 4 days to deliver. 22 days in total. I ordered some stuff from fasttech two weeks after I made the order in Florida and got the fasttech package the same day my USA order arrived. I've seen packages shipped to Hawaii and Puerto Rico before they made it to me, but at least they made it in 15 days or so.

What 's the point of using UPS to get your package to the regional sorting center in one day if it takes 3 times as long to get it to you if you just used USPS second day (week) mail?


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Why is it that truly dumb motherfuckers always try and convince everyone they are smarter than the lowest solo functioning retard?
Every single time I hear that out of someone's suck hole they are the dumbest motherfucker in the room.
So now when anyone says they are smart or they are qualified or they are educated until proven otherwise by actions or deeds they shall be treated as if they are retarded as fuck.
Funnier when the mentally challenged guy near you pipes up... "that is really retarded!"

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Why is it that truly dumb motherfuckers always try and convince everyone they are smarter than the lowest solo functioning retard?
Every single time I hear that out of someone's suck hole they are the dumbest motherfucker in the room.
So now when anyone says they are smart or they are qualified or they are educated until proven otherwise by actions or deeds they shall be treated as if they are retarded as fuck.
Funnier when the mentally challenged guy near you pipes up... "that is really retarded!"
I'm sorry bro, this literally had me laugh my ass off.

intelligence isn't from a book, or an education..... you're either smart or you're mentally inbred.
unfortunately, it appears as though the latter are growing while the first are shrinking

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