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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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@AndriaD lmfao yea that's all I need, to run for office. I have so many friends as it is, I need to make more haha. They'd never let me run for office, I don't play golf. Unless you count miniature golf :p

Well there aren't many people who come along and say what I was thinking, and do it cogently, coherently, well-spelled and syntaxed and punctuated. ;) The problem may be EXACTLY that our "leaders" are too busy playing golf and sucking up to corporate interests, rather than actually doing their jobs.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Don't believe everything you see on TV...


Really? So that horse on Mr Ed doesn't REALLY talk??? :D

I gotta say... that was the cruelest trick to play on a child of less than 5 yrs. I cried for HOURS.


Hank F. Spankman

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Read the god dam thread asshole , the questions you ask are THERE, Dip shit.....Quit asking the mods to explain every detail to you when all you have to do is read what is posted, quit acting like its an entitlement that everyone has to bow down at your feet and accommodate YOU, fuck head

End rant


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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@Whiskey -- do you know if there's some reason why the "Since my last cigarette..." banners won't work at VU? I tried to change to one of those earlier today, but never could get it to show up, when I clicked the Preview button. I didn't think any of those banners were banned here.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Not sure...Try starting a thread in bugs area? I don't think they are banned in any way , rather may have something to do with linking.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Not sure...Try starting a thread in bugs area? I don't think they are banned in any way , rather may have something to do with linking.

Ok thx, I'll give it a shot. Just seemed odd to me, especially since I've seen those Since my Last Cigarette banners around here.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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This may be a dumb question, but... where is the "bugs thread" exactly? I've looked over the entire "Forums" page and do not see anything like that.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years
Thx Whiskey! Just posted a thread about it!


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12 hours of no VAPING today FML!!



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And then there's Gary Johnson. I have no idea what he'll do if he gets elected, but he has the HUGE benefit of being neither Hilary nor Trump. That gets him my vote, because I WILL NOT vote for either of the other two.


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I loath Clinton.
I absolutely do not trust Trump.
1 Trump has been an outspoken supporter of liberism and liberal politicians, including Hillary.
2 His running mate is NO conservative. Yeah, Pence is the token "conservative" when the truth is, he is a RINO. Who do you think killed vaping in Indiana and locked out the free market of juice making?
3 Trump has already said he is literally saying anything he has to, to get elected. He doesn't mean half of what he says. He is treating this election like it is some episode of reality TV.

So would he actually make good on any of this shit he is saying? Who knows. One thing is for sure, Trump does not have the power to make these laws, and fund his policies on his own. It will take congress to be in line with him. A fact everyone seems to miss. If congress tells him to fuck off, he has no traction.

We actually have two VERY bad choices to choose from.
I totally agree....i don't think people realize that the Senate has to vote on all matters ,Obama wanted to do so much that the Senate turned down so it didn't get done..... It's no different with any other President

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