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Like that fucking cunt knows what it's like to be middle class? This shit is just silly ej
Off course she does... That's why they pro illegal immigrants, don't you see what the democrats do?!
They capitalize on the poor all the time.....LOL
GOP don't do that shit, they want people to work and make better of themselves but the big question is HOW?



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Trump brand?! I don't like it!! And a lot of folks are disgusted by him, he won the primaries don't forget that!! It's really sad that a DONALD TRUMP a BILLIONAIRE is the only choice the conservatives has!! And btw. Trump doesn't represent CONSERVATISM...he's a fake conservative riding on people's frustrations.. There's nothing good with that guy... Atleast with the bitch we already know what we getting, do I like it NOPE but id rather have the bitch rather a billionaire that doesn't know how to be a middle class and continuously making people believe that he is for everybody!!!
It's a lie and they all lie!!
And please show your tax returns... Come on man!

LOL. Everything you purport to hate about Trump, Clinton represents too.

Trump isn't conservative. He is a leftist like Clinton.
Clinton is FILTHY rich. Or are you just going to deny reality? LOL! She gets MILLIONS in donations from foreign countries, Wall street, and billionaire corporations. Even Trump was a donor.

She is getting every RICH fuckers donations. Yet Trump, who is spending his own wealth (and getting it back when he wins) is some filthy rich person? Yet Clinton is some pauper? LMFAO. Your logic is twisted and wrong.

Can we see Clinton's tax returns and the "paid speaking engagements" she was paid big money for?

And WTF do you have against "rich" people? How many bums ever paid you to work for them? If it were not for "rich" people, there would be NO jobs. Do you understand that?

And sure, we know what Clinton will bring. A rapist husband to the white house. A thieving pair that stole 12K of furniture from the white house when they left it the last time. A pair of the crookedest CROOKS, that ever lived. Liars, thieves and murders. Traitors.


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Off course she does... That's why they pro illegal immigrants, don't you see what the democrats do?!
They capitalize on the poor all the time.....LOL
GOP don't do that shit, they want people to work and make better of themselves but the big question is HOW?

It starts by coming here LEGALLY. No starting off your new life as a fucking criminal. WTF do we need MORE criminals for?


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What kind of car are you driving? Most don't have a bearing pressed onto the shaft, the bearing is either pressed into the steering knuckle or held in by a snap ring in a groove. The shaft just slides through to bearing and is held in place with a large nut on the end of it where the wheel is mounted.
93 toyota celica. I read it on a celica forum. Its for the passenger side... :(


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Off course she does... That's why they pro illegal immigrants, don't you see what the democrats do?!
They capitalize on the poor all the time.....LOL
GOP don't do that shit, they want people to work and make better of themselves but the big question is HOW?

it boils down to voting for nationalisim or globalisim....if you vote for globalisim you vote to throw the ballot box out the window and be ruled by people ina a forgien country, and having no access to self determination....That is what the whole Brexit vote was about England bailed out on globalisim.It is no coincidence that almost every single global corporation is organizing against Trump. There is tons to dislike about Trump, but at least he supports the idea of the Republic where the people have recourse to tyranny. Hitlary supports a globalist elite masquerading under the guise of's bullshit.....the EU showed us the result of globalisim.Even the RNC supports globalisim.I don't care if Trump is no conservative....I'd rather vote for a liberal that wasn't a globalist than a Republican who supports globalisim like say Bush.Unfortunately the liberals have been co-opted by the globalists....
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Here is my rant about "rich hate".
WTF IS rich anyway? Who really DEFINES it?
The person on welfare?
The blue collar worker?
Or some mud hut dweller in a 3rd world country?

RICH is a relative TERM.

Trump might be wealthy, but he isn't RICH. Rich is the guy who collapses a country because he "thought it would be fun". You know, like an asshole like George Soros. Clinton's buddy....

Not a damn one of use strives to be more poor. We all want better pay, a bigger house, better vehicles, fancy vacations.... The question IS, how the fuck do we get it?

The answer isn't by stealing it from someone else. The answer is getting off our ass and MAKING it happen for ourselves. WORK for it. Come up with an idea/plan, implement it, and FOLLOW through. Don't sit around like a stupid ass child and DEMAND people hand you shit. Fuck people like that, I hope they starve to death.

Fuck people with "rich hate". They are fucking morons.

There is NO such thing as "Obama money". Idiots.


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This is the type of person we are dealing with. Long before politics, this is her true character.


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Every candidate over the years has skeletons in their closets, but lets face facts, this lady takes the cake.


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Unless you have a Tucson, which involves removing the entire back seat and going into the gas tank from inside the car.... :crazy:
Sure as fuck love that instead of over the hear frame rail blind wrenching.
Like my truck, FUCKING hate the location and doing it blind is sheer shit.

I feel for ya Nasty... Car problems are shit to deal with... I've been stuck at home for 2 weeks waiting for an opening with the mechanic to replace a half axle and cv joint and front brake pads on my car. SUCKS ASS!!!! The only reason I didn't replace it myself is that the joint requires a pressed bearing... we don't have the tools for that... :(

I had some of the same problems you were, a month ago. My plug wire were in the shitter. They were actually arcing with each other. :eek: I would pop up the hood and check that out, definitely.
They tried too say the same shit about my subaru I need a slide hammer and it was done in 10 minutes.

I dn't mind wrenching I HATE no room to work tho.


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it boils down to voting for nationalisim or globalisim....if you vote for globalisim you vote to throw the ballot box out the window and be ruled by people ina a forgien country, and having no access to self determination....That is what the whole Brexit vote was about England bailed out on globalisim.It is no coincidence that almost every single global corporation is organizing against Trump. There is tons to dislike about Trump, but at least he supports the idea of the Republic where the people have recourse to tyranny. Hitlary supports a globalist elite masquerading under the guise of's bullshit.....the EU showed us the result of globalisim.Even the RNC supports globalisim.I don't care if Trump is no conservative....I'd rather vote for a liberal that wasn't a globalist than a Republican who supports globalisim like say Bush.Unfortunately the liberals have been co-opted by the globalists....
Well said bro
Never thought of that, you made a good point...



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LOL. Everything you purport to hate about Trump, Clinton represents too.

Trump isn't conservative. He is a leftist like Clinton.
Clinton is FILTHY rich. Or are you just going to deny reality? LOL! She gets MILLIONS in donations from foreign countries, Wall street, and billionaire corporations. Even Trump was a donor.

She is getting every RICH fuckers donations. Yet Trump, who is spending his own wealth (and getting it back when he wins) is some filthy rich person? Yet Clinton is some pauper? LMFAO. Your logic is twisted and wrong.

Can we see Clinton's tax returns and the "paid speaking engagements" she was paid big money for?

And WTF do you have against "rich" people? How many bums ever paid you to work for them? If it were not for "rich" people, there would be NO jobs. Do you understand that?

And sure, we know what Clinton will bring. A rapist husband to the white house. A thieving pair that stole 12K of furniture from the white house when they left it the last time. A pair of the crookedest CROOKS, that ever lived. Liars, thieves and murders. Traitors.
I have nothing against rich people bro, I envy them!!
What I don't like is they LIE to 98% of working people, trump ain't running because he wants to fix the system, guess what bro, he running to protect whatever wealth he has and to protect his friends... We all know that,I understand the frustrations bro don't get me wrong, none of them are good enough, none of them will fix the system they will be corrupt like always!yeah man a lot of people like trump because he is different from the others ,I agree!!he claimed to be the OUTSIDER?! He ain't the outsider he even said it, HE GAVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO THESE FUCKING POLITICIANS.. He is part of them he is not an OUTSIDER...he is an INSIDER!SO STOP THE LIES


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damn... at least we will finally have a Hot First Lady.

seriously I will want that swimsuit edition.
not to mention, think of how hot the mistress intern will be?
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Trump gave money to both sides, it's how big business works. The only legit businesses may be ma and pa's donuts in nowheretown, usa and there's a reason they're just one shop in nowhere. When it comes to Trump's bankrupty deals shillary tries to make it out like oh, look at all the common men and women who didn't get paid, he stiffed them. Bullshit, you ever worked as a construction worker? Whatever happens on a job you still get paid so that's a crock of crap and who woulda thunk it, more lying bs spilling from the habitual's mouth.

People like to grab onto sound bites without mentioning the context. For the shillary lovers who hear Trump supposedly saying 'I alone can fix it' they think he's an ego maniac. For those who bothered to listen to the whole speech where that came from, his words were, "I have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people who cannot defend themselves. Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it." Meaning he's the only one who recognizes the system for what it is, the corruptness, the loopholes, and he knows better all the ways in which it's twisted to allow people to take advantage of it - therefor he's the best one to fix it. Those who pretend nothing is wrong aren't going to fix or attempt to fix anything, they like it the way it is. Those who don't understand the intricacies of how it really works 'real world' vs how people 'think' it works are at a disadvantage.

Who's the best to fix the security of a computer system? The common person who simply checks their email or a hacker who spends their time getting past security measures and knows the weaknesses? If this weren't true then some of the most valuable system security experts and contractors wouldn't be ex-hackers. They're sought after specifically because no one knows security like they do.

Much like working at an auto shop, customers don't pay sometimes. I never went without a paycheck at the end of the week because the jones's didn't pay their bill, I got paid like usual. The auto parts stores got paid too. We kept the keys to the car and after x amount of days of non payment we would file for title on nonpayment. Then we owned the car and we could sell it.

On the subject of cars, just be glad it's not a vw like a passat or something. Ugh, everything requires a specialty tool. They're an engineering nightmare everywhere you look.


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The Smok tank/RBA.

That leaky, 5,000-part piece of shit.



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I have nothing against rich people bro, I envy them!!
What I don't like is they LIE to 98% of working people, trump ain't running because he wants to fix the system, guess what bro, he running to protect whatever wealth he has and to protect his friends... We all know that,I understand the frustrations bro don't get me wrong, none of them are good enough, none of them will fix the system they will be corrupt like always!yeah man a lot of people like trump because he is different from the others ,I agree!!he claimed to be the OUTSIDER?! He ain't the outsider he even said it, HE GAVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO THESE FUCKING POLITICIANS.. He is part of them he is not an OUTSIDER...he is an INSIDER!SO STOP THE LIES

Actually, he is an outsider. He has never held political office.
You don't change everything in politics over night. The president themselves, can't fix everything. But the President does hold influence over the people, congress, foreign countries, and the media.

However, congress is corrupt. Pair that with a president that is hellbent on the destruction of the tatters left of this country, and we are in real trouble.

Politicians have been lying since the dawn of politics. Even looking back clear back to the beginning of this country, and you will see that. You have to ignore the things they say, and look at their past actions. That alone will tell you what kind of person they are, and what they will do in the future.

A tiger can't change it's stripes, bro.

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Can we just have a smoking hot first lady for a change?
that's what I'm sayin!
Donald's, version of monica will be hot too.

-And the cigars will be hand rolled Cubans this time.


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The people in this society that dont want to discuss politics and the current state of this nation, will be the first people to bitch and moan when it affects them. You may say you "Don't fucking care" But don't stifle the voices of the people that actually propel and keep alive the voice of the people. If you truly dont care, than dont comment. Go back to talking about less important things on Facebook, or better yet go play pokemon with the rest of the kids, the adults are talking now, you have proven you are "Dead Weight" the intellectuals have to back pack around.

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I just wish motherfuckers in congress and senate beat other motherfuckers down with a cane, a brick or a club.
Would clear a bunch of dead weight the hell out.

PPV death matches.
roman politics


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roman politics
Who cares, it would get piglosi, tardedswine, the boy fucker Reid and that cocksuck shumer the fuck out.
I would pay to watch Gowdy and Tyan crack a few long time leeches skulls in on PPV.

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Who cares, it would get piglosi, tardedswine, the boy fucker Reid and that cocksuck shumer the fuck out.
I would pay to watch Gowdy and Tyan crack a few long time leeches skulls in on PPV.
I wasn't meaning that negatively.
on the upside, with the reboot of Ben Hur maybe the current slugs who are infesting DC can a learn something


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While I am at it, to the " I dont give a fuck people": here are some other current events you are probably very blind to.
1)FEMA(a disaster relief agency) is now part of Homeland security
2)FEMA "Camps" are popping up all over the country, complete with gun towers.
3)FEMA (a disaster relief agency) has purchased rifle rounds and guillotines
4) The U.S. has placed anti missile launchers very close to Russia, upsetting the balance of power that also acts as a very shaky balance of peace.
these launchers with a few keystrokes can be converted from defense artillery to shooting nukes.
Vladamir Putin is not very happy with this, and is issuing warnings to the U.S. to cease, which has so far been ignored.
Lets not mention the brand new M.O.S. that was declassified by our military The job description is "Relocation Specialist" Training includes disarming citizens. Feel free to visit the ARMY's website to see for yourself.
All of these things "ARE" going to affect you and will start with who the leader of this nation is. So while you are glowingly proud of the brand new meme you found doesn't stop the "REAL" world from spinning around you. Rant done.
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While I am at it, to the " I dont give a fuck people": here are some other current events you are probably very blind to.
1)FEMA(a disaster relief agency) is now part of Homeland security
2)FEMA "Camps" are popping up all over the country, complete with gun towers.
3)FEMA (a disaster relief agency) has purchased rifle rounds and guillotines
4) The U.S. has placed anti missile launchers very close to Russia, upsetting the balance of power that also acts as a very shaky balance of peace.
these launchers with a few keystrokes can be converted from defense artillery to shooting nukes.
Vladamir Putin is not very happy with this, and is issuing warnings to the U.S. to cease, which has so far been ignored.

All of these things "ARE" going to affect you and will start with who the leader of this nation is. So while you are glowingly proud of the brand new meme you found doesn't stop the "REAL" world from spinning around you. Rant done.
I mean where else should you ship illegals to?
Honestly ok with this.


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I apologize VU I was unaware that the "IT' in "Say it here" was to not include politics. I'll show myself the door.


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@celticluvr be careful your maturity is showing. Don't even bother using your own words. Just use google, someone with more intelligence already made a meme about it. Copy and paste.


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@celticluvr be careful your maturity is showing. Don't even bother using your own words. Just use google, someone with more intelligence already made a meme about it. Copy and paste.

I hope you don't think that post was towards you, because this is a say it here thread. ;);) Its okay... breathe, don't worry about stuff here, you usually can't sway others opinions, Like my fiance's dad says "Opinions are like assholes, every one is different, and no one wants to see yours!! " :D:D:D

Ya kinda just gotta let it go. Why don't ya cool off and check out some other threads. :):):)

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Say it here in a nutshell today. I choose to engage in political debates in person, not one for long winded posts, or sharing my opinion on the internet. Just wanted to bring some humor into the mix for the day. Carry on.


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Ack... peoples keep calm For the better part of this 204 PAGE thread, it was for people posting stuff that pissed them off, made them laugh and a place to blow off steam. Out of nowhere it became another political thread, so yeah, some may have felt like it got pulled away into something way more serious than blowing off steam. No worries, though... we made another thread for blowing off steam, so being an election year, have at it.

sorry for the disruption.


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I wonder if her post would receive as much flack had it said, "you're so full of shit", instead of "I don't fucking care". Because basically, everyone that's disagreed with another's political views in this thread, has said just that.

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