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Bronze Contributor
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You gotta be fuckin kidding me right now.... Just face palmed so hard I think I knocked somethin loose
Not to anyone in this thread

Really. I'm pretty proficient at blowing my own mind, but I always gotta hand it to people when they do it for me. Wt actual f. Pieces of my skull went flying for miles that time.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The interesting thing about Alabama recently has been the number of male and female teachers getting caught doinking students. A state senator even tried pushing a bill that would force all teachers to be trained in the art of NOT having sex with students.

No Sex 101. How fun would that be. It could be an hour of someone saying...
"Don't do that. Don't do that. Don't do that."
"You can never do that."
"Don't think about that."
"That's bad."
"None of that."
"And that other thing; don't do that."
"None of that stuff."
"You can't do that."
"Don't do that."
Hmm...You know this reminds me of a song.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I was laughing my ass of about this one!!!! 'specially cause where I live everyone is related to each other in some way shape or form!!! Not to mention all the girls are seriously nasty here. Like stand on the street corner nasty! (with the exception of a few who've had decent raising). And the guys aren't too far off either. It's like a cesspit of venereal disease here, not to mention the drug problem.

View attachment 46219
Do you live in Weaverville, Ca. ?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So it appears I can not move far enough away from Mass Civilization to avoid shitty people.

New Tactic
Every time someone does something shitty, I do something nice for someone else. A little free labor, a compliment, positive corporate feedback, etc.

Two of the people I did something nice for... turned around and did something shitty.
Welcome to the human race.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years


OK, thank you. Better.
That needs to be on a T-Shirt

Hank F. Spankman

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Haddonfield, NJ is a bit over an hour from me. In what fucking world CAN'T the fucking USPS get a fucking package/parcel between those 2 points in 4 fucking days? FUCKFUCKFUCK!!!!


Silver Contributor
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Are You An Asshole?
Here's a sample test:

Me: "I just saw a bird lose his mind while trying to have sex with a female. A squirrel was watching. Pervert."
Someone: "How do you know it was a male and female bird? You know there's a lot of h0m0- and bi-sexuality in the animal kingdom right?"

That's an asshole.

John Q Public

Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yup, a lot of animals will stick their animal schlongs in any hole. Doesn't even have to be a mammal.
So that's what humans should strive to be like? Great analogy.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Are You An Asshole?
Here's a sample test:

Me: "I just saw a bird lose his mind while trying to have sex with a female. A squirrel was watching. Pervert."
Someone: "How do you know it was a male and female bird? You know there's a lot of h0m0- and bi-sexuality in the animal kingdom right?"

That's an asshole.
You're welcome

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