Forcibly if necessary...Just Saying!we should give this one out
I've found being an open ear helps. I feel better if I can help someone else. And then they're more likely to listen when you need it. Hell I've gotten together with girlfriends specifically for rant fests. We get together with a few beers, bitch about everything, and all go home feeling better.I am waiting for an open ear that can understand why I am ready to strangle someone.
OMG not sure why but that made me think of this commercial below.I can see the headlines now:
Angry Indiana Man Takes Out Frustrations with Tongs on a Bush in Ohio. Story at 11
Stop buying the crap versions sold in America.When did they start making gummy bears in fun flavors?
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This is the funniest thing I've read in weeks...Thanks.They can go anally fuck themselfs with a cactus
soylent green is peopleExcept "People Chow".
That comes in popular forms like burgers and Breakfast Jacks.
There are two in particular that drive me to distraction, but neither in this thread. At least one of them has been pissing me off for over a year.
STFU & vape maybe? lolWassup Bitches? I'm off for the next 2 days! What to do what to do??
I know this is hard to believe... but not everyone likes the p-thingies.
Sure, I can do two things at once. Unlike you!STFU & vape maybe? lol
Goon shipped!
Where's my panzer??![]()
That's hilariousFarkin Tsunami shipped 7 days ago, from 240 miles away. Coming today. I coulda WALKED over and got it faster. So GFYITA USPS! Why do bills from CA make it here in 2? And checks take 10 days to make it back?
I saw this a couple years ago in a rural, middle of nowhere place in Michigan. Sure enough, found it on Google. Almost fell off my motorcycle laughing..
I'll mail you a shawl and a plushy stuffed cat.Lmao nope cold and awake alone
Heather's Heavenly does up to 80% PG and up to 100% VG plus they're super good and dang near dirt cheap prices.Any cheaper juice companies that sell 60/40 or 50/50 juice? Dang! I haven't bought juice in ages so need some ideas. I cannot do my own diy right now due to excessive pain. LOL I went to the damm ER and they only wanted to rule out heart and blood clot. Hubby made a remark that pissed me off. He said it nicely though. He thought maybe the eliquid was causing the chest pain. I gave him the "look".
CLICK HEREFuck YOU Whirlpool. You make fuckity fuck refrigerators.
Your hunk of shit with a bottom freezer was a god damn retarded idea. Who the fuck designed this pile of shit? A midget on crack? Who the FUCK puts a freezer on the floor? I'm 6'3" and I am tired of laying on the fucking floor to get a pack of steaks or brats.
Not to mention you put two motherfucking compressors in this behemoth bitch. Your hunk of shit compressor that cools my freezer took a shit. Most likely because the midget on crack, has no fucking idea how to design the god damn cooling system either. Fuck you Whirlpool, right up your ass with a hot poker.
Fuck your shit. I'm gonna get a Kenmore tomorrow. If I fuck up my back, I'm coming to your house, slashing your tires and SHITTING in your flower beds. Fuck you Whirlpool.
I'll take the Blanton's 2 fingers please.oh no... either a dirty martini, Blantons straight up, or Glennfiddich on the rocks
And you're hired...Cheers!I will forever be known as the crazy chick that likes tongs as a weird kink
Holy Helter Skelter Rant...Remind me to get good and drunk with you sometime.
1 word = EVERYTHINGAnd what, preytell, is wrong with socks & sandals?
Are Crocks considered "sandals"? lol
Would it be alright if I counter-trolled this troll?hank and always let him be.. he'll eventually go away..
V³ is very good stuff...So is guys are hilarious!I ended up ordering some V3 eliquid for bro and SiL. I figure beggars cannot be choosers.
Wished I could say the same I did RYO/MYO for years.My average cost was $35 per month for tobacco and papers..The tubes upped the cost to about $42 per month.I spend way more on just the e-liquid than I ever did on smoking supplies.But I didn't switch to save money I switched to save my life.I would really love to live long enough to see my grand-kids grow up and graduate college.That would be awesome.Nah, I've still spent far less than I would've if I was still smoking.
V³ is very good stuff...So is
take it from one who figured it out the hard way- it can always be worse..... no matter how bad it isReally can't get any worse so there is always a bright side.
Thanks again for the thoughtfulness.
?HUH?take it from one who figured it out the hard way- it can always be worse..... no matter how bad it is
This will be a T-Shirt by tomorrow.Fix Your Shit! Fix Your Shit! Fix Your Shit!
Dude I want to steal that beer so badly right now.![]()
VAPE IT![]()
He's a Scientologist you know.I like Will Smith.
That shit is like 24mg of nicotine man,Dude I want to steal that beer so badly right now.
soylent green is people
Woohoo! Finally broke my plateau, after a frickin month. Was so sick of seeing that number.a lot more numbers to go though
Yes. Yes it is.
Now come have a lie down on the couch... I'll put on some Vivaldi.
My post was because Purina does, or did, own Jack-in-the-Box.
AKA... Purina People Chow.
Surprised nobody got the joke.
Kinda took your appetite away.
NICE rack! Frenched, too!
Mmmmmmm The Awful Waffle!Aww... don't be like that.
I like both Jumbo Jacks and Sausage & Egg Breakfast Jacks.
But not exclusively or particularly... I like a lot of different fast food.
Pisses me off to get stuck living rurally. Plenty of familiar franchises are a minimum of 60 miles away.
And being stuck on the Wet Coast... I really miss Awful House. It's been years.
Actually... just passed exactly eight years.
I was crossing back into Cali, so I know the exact place and date.![]()