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Well, yeah. I'm the polar opposite of a human who likes being in photos. Putting yourself out there for potential judgment. I'd never have the balls to do that.

Plus, no one wants to see that. Trust me. If you want to see an angry dude, just go to Google images and type "photos of angry dudes."
nice save, dude! iza taking notes


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Well, yeah. I'm the polar opposite of a human who likes being in photos. Putting yourself out there for potential judgment. I'd never have the balls to do that.

Plus, no one wants to see that. Trust me. If you want to see an angry dude, just go to Google images and type "photos of angry dudes."
Eh I used to hate being in them. If I've learned nothing else over the past year of hell its people are gonna judge me no matter what I do. I'm sure there are plenty of people here who don't like me a bit. But there are plenty that do.

And I've seen my fair share of angry dude lately, no offense. But it's fun to put a face to a name especially when some of us have known each other for years


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nice save, dude!

Oh Jesus. Is that how that came out?
See? I can't even compliment anyone in that shitty way I compliment people.
Probably my fault for being on there when I'm this pissed at everyone. Can't help it. I'm trying to get work done and am so irritated I can't concentrate.

[Edit: Wait, I can't dish out full, clear compliments anyway. I'm married. There's only one person that gets those logical props. She's the one over there with the boobs and the other parts wondering why it's 10:30 and I'm still furiously typing away.]

Hank F. Spankman

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Oh Jesus. Is that how that came out?
See? I can't even compliment anyone in that shitty way I compliment people.
Probably my fault for being on there when I'm this pissed at everyone. Can't help it. I'm trying to get work done and am so irritated I can't concentrate.
You're fine, dude! (No ho mo)


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Oh Jesus. Is that how that came out?
See? I can't even compliment anyone in that shitty way I compliment people.
Probably my fault for being on there when I'm this pissed at everyone. Can't help it. I'm trying to get work done and am so irritated I can't concentrate.
A little bit. Not terrible lol that's why I waited on a response. If you were trying to call me ugly I was gonna have to duke it out. (Kidding) But it's all good now that you elaborated. Have a vape and don't let the fuckers get to ya

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Oh Jesus. Is that how that came out?
See? I can't even compliment anyone in that shitty way I compliment people.
Probably my fault for being on there when I'm this pissed at everyone. Can't help it. I'm trying to get work done and am so irritated I can't concentrate.

[Edit: Wait, I can't dish out full, clear compliments anyway. I'm married. There's only one person that gets those logical props. She's the one over there with the boobs and the other parts wondering why it's 10:30 and I'm still furiously typing away.]

NO DUDE, i was just kidding around.... check the lunar calendar, the stress is making the rounds, bro. It's all good


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mother nature needs to have a hysterectomy


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Basically Pulsevape and pcrdude Just can't let it go.... after YEARS of not being on ECF. I expressed my opinion about the members of the "Outside" and pulsevape started bashing me for it. Dick.

I had to finally unwatch that thread; it's descended to something less intelligent than "I know you are, but what am I?" :facepalm:



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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From my experience... most pharmaceutical medication is better left alone... unless you're downright suicidal, then I'd be the first to recommend getting oneself to a real psychiatrist and getting on antidepressants. Therapy and learning coping skills is only effective if you can stay alive long enough to learn and use them. In the past, I even had a therapist who strongly advised that I not stop drinking, if it allowed my suicidal thoughts to pass. Of course that was before my signs of imminent liver failure (3 day hangovers usually indicate that).

But I've been walking around unmedicated and unsupervised for quite some time now... the sky hasn't fallen. :D There's one "medication" I still use very lightly, which helps me sleep... but it's the one we can't discuss here. :D


You can always tell a fellow mountaineer by their understanding of carabiners. Going over the edge happens. Not falling is key. The first 3/4 of your first paragraph should be required reading in every high school health class. People don't typically get that advice until much too close to that edge, if ever. Perfectly described, Andria.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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You can always tell a fellow mountaineer by their understanding of carabiners. Going over the edge happens. Not falling is key. The first 3/4 of your first paragraph should be required reading in every high school health class. People don't typically get that advice until much too close to that edge, if ever. Perfectly described, Andria.

Finding the right medication can also be a real challenge; when I suffered post-partum depression, it was all Prozac -- in '88-'89, that was about the only bullet in the SSRI gun. The last time around, Prozac just yanked off the depression and let all the rage come screaming out -- different problems needed different medicine. Welbutrin did a lot of nothing much. It wasn't till I got on Effexor that I really saw some improvement, and could start benefitting from good therapy. But after I was on it 2 yrs and thought I should stop taking it, it took another year of gradual weaning to get free of it -- that's some serious shit mucking around in your brain. I will never ever consent to SSRIs again, UNLESS I'm that suicidal... which seems unlikely, but you never know; lifelong depression, I've finally figured out, is just a continuum... there is no real cure. You just have to learn how to cope as best you can.



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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'88 was my first bout. It was Elavil and benzo's, with a Dalmane chaser at night to knock me out. Fortunately, my family physician had known me since a baby and saw the warning signs and forced em on me. Probably saved my life. I called the combo "Damnitols", and I was full-on honey badger 24/7 for 3 years. I toughed out the 2nd bout, because I remembered how farkin HARD it was to wean from that shit, and it wasn't ideation severe.

The third round, that ended a year ago, was Lexapro and benzo's, with an Ambien night chaser. lol. Whatever, when it gets that bad, the shit DOES work. Generally, you just feel a medium amount like shit everyday, no swings or super low lows. No good days either, that's the medicine. Again, like you, took months and months of slow titration to wean to avoid the possible relapse. It's some fucked up stuff, I hope they figure it out some day. WAY more people go through it than care to admit, but it's getting easier to talk about.

I love my current doc. He tells it like it is. He warned me that typically, it's just part of our genetic make up. And it will occur more frequently as I get older. 3 bouts in 30 years maybe isn't so tough. I'm not looking forward to it happening more frequently, I can think of a lot of horrible diseases I'd rather have, when I'm dealing with it.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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'88 was my first bout. It was Elavil and benzo's, with a Dalmane chaser at night to knock me out. Fortunately, my family physician had known me since a baby and saw the warning signs and forced em on me. Probably saved my life. I called the combo "Damnitols", and I was full-on honey badger 24/7 for 3 years. I toughed out the 2nd bout, because I remembered how farkin HARD it was to wean from that shit, and it wasn't ideation severe.

The third round, that ended a year ago, was Lexapro and benzo's, with an Ambien night chaser. lol. Whatever, when it gets that bad, the shit DOES work. Generally, you just feel a medium amount like shit everyday, no swings or super low lows. No good days either, that's the medicine. Again, like you, took months and months of slow titration to wean to avoid the possible relapse. It's some fucked up stuff, I hope they figure it out some day. WAY more people go through it than care to admit, but it's getting easier to talk about.

I love my current doc. He tells it like it is. He warned me that typically, it's just part of our genetic make up. And it will occur more frequently as I get older. 3 bouts in 30 years maybe isn't so tough. I'm not looking forward to it happening more frequently, I can think of a lot of horrible diseases I'd rather have, when I'm dealing with it.

Well since I discovered WTA (and the reason WHY it was so fucking impossible to quit smoking, all those years!), I have an emergency stash of it in the freezer with the nicotine. Took 15 months to wean down off the WTA, but I'm finally free of it, nicotine only, and not too damn much of that -- 5mg or a bit less -- but if depression ever strikes again, WTA is what I'll be doing -- it'll help me feel better, AND prevent me from succumbing to cigarettes again! Double whammy! :D



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heres a 'say it here' instead of there kinda post...which i usually dont bother with but there have been a lot of instances lately around here so :

its so pathetic and shitty to see you talk like that to someone, that if you were on fire, laying at my feet screaming in agony for help, i would rather drink the water than extinguish you. i hope your day to day life is as shitty as your posts here imply, and that you are too stupid to correct the problem and live well. snap out of it or fuck right off.

/deep breath


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'88 was my first bout. It was Elavil and benzo's, with a Dalmane chaser at night to knock me out. Fortunately, my family physician had known me since a baby and saw the warning signs and forced em on me. Probably saved my life. I called the combo "Damnitols", and I was full-on honey badger 24/7 for 3 years. I toughed out the 2nd bout, because I remembered how farkin HARD it was to wean from that shit, and it wasn't ideation severe.

The third round, that ended a year ago, was Lexapro and benzo's, with an Ambien night chaser. lol. Whatever, when it gets that bad, the shit DOES work. Generally, you just feel a medium amount like shit everyday, no swings or super low lows. No good days either, that's the medicine. Again, like you, took months and months of slow titration to wean to avoid the possible relapse. It's some fucked up stuff, I hope they figure it out some day. WAY more people go through it than care to admit, but it's getting easier to talk about.

I love my current doc. He tells it like it is. He warned me that typically, it's just part of our genetic make up. And it will occur more frequently as I get older. 3 bouts in 30 years maybe isn't so tough. I'm not looking forward to it happening more frequently, I can think of a lot of horrible diseases I'd rather have, when I'm dealing with it.
Story time

I've been depressed since I was a kid quite honestly. Have always had those tendencies and instead of long episodes, it's lurking around the corner any given day. I could have 3 good days and 4 bad. I could have 3 good weeks and 2 days bad. More recently it's been much longer periods of bad than good, but it happens and eventually it will roll by.

I won't talk about suicide or ideation because that's far too personal for my opinion, but if I can help other people I'm always more than willing to listen and try. I've been fighting the demons my entire life, I know when to let them in and when to fight at this point. That wasn't always true.

Right now I'm dealing with more than anyone knows about because I don't share well. I don't like to share it, it's my battle and I'll keep the darkness so no one else has to feel it because I don't feel like it's fair to them. Probably not my wisest choices but it's working for now and as anyone depressed knows, sometimes you do what you can just to survive 60 seconds. Then another. And so on.

I'm not medicated, I refuse anymore. I've been on so many combinations anyone's head would spin. Most days were literally horrific. On the best days I didn't feel a damn thing. If there's one thing I know about myself it's that I'm passionate and feel everything to the extremes. There's very rarely anything in the middle for me and I wasn't about to live that way. They aren't an option for me unless they come out with a miracle.

If anyone survived and read through all that nonsense cheers and holy hell what's wrong with you why would you read all that

Smooches y'all


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heres a 'say it here' instead of there kinda post...which i usually dont bother with but there have been a lot of instances lately around here so :
its so pathetic and shitty to see you talk like that to someone, that if you were on fire, laying at my feet screaming in agony for help, i would rather drink the water than extinguish you. i hope your day to day life is as shitty as your posts here imply, and that you are too stupid to correct the problem and live well. snap out of it or fuck right off.
I have many of these instances, but I usually, USUALLY, Say it Here.


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Dear environmentalist:
Did you just roll your eyes at my truck? You know I use that for work, right? Probably won't matter that we also have a hybrid in the driveway, huh? Well, make sure not to call me when you need that 500 square feet of underlayment. Just strap it to the hood of your Prius.
Good luck with that,

Dear environmentalist:
I didn't say anything at the time, but I would now like to acknowledge your annoyance that we had an extra room lit up one morning. You know, that day we invited you into our house to be friendly? Probably won't matter that the room was lit with LEDs, huh? Well, make sure to remind me next time you drive the 180-mile round trip to get up here to your second home, so I can call you a giant, disgusting hypocrite.
Get bent,

Dear environmentalist:
Let me try to understand. Just because you just bought a new Giant Green Thing, everyone else has to instantly fall in line? You recall me asking if you'd ever see a return on your investment, right? Yeah, that time you said, 'No." Well, do me a favor. Next time you feel like pontificating while putting yourself up on a cross, try to find someone a little more gullible than me as your audience.
Thanks for the one-sided chat you sanctimonious prick,


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Dear environmentalist:
Did you just roll your eyes at my truck? You know I use that for work, right? Probably won't matter that we also have a hybrid in the driveway, huh? Well, make sure not to call me when you need that 500 square feet of underlayment. Just strap it to the hood of your Prius.
Good luck with that,

Dear environmentalist:
I didn't say anything at the time, but I would now like to acknowledge your annoyance that we had an extra room lit up one morning. You know, that day we invited you into our house to be friendly? Probably won't matter that the room was lit with LEDs, huh? Well, make sure to remind me next time you drive the 180-mile round trip to get up here to your second home, so I can call you a giant, disgusting hypocrite.
Get bent,

Dear environmentalist:
Let me try to understand. Just because you just bought a new Giant Green Thing, everyone else has to instantly fall in line? You recall me asking if you'd ever see a return on your investment, right? Yeah, that time you said, 'No." Well, do me a favor. Next time you feel like pontificating while putting yourself up on a cross, try to find someone a little more gullible than me as your audience.
Thanks for the one-sided chat you sanctimonious prick,

THANK YOU!!!! And here's a rant to go with yours: those newfangled long-life curly lightbulbs? WHICH CONTAIN MERCURY???????????? Yeah, that's SOOOOOOOOOO environmentally-correct!-- use less energy, and get MERCURY POISONING!!!!!! Because hey, brain trust... LIGHTBULBS BREAK REALLY EASILY!!!!!!!

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:



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Believe me, we've seen worse darling...
lol i know, i just like to try to be a gentleman. unfortunately, i have a twenty foot tall soul crushing monster inside me and sometimes he wins the debate over 'should i say or do this right now?' sure the people who made the posts that set me off are ok in real life, and would probably deserve to be extinguished in the event that they were on fire ;) thanks for understanding <3


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LED's Andria, LED's:wait::giggle:

Definitely a better and brighter choice than those idiotic curly lightbulbs. But I really don't see the problem with regular incandescent bulbs -- I used to watch my grandfather walking around the house -- "whatcha doing, Pop?" "turning off lights, punkin." "why?" "Because electricity ain't free." I figured that was a normal part of growing up, learning to turn off lights that aren't being used -- I used to do that every morning after my kid left for school.


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