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Squonkers are Bonkers

Le Furet

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What da f*ck is going in here...
These last couple of pages are taking Bonkers to a whole nutha level (!!)

Y'all are bein stellar with the newb, it's what we're here for eh..

I like a little clouds sometimes.. So... Provided you're not a troll @mmccurdy, Keep it simple to start until you learn more. You're more than fine with a TFV12, and any dual battery mod (or 3 battery if you don't mind the size), start with a proven regulated mod, The Smok brand is perfect for where you're at. Use an e-liquid that is is High VG. (80% VG / 20% PG is best for clouds) Pay attention to the recommended wattage for the different coils you buy and have fun dude.
Watch a shitload of YouTube videos, there's loads of great reviews on almost every mod & tank out there. A wealth of information out there man, just gotta do a little homework.
I hope you're primarily using vaping as a tool to quit smoking and not to look dope as fuck... because any of us here can tell you that vapers are the biggest geeks in town!
Maybe we'll see you back in the squonkers forum as your vaping style develops.
; )



Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
What da f*ck is going in here...
These last couple of pages are taking Bonkers to a whole nutha level (!!)

Y'all are bein stellar with the newb, it's what we're here for eh..

I like a little clouds sometimes.. So... Provided you're not a troll @mmccurdy, Keep it simple to start until you learn more. You're more than fine with a TFV12, and any dual battery mod (or 3 battery if you don't mind the size), start with a proven regulated mod, The Smok brand is perfect for where you're at. Use an e-liquid that is is High VG. (80% VG / 20% PG is best for clouds) Pay attention to the recommended wattage for the different coils you buy and have fun dude.
Watch a shitload of YouTube videos, there's loads of great reviews on almost every mod & tank out there. A wealth of information out there man, just gotta do a little homework.
I hope you're primarily using vaping as a tool to quit smoking and not to look dope as fuck... because any of us here can tell you that vapers are the biggest geeks in town!
Maybe we'll see you back in the squonkers forum as your vaping style develops.
; )

You're alive!!! Hope you're feeling better!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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If y’all use RDAs can I stay and talk to you guys about that?

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We do use RDAs, but they have SQUONK PINS -- the juice comes UP from the bottle below, NOT dripped into it. And you need to understand that CLOUDS ARE IRRELEVANT, we want FLAVOR. Clouds are for showoff assholes who just want to annoy everyone around them.



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So if some guy comes to you and says here is 10 thousand dollars. Get me the nicest RDA possible. What would you get?

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Overpriced garbage most likely.



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Subscribe to (RipTrippers) on YouTube.
Best I got on hand lol

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Both the Hohmtech Slice & HohmTech G2 would allow you to use kanthal in TC mode.Only mods that can do so that I know of.

But it's just pointless -- if you don't know how to control the temp of your vape, you have no damn business building your own coils in the first place. As I said... I build a coil that's 1.6 to 2 ohms, I run it at 9.5-ish watts, and THAT is lovely temp control! I get just a *tiny bit* of warmth right at the very end of my long, tight-draw, 5-6 second hits, and that's just perfect! Anything else is just overkill, useless, pointless, a waste of time and money. I could maybe see newbies wanting to use TC so they don't get dry hits... the problem with that is that TC is so damn finicky, no newbie has the skills to do it properly.

TC may be a good idea, EVENTUALLY... but right now it's a special way for experienced vapers to make artisan builds and waste a lot of time and money, in any attempt to believe that they're somehow "better" than other vapers. Other than that... totally useless.


Le Furet

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You're alive!!! Hope you're feeling better!

Thanks Dude.
I was feeling great earlier and now it's coming on again.. like an LSD wave but the flu version!

About a year ago, I was selling a Tugboat slam cap on eBay, I got sooo many messages on that thing. Same story."Will this blow dope ass clouds?"
Dude. It was just the top cap. At first I was responding with 'well, yes, provided you have the RDA' .. with the same response 'what's an RDA?'
It said 'Flawless As F*ck' on it and all the newbs HAD to have it.
They didn't even know what it was or what it did but it was THE SHIT so it had to blow phat clouds right?
I have a lot of patience with the newcomers but it chaps me when people start vaping for clouds and never even smoked cigarettes in the first place. Or are having the struggle to quit!
I guess fidget spinners aren't engaging enough..


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You'd be wrong on thinking that.The original point of dripping was to get a more saturated vape.More saturation = more flavor...Nuff said!

Exactly. That's why I'm so stuck on my Achilles that I can't be happy with tanks anymore; the flavor from the Achilles is so saturated, it's almost like you have ejuice in your mouth, except no greasy feel on your lips.

And I vape that at 9.5-9.6 watts, with 86% PG juice, so there ain't none of that annoying cloudz bro shit.



Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
But it's just pointless -- if you don't know how to control the temp of your vape, you have no damn business building your own coils in the first place. As I said... I build a coil that's 1.6 to 2 ohms, I run it at 9.5-ish watts, and THAT is lovely temp control! I get just a *tiny bit* of warmth right at the very end of my long, tight-draw, 5-6 second hits, and that's just perfect! Anything else is just overkill, useless, pointless, a waste of time and money. I could maybe see newbies wanting to use TC so they don't get dry hits... the problem with that is that TC is so damn finicky, no newbie has the skills to do it properly.

TC may be a good idea, EVENTUALLY... but right now it's a special way for experienced vapers to make artisan builds and waste a lot of time and money, in any attempt to believe that they're somehow "better" than other vapers. Other than that... totally useless.

You most certainly are entitled to your opinions. What works for you, works and keeps you from analogs and that is what really counts. Personally, I prefer TC since I get busy or/and distracted and TC ,when it works properly, will protect you from a dry hit while providing a constant vape.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years
What da f*ck is going in here...
These last couple of pages are taking Bonkers to a whole nutha level (!!)

Y'all are bein stellar with the newb, it's what we're here for eh..

I like a little clouds sometimes.. So... Provided you're not a troll @mmccurdy, Keep it simple to start until you learn more. You're more than fine with a TFV12, and any dual battery mod (or 3 battery if you don't mind the size), start with a proven regulated mod, The Smok brand is perfect for where you're at. Use an e-liquid that is is High VG. (80% VG / 20% PG is best for clouds) Pay attention to the recommended wattage for the different coils you buy and have fun dude.
Watch a shitload of YouTube videos, there's loads of great reviews on almost every mod & tank out there. A wealth of information out there man, just gotta do a little homework.
I hope you're primarily using vaping as a tool to quit smoking and not to look dope as fuck... because any of us here can tell you that vapers are the biggest geeks in town!
Maybe we'll see you back in the squonkers forum as your vaping style develops.
; )


Actually, using a 20/80 ratio and making cloudz bro cloudz, my bet is we see him in the Health subforum wondering why his chest hurts and he's coughing up so much green shit.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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You most certainly are entitled to your opinions. What works for you, works and keeps you from analogs and that is what really counts. Personally, I prefer TC since I get busy or/and distracted and TC ,when it works properly, will protect you from a dry hit while providing a constant vape.

That was exactly what I was after, since I first started trying out TC shortly after I switched to RDAs and hadn't yet learned the taste that comes just before a dry hit... but I could never get anything from TC that I really wanted. Just a lot of wasted time and money. By the time I figured out that TC was useless for my low-power vaping, I *had* learned that taste, so I didn't really need TC anymore anyway.



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Exactly. That's why I'm so stuck on my Achilles that I can't be happy with tanks anymore; the flavor from the Achilles is so saturated, it's almost like you have ejuice in your mouth, except no greasy feel on your lips.

And I vape that at 9.5-9.6 watts, with 86% PG juice, so there ain't none of that annoying cloudz bro shit.


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Le Furet

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I just had a flash of having dinner with @AndriaD ..
"Thanks for cooking, but the steak could be about 3 degrees hotter.. and is there any way you could raise the table an inch and a half, it hurts my elbow when I bite..oh HELL NO, you have regular milk right?! ...wait, this fork is nickel plated, I can tell by the way the metal shines..I guess I'll just use a plastic fork.. FUCK this fork is too bendy.. *starts eating with her hands* that all you have is GODDAMN BALSAMIC?! ..JEEZ there any way you can turn the music down 15%..and maybe take a quick walk outside to kill your FUCKING COLOGNE SMELL...oh you're back...did you leave the door open? It's fucking freezing in here...grab me my sweater, no the other one. No the OTHER other one.. thanks...took long enough... damn...this rice tastes like FUCKING anyway, as I was saying.. about my Achilles..."


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Member For 4 Years
So after the wasp nano an wasp rdta,
Luck what they come up eith now such an weird monstrosity
Horizontal stacked or vertical
With a bf pin , what the ?, why ?
Looks like could get toasty in dual stacked ,

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I just had a flash of having dinner with @AndriaD ..
"Thanks for cooking, but the steak could be about 3 degrees hotter.. and is there any way you could raise the table an inch and a half, it hurts my elbow when I bite..oh HELL NO, you have regular milk right?! ...wait, this fork is nickel plated, I can tell by the way the metal shines..I guess I'll just use a plastic fork.. FUCK this fork is too bendy.. *starts eating with her hands* that all you have is GODDAMN BALSAMIC?! ..JEEZ there any way you can turn the music down 15%..and maybe take a quick walk outside to kill your FUCKING COLOGNE SMELL...oh you're back...did you leave the door open? It's fucking freezing in here...grab me my sweater, no the other one. No the OTHER other one.. thanks...took long enough... damn...this rice tastes like FUCKING anyway, as I was saying.. about my Achilles..."
Haha now that's bonker fuel right there my friend!

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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I just had a flash of having dinner with @AndriaD ..
"Thanks for cooking, but the steak could be about 3 degrees hotter.. and is there any way you could raise the table an inch and a half, it hurts my elbow when I bite..oh HELL NO, you have regular milk right?! ...wait, this fork is nickel plated, I can tell by the way the metal shines..I guess I'll just use a plastic fork.. FUCK this fork is too bendy.. *starts eating with her hands* that all you have is GODDAMN BALSAMIC?! ..JEEZ there any way you can turn the music down 15%..and maybe take a quick walk outside to kill your FUCKING COLOGNE SMELL...oh you're back...did you leave the door open? It's fucking freezing in here...grab me my sweater, no the other one. No the OTHER other one.. thanks...took long enough... damn...this rice tastes like FUCKING anyway, as I was saying.. about my Achilles..."

Actually the only part that was accurate was about the cologne smell -- I LOATHE perfume, especially when I'm eating -- and if anyone goes in/out the garage door right behind my chair when I'm eating... WRATH OF ANDRIA! :D Because in the summer, it's hot out there, which magnifies the cat smell... and in the winter, it's cold out there, and that goes right up my back since it's right behind my chair!

But anyway... who wants cookies???




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Trying out the RSQ tonight with some BankRoll #4 from Broke Dick. The juice is a caramel apple pie and lawdy that stuff is good - taste just like it says. It was a free sample with my regular order. The RSQ is pretty cool so far.
Dang you like that stuff? I ordered 3 bottles of broke dick and never opened the 3rd. One of the ones I tried tasted really good but had this crazy bad after taste that just completly killed it. The other one was the fruit punch and it tasted like the cheapest sugar free fruit punch cough medicine from the 80's. Not this new really good tasting no name brand stuff either. Lol

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Member For 3 Years
Actually the only part that was accurate was about the cologne smell -- I LOATHE perfume, especially when I'm eating -- and if anyone goes in/out the garage door right behind my chair when I'm eating... WRATH OF ANDRIA! :D Because in the summer, it's hot out there, which magnifies the cat smell... and in the winter, it's cold out there, and that goes right up my back since it's right behind my chair!

But anyway... who wants cookies???

View attachment 99257

Oh me me me! But I'm gluten free

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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Oh me me me! But I'm gluten free

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Well too bad then, we eat like normal folks around here. :D Just loaded with all-purpose flour. And real sugar. I did use Smart Balance instead of real butter, but I think the cookies probably would have turned out slightly better with real butter... so, next time.



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Member For 3 Years
Well too bad then, we eat like normal folks around here. :D Just loaded with all-purpose flour. And real sugar. I did use Smart Balance instead of real butter, but I think the cookies probably would have turned out slightly better with real butter... so, next time.

Haha, cant say I'm very normal but it's not by my choosing I can tell you that. My daughter and I both have celiac disease.

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The Wife is gluten free... not celiac, but she found that gluten worsened her arthritis. Meanwhile, I have been ordered to give uo processed sugars (which is almost everything in the US these days), caffeine, alcohol... life... sheesh

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Member For 5 Years
The Wife is gluten free... not celiac, but she found that gluten worsened her arthritis. Meanwhile, I have been ordered to give uo processed sugars (which is almost everything in the US these days), caffeine, alcohol... life... sheesh

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I went sugar free 12 days 2 was headaches and withdrawals...and the only sugar I normally added to anything was coffee...half a spoon x 2 cups of coffee a day of sugar in the raw... Amazing how much shit in my cupboards had added sugar.

Total veggie/fruit/fish lately and honestly I feel a lot better and naturally lost 9 lbs, but as I said in a previous post... I'd take a medium Porter House, especially right about now.

But yeah, even fucking bread ( To which I love ) nope, added sugar...Oh wife having some chips...nope fucking sugar... Oh man, Pancit and Chicken Adobo....hell fucking no, sugar.

It was truly easier to give up smoking Cigars than to drop sugar from my diet.


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Member For 4 Years
I went sugar free 12 days 2 was headaches and withdrawals...and the only sugar I normally added to anything was coffee...half a spoon x 2 cups of coffee a day of sugar in the raw... Amazing how much shit in my cupboards had added sugar.

Total veggie/fruit/fish lately and honestly I feel a lot better and naturally lost 9 lbs, but as I said in a previous post... I'd take a medium Porter House, especially right about now.

But yeah, even fucking bread ( To which I love ) nope, added sugar...Oh wife having some chips...nope fucking sugar... Oh man, Pancit and Chicken Adobo....hell fucking no, sugar.

It was truly easier to give up smoking Cigars than to drop sugar from my diet.
Sugar has not been so hard. Caffeine? I'm ex-military... I started the day with a quart of coffee... literally... a custom made 34 ounce mug. Then, at work, I would drink a full pot (2 more 34 ounce mugs). When I got home, a cup after dinner, and a cup before bed. It was a rare day that I didn't polish off at least 4 quarts... more often 6 quarts of coffee... all black. Now, nothing.

Not to say it was EASY to give up sugar. For most of my life (and by most, I mean up until about 2 years ago), I could eat what I wanted when I wanted, as much as I wanted with no ill effects. My stomach and metabolism burned it off.

Now, they're rebelling agains 50 years of abuse and making me pay for my youthful indiscretions.

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Member For 4 Years
Dang you like that stuff?

Only the 1st....and I mainly just use it as a base to add other stuff too. And that brings me to my next question. Does anybody know where to get a good 3mg 70/30 vg base? All the places I see have ridiculous shipping costs.


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Heat doesn't increase flavor, it just makes it hotter; the 2 TC mods I've tried, you had to have a ramp-up wattage at 25 or 30 watts, and that's like THREE TIMES hotter than I can tolerate! I don't want heat, I want FLAVOR, and neither titanium nor stainless gives it; it's just flat, blah, no zip or zing or flavor or TH, just plain ol flavorless warm vapor; I might as well just huff from a pot of boiling water on the stove.

Making a 2 ohm coil from kanthal and running it at 9.5 watts is all the "temp control" I need, and it even gives me a good vape, great flavor and TH, unlike TC. To me, stainless either tastes like burnt metal, or I just taste the cotton wick, but never the ejuice itself.

Pre heat is for coils, not juice, coils still need heating to produce vape? Different temps release different flavour profiles
Same juice can taste different at different temps,
An bigger build coils need more power/ heat to get there
so preheat can hit that in a second then drop back down to normal temp, Then TC can be used to maintain that temp consistently so it wont be weak ,

where as without it,
it wouldn't get to temp quickly
so produce weak hits ,
this is how high end boards work and totally different breed compared to cheap arse mods that most use then broadly state TC is junk an gimiky ,
When when they haven't even tried it properly with an actually decent quality board.
no cheap mod can properly TC the boards are too cheap as well as other parts which effect the mod to produce sufficient stable TC,

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Haha, cant say I'm very normal but it's not by my choosing I can tell you that. My daughter and I both have celiac disease.

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I have a young cousin who has that. He just graduated high school; when I asked his aunt (one of my closer cousins, my own age) how he was doing with his special diet and his health, she just rolled her eyes: "He's a boy, and he's 18... what do you think?" :giggle: But I think he actually kinda dodged a bullet -- his mom has suffered Lupus for over 20 yrs; it really was a miracle she was able to have his sister and him at all, her health was so precarious there for a while.

I do have certain restrictions in my diet -- really have to avoid any foods that are loaded with cholesterol -- like cheap beef (no fast food burgers!) and eggs -- gallstones really suck! And I try to watch what I eat pretty carefully in general, since I really don't want to be either obese or diabetic; diabetes was most of what killed my mom, and most of her siblings. Fucking horrible disease. Cancer can kill you; diabetes makes you wish you were dead, and THEN it kills you.



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SS430 on a DNA75/C in TC is almost vape nirvana. Running twisted 28g SS430 in a B2K and I have yet to have a better vape. Maybe one of these days if I score a Nuppin. :wait:
Where do you get your SS430 from?

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