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Squonkers are Bonkers


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I went sugar free 12 days 2 was headaches and withdrawals...and the only sugar I normally added to anything was coffee...half a spoon x 2 cups of coffee a day of sugar in the raw... Amazing how much shit in my cupboards had added sugar.

Total veggie/fruit/fish lately and honestly I feel a lot better and naturally lost 9 lbs, but as I said in a previous post... I'd take a medium Porter House, especially right about now.

But yeah, even fucking bread ( To which I love ) nope, added sugar...Oh wife having some chips...nope fucking sugar... Oh man, Pancit and Chicken Adobo....hell fucking no, sugar.

It was truly easier to give up smoking Cigars than to drop sugar from my diet.

January 3, 2017 I was ordered to give: up all processed sugar, grains, legumes, fake fats, anything with added nitrates, nitrites, potatoes and my favorite fruit, watermelon

Yep, it finally put my RA back in remission and it stopped attacking my liver and my fingers are working again

Other amazing odd things have happened to my body - but man oh man - learning how to eat real food was a booger and a half


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That's right! You had Drifter's mod. What was it about the BAM that you didn't like? @DogMan seems to be getting along with it!

love my BAM, my second is in production

did not love the Li-Mo, but that was mainly the DNA60, not the body of the mod. Although they do feel a little odd in hand too

on another note, i can't keep up with this thread anymore lol

xmas in the dog household will be just me and dogmum, my sisters are otherwise occupied with either inlaws or work

roasting deep sea bream and doing a bunch of salads, then belgian mousse for dessert [you need to imagine summer, these are common christmas food here]


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And also what is a mech

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Mech as in mechanical, not having any wires or circuits in the mod. There's only battery and firing contacts.

Regulated mods are those with circuits. They do all the fancy bells & whistles shit, temperature control, games on their screens, screens, updating new firmware, firmware, make toast, reminders and so on.

The advantages for someone using a mech are that you can vape as long as you can mash a fire button. If you cannot you might need to 1. swap out a freshly charged battery, 2. fix the firing contact. There's no needing a degree in advanced electronics if something breaks. Mechs can fairly last nigh forever if they're given some basic TLC. Regulated mods could have a chip fry on the first day and you not able to trace down the issue in the circuits, leaving you with a fancy and usually expensive paperweight.


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I thought the point of dripping was to make clouds???

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For some folks, yeah, maybe it is that. I do like making reasonably sized clouds at times but for me it's about delivering nicotine and enjoying a little flavor more than fogging up a mountain. Squonking though is not exactly dripping in a technical sense, with squonking you don't drip down into an RDA but you squeeze the bottle and let the RDA's wick soak up juice with the excess returning into the bottle.


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If y’all use RDAs can I stay and talk to you guys about that?

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Stay or go, hm, all on you to decide. I'm not posting so much any more to any threads. I've gotten busy in living life, nothing personal against anyone here. I vape yes, I use a squonker that's a mech yes. That's only one aspect of my life though.

I for example do housework, help do up firewood, getting started with some wood burning & wood work type of stuff, I enjoy a very limited few puzzle games, I read, about to get started writing on an idea about clowns & a bad place in WV, I might also do some face diving (jump off cliff faces with a chute and pray), might like doing the watootsie & mashed potato. Heck I do all sorts of stuff and a lot if I'm not doing it ain't worth doing. ;) :) :D

Never can tell about me, there are periods of time I lose all the time, cannot recall what I did or where I was at doing it. Sometimes I even split up into many little selves of me and go ballistic, mass confusion, running around doing everything at once. As I said, I got busy living life and figure I'll keep busy. My wife is a genuine witch and she turns me into a salamander when she's feeling charitable as punishment, or worse a newt when I've been particularly lacking in keeping busy.

I'm not keen to enjoy being either, so I stay busy.


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So if some guy comes to you and says here is 10 thousand dollars. Get me the nicest RDA possible. What would you get?

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Wow, $10,000 worth of Gorge RDAS? I can get them for about $20 each, hm, well I'm not sure the Gorge is best but I'd get a few at least. Might get a few NaRDA clones and a few Goon LP clones as well, maybe a few Odis clones. Just noticed I mainly use single coil RDA. That's funny. :)


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A 20 pulse and a new car

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New to me anyway

Oh yeah, I could the wife a new Jeep, maybe find an old circa 1976 to 1978 model Cherokee wagon Jeep for her. Bet the guys at the Jeep dealership here would absolutely shit to try working on one of those. *chuckles* "Look, no fucking computers!"


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Get something really popular...maybe a Goon. They're everywhere, authentic and clone, and they have enough room and airflow for whatever you want to put inside.
I use the smaller (22mm) Goon - with a bottom feed pin, and find it's a good compromise - more air than I need, and pretty good flavor (i put simple wire dual coils in for more "surface area" without a lot of mass to heat - because I use 1-battery mechs (no adjusting voltage - you get what you get, and can't "turn it up").

Then you can find a hundred youtube videos searching "goon RDA build" and similar terms, to learn about making/wicking a coil.
First, know the limits of your battery, then you can buy coils for it - these guys are good quality.

my build in a goon:
View attachment 99250

A better "cloudchaser" build in a goon:
View attachment 99251

Don't sell your build short. It's a nice looking one and could soothe out clouds too. It's all in the end user. :)


Diamond Contributor
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So if do not want to do a build yet but I want an RDA what kind of RDA do I need to look for? Like if I’m on google. What do I google?

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Maybe ask politely and see if some of us other vapers here like build coils and don't mind tossing you a few to let you start out. @snake94115 also had good suggestions. And yeah some of us do build some coils, some don't mind tossing a few out for PIF or giggles, then you also need to know we'd do that within limits. After that you might need to pay a little to have somebody build you some coils. Heck, a sicks pack of beer might get you a set of coils. (Pun intended there) Me, I like some good coffee or maybe Rip bobble head. I got a factory what makes Rip bobble heads but I've never even gotten a prototype model. I think that's because Rip steals them out of my mail or he uses his damn creamy lotion and slips up the works.


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Have a great Christmas.

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Only the 1st....and I mainly just use it as a base to add other stuff too. And that brings me to my next question. Does anybody know where to get a good 3mg 70/30 vg base? All the places I see have ridiculous shipping costs.
Well then I'm gonna trust you and give it a try. That's the 3rd bottle I never opened.

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
love my BAM, my second is in production

did not love the Li-Mo, but that was mainly the DNA60, not the body of the mod. Although they do feel a little odd in hand too

on another note, i can't keep up with this thread anymore lol

xmas in the dog household will be just me and dogmum, my sisters are otherwise occupied with either inlaws or work

roasting deep sea bream and doing a bunch of salads, then belgian mousse for dessert [you need to imagine summer, these are common christmas food here]

What about the DNA did you not like?


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SS430 on a DNA75/C in TC is almost vape nirvana. Running twisted 28g SS430 in a B2K and I have yet to have a better vape. Maybe one of these days if I score a Nuppin. :wait:

If you like twisted (I'm guessing 28g) 430ss you gotta try a spool of 430 clapton or fused clapton from advanced vape supply.

Edit... I see you linked to AVS, you gotta try a spool. Mech gets 316 but TC gets nothing but a 430 clapton.
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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Mech as in mechanical, not having any wires or circuits in the mod. There's only battery and firing contacts.

Regulated mods are those with circuits. They do all the fancy bells & whistles shit, temperature control, games on their screens, screens, updating new firmware, firmware, make toast, reminders and so on.

The advantages for someone using a mech are that you can vape as long as you can mash a fire button. If you cannot you might need to 1. swap out a freshly charged battery, 2. fix the firing contact. There's no needing a degree in advanced electronics if something breaks. Mechs can fairly last nigh forever if they're given some basic TLC. Regulated mods could have a chip fry on the first day and you not able to trace down the issue in the circuits, leaving you with a fancy and usually expensive paperweight.
Yes on the long life of mechs.
However mods like the pico Squeeze can be converted into a straight mosfet mod if the mosfet/circuit board in it ever fries for thos of us with electronic skills.
And any regulated mod can be converted to mosfet as well. You just will not have a working screen, variable wattage and such.


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I've never met a truly indestructible mod. Squonkers more so than others.

510 in squonkers is always a potential to break. That is a thin screw with a hole up the guts. Magnets fail. Bottles fail.


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i found the 60 really temperamental

over current errors for same resistance and watts [50] that are ok on 75

and low battery kicked in quicker, before my bottles were empty

Ohh that’s no fun, hopefully it can suit my needs. I generally vape below 40w with builds in the .4-.6 area.


The Vapin' Drummer
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Stay or go, hm, all on you to decide. I'm not posting so much any more to any threads. I've gotten busy in living life, nothing personal against anyone here. I vape yes, I use a squonker that's a mech yes. That's only one aspect of my life though.

I for example do housework, help do up firewood, getting started with some wood burning & wood work type of stuff, I enjoy a very limited few puzzle games, I read, about to get started writing on an idea about clowns & a bad place in WV, I might also do some face diving (jump off cliff faces with a chute and pray), might like doing the watootsie & mashed potato. Heck I do all sorts of stuff and a lot if I'm not doing it ain't worth doing. ;) :) :D

Never can tell about me, there are periods of time I lose all the time, cannot recall what I did or where I was at doing it. Sometimes I even split up into many little selves of me and go ballistic, mass confusion, running around doing everything at once. As I said, I got busy living life and figure I'll keep busy. My wife is a genuine witch and she turns me into a salamander when she's feeling charitable as punishment, or worse a newt when I've been particularly lacking in keeping busy.

I'm not keen to enjoy being either, so I stay busy.
Keep me up on the clowns in WV book. I love creepy shit. Sounds like my style.

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R3alJim Shady

Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ohh that’s no fun, hopefully it can suit my needs. I generally vape below 40w with builds in the .4-.6 area.

I’ve a got a 60 in my SXK Billet Box and I kept my builds around .4 and it worked flawlessly. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.

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Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Maybe ask politely and see if some of us other vapers here like build coils and don't mind tossing you a few to let you start out. @snake94115 also had good suggestions. And yeah some of us do build some coils, some don't mind tossing a few out for PIF or giggles, then you also need to know we'd do that within limits. After that you might need to pay a little to have somebody build you some coils. Heck, a sicks pack of beer might get you a set of coils. (Pun intended there) Me, I like some good coffee or maybe Rip bobble head. I got a factory what makes Rip bobble heads but I've never even gotten a prototype model. I think that's because Rip steals them out of my mail or he uses his damn creamy lotion and slips up the works.
Yup here he is right before snatching yo bobble.

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I’ve a got a 60 in my SXK Billet Box and I kept my builds around .4 and it worked flawlessly. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.

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Whoot thanks man! Btw kick ass wedding photos, saw them on face place the other day.


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Thanks brother! Our photographer is aces! We got almost a thousand pics in about 10 hours.

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That’s awesome! Not gonna lie also jealous of your honey moon, wish we would of thought of doing that. We did ours in Miami and key west.

R3alJim Shady

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Member For 4 Years
That’s awesome! Not gonna lie also jealous of your honey moon, wish we would of thought of doing that. We did ours in Miami and key west.

Honestly, it was NOT RELAXING in the least lol!
It was a blast, however, and one we wouldn’t have been able to enjoy as much had we taken the kiddos. Being my second marriage, we literally haven’t had any of our relationship without them so it was both weird and refreshing to be able to do what we wanted at our own pace.

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Ohh that’s no fun, hopefully it can suit my needs. I generally vape below 40w with builds in the .4-.6 area.

Just make sure you drop the low voltage cut off to 2.8v to allow for voltage sag when you are getting to arround 3.6v or the board may hit the kill switch and not use up the cells full capacity.

R3alJim Shady

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What’s everyone’s favorite Squonk gear of 2017... atties, mods, and bottles...

Atties: Flave Ti, Entheon
Mods: Mums Plug, Floris Little Orca
Bottles: SJMY Super Soft 6ml

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What’s everyone’s favorite Squonk gear of 2017... atties, mods, and bottles...

Atties: Flave Ti, Entheon
Mods: Mums Plug, Floris Little Orca
Bottles: SJMY Super Soft 6ml

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BAM for mod
Still the stumpy RDA
Bottles: smjy square 8ml silicone


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Mods : SV MOSFET Single and Dual, Therion 75/75C
RDA : Need I say? Nuppin, Cyclone v1, Hadaly
Bottles : YFTK silicone and the new Therion bottles.


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Atty: Flave 22 Ti, Haku Phenom/Cruiser - Honorable Mention - Stumpy BF RDA
Mods: Molly V1.3 - 67 Neo Mara - Honorable Mention - Pico Squeeze
Bottle: Cappy v4 Kompakt RS - Honorable Mention - Squappy

Trash Can Item (Leaverites AKA Worst) HellFire Sentinel


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Just snagged this for the pocket!
Nice find! Gave the clone a try (thank you @So619Cal )....not really my style of vaping. The Fuchai Squonk is OK, but I think it will be travelling soon. I just remembered I have a second Fuchai on its way form China....should get here before Christmas....2018!


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
VU Donator
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ECF Refugee
VU Challenge Team
Member For 5 Years
What’s everyone’s favorite Squonk gear of 2017... atties, mods, and bottles...

Atties: Flave Ti, Entheon
Mods: Mums Plug, Floris Little Orca
Bottles: SJMY Super Soft 6ml

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Atties: Odis 16, The Flave 22 TI, Honorable mention: Chalice IV
Mod: Little Orca/Floris Del Fino, Underground Ultem by MCM, Honorable Mention: Dos Equies squonker
Bottles: All the inexpensive new options for silicone squonk bottle we can now enjoy from FT, other China retailers


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Member For 4 Years
Nice find! Gave the clone a try (thank you @So619Cal )....not really my style of vaping. The Fuchai Squonk is OK, but I think it will be travelling soon. I just remembered I have a second Fuchai on its way form China....should get here before Christmas....2018!

Thanks! The ultem one should be here sometime this week, also if you don’t mind me asking what about the pocket did you not like?

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