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Squonkers are Bonkers


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
But it's just pointless -- if you don't know how to control the temp of your vape, you have no damn business building your own coils in the first place. As I said... I build a coil that's 1.6 to 2 ohms, I run it at 9.5-ish watts, and THAT is lovely temp control! I get just a *tiny bit* of warmth right at the very end of my long, tight-draw, 5-6 second hits, and that's just perfect! Anything else is just overkill, useless, pointless, a waste of time and money. I could maybe see newbies wanting to use TC so they don't get dry hits... the problem with that is that TC is so damn finicky, no newbie has the skills to do it properly.

TC may be a good idea, EVENTUALLY... but right now it's a special way for experienced vapers to make artisan builds and waste a lot of time and money, in any attempt to believe that they're somehow "better" than other vapers. Other than that... totally useless.

You know I kind of agree with you on most of that.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I have a lot of patience with the newcomers but it chaps me when people start vaping for clouds and never even smoked cigarettes in the first place. Or are having the struggle to quit!
I guess fidget spinners aren't engaging enough..
I feel your pain.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I just had a flash of having dinner with @AndriaD ..
"Thanks for cooking, but the steak could be about 3 degrees hotter.. and is there any way you could raise the table an inch and a half, it hurts my elbow when I bite..oh HELL NO, you have regular milk right?! ...wait, this fork is nickel plated, I can tell by the way the metal shines..I guess I'll just use a plastic fork.. FUCK this fork is too bendy.. *starts eating with her hands* that all you have is GODDAMN BALSAMIC?! ..JEEZ there any way you can turn the music down 15%..and maybe take a quick walk outside to kill your FUCKING COLOGNE SMELL...oh you're back...did you leave the door open? It's fucking freezing in here...grab me my sweater, no the other one. No the OTHER other one.. thanks...took long enough... damn...this rice tastes like FUCKING anyway, as I was saying.. about my Achilles..."
Not sure if I should be laughing or be worried.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So after the wasp nano an wasp rdta,
Luck what they come up eith now such an weird monstrosity
Horizontal stacked or vertical
With a bf pin , what the ?, why ?
Looks like could get toasty in dual stacked ,

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Wait this is actually a thing and not a joke?
Be right back I'm going to need a bigger bottle.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well too bad then, we eat like normal folks around here. :D Just loaded with all-purpose flour. And real sugar. I did use Smart Balance instead of real butter, but I think the cookies probably would have turned out slightly better with real butter... so, next time.

Believe it or not when I make cakes or make pie crust I always use (Butter Flavored Crisco)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I went sugar free 12 days 2 was headaches and withdrawals...and the only sugar I normally added to anything was coffee...half a spoon x 2 cups of coffee a day of sugar in the raw... Amazing how much shit in my cupboards had added sugar.

Total veggie/fruit/fish lately and honestly I feel a lot better and naturally lost 9 lbs, but as I said in a previous post... I'd take a medium Porter House, especially right about now.

But yeah, even fucking bread ( To which I love ) nope, added sugar...Oh wife having some chips...nope fucking sugar... Oh man, Pancit and Chicken Adobo....hell fucking no, sugar.

It was truly easier to give up smoking Cigars than to drop sugar from my diet.
So what you're saying is you'd kill for an Oreo?


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
So what you're saying is you'd kill for an Oreo?

No never really was into sweets...I like a casual chocolate once in a blue moon...but I really would love some sugar in my coffee though.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Mooch discusses changes to his tables and battery comparisons. A must watch show.
18650, 20650, 20700, 21700... Think I will just stick with 18650 for another year at least.

Probably longer the 26650 was looking to be the next big thing but alas it just turned into a sleeping giant.The only thing worse than a has been is a never was.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
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With that kind of money I'd buy a couple Vandy Vapes Mesh RDA's a couple Hellvape Dead Rabbit SQ's a couple of Oumier Wasp Nano's a Capo Sqounker Kit a VandyVape Pulse BF Squonk Kit and that Sigelei Fuchai 213 Squonk Kit as well and still have a fuck ton of money left over to go to Lake Tahoe and do nothing but relax for a few Black Bear Lodge.

I was just considering that if you offer someone a sum of money that contains 2 or 3 more decimal places than needed for what you want to buy... "a fool and his money are soon parted."

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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Believe it or not when I make cakes or make pie crust I always use (Butter Flavored Crisco)

Have they finally removed the trans-fats? I knew the score on those evil things YEARS before anyone in the FDA woke the fuck up and realized they were killing people.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Have they finally removed the trans-fats? I knew the score on those evil things YEARS before anyone in the FDA woke the fuck up and realized they were killing people.

I'm alright with trans-fat it isn't like I'm eating blueberry muffins for breakfast everyday.Or German's Chocolate Cake.


Platinum Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Probably longer the 26650 was looking to be the next big thing but alas it just turned into a sleeping giant.The only thing worse than a has been is a never was.
Old habits never die young so a lot of (mostly uneducated) people just stick to what is known to them, like that Samsung 25R that once was, and it still is─because people are still buying it to vape on, thinking the 25R still is such an awesome battery so it must still be preferred, when the reality is the 25R simply just sucks compared to the VTC5A and rubbing that under some people's noses won't change those people's minds because they are stuck living in the past on that. I use dual Ijoy 26650 batteries in my stacked mech mod (Vapergate The 99)... I can guarantee they perform a fuck ton better than those 25Rs. That 26650 battery is 30 amps CDR and 4200 mAh. Despite the VTC5A hits a lot harder, it is still only 25 amps CDR and 2500 mAh so I continue to use it because it is smaller in size and because it hits harder. The true reason why that 26650 is a giant sleeper is because most folks are fast asleep about batteries and battery performance, and that is also what the video proves.


Platinum Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I'll take the dna 20/30 over that any day of the week!

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For me, personally, DNA and anything temp control is best compared to training wheels on a bicycle. It avoids some people's getting dry hits and bad puffs, just like training wheels avoid some people's falling over.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Looks good, I ordered one so we'll see.
She's even using it on the Squonker that everyone seems to hate except me

Sent from a Galaxy far far away!
It's a skill with a different cap.

And, I like the Capo. I've got a .13 build (stock) in the Combo SRDA at 70 watts... decent vape. The 20700 lasts through about 14 ml...

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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Naah 18650's are not going away for at least several years.
Too many other things use them.
And I have enough 18650 mods to last the rest of my life most likely...
But buy new mods and batteries that cost 2X as much if you want.
They will last up to 25% or so longer in some cases with some batteries.
Or use adapters which must be moved from battery to battery as you change batteries.

For me too much trouble and expense for too little gain.
Just the way I roll.
Roll on as however suits you.

Well, I'm good staying with single celled 18650 based mods. :) Staying withing the K.I.S.S parameter helps in having an enjoyable and pleasant vaping experience for me. Glad the 18650s will be staying around.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
You know I kind of agree with you on most of that.

Funny how you and me seem to fit in this same damnable little zodiac raft most of the time. *chuckles* I too am in good agreement with what she is saying. Seems I get a fairly cool vape off a 3 mm I.D. build that nets around 0.30 Ω most of the time. Granted that build also ramps up quick, gets quite warm enough to do what is needed & quite well. Tried the TC on that Dripbox, I wound up lost being candid, it was too much cowbell.

Duh, speaking of the 18650s as I was a moment ago. Guess a silly Bozo used one up in my silver mod. Had to make a pit stop to change to a fully recharged battery. :) Oh well, could be worse, I could be looking for a m*th fix like my middle brother. *smh* Wish I could understand the why of that, his why for it at least. Reckon to some degree I do, he was his daddy's little angel.

Hey! :hug: :) You have a Happy Yule, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa as y'all see clear to celebrate. We here wish y'all a good one and Brightest Blessings next year.
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
The "R" in RDA means REBUILDABLE -- so what you do is, LEARN TO BUILD COILS. It's not exactly rocket surgery.

Shhh, don't be saying that. We want folks thinking wrapping wire up in coils is akin to black magic voodoo. That way we can .... awe well, it was half a notion at least.

:hug: Y'all have a good Christmas. :) Lots of luvs sent to y'all.

Did you know memory is the second thing to go. I forget what the first to go happen to be.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Yup here he is right before snatching yo bobble.

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*LOL* Quick you hold him down, I'll go rent a UHaul and back up over him with a load of bobbles.

Nah, couldn't do that. I don't drive for one thing. besides that I about half way kind of enjoy his quirky videos. They offer a bit of a chuckle and remind me to not take everything so damn seriously. :)

:hug: Merry Christmas to y'all. :)


"The Trader"
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She also said that was the very first regulated squonker ever! Lol she don't know much about much of anything.

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You've got a point there...
Since there are so many regulated Squonkers out there to compare it to

Sent from a Galaxy far far away!


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
You've got a point there...
Since there are so many regulated Squonkers out there to compare it to

Sent from a Galaxy far far away!
No there's not a lot but it's a very very long way from the first. You'd think a vaper in the know would know that huh? I mean she'd of gotten a pass if she said first budget regulated squonker, Even that's wrong though.

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Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Finally got the RSQ firmware updated. Now the lights and screen orientation stay where I want them. It almost went in the bin last night :)
Bro the cream is heavy as shit in the 1st! Really was my fav of the 3 I think but still a no go. Do you like the fruit punch one or just the 1st?

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