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Squonkers are Bonkers


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Member For 5 Years
When you get a Chance Snake... to remove the screw that is being stubborn... use 2 screwdrivers, both flat heads... one to pry up from under the stuck one while you're unscrewing with the other. Then use one of the replacement screws.

This never happened with me, but I've read where the screws have stripped on people due to the screws being soft metal...the base shouldn't of stripped.

Just a thought to try if so inclined ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I’m willing to bet that thing will cause voltage drop bad enough to render your mech damn near useless.

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I haven't used a mechanical tube mod for some time.But as I recall putting anything between the mod/device & the atty should cause voltage drop.


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Member For 4 Years
I think the biggest problem may be that "taking a piss" in the US means URINATING. I have no earthly idea what other meaning there may be, and I suspect other americans don't either, because here it means "urinating." No other meaning. I know in the UK being pissed means being drunk, while here it just means being angry. But whatever you mean by taking a piss, you may need to clarify it. Otherwise we have no idea what you're talking about.

As I understand it...Taking the piss = Busting your balls


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
When you get a Chance Snake... to remove the screw that is being stubborn... use 2 screwdrivers, both flat heads... one to pry up from under the stuck one while you're unscrewing with the other. Then use one of the replacement screws.

This never happened with me, but I've read where the screws have stripped on people due to the screws being soft metal...the base shouldn't of stripped.

Just a thought to try if so inclined ;)
I'm going to have the wife help me.As that might require a third hand.


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Member For 4 Years
The juul is tiny tiny, a stealth vape now a days needs to be able to pull a Houdini in your hand.

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If you watch the video you'll see how small they are.



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Btw Children as young as 12 can legally work in agriculture in the USA.

Yep, yep. That's why my Paw Paw J signed off as guardian to let me go to work at age 15. Agriculture can be used as a very broad umbrella as well. For example it let me work in the food services industry, stock yard, gardening projects, orchards, hog slopping, on machines and tractors, chicken plant/s, chicken houses. There's a lot of overlap in what can be used as agriculture, so even more so what such freedom given what is viewed as agriculture work.

Murka don't have farmers any more though. Farmers go on the milk dole, or corn dole to not milk or grow corn. Now, after over 150 years of not growing it there's a surge to bringing back hemp farming for industrial / commercial use. That's what 3 or 4 generations that lost the knowledge of how to grow it? Reckon that way gubmint can teach 'em to farm again and get kick backs, and no that's not speculation. It comes from looking into growing hemp. It is indeed a gubmint scam.

That is probably no surprise considering government usually does find a way to get their palms greased for the pharisees, who employ them. Oh well. Think I need coffee before thinking much more.

Ha ha, Gorge of the mod is sporting its Ultem cap. Might swap back to metal. ♪♫♬ "Gorge, Gorge, Gorge of the mod, Watch out for that vap .... *THUD*!" ♪♫♬


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Loved being in the 4H club growing up. Will never forget the days we helped a heifer give birth (that we also helped inseminate) and milking a colt (yeah... that shit scarred everyone).

Don’t need another single coil and yet I really want that Airlab rda. List is in 6 hours


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
So FastTech finally did right and refunded me the value of the Sentinel RDA I bought over 2 months ago as store credit lol

After back and forth messages clocking in at they generated the code for $13.

The SXK Sentinel is trash... the positive post moves around to much to warrant being safe from grounding out on the RDA base. The replacement base they sent was worse than the first.

Their DOA policy is they will eat the shipping cost back(Miami Center)...which they ask for it to be the cheapest... which is $9 signature required ( only way to say they actually received it, otherwise they can say they never did )

From the beginning I asked for store credit and said this will probably cost you guys more in shipping costs than just giving store credit... they refused the initial and eventually agreed to that after 2 months.

They really do think they can just wait things out, for most will just say fuck it and just eat the cost. To me it was about principle, I bought an item DOA, make it right... Which they did stall tactic and all.

So I ordered a NarDa clone with the refunded credit and 2 Haku clear caps and a few more of those Drip Tips (2) used the credit and 15% off and came in $0.04 under the refunded amount with quicker shipping LOL

CrazyChef v2.0

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As disheartened as I've become with the company, I must say that I am thoroughly enjoying this squonker from Dotmod.



Will write reviews for Beer!
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Never been there.
@UncleRJ told me how bad that place was & I stayed away.By the way he's 1 of my oldest vape friends.And he helped me quite a bit when I was a noob.
Hell I still fell like a noob most days.

With all the new stuff coming out and trying to learn the fine art of DIY, I still feel like a noob myself most of the time!


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Well Squonkaroos – here is my tale of woe and how I came to be – I’m almost too embarrassed to admit this – squonkless for a few days!!!

Before an out-of-state trip, I decided to bring only a Pico Squeeze/Hadaly clone, Wraith/Goon and an Aster/Dotmod RTA – along with a couple of Von Erls for stealth vaping.

The reasoning was, didn’t want to worry about cleaning or battery life while on the road - and TSA in Anchorage HATES vapes

On Dec. 18, while overnighting in Anchorage, the Pico goes bananas and is unvapable, period.

Wellllll – long story short, on Dec 19, TSA LOST MY WRAITH BOTTLE – which I discover after getting off the plane in Vegas :headbang:

Of course, there is no over-priced replacement handy without screwing up the plans already set with my brother –visits to three different vape shops in Vegas reveals that squonking is still not mainstream in the least bit

Fortunately, I had already had two Gbox 200s sent to my cousin (Christmas presents for us) who was coming late on Dec 20

Well, it squonks and vapes, but doesn’t give me a warm fuzzy either. Kinda big, hard bottle and button rattles. Like the mod okay, but not a good roadster, lol.

Back to Seattle, same thing. Finally found a B & M with the Athena and the Pulse – I purchase the Pulse out of desperation. It squonks and vapes, again, no warm fuzzy, doesn’t feel natural in the hand and the button is no prize


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Member For 5 Years
Dang another dude in the Molly group got the same contacts as you @derrickfosgate and I felt compelled to tell him not to settle and ask for a longer main contact.

Hopefully its just an oversight from who made them and they are correcting it and making it right for those with them.


The Vapin' Drummer
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So FastTech finally did right and refunded me the value of the Sentinel RDA I bought over 2 months ago as store credit lol

After back and forth messages clocking in at they generated the code for $13.

The SXK Sentinel is trash... the positive post moves around to much to warrant being safe from grounding out on the RDA base. The replacement base they sent was worse than the first.

Their DOA policy is they will eat the shipping cost back(Miami Center)...which they ask for it to be the cheapest... which is $9 signature required ( only way to say they actually received it, otherwise they can say they never did )

From the beginning I asked for store credit and said this will probably cost you guys more in shipping costs than just giving store credit... they refused the initial and eventually agreed to that after 2 months.

They really do think they can just wait things out, for most will just say fuck it and just eat the cost. To me it was about principle, I bought an item DOA, make it right... Which they did stall tactic and all.

So I ordered a NarDa clone with the refunded credit and 2 Haku clear caps and a few more of those Drip Tips (2) used the credit and 15% off and came in $0.04 under the refunded amount with quicker shipping LOL
I just got tracking today from Ft that said my package will be here Wednesday. I just bought an rda 2 weeks ago. Pretty good to me.

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I just got tracking today from Ft that said my package will be here Wednesday. I just bought an rda 2 weeks ago. Pretty good to me.

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I do hope you don't have issues with your purchase...but my issue wasn't with them ever sending me anything, it was sending me DOA stuff and giving me grief over it for 2 months, rather than owning up to it being shit ;) which they eventually did.


The Vapin' Drummer
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I do hope you don't have issues with your purchase...but my issue wasn't with them ever sending me anything, it was sending me DOA stuff and giving me grief over it for 2 months, rather than owning up to it being shit ;) which they eventually did.
Oh well that sucks. I hate when a company tries to dick you around.

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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
So FastTech finally did right and refunded me the value of the Sentinel RDA I bought over 2 months ago as store credit lol

After back and forth messages clocking in at they generated the code for $13.

The SXK Sentinel is trash... the positive post moves around to much to warrant being safe from grounding out on the RDA base. The replacement base they sent was worse than the first.

Their DOA policy is they will eat the shipping cost back(Miami Center)...which they ask for it to be the cheapest... which is $9 signature required ( only way to say they actually received it, otherwise they can say they never did )

From the beginning I asked for store credit and said this will probably cost you guys more in shipping costs than just giving store credit... they refused the initial and eventually agreed to that after 2 months.

They really do think they can just wait things out, for most will just say fuck it and just eat the cost. To me it was about principle, I bought an item DOA, make it right... Which they did stall tactic and all.

So I ordered a NarDa clone with the refunded credit and 2 Haku clear caps and a few more of those Drip Tips (2) used the credit and 15% off and came in $0.04 under the refunded amount with quicker shipping LOL

I hate reading you've had such troubles with FastTech. In whatever I've had any issue over with them, to me it seems they've done exceedingly well to "make right".

I had trouble with a DOA rda once, all they asked was a picture showing it on a volt meter. They then, shipped a whole new rda of the same value out to me and it arrived in half the time.

Not exactly defending them here merely conveying my experience and expressing dismay they would be so problematic to deal with over something. I'm also understanding that I'll not buy anything from China in general during the month of February, that's their big holiday month and nothing is working then as everyone is out for holiday/s.


The Vapin' Drummer
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I hate reading you've had such troubles with FastTech. In whatever I've had any issue over with them, to me it seems they've done exceedingly well to "make right".

I had trouble with a DOA rda once, all they asked was a picture showing it on a volt meter. They then, shipped a whole new rda of the same value out to me and it arrived in half the time.

Not exactly defending them here merely conveying my experience and expressing dismay they would be so problematic to deal with over something. I'm also understanding that I'll not buy anything from China in general during the month of February, that's their big holiday month and nothing is working then as everyone is out for holiday/s.
Thanks for the heads up on that holiday.

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I hate reading you've had such troubles with FastTech. In whatever I've had any issue over with them, to me it seems they've done exceedingly well to "make right".

I had trouble with a DOA rda once, all they asked was a picture showing it on a volt meter. They then, shipped a whole new rda of the same value out to me and it arrived in half the time.

Not exactly defending them here merely conveying my experience and expressing dismay they would be so problematic to deal with over something. I'm also understanding that I'll not buy anything from China in general during the month of February, that's their big holiday month and nothing is working then as everyone is out for holiday/s.

I've had 2 issues with DOA stuff from FT out of all the orders I made, (50+) both times its been the delay and stall tactic...even after providing video of the items being DOA, and also with the replacements... I always say in the first ticket response...We can skip the song and dance and the waiting, either ship a replacement or refund...they started with.." well since its the base, we can offer you a 5% credit since the rest works fine" lol what? and always persist with that at least 5-8 times before they move to 10% lol... its that shit that gets on my nerves.

I just know that when an item arrives DOA now...that it will take up to 2 months ( last time was a lil over a month ) to get credited.

I think its just my bad luck... same with DNA mods... every DNA mod I've owned has failed within a month LOL.


Member For 4 Years
Happened to me too, received shrivelled wraps.
They insisted they were fine even after sitting them next to normal ones.
It was the couriers fault - I swear I can imagine a guy giving a random box the hair drier treatment.
Finally a video of how the battery physically wouldn't fit for them to sway and fix their issue, because if not I swear I would of gone on a Jihad if anyone called me dear one more time!

R3alJim Shady

Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've had 2 issues with DOA stuff from FT out of all the orders I made, (50+) both times its been the delay and stall tactic...even after providing video of the items being DOA, and also with the replacements... I always say in the first ticket response...We can skip the song and dance and the waiting, either ship a replacement or refund...they started with.." well since its the base, we can offer you a 5% credit since the rest works fine" lol what? and always persist with that at least 5-8 times before they move to 10% lol... its that shit that gets on my nerves.

I just know that when an item arrives DOA now...that it will take up to 2 months ( last time was a lil over a month ) to get credited.

I think its just my bad luck... same with DNA mods... every DNA mod I've owned has failed within a month LOL.

The only DOA issue I’ve had with FT was a Plume Veil clone that arrived with no holes in the deck posts. They wanted pictures and then I had to to ship it back... whole process probably took damn near two months.
I NEVER buy anything from FT without seeing some other guinea pig’s review after that incident.

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R3alJim Shady

Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Anyone got an authentic Hadaly they’re not using just kicking around? I have s couple of clones but I’d like to get my hands on the real deal if possible

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Anyone got an authentic Hadaly they’re not using just kicking around? I have s couple of clones but I’d like to get my hands on the real deal if possible

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Got a Nuppin to trade??

OK, I'll make it easy on you, got a Vicious Ant Cyclone v1 (not AFC) not drilled out and original VA drip tip?


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Got a Nuppin to trade??

OK, I'll make it easy on you, got a Vicious Ant Cyclone v1 (not AFC) not drilled out and original VA drip tip?

All I have is this...sorry bubs


Not what you're looking for...ok moving along


EDIT: I did come across this... hopefully its what you're looking for?


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Last edited:


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Anyone got an authentic Hadaly they’re not using just kicking around? I have s couple of clones but I’d like to get my hands on the real deal if possible

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What you got for it

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