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Squonkers are Bonkers


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I always separate and in Anchorage they go stark raving mad if you have a bottle with juice in a squonker, lol. I know the drill pretty well and have been flying with vapes several times a year for a few years now

I just did not want to have to take time to clean anything on a two week trip. BIG MISTAKE on my part :sad:

They went nutso over a bag of with $200 worth of quarters and snagged all my carry-on and did the swab thing after combing through all that change, which I was bringing for my brother so we would have tons of quarters for the Pinball Hall of Fame. The Wraith bottle got lost in the shuffle I'm supposing. It was the only liquid I was carrying on, and it was separate.

When I fly just from my hometown, I don't even break down squonks, as we don't have TSA there, but Anchorage is a vape-hate hub:mad:
Look at the positive side! You wouldn't have tried the Gbox so soon!

Le Furet

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My schedule is all jacked again. Just up from a disco nap, work again in a few : (
Le Supersonic arrived yesterday, got lucky with one of the ones without a QC issue, woot!
Threw a build in it (thanks @So619Cal !) and is on the runway ready for take-off..


But for now I'm keeping busy with this little Invoke rig... never thought a dual 18560 could get so small. Another of the 'get the vape guy something new' Christmas gifts.. Not a squonker but really digging it. This one will definitely see a lot of miles, may buy a couple more actually as my new travel mod of choice. eLeaf FTW ...again!


Damn. Work in 10 minutes.
Rock on Bonk Buddies!
: P


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Anyone got an authentic Hadaly they’re not using just kicking around? I have s couple of clones but I’d like to get my hands on the real deal if possible

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I have a hadaly with a black delrin cap, ultem cap, original cap and a signature tips purple drip trip. I think I have the original little black tip also, I'd have to look around for it. It's used but not abused.
What you got to trade?

Unrelated: new family photo thanks to some of you!
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Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What are people using in their neo 67 mods? I tried this bottle (pictured) and it doesn't fit well. I used a boxer squonk bottle and that works much better. The problem is, I only have 1. Of course I have 3 of the ones pictured...

R3alJim Shady

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Member For 4 Years
I have a hadaly with a black delrin cap, ultem cap, original cap and a signature tips purple drip trip. I think I have the original little black tip also, I'd have to look around for it. It's used but not abused.
What you got to trade?

Unrelated: new family photo thanks to some of you!

Thanks for the offer, but I’ve got a deal worked out with SteelDriver. I appreciate it though!

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Member For 2 Years
Well Squonkaroos – here is my tale of woe and how I came to be – I’m almost too embarrassed to admit this – squonkless for a few days!!!

Before an out-of-state trip, I decided to bring only a Pico Squeeze/Hadaly clone, Wraith/Goon and an Aster/Dotmod RTA – along with a couple of Von Erls for stealth vaping.

The reasoning was, didn’t want to worry about cleaning or battery life while on the road - and TSA in Anchorage HATES vapes

On Dec. 18, while overnighting in Anchorage, the Pico goes bananas and is unvapable, period.

Wellllll – long story short, on Dec 19, TSA LOST MY WRAITH BOTTLE – which I discover after getting off the plane in Vegas :headbang:

Of course, there is no over-priced replacement handy without screwing up the plans already set with my brother –visits to three different vape shops in Vegas reveals that squonking is still not mainstream in the least bit

Fortunately, I had already had two Gbox 200s sent to my cousin (Christmas presents for us) who was coming late on Dec 20

Well, it squonks and vapes, but doesn’t give me a warm fuzzy either. Kinda big, hard bottle and button rattles. Like the mod okay, but not a good roadster, lol.

Back to Seattle, same thing. Finally found a B & M with the Athena and the Pulse – I purchase the Pulse out of desperation. It squonks and vapes, again, no warm fuzzy, doesn’t feel natural in the hand and the button is no prize
Did the Pico Squeeze start firing by itself by any chance?

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Bronze Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Well Squonkaroos – here is my tale of woe and how I came to be – I’m almost too embarrassed to admit this – squonkless for a few days!!!

Before an out-of-state trip, I decided to bring only a Pico Squeeze/Hadaly clone, Wraith/Goon and an Aster/Dotmod RTA – along with a couple of Von Erls for stealth vaping.

The reasoning was, didn’t want to worry about cleaning or battery life while on the road - and TSA in Anchorage HATES vapes

On Dec. 18, while overnighting in Anchorage, the Pico goes bananas and is unvapable, period.

Wellllll – long story short, on Dec 19, TSA LOST MY WRAITH BOTTLE – which I discover after getting off the plane in Vegas :headbang:

Of course, there is no over-priced replacement handy without screwing up the plans already set with my brother –visits to three different vape shops in Vegas reveals that squonking is still not mainstream in the least bit

Fortunately, I had already had two Gbox 200s sent to my cousin (Christmas presents for us) who was coming late on Dec 20

Well, it squonks and vapes, but doesn’t give me a warm fuzzy either. Kinda big, hard bottle and button rattles. Like the mod okay, but not a good roadster, lol.

Back to Seattle, same thing. Finally found a B & M with the Athena and the Pulse – I purchase the Pulse out of desperation. It squonks and vapes, again, no warm fuzzy, doesn’t feel natural in the hand and the button is no prize
Did the Pico Squeeze start firing by itself by any chance?

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What is it under powered about it? It all depends on what coil you put in it. If you're using the 0.13 ohms pre-made coils, then yes, it will be under powered. At 0.5 to 0.9 ohm it will be fine.
Actually it’s the opposite with the capo, and why it sucks as a regulated mod, with a 4.2 volt cutoff a .9 ohm build would only give you around 20 actual watts regardless if you had the thing cranked up to 100. It’s like having a mech you can only turn down, the numbers on the screen are like tits on a man, pretty much pointless.


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Member For 3 Years
I love chocolate milk but chocolate flavored e-liquids never taste quite right to me.I'll stick to getting my chocolate hit from the same place I get my salted caramels from.
I don't even like chocolate at all but this juice is good. I bought it for my wife but since she started back on there stinkies I didn't want this expensive bottle to go to waste. I tried it and liked it, it's a very realistic chocolate milk and I'm pretty sure that's why it used to be pretty popular.

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Member For 3 Years
Where'd you get that? My son has tried repeatedly to make a chocolate milk vape, but just can't manage it. He'd love that, I'm sure! And he's coming up on 6 mos smoke-free on Jan 5, so I told him I'd buy him some ejuice.

I couldn't find it anywhere at three time I bought it but dash vapes in Canada had it in stock. Like I said it was pretty pricey though.

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I tried the DIY or die clone and it's nowhere near as good as golden ticket. I would not call it a clone, just some chocolate stuff thrown together.
Golden ticket is the bomb.


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I tried the DIY or die clone and it's nowhere near as good as golden ticket. I would not call it a clone, just some chocolate stuff thrown together.
Golden ticket is the bomb.

The last one he posted is good imo. Just pain in the ass to order from Molinberry


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Member For 4 Years
Did he refine his golden ticket mix? When I mixed his "clone" the only thing that was common between the two is that they are chocolate profiles.
GT has a creamyness to it that is missing from the clone and the chocolate doesn't taste the same.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What are people using in their neo 67 mods? I tried this bottle (pictured) and it doesn't fit well. I used a boxer squonk bottle and that works much better. The problem is, I only have 1. Of course I have 3 of the ones pictured...


Cappy v4 Kompakt RS

Didn't even bother with the stock bottle. (Mod Maker)

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Member For 5 Years
So what is everone's favorite squonks today? We are at year's end and I'm curious ...

So in the house now i have 15 squonks. They range in price from 30 - 300 dollars. I'm not going to list and comment 0n the more expensive ones bar the best IMHO of the high end squonks.

The Palm bf squonk is by far the best squonk on the market for a regulated squonk. It is bloody beautiful. It works like a dream. The bottles are great, etc. etc.

The best non regulated squonk on the high ends market is the Vicious Ant Spade (by the way it is 190 dollars so not terribly expensive). It is a beautifully clean mod. There really is nothing not to like about it.

Okay - we got those out of the way. Now let us look at the bestv deals out there for a non-regulated squonk.

The Athena squonk kit kicks ass. It hits harder than the Pulse by far. The atty it comes with is stellar as well. It is a great vape. It has to rank number one in my book. I love the on/off switch. It just works.

I'm undecided on number two. The Hugo Squeezer is pretty darn nice. It hits well and it is well built. Like the Pulse it is 18650/20700/21700. It also has a good on/off sqitch and the battery placement ios better than those side by side ones. This almost beat out the Athena. You cabn get a lot nicer colors for the Squeeezer too but the atty is not as good as that in the Athena kit.

The Pulse has panels. I can customize it. I just do not like the janky connection with their on/off switch. It is also seems to have more voltage fdrop than the /Athena. But it is a 18650/20700/21700. That is great. I have two Pulses, lol. They are so damn cheap they make the perfect beater. Unfortunately under 200 dollars there isn't a perfect squonk. But there are a number of really good ones.

I like the Ram resin. It is simply beautiful looking. It has minor voltage drop. Hits harder than the Pulse. But it only takes a 18650 and the on/off switch is janky as hell. Otherwise I would rate it higher. Still, it is a nice piece of kit.

Now for regulated squonks:

The Therion bf 75c is wonderful. Well built, beautiful, customizable, improved bottle, and comes with a filler tube. Wowza. It is the current king of the readily available regulated squonks by far. I've never had a leaking issue.

I'll probably surprise you with my numberv two pick - the Asmodus Spruzza. It could have been number one but the atty it comes with is trash (mind you the /therion atty is trash as well). I did not think I would like the pump action on the Spruzza. To my surprise it works and it works well. It also looks stunning. This is so close to being my number one pick.

Vt Inbox upped their game. They now have softer bottles and an attchment so you can use a regular squonk bittle (a bit of a pain to fit in though). Also they have some brilliant panels although on mine I use my own custom stab wood. I still do not like that it leaks all over when I change out the bottle. It really annoys me. Otherwise i would rank it higher.

Honorable mention her - the Pico Squeeze. I have a Wasp Nano on top of mine. It cost me so little it is ludicrous. Yes, it only goes to 50 watts. It has a pretty hard bottle too. It is not regulated but it is not a mech either. It is a bypass mode with a cut off. Still - I loove the little bugger and it solid as a rock.

So there you go - 2018 is coming - there will be a slew more squonks on the market. I only mentioned a few I like. There is the Druga squonk, the Arctic Dolphin Dolphin Crea, the horrible Yillong squonks, The Augape, the Gbox and many many more. I tested most of them. The above picks are only my suggestions ... I picked up a Wotofo Nudge two days ago and I'm really enjoying it too but that might be because i have a B2K on top of it. Not in my top three or four though. But worthwhile to purchase.


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Vt Inbox upped their game. They now have softer bottles and an attchment so you can use a regular squonk bittle (a bit of a pain to fit in though). Also they have some brilliant panels although on mine I use my own custom stab wood. I still do not like that it leaks all over when I change out the bottle. It really annoys me. Otherwise i would rank it higher.

Is the new attachment available anywhere yet? My only complaint with the Inbox is the widemouth bottles.


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Member For 3 Years
Did he refine his golden ticket mix? When I mixed his "clone" the only thing that was common between the two is that they are chocolate profiles.
GT has a creamyness to it that is missing from the clone and the chocolate doesn't taste the same.
Golden ticket definitely seems like it would be hard to clone. It's one of a few chocolates Ive tasted that actually tastes like hot cocoa or something. I've only tried a couple others but they all tasted like bitter baking coca to me.
Like I already said though, I'm not normally big on chocolate but gt is really good! Especially in the morning with coffee and at night with chai tea.
Can't wait for my cheesecake gram crust to come in though so I can make my juice.

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Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hcigar just announced a V3 of the Inbox. Don't know what has changed but it does get softer bottles

"The VT inbox is an upgraded version of VT inbox. it just changed the new structure and new silicone bottle.
All the changes are for your good experience.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hcigar just announced a V3 of the Inbox. Don't know what has changed but it does get softer bottles

"The VT inbox is an upgraded version of VT inbox. it just changed the new structure and new silicone bottle.
All the changes are for your good experience.
It probably comes with the new thing in it so you can use regular bottles. Just a guess.

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The Vapin' Drummer
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Where'd you get that? My son has tried repeatedly to make a chocolate milk vape, but just can't manage it. He'd love that, I'm sure! And he's coming up on 6 mos smoke-free on Jan 5, so I told him I'd buy him some ejuice.

Andria has golden ticket I know. Other than that not sure.

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i think them two are pretty much the same company.
They seem to be, exactly same layout of webpages.
but both have different versions of the mods one has top fire bf mod other has front fire versions of artic Dolphin ? ,

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Member For 2 Years
It probably comes with the new thing in it so you can use regular bottles. Just a guess.

Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk
I’d say you’re right, maybe the same non proprietary silicone bottles used in the new magic box. I’d be down with getting an inbox 3.0 in that case. 75c would be sweet as well but maybe too much to ask.


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They seem to be, exactly same layout of webpages.
but both have different versions of the mods one has top fire bf mod other has front fire versions of artic Dolphin ? ,

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk
It is like 2fdeal and 3fvape

Internal staff disputes resulting in split


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Don't ever recall any for their main site... but there is 15% off 2+ when you use their Ebay store?

Ebay Listing #381459758355
Thanks man! They're a little more expencive before the code, but about $4+ cheaper with the code. That's a win in my book

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Member For 4 Years
Actually it’s the opposite with the capo, and why it sucks as a regulated mod, with a 4.2 volt cutoff a .9 ohm build would only give you around 20 actual watts regardless if you had the thing cranked up to 100. It’s like having a mech you can only turn down, the numbers on the screen are like tits on a man, pretty much pointless.
Psst...I think you mean (tits on a bull)


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Member For 4 Years
I don't even like chocolate at all but this juice is good. I bought it for my wife but since she started back on there stinkies I didn't want this expensive bottle to go to waste. I tried it and liked it, it's a very realistic chocolate milk and I'm pretty sure that's why it used to be pretty popular.

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I'll pass on the juice and stick to real chocolate...Cheers!


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Member For 4 Years
Don't ever recall any for their main site... but there is 15% off 2+ when you use their Ebay store?

Ebay Listing #381459758355
So you guys use Nichrome 80 for the outer wrap and SS wire for the core? Does that mess up the TC function?


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Member For 4 Years
While using my super strength google-fu powers I found something you squoners might be interested in.


Yep those are magnet covers for the notoriously easy to loose Kanger DripBox/DripBox 2 as well as the DripBox 160.
I'll now take a moment to bask in my mastery...Now there's some word play for y'all.
That's an oldie but a goody! Yes, the DB 160 cover works, the other one is for the original dripbox, they don't sell (as far as I'm aware of) the replacement cover for Dripbox 2!

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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While using my super strength google-fu powers I found something you squoners might be interested in.

No lid for the DB2 and shipping costs are horrible.

Yep those are magnet covers for the notoriously easy to loose Kanger DripBox/DripBox 2 as well as the DripBox 160.
I'll now take a moment to bask in my mastery...Now there's some word play for y'all.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I'll PM you the clone recipe if ya want

Absolutely! I likely won't have a lot of the ingredients, I'm pretty sure that's why the experiments here keep failing, but if I can buy him that juice, and also learn to make it... win-win! :)



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Looks like a lot of people have it in the states now! Not that expencive either(I mean it's not diy cheap)

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$18 is actually a damn decent price for 60ml... but I don't like to buy that large a quantity (60ml would last me 10 days, and my son probably 2-3 wks since he vapes a lot of other flavors) of something not yet tried. Guess I'll wait for the recipe and set about acquiring the flavors. Thx though!!!


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