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Squonkers are Bonkers


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I have a clone Haku will probably get the real deal eventually, just gotta find one for sale/trade. I always miss the lists.
I always miss the lists as well! I dont think they realize some people are actually more busy on the weekends!

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It was for the ultem cap on the pocket, sold me it at cost. Looks brand new/unused.
It does look nice with ultem cap on ,

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You might like the DRSQ, I just realized I was going from a Chalice 3 or Cyclone to the DRSQ . The draw feels airy and hollow, for lack of a better description, even on one itsy bitsy hole. That surprised me, it should have been more restricted. I really believe that the chamber is too big. Next I will try a 4 mm ID year:cheers::vino:

Hold up there hoss, are we talking mtl or dl. If it fails at mtl, I'm OK with that since my stable is full of small bf rdas to fill that bill. However, I was hoping it would perform OK as a fat, single coil lung hitter even though the air holes seem awfully high... not sure how the airflow works on it exactly so flavor might be hit or miss. I was just hoping against hope, cause that black/green combo would look so killer on my garage mod with the green door. :)

Anyways... Happy New Year Bonkers!


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Hold up there hoss, are we talking mtl or dl. If it fails at mtl, I'm OK with that since my stable is full of small bf rdas to fill that bill. However, I was hoping it would perform OK as a fat, single coil lung hitter even though the air holes seem awfully high... not sure how the airflow works on it exactly so flavor might be hit or miss. I was just hoping against hope, cause that black/green combo would look so killer on my garage mod with the green door. :)

Anyways... Happy New Year Bonkers!
It is a fail as MTL atty (for me at least) but it should be fine for DL. The air flow is directed downwards at a pretty steep angle so it hits beneath the coil.
Happy New Year !!

Le Furet

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Okay, I’m tapping out. Too expensive, too much airflow, too much wattage, too small, too big.
I hope you find what you’re looking for eventually. I’m not sure it’s out there.

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Haaa, yeah.. I remember when we used to talk about squonking on here..

In a similar spirit, I was having a chat with Saša (aka Del of Van & Del Design)
I asked him for something very specific and if it even exists.. told him I wanted "a little of this, a little of that, not so big, etc"
His response was perfect:

"You can't have everything Dude"

Words to live by.

Happy 2018 Squonkoz!


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another non squonk, but it at least has ties to a modder of squonkers

pdib, who made dibi sumpins, then lil pinches and nut punches, finished up making mods last week

he is going into leather work, so i'm commissioning a one off custom wallet in heffalump leather


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Y'know, I'm starting to understand why that one nice guy left this thread. Apparently if you don't talk all squonk all the time, you're not welcome here. Oh well. It was fun y'all.



"The Trader"
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Y'know, I'm starting to understand why that one nice guy left this thread. Apparently if you don't talk all squonk all the time, you're not welcome here. Oh well. It was fun y'all.

I swing both ways

Sent from a Galaxy far far away!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I swing both ways

Sent from a Galaxy far far away!

Well, I'm still a mostly-aspiring squonker, though I've succeeded with it well enough to see its huge potential, so I'm still pursuing it.... but I'm not rich, I can't blow obscene amounts of money on vape gear, so I have to wait a bit to get a squonk mod I really love, and I'm still on the prowl for good tight-draw RDAs that are or can be made squonkable. Though the last round of atty suggestions was entirely unsolicited, I appreciated them and gave them my attention, but I don't think any of them are workable for me. But I guess in this thread, it's necessary to have an unlimited vape budget, and vape exactly the same as everyone else, to be welcome. And god forbid any subject other than squonking.


Le Furet

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Y'know, I'm starting to understand why that one nice guy left this thread. Apparently if you don't talk all squonk all the time, you're not welcome here. Oh well. It was fun y'all.


No offense intended at all @AndriaD ..and sure, lots of crazy bonky banter goes on here for us bottom feeding types. Seems there's plenty of other threads on VU for your endless quest for the perfect MTL for your Coolfire.
I think everyone has been quite helpful actually but nothing ever seems to never fit for you. Perhaps a 'WTB : Achilles' in the sales section would be the most productive.
; )
I don't spend as much time here anymore, but nice to pop on for squonky stuff when I have time. If I wanna chat about different gear I'll go to that section.
All good luv


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Well, I'm still a mostly-aspiring squonker, though I've succeeded with it well enough to see its huge potential, so I'm still pursuing it.... but I'm not rich, I can't blow obscene amounts of money on vape gear, so I have to wait a bit to get a squonk mod I really love, and I'm still on the prowl for good tight-draw RDAs that are or can be made squonkable. Though the last round of atty suggestions was entirely unsolicited, I appreciated them and gave them my attention, but I don't think any of them are workable for me. But I guess in this thread, it's necessary to have an unlimited vape budget, and vape exactly the same as everyone else, to be welcome. And god forbid any subject other than squonking.

You might take a look at the IGO-L atties. It's an oldie but goodie, not squonked but able to become so (I think). This one is from the days when 1.5 mm air hole was HUGE air. The Vicious Ant Cyclone v1 can still be had but most have been drilled out so you have to be very specific that you DO NOT want the drilled ones.

Le Furet

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I kinda fell the odd man out here as well as I vape on my $25 total Wasp nano and Pico Squeeze.
Just not much of a fashion chaser...

But then I feel kind of odd everywhere o_O

'The odd man out here' (aka the SMART one)
I'm so stupid about gear and I totally know it.
It gets better and then it gets really worse. In 10 years you'll be perfectly set and I'll still be mucking about with shelves full of vape crap, eating Top Ramen for Christmas again... thinking 'Why didn't I listen to Cromwell?!'

Seriously dude.


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'The odd man out here' (aka the SMART one)
I'm so stupid about gear and I totally know it.
It gets better and then it gets really worse. In 10 years you'll be perfectly set and I'll still be mucking about with shelves full of vape crap, eating Top Ramen for Christmas again... thinking 'Why didn't I listen to Cromwell?!'

Seriously dude.
Well, I know which atties I like but I woke up a little bit late! Nuppin for DL, Vicious Ant Cyclone v1 not dilled.


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'The odd man out here' (aka the SMART one)
I'm so stupid about gear and I totally know it.
It gets better and then it gets really worse. In 10 years you'll be perfectly set and I'll still be mucking about with shelves full of vape crap, eating Top Ramen for Christmas again... thinking 'Why didn't I listen to Cromwell?!'

Seriously dude.

People should get disability checks for shinyitis :D

At least it looks like I don’t have to pay the rest of my Kroning box till the 20th


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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You might take a look at the IGO-L atties. It's an oldie but goodie, not squonked but able to become so (I think). This one is from the days when 1.5 mm air hole was HUGE air. The Vicious Ant Cyclone v1 can still be had but most have been drilled out so you have to be very specific that you DO NOT want the drilled ones.

Y'know, I'm not sure why I haven't checked out the Igo-L already; my very first RDA was an Igo-S, the lil tiny one, and it showed me a couple of valuable things: 1) you don't have to be a cloud chaser to appreciate an RDA, and 2) 14mm atties really aren't my thing... and none of the Igos are terribly pricey. That may indeed be something to check out -- thx for reminding me of it!

I think I've looked at those v1 Cyclones, but aside from their rarity anymore (especially undrilled ones!), I think it was maybe the price that put me off? If I'm remembering it correctly... not sure. I'm pretty much certain it was the price I objected to with the various Chalices (whichever one it is that has a nice tight draw), and also your love, the Nuppin. ;)

I think there used to be an RDA that everyone loved, back before cloud chasing was really much of a thing, so it probably had a fairly tight draw... but I can't quite recall the name of it... a Patriot, maybe? I've scratched my head and tickled google a few times, but I'm not sure.

To be clear: for non-squonk vaping, I am pleased to death with my 2 Achilles; if I ever do discover anything better, or even as good, I'll be very surprised. What I'm currently seeking is some other RDA that is squonkable or can be made that way, which also offers a super-tight draw and good, full flavor -- the Strike 18 shows me that side-air isn't necessarily a drawback, and of course I appreciate the physics of squonking, that bottom-air isn't really workable, except in a rare case like the Magma which has the well and the 510 opening set in such a way that bottom air does still work, without being a leaking disaster -- which is why I don't think the Achilles or Prometey can be modded for squonking; the architecture just isn't suited for it. That search is why I keep hanging in this thread, because y'all know squonk atties.

I appreciate the hell out of suggestions -- that was exactly how I found the Achilles! But my needs are VERY specific, and VERY different from how most people vape -- my "habit" requires a very tight draw, and because of my asthma, I also have to keep my power levels very low; too much heat kicks the asthma, and so does too much vapor -- so tight-draw vaping is really the only way I can vape at all. So if someone wants to suggest something to me, I will definitely check it out... but don't get mad if I find that it appears to be unsuited to my vaping style -- if I COULD manage thick clouds of vapor, I probably would... but I can't. And don't get mad if I find whatever it is too expensive -- I'm a tightwad, and also not wealthy nor even moderately well-off. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get myself a VT Inbox at some point... but it's more costly than any mod I've bought previously, and since I already have about 20 of those, I really can't consider it a "need" -- it's a want, which I'll have to budget for, along with paying the mortgage, all the other bills, and buying food.



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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People should get disability checks for shinyitis :D

At least it looks like I don’t have to pay the rest of my Kroning box till the 20th

You'd just spend my hard earned tax dollars on more squonk gear - and then complain there is no money for toilet paper till the end of the month, lol

R3alJim Shady

Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well, I'm still a mostly-aspiring squonker, though I've succeeded with it well enough to see its huge potential, so I'm still pursuing it.... but I'm not rich, I can't blow obscene amounts of money on vape gear, so I have to wait a bit to get a squonk mod I really love, and I'm still on the prowl for good tight-draw RDAs that are or can be made squonkable. Though the last round of atty suggestions was entirely unsolicited, I appreciated them and gave them my attention, but I don't think any of them are workable for me. But I guess in this thread, it's necessary to have an unlimited vape budget, and vape exactly the same as everyone else, to be welcome. And god forbid any subject other than squonking.


I haven’t noticed you go off topic much regarding squonking. You want to get into it, but you’re having a hard time finding gear because your requirements are so specific. The gear you’re looking for is either going to be expensive or unavailable, unfortunately.

I think where you get into trouble is when you comment about how clouds and whatnot are “useless” or you talk about how people are “huffing.” I’d be comfortable in saying that a majority of vapers here enjoy that style. So where you feel judged, others feel judged by you.

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Le Furet

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Well, I know which atties I like but I woke up a little bit late! Nuppin for DL, Vicious Ant Cyclone v1 not dilled.

Ahh the simple life.
Just don't ever do the Facebook thing man.
As I mentioned I work on facebook every day but I never did vape stuff on there until earlier this (oops last) year.
Slippery fcuking slope.
There are new squonk temptations on there every single day, and it just keeps getting worse.(better?) It's like being in an evil candy store.
But I'd never have known about a lot of stuff, and like @SirVtHondaGuy08 I buy new gear to try and when I don't like it I sell.
Still stupid. But a lot of fun too.
I'm divorced with no kids so I don't have a lot of expenses.


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The gear you’re looking for is either going to be expensive or unavailable, unfortunately.

Yeah, MTL stuff is hard to find these days to begin with. Throw in squonking & cheap and the market basically goes to zero on product. You can have 2 of them but not all 3 at the moment

And a lot of crap as well....

As with everything


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Member For 4 Years
I haven’t noticed you go off topic much regarding squonking. You want to get into it, but you’re having a hard time finding gear because your requirements are so specific. The gear you’re looking for is either going to be expensive or unavailable, unfortunately.

I think where you get into trouble is when you comment about how clouds and whatnot are “useless” or you talk about how people are “huffing.” I’d be comfortable in saying that a majority of vapers here enjoy that style. So where you feel judged, others feel judged by you.

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That’s what I see too, who cares if they huff and you loathe it. Let them be them, they don’t need to hear their vaping style is useless over and over again. I don’t care if your vaping in a $5 dollar mod or a $1000 mod, blowing almost no clouds at 9.6w or clouds for days at 100w it’s their choice and not mine and I’m not going to subject them to hear my opinion on it constantly.

What I’m trying to get at is maybe just tone down your opinions some, it may offend others. Your style of vaping might be useless to me but I would never tell you that, instead I’d tell you congrats for finding a way to get away from analogs.
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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Some of the plastic china mods should come wrapped in toilet paper.

And some of the 'good' sought after mods that you have to replace the 510, squonk bottle, etc to get to work nicely.....
Worse crap to me since you paid good money for it.

Kind of like buying a new car and immediately having to replace the engine in it to get it to go.

I can understand this happening a couple of years ago but now vape things should just work as advertised when you buy them.
I thought we were past the blue foam and such things.....
Last edited:


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I haven’t noticed you go off topic much regarding squonking. You want to get into it, but you’re having a hard time finding gear because your requirements are so specific. The gear you’re looking for is either going to be expensive or unavailable, unfortunately.

I think where you get into trouble is when you comment about how clouds and whatnot are “useless” or you talk about how people are “huffing.” I’d be comfortable in saying that a majority of vapers here enjoy that style. So where you feel judged, others feel judged by you.

Maybe so... but it hardly seems fair that cloud chasers have SO MANY options, and tight-draw vapers, so very few. It's become very clear to me why minorities feel so marginalized.



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Some of the plastic china mods should come wrapped in toilet paper.

And some of the 'good' sought after mods that you have to replace the 510, squonk bottle, etc to get to work nicely.....
Worse crap to me since you paid good money for it.

I’m okay with the bottle thing as it’s a personal thing. Just don’t use modmaker bottles. 510s really depends on the price of a mod.

Cheap mod and I’m okay with a MM510 but otherwise, I’ll tend to walk away.

Contacts I’m pretty anal about, it’s the bulk of what makes your mod good (along with the 510) and seeing copper is disappointing to me on a high priced mod


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Contacts I’m pretty anal about, it’s the bulk of what makes your mod good (along with the 510) and seeing copper is disappointing to me on a high priced mod
On that point, I don't remember seeing any mention made about the Luna mods?

R3alJim Shady

Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Maybe so... but it hardly seems fair that cloud chasers have SO MANY options, and tight-draw vapers, so very few. It's become very clear to me why minorities feel so marginalized.


It has nothing to do with fair. Companies, even in the vape industry p price what sells. So it’s the market that’s determining the products that are being produced.

Squonking just may not be the answer for you, for now. MTL is definitely making a comeback! The Strike 18 was a bit for you and I only think it’s a matter of time until more product like that is available.

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