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Squonkers are Bonkers


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Maybe so... but it hardly seems fair that cloud chasers have SO MANY options, and tight-draw vapers, so very few. It's become very clear to me why minorities feel so marginalized.

It's totally unfair but unfortunately the companies go with the market majority and always will! With all things not just vaping, also unfortunate that you not only like mtl but a very tight mtl at low power. These days both of those things are pretty rare and especially together.

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I believe Jai Haze does the same.
Mostly probably because he gives such harsh reviews that companies have probably stopped sending him stuff.I also think the companies that still send him stuff possibly think he is just trying to be funny.You know the old (LOST IN TRANSLATION) thing right?
They don't really get he means exactly what he says so they think he's joking.
I think (Qorax Stan)also buys most of his gear that he reviews.Although I'm not 100% positive of that.
I know that (Vaping with Vic) had a big kerfuffle and dust up with some company and they now refuse to send him anything.
Anyhow just my thought on how I see shit...Cheers!
Na they get it imo, they are just going for the whole "even bad publicity is good publicity" kind of marketing. Think that's the saying anyways! Lol

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It's totally unfair but unfortunately the companies go with the market majority and always will! With all things not just vaping, also unfortunate that you not only like mtl but a very tight mtl at low power. These days both of those things are pretty rare and especially together.

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All too true. Asthmatics account for possibly about 25% of the general population; smokers account for only maybe 10%-15% (remaining)... so purely on the math, asthmatics smokers who switch to vaping could account for possibly 2.5%-3.75% AT MOST... though probably a good bit less, since most of those with asthma either can't smoke, or were able to quit many years ago when smokers first became pariahs, and also the fact that smokers in the US are being given such false info about vaping from the media and "authorities".

My entire life and the circumstances of it seems to ride right along the edge of one thing or another, falling into the crack in many cases. Not sure what that signifies or what it does or should mean. Maybe it's just my karma this time around, to be so different I can't really fit any particular stereotype, but have to find my own way with every step.



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Might I suggest sending miss Juicy a PM?
Something tells me she'd be more than happy to let you know exactly what happened.
I heard all I need to from her post. I mean I already knew he was an idiot but now I know he's also got punk ass bitch syndrome as well! To bad such a waste of human life
I've watched his stuff and caught him in a lot of bullshit. Especially lately with things he's said about his dripper and now he's saying completly different shit.

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Umm do you know who (Daisy Ducati) is?

No I don't and no I won't! Lol but honestly I doubt they'll care either way. I've seen people get some pretty crude shit on their box mods and I really dont get it? Guess I'm just from a different generation.

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I heard all I need to from her post. I mean I already knew he was an idiot but now I know he's also got punk ass bitch syndrome as well! To bad such a waste of human life
I've watched his stuff and caught him in a lot of bullshit. Especially lately with things he's said about his dripper and now he's saying completly different shit.

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I had enough when he spewed his hate in the Merlin thread... A nasty piece of shit he is.


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Okay - now I am 100% positive pay offs do indeed run the review business - and extra-extra glad I skipped his review on the Luna

I don't watch GG due to the fact I want to punch him in the face every time he feels the need to repeat himself 3-4 times in a row...

"See you just move the wick like this, move it like this, move it to the side like this; thats how I do it" STFU!

I don't think there is one video he doesn't do it in.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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All I gotta say is why didn't they call the Luna, The Lucy?

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Haha - the first squonker-concept was called the JuicyLucy, lol

It used a disposable juice bag :giggle:


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Dammm I just wicked my pulse 22 and threw it on my g2 and dam near killed myself Vaping at .19 80 watts lol. So funny how people act like mech's are for power when in reality mechs are more of a natural temp control. Idk if that's the best way to put it but oh well lol
I think the giant monster I'm chugging while vaping is contributing to the whole racy Nic overdose feeling though. Lol

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So hard for me to figure out what one I like better? Definitely need a green cap for my b2k

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My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I don't watch GG due to the fact I want to punch him in the face every time he feels the need to repeat himself 3-4 times in a row...

"See you just move the wick like this, move it like this, move it to the side like this; thats how I do it" STFU!

I don't think there is one video he doesn't do it in.

Yeah, I find him redundant and his vape style has zero appeal to me at all

When I was a real newb, found his advice on building not that great either


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So hard for me to figure out what one I like better? Definitely need a green cap for my b2k

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I like the Black one more, minus the NN Cap.

I must ask though... did you put the Capt'n America wrap on upside down or just put the battery positive up? Not that it matters on these boxes which way positive really is...but I always wondered why with decorative wraps and those that must put positive down, don't just apply the wrap the other way ;)


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How do you like the DR SQ? And how does it compare to the original DR?

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I don't have the original DR so unfortunately I can't compare. As for DRSQ, I think the posts are too long and that necessarily forces the cap to be tall. The inner chamber is too big for it to be a good MTL atty. Vaping it in mtl produces a Hollow, airy vape. You will probably like it in DL, it is very easy to build.


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Member For 3 Years
I like the Black one more, minus the NN Cap.

I must ask though... did you put the Capt'n America wrap on upside down or just put the battery positive up? Not that it matters on these boxes which way positive really is...but I always wondered why with decorative wraps and those that must put positive down, don't just apply the wrap the other way ;)
Put the wrap upside down Did one wrap the other way and was like "that's not right" haha

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Silver Contributor
Member For 2 Years
I don't have the original DR so unfortunately I can't compare. As for DRSQ, I think the posts are too long and that necessarily forces the cap to be tall. The inner chamber is too big for it to be a good MTL atty. Vaping it in mtl produces a Hollow, airy vape. You will probably like it in DL, it is very easy to build.

The posts on the DR are pretty tall as well. It gives good flavor though, in both single and dual coil setup. Lately I've been using it in single coil with airflow open on just one side and absolutely love it.

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My Dead Rabbit SQ came with a green drip tip (actually a chuff) and black wide bore and MTL.
Haven't tried a DR yet even though I've wanted to. Idk how I went from wanting every tank that came out, to now I just want multiple tanks of the ones I already have really.
I think a lot of it is because I stopped shopping at 3fvape. I used to just add things just because they was so much cheaper then every where else.

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The posts on the DR are pretty tall as well. It gives good flavor though, in both single and dual coil setup. Lately I've been using it in single coil with airflow open on just one side and absolutely love it.

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I'm betting your vapes gonna get more and more flavorful. I think everyone that starts liking single coil and more flavors just kinda slowly transition into flavor chasing fools. You'll probably snag a nice 22mm single coil deck next.

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Member For 5 Years
Man I should have snagged one of those when I had the chance

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I got lucky in the hardware section earlier last month.

George sold me one for $15, I think it's an authentic, has all the markings, correct pin etc.

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R3alJim Shady

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Member For 4 Years
I got lucky in the hardware section earlier last month.

George sold me one for $15, I think it's an authentic, has all the markings, correct pin etc.

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I found one on eBay as part of a lot just now. It has two Joyetech VTC Minis, a clone SMPL, and some other bits and bobs for like $125. Wish I could just get the Stumpy though...

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah! Rub it in, why don't you?
I hope I don't like the Stumpy as much as I like the Nuppins....


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Did a trade for one a few months back, but it was not squonkified


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yeah! Rub it in, why don't you?
I hope I don't like the Stumpy as much as I like the Nuppins....

Surprisingly I REALLY liked the's right up there with the Haku/Flave... I'll start using it more often once I get another mod to match it to. Worked really well with the Pico

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My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I was talking with Tom late last year (two days ago) about a Stumpy gender re-assignment (his term).

Didn't look like it would be that big of a deal, but would require drilling through the insulator

I gave it to my cousin to drip with because I just don't have time for such DIY projects at the moment


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Member For 5 Years
While we're rubbing in "oldies but goodies" - here's another!
I never had one of these when they were popular, but about 2 months ago I picked it up from classifieds somewhere, and it's been in rotation since...
Hobo Drifter.
And yeah, the Signature hadaly tip fits like it was made for it...


Silver Contributor
Member For 2 Years
I'm betting your vapes gonna get more and more flavorful. I think everyone that starts liking single coil and more flavors just kinda slowly transition into flavor chasing fools. You'll probably snag a nice 22mm single coil deck next.

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Yea, I've been vaping for years and no doubt I'm a flavor chaser. I have single coil, bottom airflow atomizers and definitely prefer them. I just picked up the DR to see what all the hype was about, even though it's side/top airflow. The hype is real, though, it's a great atomizer!

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So funny how people act like mech's are for power when in reality mechs are more of a natural temp control. Idk if that's the best way to put it but oh well lol

No reason making a kiln for fogging up alcohol based juice/s. Juice only needs warming up, not combustion. I've had combustion using a mechanical. Not something I prefer. That has an affinity to scorching lungs.

I trust everyone has enjoyed the holiday season & found a bit of Hope, Love, Light. :) If you're lacking Hope, perhaps rethink your concept of Faith. Merely having faith that "it" can only get better often lends me solace and keeps me moving onward. "It" usually does get better, as well. :)

The Cromwell

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While we're rubbing in "oldies but goodies" - here's another!
I never had one of these when they were popular, but about 2 months ago I picked it up from classifieds somewhere, and it's been in rotation since...
Hobo Drifter.
And yeah, the Signature hadaly tip fits like it was made for it...
View attachment 99884
Think I have a sqounk kit for a Drifter, would not fit my clone.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I found one on eBay as part of a lot just now. It has two Joyetech VTC Minis, a clone SMPL, and some other bits and bobs for like $125. Wish I could just get the Stumpy though...

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Yeah, the Stumpy is there to sell the rest of the stuff! BTW, the Stumpy is not squonkafied!


Diamond Contributor
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Member For 5 Years
While we're rubbing in "oldies but goodies" - here's another!
I never had one of these when they were popular, but about 2 months ago I picked it up from classifieds somewhere, and it's been in rotation since...
Hobo Drifter.
And yeah, the Signature hadaly tip fits like it was made for it...
View attachment 99884

That's ... that Red Baron. I'm finished chasing after your "oh look it's shiny" list. *chuckles*

In truth I am glad you post different things, glad anyone does. Some I do look at quite a while before talking myself out of buying, some do get bought. Unfortunate for me I lack trading commodities or would be so engaged. Good though always to see just how someone is going to design some new way to do the same basic stuff. :)

Need to get a few more Gorge RDA though. Hard pressed to decide between those and the Goon LP, least for me. Might even go silly and do as Bob says, "buy a Wasp." :)


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So Stumpys are used like Nuppins to sell other stuff?

"Oooooh aaaahhh. Well, lookie here, shiiiiiiiny!" ... "Hm, well while I'm here lemme get this an that."

We humans are indeed gullible as well as flawed psychologically. The thought being "I come here to get X but X is out of reach. Well, I need to buy something or look a fool for coming in, or maybe if buy something I can get credit toward X." It's commonly called the sucker's paradox.

R3alJim Shady

Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah, the Stumpy is there to sell the rest of the stuff! BTW, the Stumpy is not squonkafied!

It’s actually not a bad lot, but I’m not interested in anything else so I wasn’t going after it but thanks for the heads up!

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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Dang wish I had bought some stumpy clones so I could have bundled them with T3S clearos and such to sell.

I have like 15 of those brand new.

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