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Squonkers are Bonkers


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I only have the SXK rendition of the Haku! Still a decent vape!
I know It sounds crazy but I'd rather wait for an authentic because if I get the $15 clone I basicly loose $15 (if I dont like it) but if I get an authentic I can get 100% of my money back if I don't like it. I mean that's at least one reason

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My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I only have the SXK rendition of the Haku! Still a decent vape!

Almost went for one last night - then forgot to look for it to put in the old FT cart, lol

Guess it's not that big of a priority, lol


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I know It sounds crazy but I'd rather wait for an authentic because if I get the $15 clone I basicly loose $15 (if I dont like it) but if I get an authentic I can get 100% of my money back if I don't like it. I mean that's at least one reason

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That is a good strategy - as long as they don't start growing on trees all of a sudden


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Dang wish I had bought some stumpy clones so I could have bundled them with T3S clearos and such to sell.

I have like 15 of those brand new.

I broke down a threw away all my carefully hoarded cigalikes, cartos, spinners and such before I went on my Christmas vaycay

R3alJim Shady

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So I dropped out of the NeoFet pre-order. I hope it doesn’t affect anyone else. I just know that I can get a couple of really quality setups for that kind of cash... whiiiiiiich I don’t have anyway.

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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I broke down a threw away all my carefully hoarded cigalikes, cartos, spinners and such before I went on my Christmas vaycay
yeah mine are all in one box and that is what I will do as well.
think I gave all my cartos away a year ago though and cigalikes too.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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yeah mine are all in one box and that is what I will do as well.
think I gave all my cartos away a year ago though and cigalikes too.

I had planned to PIF them in the classies, but I think it was you who pointed out that folks might not quit smoking with vaping if they got a hold of that old shit

The Cromwell

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I had planned to PIF them in the classies, but I think it was you who pointed out that folks might not quit smoking with vaping if they got a hold of that old shit

yep just gave away one of my Istick Basics to a smoker with a couple extra tanks and 3 boxes of coils.
Hope it works for them.
Still have 1 an a couple more GS air tanks for it.
If the other one works for that person I will just give the rest of the basic kit stuff to her.


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I only recently came across any review from this Jai Haze guy. I found him looking for reviews on the Capo Squonk Kit. I already had a kind of negative view on the Capo just due to it being a single 18650 mod. His review only confirmed my leanings (held out for a GBox). While I abhor long reviews, (if you can’t fit it inside of 7 minutes, you’re doing it wrong), the guy was passionate enough to pique my interest and I watched the whole video.

I’ll say this, dude sure got riled up about that Capo Squonk.

skip to 21:00 for emotional summation or to 26:00 for the “bro, watch me try to make a viral video” moment

Nothing mentioned previously in his regard surprises me.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I only recently came across any review from this Jai Haze guy. I found him looking for reviews on the Capo Squonk Kit. I already had a kind of negative view on the Capo just due to it being a single 18650 mod. His review only confirmed my leanings (held out for a GBox). While I abhor long reviews, (if you can’t fit it inside of 7 minutes, you’re doing it wrong), the guy was passionate enough to pique my interest and I watched the whole video.

I’ll say this, dude sure got riled up about that Capo Squonk.

skip to 21:00 for emotional summation or to 26:00 for the “bro, watch me try to make a viral video” moment

Nothing mentioned previously in his regard surprises me.

I will take your word for it :teehee:


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Isn't the Maze the name they gave the attie that used to be included with the Inbox???

It also sucked balls


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So I dropped out of the NeoFet pre-order. I hope it doesn’t affect anyone else. I just know that I can get a couple of really quality setups for that kind of cash... whiiiiiiich I don’t have anyway.

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Were you in for a white? If so, I'm bending your dog tags and stamping your meal card 'no dessert'.

J/k mate. Don't blame you at all, lots of stuff floating around to choose from.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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No reason making a kiln for fogging up alcohol based juice/s. Juice only needs warming up, not combustion. I've had combustion using a mechanical. Not something I prefer. That has an affinity to scorching lungs.

I trust everyone has enjoyed the holiday season & found a bit of Hope, Love, Light. :) If you're lacking Hope, perhaps rethink your concept of Faith. Merely having faith that "it" can only get better often lends me solace and keeps me moving onward. "It" usually does get better, as well. :)

Merry New Year, and etc. ;)



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I had planned to PIF them in the classies, but I think it was you who pointed out that folks might not quit smoking with vaping if they got a hold of that old shit

Actually I started my son out with some of my old XL cartos -- just thank god I still have a functional Sigelei Zmax that could fire resistance that high! (2.8Ω). It was a really easy way for him to try out the 4 "Camel-ish" flavors I had mixed to see which he liked better; once he decided, I got him right onto Kayfuns... which he soon outgrew, wanting more airflow. Now he loves the STM that Cromwell PIFed him, also the Lemo 2 from same source though he finds it *almost* too tight, squonks with a Magma Reborn BF courtesy of Inspects, and is loving the HELL out of the OBS Engine Nano I got him for xmas. He's progressed thru the various stages practically at lightspeed, having an in-house mentor instead of having to puzzle out all this shit for himself.


R3alJim Shady

Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Were you in for a white? If so, I'm bending your dog tags and stamping your meal card 'no dessert'.

J/k mate. Don't blame you at all, lots of stuff floating around to choose from.

Nah, I was in for a black.

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Y'know, I'm not sure why I haven't checked out the Igo-L already; my very first RDA was an Igo-S, the lil tiny one, and it showed me a couple of valuable things: 1) you don't have to be a cloud chaser to appreciate an RDA, and 2) 14mm atties really aren't my thing... and none of the Igos are terribly pricey. That may indeed be something to check out -- thx for reminding me of it!

I think I've looked at those v1 Cyclones, but aside from their rarity anymore (especially undrilled ones!), I think it was maybe the price that put me off? If I'm remembering it correctly... not sure. I'm pretty much certain it was the price I objected to with the various Chalices (whichever one it is that has a nice tight draw), and also your love, the Nuppin. ;)

I think there used to be an RDA that everyone loved, back before cloud chasing was really much of a thing, so it probably had a fairly tight draw... but I can't quite recall the name of it... a Patriot, maybe? I've scratched my head and tickled google a few times, but I'm not sure.

To be clear: for non-squonk vaping, I am pleased to death with my 2 Achilles; if I ever do discover anything better, or even as good, I'll be very surprised. What I'm currently seeking is some other RDA that is squonkable or can be made that way, which also offers a super-tight draw and good, full flavor -- the Strike 18 shows me that side-air isn't necessarily a drawback, and of course I appreciate the physics of squonking, that bottom-air isn't really workable, except in a rare case like the Magma which has the well and the 510 opening set in such a way that bottom air does still work, without being a leaking disaster -- which is why I don't think the Achilles or Prometey can be modded for squonking; the architecture just isn't suited for it. That search is why I keep hanging in this thread, because y'all know squonk atties.

I appreciate the hell out of suggestions -- that was exactly how I found the Achilles! But my needs are VERY specific, and VERY different from how most people vape -- my "habit" requires a very tight draw, and because of my asthma, I also have to keep my power levels very low; too much heat kicks the asthma, and so does too much vapor -- so tight-draw vaping is really the only way I can vape at all. So if someone wants to suggest something to me, I will definitely check it out... but don't get mad if I find that it appears to be unsuited to my vaping style -- if I COULD manage thick clouds of vapor, I probably would... but I can't. And don't get mad if I find whatever it is too expensive -- I'm a tightwad, and also not wealthy nor even moderately well-off. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get myself a VT Inbox at some point... but it's more costly than any mod I've bought previously, and since I already have about 20 of those, I really can't consider it a "need" -- it's a want, which I'll have to budget for, along with paying the mortgage, all the other bills, and buying food.

Have you taken a look at the Youde/UD Igo-W4?

Todd's Review below...Cheers!



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Those color pages in the Sears catalog did not work very well in the outhouse...

Yep I remember outhouses.
For some reason my sisters did not 'hog' the outhouse.....


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Maybe so... but it hardly seems fair that cloud chasers have SO MANY options, and tight-draw vapers, so very few. It's become very clear to me why minorities feel so marginalized.

Personally I had noticed that MTL had been gaining ground and then blammo the market went back to cloud chasing.
Just goes to show how right that old song is.

"C'est la vie" say the old folks...It goes to show you never can tell



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My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Good idea for MTL, however....3 post design is usually for a dual coil atomizer. Since you have a center post, it will be a pain in the tuchus to sqonkafy. Just my humble opinion.
The early igo were all either 3 post, or centred positive post plus edge negative.

Only use 2 of the posts for single. Which was standard until recently. Most the early igo were very tight anyway.

Just dremel the centre post.

*don't* just slit the insulator, which some numpty is bound to suggest. It is not safe


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Having fun when I should be sleeping...
A quick pic & I'm out!
Pulled the ol' Runt out of hiding and built & wicked the Haku, installed a new bottle and now playing the 'nowwww which juice" game.
Might just crash out and have somethin to look forward to tomorrow (tonight! sh+t!)
Enjoy yer first day of 2018 everyone
; )

View attachment 99844
If I had that setup I'd probably be vaping (Dr. Green by G2V)

Or (Monster Smash by Hooligan Vapes)


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I'm saying it is a no go for really tight MTL types. Loose MTL and DL might be OK. I still prefer the Haku (SXK edition) with six wraps 4mm ID 30x3/38 SS wire.
Cool thanks.
Still clueless as to what those numbers mean though.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Make it look a bit different and bring out the Kanger Subtank Mini V2 again with MTL and a different name on it and reviewers would be all over the newest MTL atty out! All you would have to do is take away the cyclops air flow opening and just have 4 different sized holes to expose and maybe gold plate the RBA?
Maybe call it the Ferret MTL atty?
You know I could actually see that happening.I think you just called it dude.
And when it happens I'm going to say "Blame Crommy!"
Just kidding on that last bit...Cheers!

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