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Squonkers are Bonkers

The Cromwell

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It has nothing to do with fair. Companies, even in the vape industry p price what sells. So it’s the market that’s determining the products that are being produced.

Squonking just may not be the answer for you, for now. MTL is definitely making a comeback! The Strike 18 was a bit for you and I only think it’s a matter of time until more product like that is available.

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Ahh but the NEW MTL is the old tight DL.


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If pads, puff pads...other stuff is Rayon

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Thanks Bubba.
Been using those pads & changing dang near religiously every 3 days.However due to having a nice big bottle of (Boss Reserve by Cuttwood) I probably won't need to change wick until I finish that bottle...Cheers!

I often wonder if people realize that I have a shot of bourbon every time I say...Cheers!


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Ahh the simple life.
Just don't ever do the Facebook thing man.
As I mentioned I work on facebook every day but I never did vape stuff on there until earlier this (oops last) year.
Slippery fcuking slope.

I feel you. Three months ago I was only using fb to keep tabs on my daughter in college. Now a member of 19 squonk groups, wait a sec... make that 20 (the One rsa is coming!) and she's wondering where the tuition money went. :devil:

Ok, j/k about the tuition but seriously, the fb stuff is just craycray :crazy:

Fun as hell. I'm not very concerned though cause I only have 2 obsessions, vaping and motorbikes. Once the warmer weather returns, the pendulum will swing. Then next fall I'll have to play catch up again.


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Member For 4 Years
I'm the same way - I generally only watch reviews for close up shots of new stuff and only one or two do I trust their assessment

I don't care if people like or watch him - maybe he has improved some, but before that shit storm, found him to be unskilled and not very thorough
Alright dollars to donuts (Todd & Scott) for sure.are a must for your list.
They've been doing it longer than anybody I think.
Hell fuck the chicken & egg scenario how about the (Todd & Scott) fiasco?
Who really came first?


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Geekay buys his stuff himself. I think.

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I believe Jai Haze does the same.
Mostly probably because he gives such harsh reviews that companies have probably stopped sending him stuff.I also think the companies that still send him stuff possibly think he is just trying to be funny.You know the old (LOST IN TRANSLATION) thing right?
They don't really get he means exactly what he says so they think he's joking.
I think (Qorax Stan)also buys most of his gear that he reviews.Although I'm not 100% positive of that.
I know that (Vaping with Vic) had a big kerfuffle and dust up with some company and they now refuse to send him anything.
Anyhow just my thought on how I see shit...Cheers!


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Member For 4 Years
Very kind of you to say that. Yes, I have very good reasons for my opinion about him. After his review of the Merlin, Roxy (designer of said rta) asked him a couple of questions, many of us here did too. He started to verbally attack Roxy and JL mostly, he even went as far as making public some of Roxy's personal data. In any other forum, disclosing a member's personal data results in immediate barring from the forum.....and that's where the "donation$" came in. I haven't actually seen Roxy's personal data but I know from her and several other members that he did that.
Oh that's some fucked up shit there...Nuff Said!


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I do - but Todd is about the only one whose opinion I trust - but even he calls himself an elitist twat, lol

Take the Luna though, I did watch the Vaping Biker's take on it, and made it through Tony's vid also, but couldn't bring myself to even begin GrimmGreen, Jai and there was another I'd never heard of that I decided to skip, lol
I like (Vaping Biker) I think he used to have a show on (Vaughn TV) if I recall.


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Member For 4 Years
I agree! The Haku is good, the Dead Rabbit SQ....well, the thing is at least 7 mm taller than the Haku. I realize they had to make the chamber taller to accommodate the posts but if the posts were shorter and the cap shorter, it could've been a very good atty.
So you're saying the (Dead Rabbit SQ) is a non-contender in the squonk department?

Le Furet

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Having fun when I should be sleeping...
A quick pic & I'm out!
Pulled the ol' Runt out of hiding and built & wicked the Haku, installed a new bottle and now playing the 'nowwww which juice" game.
Might just crash out and have somethin to look forward to tomorrow (tonight! sh+t!)
Enjoy yer first day of 2018 everyone
; )



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Member For 4 Years
True, but the Pulse was the very worst - in fact, worst mod I own period - and I have several $5 FT clone mechs I pray I am never desperate enough to vape :giggle:
Whoa there honey.Can you explain what problems you had with the pulse?

The Cromwell

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$600 is pretty much my past 2 years budget for vape stuff.
Just ordered another years worth of PG/VG from amazon. 1 gal of each.
Essential Depot stuff for $12 less than Essential Depot will sell it to me for.
and even around a dollar cheaper than if I paid $5/mo to be a Greener life member...


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Nothing personal against the guy until I read this. However had tried to watch a couple of his vids and did not get a good feeling about the guy.
After 900 years one gets to be a fair judge of a persons character....
And yet you seem to like me just fine...Odd!


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
$600 is pretty much my past 2 years budget for vape stuff.
Just ordered another years worth of PG/VG from amazon. 1 gal of each.
Essential Depot stuff for $12 less than Essential Depot will sell it to me for.
and even around a dollar cheaper than if I paid $5/mo to be a Greener life member...

I don’t even want to think about what I’ve spent on vaping in the past 2yrs, probably could of bought a new motorcycle with what I’ve spent.


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Member For 4 Years
Hell, man! Even I like it! It ain't a Nupp..... oh, never mind! It is good! I like the Haku a lot too but I'll wait until they become more available, sometime in the next decade or so!
Wait up Bubba.
Did you just compare something with (Nuppin) ?
Fuck it link me up.Cause this I gotta see...Cheers!

The Cromwell

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Whoa there honey.Can you explain what problems you had with the pulse?
Ohh yeah if you pinch the contacts together and tighten up the screw....
Another example of crap being sold that will not work as advertised.
heck reviewers even apologize for it and having to pinch the little contacts together.
Just a piss poor design.


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I got the Pulse kit for Christmas and I have nothing but good things to say about it. I don’t know what’s up with having to pinch contacts together or whatnot. Or are you guys talking about a different Pulse?



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You might like the DRSQ, I just realized I was going from a Chalice 3 or Cyclone to the DRSQ . The draw feels airy and hollow, for lack of a better description, even on one itsy bitsy hole. That surprised me, it should have been more restricted. I really believe that the chamber is too big. Next I will try a 4 mm ID year:cheers::vino:
Yeah just looking at the deck it seemed to me at least that you could park an aircraft carrier in there.
It is 24mm versus the original being 22mm if I recall.oh and they removed 2 catty-corner posts.Which opens up the chamber a bit too much.
Puff puff whoosh whoosh!
And then there's the damn whistle...Pass!
Sadly I really wanted 1, and then I got to try 1.


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Well he has admitted he used to be addicted to pain meds awhile back.

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And I was addicted to morphine for 10 years.But I don't just go around calling people I've never met hermaphrodites.
That was some fucked shit...Seriously!


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Idk them personally lol but you provide the picture to be engraved. So I'm sure they would

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Umm do you know who (Daisy Ducati) is?



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Bet you haven't gotten laid either:confused:


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Well, I'm still a mostly-aspiring squonker
Oh really me too.
though I've succeeded with it well enough to see its huge potential
I super get it now that I've tried it.
so I'm still pursuing it.
Me too big time.
but I'm not rich, I can't blow obscene amounts of money on vape gear
Me either honey.I plan stuff out.And save for things I really want.
See these boots below.


Those cost like 3 grand and I am going to get them for myself for my 65th birthday.I have been saving for many years to get those.I ain't made out of money sweetnes.
I'm a cheap bastard.
But those boots will be mine.Because I'm patient enough and stubborn enough to put a little away each month to be able to get them.
so I have to wait a bit to get a squonk mod I really love
Me too.
and I'm still on the prowl for good tight-draw RDAs that are or can be made squonkable
I'd like to get a couple for MTL & a couple for DLI
Though the last round of atty suggestions was entirely unsolicited, I appreciated them and gave them my attention, but I don't think any of them are workable for me.
Most of them wouldn't work for me either.But if I see something I think you might like I'll always let you know.
But I guess in this thread, it's necessary to have an unlimited vape budget
Says who?
Damn @The Cromwell literally invented the term (cheaplitist)
Just stop and take a breath alright.
and vape exactly the same as everyone else, to be welcome.
I love you like a sister/cousin/whatever but nobody vapes like me except me.Not my wife not my friends not my kids.Did I forget to mention my kids are all now vapers?
My daughter (Melissa) totally freaked the fuck out when I told her I had quit smoking and started vaping quite some time ago.
She showed up all out of the blue and we were lollygagging around town and she suddenly says "Dad can we talk about something?"
Me "Yeah sure let me grab my vape first"
Her "Wait you quit smoking"
Me "Yeah a couple years ago"
Her "Get the fuck out...Seriously"
Me "Yeah I got few setups why?"
At this point she looked very shocked and said "Well I guess you won't need this"
She then pulled out a couple ego kits looks at me and says "You're not fucking with me are you"
Me "Nope I"ll show you my little collection."
By the way true story!
And god forbid any subject other than squonking.
I guess you missed the big motorcycle discussion we had a few pages ago.So I'll catch you up on my thoughts.
When it comes to bikes I'm a big dude so I require a big bike.



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Member For 4 Years
No offense intended at all @AndriaD ..and sure, lots of crazy bonky banter goes on here for us bottom feeding types. Seems there's plenty of other threads on VU for your endless quest for the perfect MTL for your Coolfire.
I think everyone has been quite helpful actually but nothing ever seems to never fit for you. Perhaps a 'WTB : Achilles' in the sales section would be the most productive.
; )
I don't spend as much time here anymore, but nice to pop on for squonky stuff when I have time. If I wanna chat about different gear I'll go to that section.
All good luv
Just give her a bit of space maybe.Both of you take deep breaths alright.
Why do I suddenly feel like the (Voice of Reason) here?
Shit has usually really gone sideways and pear shaped for that to happen.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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It has nothing to do with fair. Companies, even in the vape industry p price what sells. So it’s the market that’s determining the products that are being produced.

Squonking just may not be the answer for you, for now. MTL is definitely making a comeback! The Strike 18 was a bit for you and I only think it’s a matter of time until more product like that is available.

Yes, I think you're right, about MtL making a comeback... which is why I'm not giving up on squonking; it has HUGE potential for me, since I definitely prefer RDAs to any tanks, ever -- the flavor is just so much better, given an RDA that suits your own style of vaping. So I'm just kinda hanging back, making plans for that VT Inbox, and checking out other RDAs that come to my attention -- if all I've found that I can enjoy when I get the VT Inbox is the Strike 18 and the Magma I modified, that's ok; those 2 aren't *perfect*, but reasonably good vapes for my style, particularly if I can further tighten up the Magma, which I think is definitely possible.

But you're also right about the market, and mfr's providing what sells, and also what stands to sell more ejuice, the REAL profit-center in all this -- so I do begrudge cloud chasers a little; it seems very silly, since no cigarette ever provided clouds like that, so why would clouds be necessary to stay cigarette-free? Makes no sense to me at all, but it's because of the cloud chasing fad that mfr's have concentrated so heavily, so almost-exclusively, on that type hardware -- and also because making clouds like that requires vast quantities of ejuice, and the more of that which can be sold, the better the sellers like it. If people had never gone into the "MOAR VAPOR!" frenzy, the market wouldn't have slanted so heavily in that direction.

And the real point of contention I have with the mfr's isn't that they make all that cloud chasing hardware... but that they STOPPED making anything else. Why else would an RDA as perfect as the Achilles no longer be available anywhere at any price? Why couldn't they keep making a small amount of the older style of hardware, while adding more cloud chasing hardware? THAT is what really steams me. If people want to fog up their houses or vehicles, I don't care at all... but that I can't buy my preference in hardware? That pisses me right the fuck OFF.

And now we have crap like this new ARES which purports to be "MtL"... designed by people who clearly have no idea what a tight draw really is, ditto that new Cthulu RDA, which says it's MtL... no fucking way. Sure, people who vape as my son does, super-airy MtL, might enjoy those.... but not anyone who wants a really tight draw and great flavor.


The Cromwell

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Make it look a bit different and bring out the Kanger Subtank Mini V2 again with MTL and a different name on it and reviewers would be all over the newest MTL atty out! All you would have to do is take away the cyclops air flow opening and just have 4 different sized holes to expose and maybe gold plate the RBA?
Maybe call it the Ferret MTL atty?


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I guess you missed the big motorcycle discussion we had a few pages ago.So I'll catch you up on my thoughts.
When it comes to bikes I'm a big dude so I require a big bike.


I love that bike! And I bet my pint-sized ol man would too, because of the low-slung seat -- he can handle a heavy bike, he's strong as shit, he just needs the seat to be low enough that his bitty lil legs can reach the ground! :giggle:

But he abandoned bikes when he had a wreckcident on his last one and some asswipe stole the wrecked bike from the side of the road before he could finish up at the hospital (3 bones broken in his foot, nice clean breaks courtesy of his steel-toe boots) and get back there in a friend's truck to pick it up. Now his horse is a nice Silverado. :)


The Cromwell

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Sigh. finally totally gave up on Grimm Green
Tried to watch his best of 2017 vid and all of his fav atomizers were from members of the brotherhood of vape reviewers union.
Shilling for each other....
Vaping politics....

Edit and The Pulse is Grimms favorite squonk mod :crazy:
Last edited:

R3alJim Shady

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Member For 4 Years
So last week I was talking about getting some Japanese organic cotton and giving that a try as I’ve been exclusively using rayon wick for about two years now.
I took delivery of big bag of Puff organic cotton pads. Last night I pulled my usual stuff out of my Entheon, gave it a nice dry burn and rinse, and put some of the Puff in there.

No break-in at all. Flavor seems to be more dense, but not as clean as rayon. I’m getting more watermelon out of my ADV Sour Strawmelon than I did before. It seems like the cotton holds onto the juice a bit longer but that may be because it’s a fresh wick. I also seem to get less spitback after a fresh squonk.

These are just preliminary thoughts, but I do enjoy cotton wicks as well as my beloved rayon!

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