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The BOREAS RTA by Augvape and Roxy

Mikhail Naumov

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Veterans like Roxy? I guess you learned this in the 15 mins you spent there before getting baned huh. :rolleyes:

I found this out when a bunch of donators with a post count in the quadruple digits were getting away with fuck-all while I was getting warnings for saying BS (just like that, BS) and damn. I get you're real eager to take a piss at me man, but it's what was happening. People on that forum are very closed-minded and seem to feel extremely threatened by opinions that don't favor or conform to their own. The sheer fact I mentioned I was not a fan of the SX350J powered SX-Mini M-Class had veterans and noobs alike flaming me so hard I should've walked away with no eyebrows.

I was permanently banned for telling AssWife the moderator to take her class and shove it directly up her pampered, abused little ass. (Verbatim)


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I found this out when a bunch of donators with a post count in the quadruple digits were getting away with fuck-all while I was getting warnings for saying BS (just like that, BS) and damn. I get you're real eager to take a piss at me man, but it's what was happening. People on that forum are very closed-minded and seem to feel extremely threatened by opinions that don't favor or conform to their own. The sheer fact I mentioned I was not a fan of the SX350J powered SX-Mini M-Class had veterans and noobs alike flaming me so hard I should've walked away with no eyebrows.

I was permanently banned for telling AssWife the moderator to take her class and shove it directly up her pampered, abused little ass. (Verbatim)
While I agree with you what you may not realize they pissed off alot of "Supporting Members" too with their bullshit! I can think of at least 3 of us that are completely done over there & I'm positive there is quite a few more! I can never remember getting any special treatment from the mods because of my supporting member status! Especially when I would have expected it most, when I had them remove my status from my avatar & cancelled my autopay! I expected at least a why or what can we do to change your mind! Hell it took them almost 4 days to remove that stupid banner! Hell I actually gave them money & they didn't care if I was leaving! Dumbasses!


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While I agree with you what you may not realize they pissed off alot of "Supporting Members" too with their bullshit! I can think of at least 3 of us that are completely done over there & I'm positive there is quite a few more! I can never remember getting any special treatment from the mods because of my supporting member status! Especially when I would have expected it most, when I had them remove my status from my avatar & cancelled my autopay! I expected at least a why or what can we do to change your mind! Hell it took them almost 4 days to remove that stupid banner! Hell I actually gave them money & they didn't care if I was leaving! Dumbasses!
Hell as greedy as they are It’s surprising they don’t take a cut from the classified sales.


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I'm vaping dual non-spaced 3.2mm 10 wrap 28x2 with 32ga fused claptons at 142W, 9V maxed output on the DNA200. Thing is throwing out 8 footers every hit and the wicking is keeping up, I would definitely not call it weak.
OK. I've gone back and forth and non spaced causes issues with TC. But ya, 10 wraps of fused Claptons will put out more than 8 wraps of 24g.


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OK. I've gone back and forth and non spaced causes issues with TC. But ya, 10 wraps of fused Claptons will put out more than 8 wraps of 24g.

I haven't used tc in a long time or I would try to help. I run SS in power mode. I was having too much grief remembering the steps for each of my mods.


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Yea, I had a little PM discussion with her about it. Still cant for the life of me remember what I had said, but It was deleted by her....


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Hell as greedy as they are It’s surprising they don’t take a cut from the classified sales.

See that's what suprised me the most! That they didn't seem to care that a chatey person (1500+ posts since Oct) like myself was leaving & I was pissed off! Hello people you just let one of the town criers go tell the whole world how fucked you are & take his money with him! AGAIN DUMBASSES!


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I still don't understand what I did that was so awful. I helped design an atty? So what? I haven't received anything for it! And others have done it, too, but it's ok for them. This is so fucked up!


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Some people got warnings today from Robin for mentioning me. I saw screenshots.

Oh that, well strictly speaking it is OK to talk about you, just not in a critical way about the "event and moderation". :rolleyes:
Please don't take this to mean I am defending them, I am not. I just prefer that you understand exactly what is being said.

Sadly (in VU speak) they can't unfuck this pooch. But rest assured SJ is looking into it. :facepalm:

Mikhail Naumov

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OK. I've gone back and forth and non spaced causes issues with TC. But ya, 10 wraps of fused Claptons will put out more than 8 wraps of 24g.

Spaced is definitely the way to go with TC, it gives the device a fairly easier time reading the resistance because when you have wires touching there's current ionization causing a sort of arcing effect, which is why we see hotspots on our freshly built coils. Obviously TC is a bit more delicate than powerhousing massive coils in regular wattage mode, so spacing the coils gives the device a much easier way-about reading the minute resistance changes with the lack of ionized current that would be caused by a non-spaced build. Sorry if that got too complicated, I'm an electrical engineer who gets excited over this kind of shit.
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I can't see it.


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Thanks for the hat offer, but I look terrible in hats :)

The fact that my name can't be mentioned just disgusts me.
It's not your name, Roxy, it's the content in which it's used. They are getting rather uptight about the discussion of how it was handled. I think they know that they screwed up, but they are trying to figure out a way to save face and just make it all go away. Things do seem a bit tense over there

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Spaced is definitely the way to go with TC, it gives the device a fairly easier time reading the resistance because when you have wires touching there's current ionization causing a sort of arcing effect, which is why we see hotspots on our freshly built coils. Obviously TC is a bit more delicate than powerhousing massive coils in regular wattage mode, so spacing the coils gives the device a much easier way-about reading the minute resistance changes with the lack of ionized current that would be caused by a non-spaced build. Sorry if that got too complicated, I'm an electrical engineer who gets excited over this kind of shit.
Ya, my username isn't a statement.... I don't really see how that applies. There is no arcing. Short circuit, is one thing, but it still should not throw off what resistance is read for a circuit, and the associated rise with heat. Regardless, what happens and what I explain does not have to agree. I've had many an anemic vape that was written off on contact coils, but that is not the only thing that causes anemic TC vape.

Equally true is what I experience isn't automatically caused by a new tank. The tank performs very well. And like other big build tanks, I'm sure I'm just scratching the surface of what it can put out. But I don't feel like dropping my nic again just to blow out more juice. I'm good with where I'm at and this tank easily handles it. All good in my book.
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Mikhail Naumov

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It's not an actual arc, it's current ionization. Arcing is a helpful statement to aid in people reading without knowledge of this to understand it further. It also has little to do with resistance, it's the way that current is traveling through the coils. When you have coils touching the current basically waves over the coils, where-as in a spaced design it's a little more directive. This is a distinction between aiding builds in TC, not builds outside of it.

Maybe cool your jets there, chief. Other people read these posts besides Electrical Engineers and Electricians, and sometimes certain words help land the overall picture better. I'm an Electrical Engineer myself, we can get down and dirty with this conversation and start throwing out a lot of technical statements 90% of people have no idea even what to make of, but as I said, other people read these posts.

Spaced coils aiding in TC actually has very little to do with electricity and has a lot more to do with heat transfer. Contact coils heat eachother up faster, and when the device is reading the resistance changes to calculate temperature changes, the coils not heating the adjacent wraps up faster helps it get a more accurate temperature output.
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Yes, but regardless of touching, the resistance should be read regardless of path. But contact coils are not fused coils. Applying heat expands clearances and you get wildly varying readings which is no bueno for TC. Especially SS with such a flat curve.

The same build in my Griffin gives more heat despite very similar sized deck and chamber. But, that doesn't mean the Griffin performs better. Just different. The air flow and juice flow are definitely different. And that could be all there is.

Mikhail Naumov

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Again, this has nothing to do with resistance. The fact that spaced coils aid in TC is due to contact coil builds transferring heat to the adjacent wraps and causing the device to have a more difficult time maintaining a baseline temperature when the wraps are heating eachother up. You put distance between them, this is less-ish, of a problem. Depends on the thickness of your wire and the distance between spaces really. What device are you using, if you don't mind me asking? Some devices do TC a little different. Some newer devices are using electrical ping to graduate away from TCR values. I guess it does have to do with resistance, since TC changes the heat based on minute resistance changes, but the spaced part aiding the process is just due to less heat transfer. I'm also not comparing my coils to your coils. In TC a fused clapton would be a lot more inaccurate than a standard round wire, by a damned long shot. This is why the craziest I go with TC builds are standard claptons or just twisted wires.

Also, if you haven't had the chance, give NiFE-30 a try. This is unrelated to the topic, but I've found it to be a very capable TC wire, along with Titanium. I do enjoy SS but the fact is SS just isn't all that great for TC due to it being a wire with a more stagnant resistance compared to high tempered-nickel alloy wires like Ni200.


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DNA 200s. The length of wire at "X" temp has "X" resistance. The only thing that heats is current. Terminal to terminal, resistance doesn't change whether there is a 10% increase in heat over the wire, or a 100% 8ncrease in a then the of it. The fact heat is being transfered to other wraps doesn't change the circuit.

Yet it does matter. It definitely matters more to low TCR wires. Seems simple to me at first look. Bur not so simple with closer inspection. Other theories that have been thrown out don't apply. Yet, the fact is.... It matters.


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I forget how many tanks of juice I've run through on the Boreas thus far using my first build (Yay Rayon!) and it's still vaping like a dream. Thanks Roxy for this gem.

Oh and fuck ECF and its assface.

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