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The BOREAS RTA by Augvape and Roxy


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@Powerman what kind of wire are you trying to use for TC?

I've been using 24g SS316 since day one of my boreas, actually its the first and only build I've tried, and its been great. 10 wrap spaced 3mm dual coils, wicked like a RDA, nothing fancy. On DNA200s usually keep it around 480-500F 60ish Watts, 100W preheat.

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So today I got my tank! First off...this thing is amazing! Flavor is off the chain and I'm running at 115w with a .20ohm coil!

Great job Roxy on designing this tank!!

Now, on to the things that bug me! Just like others reported both orings on both decks were broken out of the package. Luckily AugVape included every extra oring so I just replaced them both. Also, the positive post on both decks were bent slightly in. This can be attributed to the peek insulator on the post. It must have imperfections that cause the posts to lean.



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@Powerman what kind of wire are you trying to use for TC?

I've been using 24g SS316 since day one of my boreas, actually its the first and only build I've tried, and its been great. 10 wrap spaced 3mm dual coils, wicked like a RDA, nothing fancy. On DNA200s usually keep it around 480-500F 60ish Watts, 100W preheat.

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I use 430. One of the higher TCRs for SS. I don't use preheat. Set to 1w for 0.1 sec. Another improvement I found. Many recommend it, but I always thought... That's what I love about TC. Anyway, power set to 175w, and I just let TC handle it. Plenty of fast "preheat" but it's smoother. Usually it will spike around 120w before TC cuts it back.


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On mine either the insulators holes are not laid out properly, or the positive posts were not properly machined. since the insulators appear to be molded I'm guessing that the posts are incorrectly machined. The insulators also do not fully fit into the machined recess of the deck. Going to hit up Subtank Supply in a few hours for the promised replacements. My concern is down the road they could fail, they work OK for now, but who knows what the future holds, I'd prefer to have correctly fit decks.

Of all the dual coil tanks I have this one is certainly my favorite.


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I may try to transplant a post from another velocity style deck I have laying around and see what the fix will be

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So today I got my tank! First off...this thing is amazing! Flavor is off the chain and I'm running at 115w with a .20ohm coil!

Great job Roxy on designing this tank!!

Now, on to the things that bug me! Just like others reported both orings on both decks were broken out of the package. Luckily AugVape included every extra oring so I just replaced them both. Also, the positive post on both decks were bent slightly in. This can be attributed to the peek insulator on the post. It must have imperfections that cause the posts to lean.



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Over hang?


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I actually hadent really noticed but one of my decks has a slight lean to the Pos post too. Never effected the vape so Im not gonna worry about it. there are so many good things about this thing that I dont want to bring up bad things... Yea, Id be a horrible beta tester...

can i test the Merlin? Please?


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I actually hadent really noticed but one of my decks has a slight lean to the Pos post too. Never effected the vape so Im not gonna worry about it. there are so many good things about this thing that I dont want to bring up bad things... Yea, Id be a horrible beta tester...

can i test the Merlin? Please?
Both of my decks have a slight lean to them, I didn’t see it as a defect because I’ve seen it on others before. It’s mainly from the insulator being too thick. The fine print LMAO I think there's a long line, I want to be in line too. LOL.


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Got my Boreas today and just finished a quick build on it. Very nice so far. Zero leaking. Super easy to wick. Great juice capacity (think I'm going to need it). Very nice looking tank. My deck that came with it does not have a lean but the bigger holed deck has a very slight lean but you have to look very close. Not really seeing a huge issue with it. I fully inspected the o-rings and none were bad at all. I will say the top and bottom o-rings that seat the glass are very loose. Also the smaller o-ring below the drip tip popped out very easily when I was washing it. I got claptons on it now @ 0.6 ohms 10 wrap vaping very well around 75 watts. Flavor on this thing is excellent!!!! Better than my Griffin. I was also pleasantly surprised that the manual was not that small and was able to read it. Roxy you nailed this!!!!

rolf 2

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well .. its my go to tank now !
a few things I notized since I m not a flavor expert but the flavor is better than anything in my arsenal , at least at low watts . it wicks perfect also as the aromamizer did . one thing what nobody complained on the aromamizer is , when your air hole is pointed at your beard ! it stings like a needle with the heated vape . not on the boreas !
also a big improvement ... no condensation ..much better. of course more juice which is nice
the draw is o so nice and quiet to .
I know every body wanted top fill ..I just like bottom fill . like to inspect my wicks when I fill it. also faster for me !
an easy task with a needle tip bottle .and absolutely no leaks . just me so.
exelent job roxy
ps your cheese cake juice is steeping tasts nice already .


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I was thinking about getting a set of the for the Boreas. Should I ask for 3.5 mm id, or go with 3mm just to be safe?

Also, it seems many sill think that the VCMT and Griffin are king of the hill. I've read comparisons between them, and people who own both always seem to like the Boreas better. So what do I tell these haters when I'm trying to convince them not to waste their money? What are the biggest advantages of the Boreas over these two?
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I was thinking about getting a set of the for the Boreas. Should I ask for 3.5 mm id, or go with 3mm just to be safe?

Also, it seems many sill think that the VCMT and Griffin are king of the hill. I've read comparisons between them, and people who own both always seem to like the Boreas better. So what do I tell these haters when I'm trying to convince them not to waste their money? What are the biggest advantages of the Boreas over these two?
I don’t know if I’d try coils from ebay, there are members here that will make and sell you coils pm @raymo2u for info.


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I was thinking about getting a set of the for the Boreas. Should I ask for 3.5 mm id, or go with 3mm just to be safe?

Also, it seems many sill think that the VCMT and Griffin are king of the hill. I've read comparisons between them, and people who own both always seem to like the Boreas better. So what do I tell these haters when I'm trying to convince them not to waste their money? What are the biggest advantages of the Boreas over these two?
I have both the VCMT and Griffin and the Boreas is better than both. It has better flavor, the wicking is so much easier, doesn’t leak like the VCMT, holds more juice, better air flow, better juice control, and it’s designed by a vaper who knows what we all wanted and gave it to us.


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I have both the VCMT and Griffin and the Boreas is better than both. It has better flavor, the wicking is so much easier, doesn’t leak like the VCMT, holds more juice, better air flow, better juice control, and it’s designed by a vaper who knows what we all wanted and gave it to us.

Ain't that the truth :) And so far I haven't seen one negative review. So hats off to Roxy and a large amount of credit should go to Augvape as well for listening to a knowledgeable vaper and for coming together to create one of the best rta's to be released. :)

And I extremely happy to announce that my second Boreas has turned up today, and boy are my juices tasting good :)


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I was thinking about getting a set of the for the Boreas. Should I ask for 3.5 mm id, or go with 3mm just to be safe?

Also, it seems many sill think that the VCMT and Griffin are king of the hill. I've read comparisons between them, and people who own both always seem to like the Boreas better. So what do I tell these haters when I'm trying to convince them not to waste their money? What are the biggest advantages of the Boreas over these two?
I wouldnt worry about what ID they will both fit if your getting the same specs as that listing, its actually smaller then most Staggered Framed Staples.
To be honest the Staggered Framed Staples arent the best type of vape....Its more for looks then anything else, I would much rather use Framed Staples myself as I find those to be the best coils for flavor and cloud performance combined. You wont beat a Fused Clapton, Staple, Framed Staple, Alien, or variants of each for flavor but it takes time, dedication, and wire to create those coils....I feel the performance is well justified though.

I myself am rocking some Mini Framed Staples in the Alleria right now and that RTA already is a flavor monster...they put it over the top. I may end up doing the same for the Boreas but for now the Tri-Core Fused Clapton is working just needs more wattage then most builds.

Just FYI. most of the Coils on Ebay arent the ones they have pictured...they all use each others pictures or steal screenshots off IG...Not trying to persuade you to buy from me but make sure you know who your getting you coils from. People like CrazyChef and I only used high quality wires (Chef actually uses Swedish wire only lol) and most of the Temco/similar wires are heavily oiled and have a slight tingey of taste to them even after they are washed. This is why Chinese premade coils and people using the cheapest wire to build with will have poorer results when they are used. If you're buying wire and coils online just be careful, who knows if your wire was stored with lead or depleted uranium for the last ten years and was sold to the highest bidder.
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You are a wonderfully evil man!
I actually hadent really noticed but one of my decks has a slight lean to the Pos post too. Never effected the vape so Im not gonna worry about it. there are so many good things about this thing that I dont want to bring up bad things... Yea, Id be a horrible beta tester...

can i test the Merlin? Please?
My thoughts exactly newb! I personally am willing to overlook the small mfg defects because of overall performance of this wonderful tank! I am really impressed by the machining at this price point! Uber fine threads in SS that don't gall! I wish i had time to sing all the praises I have for this tank but I gotta get ready for work! And remember what that oh so wise Box on TV says; " Criti gonna nag!":shades:


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I was thinking about getting a set of the for the Boreas. Should I ask for 3.5 mm id, or go with 3mm just to be safe?

Also, it seems many sill think that the VCMT and Griffin are king of the hill. I've read comparisons between them, and people who own both always seem to like the Boreas better. So what do I tell these haters when I'm trying to convince them not to waste their money? What are the biggest advantages of the Boreas over these two?

I'm not sure if those will fit in 3.5 or not. I sure haven't advanced that far in coil making myself :D


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All this talk about broken/cut orings... someone mentioned a few days ago that the edges left from machining are very sharp. Not sure if it's the top edge of the base that you slide the orings over or the valleys the orings sit into but if you have sharp edges cutting orings it would help to lightly run some 1000 grit wet sand paper on the edges. It won't help the orings that were cut installing them at the factory :cuss2: but at least your replacement will slide on and not get cut.
Also maybe the bottom edge of the tank that the OD of the orings contact while inserting the base if that could be what is cutting them?

Some machined edges are razor sharp if not slightly touched with some wet sand before the product is packaged, maybe the factory is just skipping that step?


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So...Lemme see if I get this straight,

This is kinda like building and vaping on a Velocity 'cept it's got a huge tank?

Damn Roxy...I swore off tanks a while back and have been running strictly RDAs for a while now but you have me rethinking that ~lol~


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All this talk about broken/cut orings... someone mentioned a few days ago that the edges left from machining are very sharp. Not sure if it's the top edge of the base that you slide the orings over or the valleys the orings sit into but if you have sharp edges cutting orings it would help to lightly run some 1000 grit wet sand paper on the edges. It won't help the orings that were cut installing them at the factory :cuss2: but at least your replacement will slide on and not get cut.
Also maybe the bottom edge of the tank that the OD of the orings contact while inserting the base if that could be what is cutting them?

Some machined edges are razor sharp if not slightly touched with some wet sand before the product is packaged, maybe the factory is just skipping that step?
It could be that, or they factory is using the wrong or poor quality o-rings. Mine were broken in the bag before even removing them from the packaging. Kind of hard to not notice these things before being shipped. Poor quality control, IMO.


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First batch WAS FUCKED UP...

What some people seem not to understand is that vaping isn't rocket science! To me as a machinist, vaping tolerences should be 1)Fit 2)Form 3) Function! From a completely machining standpoint this tank meets all three! Outside vendor parts, O-rings and insulators, are not necessarily the mfr fault on first runs! You guys keep expecting Ferrari precision for the price of a Hyundai! See I kinda feel for Roxy because I designed some remote reservoir shock clamps that addressed alot of the problems that I saw in the ones on the market at the time! First prototypes I made were perfect and beautiful but we sent the production run out & they were fucked! I mean one of the main features wasn't the same! They looked like ass! But the company decided to let them go!
My point is production runs can have problems! For the price point, SUCK IT UP BUTTER CUP!

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