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The BOREAS RTA by Augvape and Roxy


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I must say! This RTA has been exquisite! Other than the oring and post issues this tank has all that I'm looking for! I love a warm flavorful vape with zero dry hits! This tank delivers!!

I use to be big into kayfuns and a way to totally avoid leaking on a refill you need to do the "initial" fill method layer out in the manual. This helps create that positive pressure to keep the juice in the tank. This is also dependent on whether your wicking is not insufficient. Works for me!!

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At no point did I say I "had" to sell the Supreme, I sold it to buy juice because it helped. My definition of semi wealthy is the $73,000 a year I make. It's definitely more money I've ever seen in my entire life, but if I'm not going to use something anymore I typically sell it. Woo, people just love jumping on my ass, this is gonna be fun son.

For future reference, if you're literally going to quote something, get the quote right, especially when it's RIGHT about your post. :crazy: You mentioned one post and quoted an entirely different one.
$73 k a year is considered POOR/Middle class Professional athletes are RICH
THE owners that sign the checks are WEALTHY...


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$73k is poor?

Damn, ej, you would consider me at poverty levels. The most I ever earned was my last year teaching at $58k, and that was with 2 jobs! I taught college part time as well.

You don't want to know what former teachers on disability make.


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$73k is poor?

Damn, ej, you would consider me at poverty levels. The most I ever earned was my last year teaching at $58k, and that was with 2 jobs! I taught college part time as well.

You don't want to know what former teachers on disability make.

Teachers as well as our military personnel are some of the lowest paid professions IMO.


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$73k is poor?

Damn, ej, you would consider me at poverty levels. The most I ever earned was my last year teaching at $58k, and that was with 2 jobs! I taught college part time as well.

You don't want to know what former teachers on disability make.

Here I thought you were rolling in the dough, I mean with being an unregistered supplier and all :xD:


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Yea cotton. I managed to change it on lunch break (now Im glad I keep some tweezers, scissors, and cotton in my little vape kit) and working good. Definitely was wicked too tight. One of the wicks was burned right in half lol

Good thing you got it going again - I hate vape malfunctions at work.


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$73k is poor?

Damn, ej, you would consider me at poverty levels. The most I ever earned was my last year teaching at $58k, and that was with 2 jobs! I taught college part time as well.

You don't want to know what former teachers on disability make.
73 k is not semi wealthy, and there's no such thing as SEMI WEALTHY.

Oh I'm aware of TEACHERS, I'm a big UNION GUY
LOCAL3299 AFSCME, I'm aware of the struggle of teachers especially in CALI
And the struggle continues, IN SOLIDARITY we can make a better living for our teachers and our MILitary


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Especially if you lived in Kali, I think flipping went out in the 80's, now they just nukeitall
They Steam/Hot Plate it nowadays...BurgerKing is one of the only fastfood chains that actually have a grill or anything other then a hotplate to cook food.
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My income is less than half of that $73k figure. I will need to drive my truck another 7 years until my mortgage is paid off, which will make it 20 years old at that point.
I think you need to ask for compensation next time...kinda like what Jaybo is doing, he design then get percentage for every item they sell...


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Haven't eaten at any Fast Food joint for a few years now, two choices locally DQ, and Subway.
Yea Ive only gone to KFC and a local Chinese restaurant a handful of times this past 2 years...other then that its home meals. I know from working experience what happens behind the counter...I didnt always for for GE...


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Yea Ive only gone to KFC and a local Chinese restaurant a handful of times this past 2 years...other then that its home meals. I know from working experience what happens behind the counter...I didnt always for for GE...

Chinese restaurant was the cleanest restaurant I worked in. But... That was a lifetime ago. Can't speak for how they are now.


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No, I won't (and haven't).

It was something fun for me to do. I've been sitting here rotting for more than 7 years :( I was grateful to accomplish something again.
This is the same reason I push for more intricate builds...I love seeing the peoples response to them...I know exactly how you feel...Since I gave up modding because Rockstar Games and Steam threatened to sue me I havent found much of anything that I could do to benefit anyone or feel Ive made something different...Im happy to build now, its not as mentally straining but it seems to make people light up.
Small accomplishments are what keeps me doing what I do now..


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Who the hell is gonna pay 20 bucks for a Big Mac????? Won't be me!
New York State already pass that bill.. $20 bucks for all restaurant workers.. Donald trump already said, that's too much!! Smfh


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Raymo - I need to get some coils for the Boreas. I will PM you.

Need a warm, wet, "mucho grande flavorful" vape between 60-80 watts.


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Can you afford a $20 Big Mac?
It will not change the price of the Big Mac
It will only affect the WALLETS of the big boys running the corporation.. It won't be much, they won't even feel it.. Plus corporations will get tax credits.. Give and take you know..


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It will not change the price of the Big Mac
It will only affect the WALLETS of the big boys running the corporation.. It won't be much, they won't even feel it.. Plus corporations will get tax credits.. Give and take you know..



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Yeah, demanding very high incomes is why we don't have factory jobs and steel plants here anymore. There is a living wage, and there is being greedy. Being greedy has cost America big time! Sorry if that offends anyone, but should a McDonald's employee make more than a teacher? Iwent to college and worked my ass off (and spent a small fortune to do so). Flipping burgers isn't the same thing.


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I am burning through cotton like it grows on trees. I chain vape for the flavor and cotton just burns up!
I noticed a big difference with it on my .2 ohm builds which is mostly what I run and deffinitly on something like the Boreas with a big build on it. Wicked a lot better than the cotton pads I was using. I paid like 12 bucks for 500 ft of Rayon. Thats a lot. It will last me many years.

Also I get more flavor on my low ohm builds on my Velocity with the air wide open than I did with cotton.

I never tried the bacon stuff.


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Yeah, demanding very high incomes is why we don't have factory jobs and steel plants here anymore. There is a living wage, and there is being greedy. Being greedy has cost America big time! Sorry if that offends anyone, but should a McDonald's employee make more than a teacher? Iwent to college and worked my ass off (and spent a small fortune to do so). Flipping burgers isn't the same thing.

I work in I.T. and 20 bucks an hour is approaching what I make and I have worked my ass off to get where I am. Education, Student Loans. Freaking Economy stinks!

There is a reason being Mickie D's Burger Flipper is an entry level job. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Just it ain't worth 10, 15 or 20 bucks an hour. It is entry level Gosh Darnit!


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It's called greed Roxy... Ever since the democrats STARTED TRADE AGRREMENT,(CLINTON) that started the manufacturing down fall of this great country... And yes teachers should get paid more than a flipper at McDonald's... And FYI the national minimum wage is still $8-9 bucks, so sad! It shouldn't be that way.. IMO



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I noticed a big difference with it on my .2 ohm builds which is mostly what I run and deffinitly on something like the Boreas with a big build on it. Wicked a lot better than the cotton pads I was using. I paid like 12 bucks for 500 ft of Rayon. Thats a lot. It will last me many years.

Also I get more flavor on my low ohm builds on my Velocity with the air wide open than I did with cotton.

I never tried the bacon stuff.

My lowest build is a .25 Clapton. I like to vape in the 60-80 Range. In fact I only just started vaping wattage's that high.

I'm looking for something that wicks well, has outstanding flavor and I don't have to re-wick every couple of days because I chain vape.


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I am super lazy, didn't even do a build on the black boreas, just took the deck from the SS one, and filled with juice.

I did scratch it up slightly with a knife, not through to metal, just surface scratches was all I could manage.

Too lazy to dig out my torch, its packed for moving, but a lighter did nothing really to the finish. I did wash it afterward because it weirded me out.

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My lowest build is a .25 Clapton. I like to vape in the 60-80 Range. In fact I only just started vaping wattage's that high.

I'm looking for something that wicks well, has outstanding flavor and I don't have to re-wick every couple of days because I chain vape.

You need rayon :)


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I am super lazy, didn't even do a build on the black boreas, just took the deck from the SS one, and filled with juice.

I did scratch it up slightly with a knife, not through to metal, just surface scratches was all I could manage.

Too lazy to dig out my torch, its packed for moving, but a lighter did nothing really to the finish. I did wash it afterward because it weirded me out.

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Someone from ecf torched it and it passed.

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