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The BOREAS RTA by Augvape and Roxy


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My lowest build is a .25 Clapton. I like to vape in the 60-80 Range. In fact I only just started vaping wattage's that high.

I'm looking for something that wicks well, has outstanding flavor and I don't have to re-wick every couple of days because I chain vape.
The Rayon last longer and does not burn as easily. Give it a shot. Do you have a Sallys beauty supply near you? If not I can send you some. I have a lot man.


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It's called greed Roxy... Ever since the democrats STARTED TRADE AGRREMENT,(CLINTON) that started the manufacturing down fall of this great country... And yes teachers should get paid more than a flipper at McDonald's... And FYI the national minimum wage is still $8-9 bucks, so sad! It shouldn't be that way.. IMO


For a high school Kid 8-9 bucks is more than fair.

I do have to agree with everything you said but what you said about the minimum wage thing.

When I started working minimum wage was less than 5 bucks and hour. To get 9 or 10 bucks an hour I had to bust my ass working construction.

Then I decided to get an edumacation, get smart and work in a field that provides for a greater wage than 10 bucks an hour.

Minimum wage is for entry level. 9 bucks an hour is not meant for you to retire on and live the live of Reilly.


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Oh, and the AFC/JFC is different on the black one I got compared to the SS version. This one sort of "snap" into place when you open it fully.

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For a high school Kid 8-9 bucks is more than fair.

I do have to agree with everything you said but what you said about the minimum wage thing.

When I started working minimum wage was less than 5 bucks and hour. To get 9 or 10 bucks an hour I had to bust my ass working construction.

Then I decided to get an edumacation, get smart and work in a field that provides for a greater wage than 10 bucks an hour.

Minimum wage is for entry level. 9 bucks an hour is not meant for you to retire on and live the live of Reilly.
I know, I get it..
You need to understand, a lot of fast food workers are not 80hours employee..... A lot of them don't get full time hours because employers want to avoid giving them benefits you know...its sucks to pay a lot of money for school then come out get paid 15 bucks per hour entry level job.. THATS WRONG don't you think? I think we Americans got use to the minimum wage way of thinking, why can't we think bigger pays,like other countries?? Why do we settle $8-9 bucks? Why can't it be 15 for fast food workers, and 30 for IT like you?? 40-50bucks for teachers? Why can't it be like that?
And all the talk of IT WILL KILL THE INDSUTRY is not true... GREED IS what making American pay LOW and they want to keep it there... IMO


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I can tell you why it's not for teachers. People won't pass school levies because they don't want to pay for childrens' educations. Schools can't even afford staples for goodness sakes!


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I can tell you why it's not for teachers. People won't pass school levies because they don't want to pay for childrens' educations. Schools can't even afford staples for goodness sakes!
Well in VT they apparently can, the teachers in my area just got into shit for embezzling money from their donation funds for supplies.


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ej - This is not a conversation for a vaping thread.

If I pay a lot of money for an education than go to work flipping burgers because I cannot get a job in my field of study than I strongly suggest that I look at my field of study as to why I cannot get a job that pays me a good rate of pay.

Basic economics will dictate that if I have to pay someone 20 bucks an hour to flip what should be a $1 dollar hamburger, add in the cost of operating the business, paying the other 10-20 employees 20 dollars an hour and I sell 50 burgers an hour. I am losing money. So the cost of the burger has to go up.

Who pays that increase? The consumer, you and me.

I am not gonna pay 20 dollars for a freaking BigMac!

Mickie D's goes under, you lose your job and the whole economy tanks.


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ej - This is not a conversation for a vaping thread.

If I pay a lot of money for an education than go to work flipping burgers because I cannot get a job in my field of study than I strongly suggest that I look at my field of study as to why I cannot get a job that pays me a good rate of pay.

Basic economics will dictate that if I have to pay someone 20 bucks an hour to flip what should be a $1 dollar hamburger, add in the cost of operating the business, paying the other 10-20 employees 20 dollars an hour and I sell 50 burgers an hour. I am losing money. So the cost of the burger has to go up.

Who pays that increase? The consumer, you and me.

I am not gonna pay 20 dollars for a freaking BigMac!

Mickie D's goes under, you lose your job and the whole economy tanks.
Do you have any other excuse
Other than the $20 Big Mac?
SMH... You don't see what I'm saying... But good luck with ur job and hopefully you get to $20 bucks soon


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ej - This is not a conversation for a vaping thread.

If I pay a lot of money for an education than go to work flipping burgers because I cannot get a job in my field of study than I strongly suggest that I look at my field of study as to why I cannot get a job that pays me a good rate of pay.

Basic economics will dictate that if I have to pay someone 20 bucks an hour to flip what should be a $1 dollar hamburger, add in the cost of operating the business, paying the other 10-20 employees 20 dollars an hour and I sell 50 burgers an hour. I am losing money. So the cost of the burger has to go up.

Who pays that increase? The consumer, you and me.

I am not gonna pay 20 dollars for a freaking BigMac!

Mickie D's goes under, you lose your job and the whole economy tanks.
Totally agree on being very non vape related, but gotta throw one thing out. Distribution of wealth is a big thing right now and it's an important topic. Corporations that ran of years giving benefits and paying their employees livable wages continuing to cut costs to pad salaries at the top and increase dividends is an issue worth discussing... but not here :D


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I can tell you why it's not for teachers. People won't pass school levies because they don't want to pay for childrens' educations. Schools can't even afford staples for goodness sakes!

And it is the Teachers who pay for the extras.

We can pay 5 Grand or more to educate a child for one year, the schools and Union rake in the dough and the poor teacher has to buy their own supplies.

What the hell kind of sense does that make?

I know... Pay the teachers a million dollars a year and the problem will be solved.

Except.... It cannot happen because the Unions and Administrators would not allow the teacher to benefit because the administrators and union must be the ones who benefit, not the Teacher!

Who gives a rats ass about the teacher except the common man who appreciates what they do?


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Totally agree on being very non vape related, but gotta throw one thing out. Distribution of wealth is a big thing right now and it's an important topic. Corporations that ran of years giving benefits and paying their employees livable wages continuing to cut costs to pad salaries at the top and increase dividends is an issue worth discussing... but not here :D

It is a problem.


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And it is the Teachers who pay for the extras.

We can pay 5 Grand or more to educate a child for one year, the schools and Union rake in the dough and the poor teacher has to buy their own supplies.

What the hell kind of sense does that make?

I know... Pay the teachers a million dollars a year and the problem will be solved.

Except.... It cannot happen because the Unions and Administrators would not allow the teacher to benefit because the administrators and union must be the ones who benefit, not the Teacher!

Who gives a rats ass about the teacher except the common man who appreciates what they do?
Every time I see a movie star getting paid $20mil for a movie it disappoints me that they make that but the amazing teacher I had that influences thousands of lives for the better get what they do... but then I think about the teachers I had who came to school high as a kite and ran off their tenure and realize it's a damn complicated issue like most of the things that plague us.

Anyways, damn you guys for getting me talking about this stuff in an area not designed for it!!!:xD:


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Every time I see a movie star getting paid $20mil for a movie it disappoints me that they make that but the amazing teacher I had that influences thousands of lives for the better get what they do... but then I think about the teachers I had who came to school high as a kite and ran off their tenure and realize it's a damn complicated issue like most of the things that plague us.

Anyways, damn you guys for getting me talking about this stuff in an area not designed for it!!!:xD:

Yep. It is damn complicated.

Let us all get back to vaping, flavor and cloud chasing. Let us just enjoy life. Life is damn hard enough. This is the time for relaxing.


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73 k is not semi wealthy, and there's no such thing as SEMI WEALTHY.

Oh I'm aware of TEACHERS, I'm a big UNION GUY
LOCAL3299 AFSCME, I'm aware of the struggle of teachers especially in CALI
And the struggle continues, IN SOLIDARITY we can make a better living for our teachers and our MILitary

Yea, Im a big union guy too. I was under UAW and the Teamsters in the past. Unfortunately my current job is NOT a union gig, which is one of the only things I hate about it. We get treated fairly well by management, but theres still a bunch of shady shit going on and I know it first hand (in fact, if it wasnt for the shady backroom deals management does there I wouldnt even have my current job, or wouldnt have gotten it so easily, so I guess it worked out there). It is what it is. The company is a huge Fortune 200 company that has retail outlets in practically every country on the planet and a logo and brand that almost everyone can identify. So the odds that it gets unionized are slim and none, especially since they dont take kindly to unions. When I first got there I made some jokes about unionizing and whatever, and everyone would tell me to watch what I say and that just mentioning it as a joke could get me tossed. Shits real for the non union worker lol.

But shit man, I make half of that $73k and to me thats a decent job. If I was making double that Id feel like I made it in life lmao.


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Any way, back to vaping.. My Beautiful Black Beastie arrived!!! Built it with dual fused claptons 2x24 Kanthal wrapped in 32 SS316l. 3.5mm id 6 wraps clocked in at .16 ohms. wicked it with Rayon (thinking my coils are to low, almost couldnt tuck the rayon under them...) and started ramping up the wattatge on it... Got a nice comfortable vape from it at 120. First impressions of the Black one compared to my SS one, the Black seems to have better/smoother threads. the top cap is WAY easier to put on and take off. AFC is tighter to turn and I can almost feel a slight clickishness in it when it hits fuly open. it seems the only differance is that everything is black. Im wondering if the blackening is acting like a dry lube on the threading and if it maybe built up some of the tolerances in the afc's movement.

I absolutley LOVE the satin black it has. MUCH better than the shiney anno on most black tanks. the blackened innards did kinda give me the skeeziez, I prefer SS only touching my juice, but it withstood someone torching it on ECFuckit so Ill run with it.

and every one likes pics so....



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Any way, back to vaping.. My Beautiful Black Beastie arrived!!! Built it with dual fused claptons 2x24 Kanthal wrapped in 32 SS316l. 3.5mm id 6 wraps clocked in at .16 ohms. wicked it with Rayon (thinking my coils are to low, almost couldnt tuck the rayon under them...) and started ramping up the wattatge on it... Got a nice comfortable vape from it at 120. First impressions of the Black one compared to my SS one, the Black seems to have better/smoother threads. the top cap is WAY easier to put on and take off. AFC is tighter to turn and I can almost feel a slight clickishness in it when it hits fuly open. it seems the only differance is that everything is black. Im wondering if the blackening is acting like a dry lube on the threading and if it maybe built up some of the tolerances in the afc's movement.

I absolutley LOVE the satin black it has. MUCH better than the shiney anno on most black tanks. the blackened innards did kinda give me the skeeziez, I prefer SS only touching my juice, but it withstood someone torching it on ECFuckit so Ill run with it.

and every one likes pics so....

Ga dang she's pretty


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and yes, I took the pics of the coils before I fired and adjusted them. the gaps are closed now. Fires beautifully form the inside out like they should. Couldnt use tweezers on them as the coils were to beefy, had to fire, let go and use my dang pliers. But this build is rocking at 125 watts now. My poor dog keeps looking at me like Im a lunatic from all the couds in the living room now...


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I wish I got paid more than 19 an hour to be a Police officer at a Top Secret DOD facility... I put on body armor and a weapon everyday and a burger flipper gets paid more?? I got shot in the vest a few years back, but Mcdonalds pays more? Hmm....


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I wish I got paid more than 19 an hour to be a Police officer at a Top Secret DOD facility... I put on body armor and a weapon everyday and a burger flipper gets paid more?? I got shot in the vest a few years back, but Mcdonalds pays more? Hmm....
Damn dude... See what I mean,ur underpaid for what you do


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I'm starting to wonder if a tootle puffer such as myself should even bother coiling and trying to vape my black beauty - I bought it 100% to show support for Roxy.

The only vape I have ever liked under 1.5 ohms is on my chalice clone on my REO, which is 1 ohm. For some reason it really does it for me. Anything else I've ever tried under 1.5 ohms I just haven't cared for at all, never could find a "sweet spot."


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I'm starting to wonder if a tootle puffer such as myself should even bother coiling and trying to vape my black beauty - I bought it 100% to show support for Roxy.

The only vape I have ever liked under 1.5 ohms is on my chalice clone on my REO, which is 1 ohm. For some reason it really does it for me. Anything else I've ever tried under 1.5 ohms I just haven't cared for at all, never could find a "sweet spot."

Put your coil between the posts (single coil). And it can tootle :)


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Yeah...I still don't know about this whole "rayon" business! If you see how they make it you might not use it for inhalation purposes.

My box has been there for quite a while.....


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