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The Good Old Times


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
May be an image of text that says 'Are your panties uptodate? up to date? It's the rage you know 一a different date on each pair, pairs in separate pastel shades for each day of the week, all for the little price of $3.98. Made of fine Rayon Tricot. A pleasure to wear and sporty enough to share. Will not shrink. DATED PANTIES Box of 7 for only $3.98. $3. Come in Small, Medium and Large. Enclose check OT money order We will pTepay postage, or sent C.O.D. plus postal charges. DILO SALES cO.. Dept. P-124 125 East 46h Street, New York 17, N. Y.'


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years

I remember how fun it was whenever I moved to a new apartment or rental house, to go to the GE Phone Store and pick out a new phone. We didn't have to buy them, they just let you use them, and I guess the cost of rental was included in your monthly bill. Of course, you had to take your old phone back to trade. But all the different styles and colors! It was so much fun picking out a new phone! (It has never taken all that much to amuse me, I guess.)


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
And speaking of phones, is anyone else really irritated at the high pitched electronic chirping that's considered "ringing" on phones these days? Wait, maybe not, because probably everyone has a cell phone now. Well, we don't. No cell service out here in the boonies. I miss the RING of the old phone. You could hear it wherever you were in the house, or even if you were outside! And people who are hard of hearing (like Rich) can't even hear these new phones ringing if the TV is on.

We still actually have an old desk style phone that was in the shop here when we bought this place. But alas, the phone company finally came out a couple years ago and changed the lines to fiber optics and (I guess?) that makes that old phone not work anymore, so now it's just a collector's item. Or a paperweight. Man those old desk phones carried some weight, didn't they?


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cigarette lighter, pull tab, 8-track tape, drive-in speaker, Instamatic 126 film cartridge, car window roller-upper, flash cubes for that Instamatic, cloth measuring tapes, credit card imprinter, View Master cartridges, lighted magnifying makeup mirror, TV remote, nut cracker and picks, electric frypan... and I don't recognize that last one.

Seriously, people don't use electric fry pans or nut crackers anymore? How do they eat walnuts? Buy them already shelled in a bag, right? Those are the people that also buy their cheese already grated in a bag, their potatoes already peeled and diced in a bag, their salad already cut up and mixed in a bag... I can't help but feel sorry for those people.


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
On the same note as the nutcracker, you should have seen me trying to open a coconut with a hammer when I was 11 years old. I did it, but by the time I hit it hard enough to crack it, it shattered all over the back deck (mom wouldn't let me do this in the kitchen, LOL!). But I picked up all those pieces of coconut shell and chewed the meat off every one of 'em. Man, that was a good coconut. Better because I had to work for it!


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Chalk holder, the kind that you put a piece of chalk in each of the holders and use it to draw straight lines on the chalkboard. Here is a better pic, but that's what it is.


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