Vape mail today! Just the start of many awesome ones to come. I spent some coin on Memorial Day with all the sales, so got quite a few things coming.
But today I gots the Merlin. Thing looks quality as hell. And my Five Folds order. One each of their flavors. The Carnival juice is the best juice on this planet of Earth, period. Fucking love the stuff. And this bottle came just at the right time because I was down to just this.....
So damn good thing they showed up today. I been nursing the shit outta the last 20 or so ML of this bottle, its lasted me like a week and a half, only dripping it when I really really was craving it. Now Im gonna fill up a big ole tank full and enjoy the shit outta it lol.
I've been wanting to order FFV for some time now but have not pulled the trigger. After the marshmallow man debacle when I should have taken your advice, I'm gonna give the Five Fold a shot. Does it need to be steeped and what's the turn around time?