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Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Thank you for participating. You made very valid points and I'll address them to the best of my ability.

As much as we are in a free society, we still have laws and regulations. The freedom is not in the right to do what we want, when we want, because we want. It is rooted in our ability to freely express our opinions and elect representatives that best serve our interest.


All the snipped out stuff has been addressed by others. Currently, you propose to change the laws (and constitution) to fit your desires.

As far as the Hellcat comment, nice dodge. What if the government outlawed any cars > 150 horsepower and stated all cars in violation would be collected and crushed?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I ran across an interseting article....although I'm sure weed will stuff his fingers in his ears over it.

After the Socialist President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez made the possesion of private firearms and ammunition illegal in the year 2012....we now come to the year 2016, where under the current Socialist President........

"Caracas is now the world’s most violent city(excluding those considered to be at war), with police reporting nearly 120 homicides per 100,000 residents in 2015....."

It would appear that under the Utopian wet dream of an unarmed Socialist society......murder runs rampant..who would have thunk it.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I ran across an interseting article....although I'm sure weed will stuff his fingers in his ears over it.

After the Socialist President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez made the possesion of private firearms and ammunition illegal in the year 2012....we now come to the year 2016, where under the current Socialist President........

"Caracas is now the world’s most violent city(excluding those considered to be at war), with police reporting nearly 120 homicides per 100,000 residents in 2015....."

It would appear that under the Utopian wet dream of an unarmed Socialist society......murder runs rampant..who would have thunk it.

No shit tickets, rampant starvation and shortages, mass riots and prisoners resorting to eating fellow inmates for food.


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Also you must take into account that the Police force is nationalized and that the TRUE number of murders is most likely grossly under reported so as not to highlight the goverments abysmal failures....


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I still have the same question. Why the fuck are you up in everybody else's business.

If you don't want to buy a gun then don't buy one. But for those who do, perhaps you should butt the fuck out.

Just a suggestion.

Thank you for your helpful suggestion. The same can be said for your participation in this topic.


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I think you NEED to set your sights on the other words you are ignoring in the 2nd. The Founders used very distinct language when writing it that makes your post pointless and they did it with people like you in mind.

"shall not be infringed".

Since you like to parse words;

past tense: infringed; past participle: infringed
actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.).
"making an unauthorized copy would infringe copyright"
synonyms: contravene, violate, transgress, break, breach; More
disobey, defy, flout, fly in the face of;
disregard, ignore, neglect;
go beyond, overstep, exceed;
"the statute infringed constitutionally guaranteed rights"
antonyms: obey, comply with

act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on.
"his legal rights were being infringed"
synonyms: restrict, limit, curb, check, encroach on; More

For all your blather, you propose nothing except to limit and undermine the 2nd ammendment, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms. The Founding Fathers not only did not place limits on the right to bear arms, they made it quite clear that limits were not to be placed on the people and that our right could not be undermined by such limits. They also made it clear, through their writings, that the right was established so that arms would be available should people like you try to undermine our rights.

All your tail chasing is an act of futility. "Shall not be infringed" is a very basic and easy to understand statement. Nobody cares whether you like it or not. You have no standing to infringe. There is nothing to debate.

Thank you for your participation.
1. It would be more appropriate to quote the entire text in whole as I have to provide the full scope, i.e. "To protect my family, I shot a man with my fuzzy bunny gun." vs "I shot a man with my fuzzy bunny gun."
2. Nothing is unregulated regardless of constitutional language, i.e. You can't yell "fire" at a theater nor can you slander another person citing the first amendment as your right.
3. The founding fathers included Militia as part of the language, which I have respected and acknowledged it's necessity to the extent of fuzzy bunny guns. My prior post have already mentioned this. If there are others, please enlighten me. Otherwise, the debate done and I have my answer.


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Since you google skills suck worse than your argument.

With your 10 round 2 clip commie cunt horse shit in that time we would be sieg heling and gosstepping on one coast and bowing to the imperial family of Japan on the other.
Or talking with a shit accent under the rule of a wrinkled monarch.

Without the 2nd amendment your free use of the 1st to parrot stupid fucking shit is not secure.
You have the right and have been doing so to dribble liquid shit ideas on this thread. YOU NEED to shut the fuck up and educate yourself.

Thank you for the information.

You said "It was the ONLY thing keeping Japanese rape and pillage machine from invading us in WW2." So I presumed this was within the United States. I would have broadened my search otherwise. In addition, you placed a focus on the word "ONLY" which infers significance, but I don't see any mention of results of the gun drive from your reference of the American Rifleman article that turned the tide. In fact, according to the article, it was when we joined the fight, military not civilian, that won the war. I will research more and see if anything says otherwise.

Any warring nation with invasive intent would have the same notion as Isoroku Ymamoto, but I appreciate the information regardless. I wanted to know how armed civilians were "the ONLY thing keeping Japanese rape and pillage machine from invading us," not whether a Japanese rape and pillage threat is real, which I believe it was. By the way, your significance on civilian contribution seems to belittle the military contribution to this end...

Please elaborate a bit more on how the security of the 1st amendment is hinged on the unregulated interpretation of the 2nd. I fail to see the connection...


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1 -> The second amendment full text is available online

2 -> non sequitur

3 -> That point is hotly debated by the pro and anti gun crowds.


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I really don't have a problem with an intelligent discussion of the second amendment. But Weed is just a moronic asswipe who like most neo-liberals think that sticking their fingers in their ears and screaming mindless,and bankrupt platitudes at the top of their lungs,like some intellectual infant with a diaper full of shit a discussion...he is a product of negligent child rearing in which ill mannered and stupid brats are coddeled with participation trophys and are not forced to use critical thinking skills or personal integrity.Instead they learn a relentless wailing in their playpen is accorded the attention of adults instead of accorded a swift smack across the chops. He can't help himself his genetic makeup does not allow him the ability to evolve and walk upright ..he can't learn, so he falls back on the only skill he posses a piercing purple faced wail of demands for attention.
So, he goes through life n his playpen grinding out a mindless repetitive monotone rocking back and forth waiting for mommy to give in and grant him his demands, doesn't work..he is not granted respect, not granted manhood,not granted intelligence...all one can do is close the door to his room and let him cry himself to sleep.

Due to apparent drug reference, I am now Deed, not Weed, for clarification. You may now continue to swing your super manliness cock of power around as well. Thank you for your contribution to this discussion.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thank you for the information.

You said "It was the ONLY thing keeping Japanese rape and pillage machine from invading us in WW2." So I presumed this was within the United States. I would have broadened my search otherwise. In addition, you placed a focus on the word "ONLY" which infers significance, but I don't see any mention of results of the gun drive from your reference of the American Rifleman article that turned the tide. In fact, according to the article, it was when we joined the fight, military not civilian, that won the war. I will research more and see if anything says otherwise.

Any warring nation with invasive intent would have the same notion as Isoroku Ymamoto, but I appreciate the information regardless. I wanted to know how armed civilians were "the ONLY thing keeping Japanese rape and pillage machine from invading us," not whether a Japanese rape and pillage threat is real, which I believe it was. By the way, your significance on civilian contribution seems to belittle the military contribution to this end...

Please elaborate a bit more on how the security of the 1st amendment is hinged on the unregulated interpretation of the 2nd. I fail to see the connection...

I see your fingers are firmly in place....


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Thank you for the information.

You said "It was the ONLY thing keeping Japanese rape and pillage machine from invading us in WW2." So I presumed this was within the United States. I would have broadened my search otherwise. In addition, you placed a focus on the word "ONLY" which infers significance, but I don't see any mention of results of the gun drive from your reference of the American Rifleman article that turned the tide. In fact, according to the article, it was when we joined the fight, military not civilian, that won the war. I will research more and see if anything says otherwise.

Any warring nation with invasive intent would have the same notion as Isoroku Ymamoto, but I appreciate the information regardless. I wanted to know how armed civilians were "the ONLY thing keeping Japanese rape and pillage machine from invading us," not whether a Japanese rape and pillage threat is real, which I believe it was. By the way, your significance on civilian contribution seems to belittle the military contribution to this end...

Please elaborate a bit more on how the security of the 1st amendment is hinged on the unregulated interpretation of the 2nd. I fail to see the connection...
Wrong on me debasing the Military effort.

Since you are just a fucking troll and or to god damned stupid to continue breathing free air please get the fuck out of the country and or removing yourself from the gene pool since your pussy retarded shit need not spread.


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All the snipped out stuff has been addressed by others. Currently, you propose to change the laws (and constitution) to fit your desires.

As far as the Hellcat comment, nice dodge. What if the government outlawed any cars > 150 horsepower and stated all cars in violation would be collected and crushed?

Thank you for your participation! Yes, these ideas regarding gun regulations are not new, although requiring regulations is quite different than change the constitution, which I am not in favor of. I provided my personal opinion regarding what I think would be appropriate, but it is in no way a firm decision as we are still in discussion regarding the need beyond well armed militia.

Regarding the hell cat reference, I will still make the argument of NEED vs RISK, but in this instance, I would contest that the RISK of Hellcat and other >150 hp vehicles does NOT post additional risk based on existing laws and regulations, thus there is no additional NEED justification required. So don't fuck with the cars.


Gold Contributor
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Holy hell i thought we were talking about the election ! Im outa here

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Holy hell i thought we were talking about the election ! Im outa here

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
It's a funny one for sure...Trumps in Bernie is window dressing so the stupid can live under the illusion the DNC is honest.Hilary..I doubt she will ever be held accountable for her crimes,but I have a hard time seeing how after all the crap she's pulled she can be a viable candidate.....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Due to apparent drug reference, I am now Deed, not Weed, for clarification. You may now continue to swing your super manliness cock of power around as well. Thank you for your contribution to this discussion.
only to a castrate would this be considered an insult......I'll let you in on a little secret...your mama lied...size does matter....and girls really don't like gentlemen.....except to trade skin care products with,and to gossip about men with.
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I ran across an interseting article....although I'm sure weed will stuff his fingers in his ears over it.

After the Socialist President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez made the possesion of private firearms and ammunition illegal in the year 2012....we now come to the year 2016, where under the current Socialist President........

"Caracas is now the world’s most violent city(excluding those considered to be at war), with police reporting nearly 120 homicides per 100,000 residents in 2015....."

It would appear that under the Utopian wet dream of an unarmed Socialist society......murder runs rampant..who would have thunk it.

Thank you for the information. I have agreed on the need for fuzzy bunny guns for militia needs and did not propose banning the possession of any firearms or ammunition in general. However, this reference did not specify that the lack of fuzzy bunny guns are the cause for this homicide rate, not did it infer that with fuzzy bunny guns, things would be much better. Please clarify the point you're trying to make. You are correlating two separate things without corroborating evidence that I can observe.


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1 -> The second amendment full text is available online

2 -> non sequitur

3 -> That point is hotly debated by the pro and anti gun crowds.

Thank you for your participation.

1. Yes, but to quote only a portion is to obscure by omission
2. Establishes the precedent that no constitutional right is unregulated regardless of language as argument against the point you made regarding infringement
3. Very much so. It was mentioned to emphasize point 1 regarding complete text reference


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thank you for the information. I have agreed on the need for fuzzy bunny guns for militia needs and did not propose banning the possession of any firearms or ammunition in general. However, this reference did not specify that the lack of fuzzy bunny guns are the cause for this homicide rate, not did it infer that with fuzzy bunny guns, things would be much better. Please clarify the point you're trying to make. You are correlating two separate things without corroborating evidence that I can observe.

I your response is once all the fluff is removed is........


Bronze Contributor
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Thank you for your participation! Yes, these ideas regarding gun regulations are not new, although requiring regulations is quite different than change the constitution, which I am not in favor of. I provided my personal opinion regarding what I think would be appropriate, but it is in no way a firm decision as we are still in discussion regarding the need beyond well armed militia.

Regarding the hell cat reference, I will still make the argument of NEED vs RISK, but in this instance, I would contest that the RISK of Hellcat and other >150 hp vehicles does NOT post additional risk based on existing laws and regulations, thus there is no additional NEED justification required. So don't fuck with the cars.

No one NEEDS a 700 hp car, but plenty of people want them. And they are more dangerous to bystanders than a prius.

Are you being obtuse about this one???


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Wrong on me debasing the Military effort.

Since you are just a fucking troll and or to god damned stupid to continue breathing free air please get the fuck out of the country and or removing yourself from the gene pool since your pussy retarded shit need not spread.

I appreciate your integrity regarding your choice of words

*Ducks to move out of the way of the 10' super manliness cock of power*


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Did ya'll see this appears Bernie Sanders just nodded off at a memorial day commeration.....there were no obese BLM activists to keep his attention....


I suppose this is understandable...seeing as how the other Democrat presidentil candidates view of dead American soldiers is.."What does it really matter"
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No one NEEDS a 700 hp car, but plenty of people want them. And they are more dangerous to bystanders than a prius.

Are you being obtuse about this one???

Oh absolutely not being obtuse! I don't believe that a 700 hp car is any more or less dangerous than a Prius because there are regulations in place regarding vehicles to increase their safety, i.e. speed limits, annual registration, driving tests, insurance, vehicle safety standards, etc. Obviously it does not provide a 100% guarantee that they would be followed and accidents or ill intent prevented, but the regulations are in place to reduce the occurrence thereof and the increased risk from hp is minimal in my opinion.

If regulations are in place which would reduce the RISK of fuzzy bunny guns to regular gun levels, then there would be no issue. However, because fuzzy bunny guns are fuzzy because of their efficiency and thus RISK, I'm not sure how this would work. Regulating it would simply make it less fuzzy... The other approach is to increase the significance of the NEED, which would justify the RISK and forego regulations to begin with. This is my approach.


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Oh absolutely not being obtuse! I don't believe that a 700 hp car is any more or less dangerous than a Prius because there are regulations in place regarding vehicles to increase their safety, i.e. speed limits, annual registration, driving tests, insurance, vehicle safety standards, etc. Obviously it does not provide a 100% guarantee that they would be followed and accidents or ill intent prevented, but the regulations are in place to reduce the occurrence thereof and the increased risk from hp is minimal in my opinion.

If regulations are in place which would reduce the RISK of fuzzy bunny guns to regular gun levels, then there would be no issue. However, because fuzzy bunny guns are fuzzy because of their efficiency and thus RISK, I'm not sure how this would work. Regulating it would simply make it less fuzzy... The other approach is to increase the significance of the NEED, which would justify the RISK and forego regulations to begin with. This is my approach.

The bolded part of your statement strongly suggests you don't argue effectively. Automobile insurance tables prove you are wrong.


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Thank you for your participation.

1. Yes, but to quote only a portion is to obscure by omission
2. Establishes the precedent that no constitutional right is unregulated regardless of language as argument against the point you made regarding infringement
3. Very much so. It was mentioned to emphasize point 1 regarding complete text reference

1 I didn't
2 I didn't
3 It didn't work


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"A national survey of law enforcement shows officers believe many proposed gun control measures — including bans on assault weapons — will be ineffective at reducing violent crime and that legal gun ownership by private citizens would prove a better safeguard.

Among the findings of a survey by the industry website PoliceOne, which tallied responses from 15,000 verified active and retired law enforcement professionals, police overwhelmingly favor an armed citizenry and are skeptical of any greater restrictions placed on gun purchase, ownership or accessibility, editor Doug Wyllie said.

The survey found that 91.5 percent of respondents believe a federal ban on the manufacture or sale of semi-automatic weapons would have no effect or a negative effect on the reduction of violent crime. Though a national assault weapons ban is dead in the water, numerous states — including Maryland, Connecticut and New York — have adopted or enhanced their own bans."


That's what the people who are "on the front lines" think.


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The bolded part of your statement strongly suggests you don't argue effectively. Automobile insurance tables prove you are wrong.

Automobile insurance table provides frequency statistics which also correlates people's behavior to incidents. Objectively on a per incident basis, Hellcats don't do significantly more damage and pose significantly more risk. Similarly, the argument is not that since the percentage of mass shootings are done with fuzzy guns that they should be regulated, but that on a per incident basis, they pose a significantly higher risk due to efficiency that warrants a similarly significant need to forego regulations.


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"A national survey of law enforcement shows officers believe many proposed gun control measures — including bans on assault weapons — will be ineffective at reducing violent crime and that legal gun ownership by private citizens would prove a better safeguard.

Among the findings of a survey by the industry website PoliceOne, which tallied responses from 15,000 verified active and retired law enforcement professionals, police overwhelmingly favor an armed citizenry and are skeptical of any greater restrictions placed on gun purchase, ownership or accessibility, editor Doug Wyllie said.

The survey found that 91.5 percent of respondents believe a federal ban on the manufacture or sale of semi-automatic weapons would have no effect or a negative effect on the reduction of violent crime. Though a national assault weapons ban is dead in the water, numerous states — including Maryland, Connecticut and New York — have adopted or enhanced their own bans."


That's what the people who are "on the front lines" think.

Yes, and I agree with it mostly. Although I don't see how regulations would inhibit gun ownership, just like how car registrations, vehicle inspections, and driving tests does not inhibit car ownership. Again, I'm not debating to absolve gun ownership, only inquiring on the need for fuzzy bunny guns to be exempt from regulation.


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Automobile insurance table provides frequency statistics which also correlates people's behavior to incidents. Objectively on a per incident basis, Hellcats don't do significantly more damage and pose significantly more risk. Similarly, the argument is not that since the percentage of mass shootings are done with fuzzy guns that they should be regulated, but that on a per incident basis, they pose a significantly higher risk due to efficiency that warrants a similarly significant need to forego regulations.

But it isn't a per incident basis we're talking about. Overall, your argument is risk of the guns in question being available is it not? Consider the automatic pistol with interchangable 17 shot magazines.


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Yes, and I agree with it mostly. Although I don't see how regulations would inhibit gun ownership, just like how car registrations, vehicle inspections, and driving tests does not inhibit car ownership. Again, I'm not debating to absolve gun ownership, only inquiring on the need for fuzzy bunny guns to be exempt from regulation.

They are the Hellcat in my analogy.


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But it isn't a per incident basis we're talking about. Overall, your argument is risk of the guns in question being available is it not? Consider the automatic pistol with interchangable 17 shot magazines.

They are the Hellcat in my analogy.

Thank you for your participation.

The risk assessment is on a per incident basis for fair assessment, otherwise, we'd be having a "only fuzzy bunny guns are allowed because most crimes are done with regular guns!" argument. The question wasn't regarding the risk, unless you'd like to contest that fuzzy bunny guns does not pose a greater risk due to efficiency in generating body count per incident / time frame. I thought that was already established. The argument/question was regarding the need for fuzzy bunny guns given the risk so as to exclude from regulation. Automatic pistol with interchangeable 17 shot mags are fuzzy bunny guns that pose a greater risk from the following calculations

30 second period at crowded place with unlimited mags

Automatic = Empies 33-round extended magazine in 1.5 seconds (glock website) = .75 sec a mag + 3 sec reload (1 sec if you're good, but let's assume not) = 3.75 sec a mag. 29.25 (gun already loaded)/3.75 = 7.8 + 1 cycles or about 9 mags total. That's a potential 9*17 = 153 bod counts

Semi automatic = Roughly 180rds/min (based on various references, can be argued against) = 3rd/sec = 3.3 sec a mag + 3 sec reload = 6.3 sec a mag. 26.7 (gun already loaded) / 6.3 = 4.2 + 1 cycles or about 5 mags total. That's a potential 5 * 10 = 50 body counts

Net comparison yields that the automatic pistol with 17 rd mags carry 3x more risk than a semi auto with 10 rd mags. Faster reload time only increases total body count on both sides, and in fact, increases the body count ratio of fuzzy bunny guns, so let's just assume 3 secs?

To follow with the Hellcat analogy, if the Hellcat explodes on impact, then it carries significantly more risk per incident than a Prius, otherwise, similar risk.


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Your analogy isn't correct. The insurance companies calculate premiums based on payable incidences calculated as RISK. Although including geography, and age, certain cars have higher premiums due to inherent risk. A VERY fast car is inherently riskier than a slower one.

Hellcats are legal, and unrestricted.

Your deflection is noted.


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A Russian hacker claims to have Hillary s emails yet there seems to be nothing happening . Its beyond outrageous this woman is not in jail

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Your analogy isn't correct. The insurance companies calculate premiums based on payable incidences calculated as RISK. Although including geography, and age, certain cars have higher premiums due to inherent risk. A VERY fast car is inherently riskier than a slower one.

Hellcats are legal, and unrestricted.

Your deflection is noted.

You are correct. Insurance companies do calculate premiums based on payable incidences which are calculated as RISK. However, I question your comprehension of this statement. The more payable incidences ratio per vehicle type, i.e. Hellcats and the comparable vehicles, and the higher the risk also incorporates the type of person that drives said vehicle and the likely hood that they will behave in a manner to create payable incidences. That is why the risk is assessed as a whole which includes the geography, age, etc. that you mentioned and not just on the vehicle itself. It merely represents the likely usage of the vehicle and the probability of creating a payable incident. This does not translate to the object (Hellcat) having more significant risk, but the usage, and probable payable incident, of the object that carries more risk. The associated factors are not considered in the gun reference to simplify the comparison. Otherwise, the inference would be that fuzzy bunny gun owners are more dangerous and I am not willing to make that assumption. Thus, Hellcats are legal, but not unrestricted. Still needs to follow the same rules as other cars.

The risk of fuzzy bunny guns are inherent by design, to be fuzzy, you must be significantly more efficient in creating body count. The risk of Hellcats are not inherent by design, to be a Hellcat, you must be significantly faster than other cars, not that you'll explode on impact and cause significantly more damage.

I apologize if my response was interpreted as deflective.

Azriel Mysterious

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Far from enough said...

On background, I'm 60 and have voted Republican in every election since high school. NONE of the establishment candidates or nominees since Reagan have interested me at all. I hated GB senior and barely tolerated junior and both Mclame and Romney were complete pussies.

In order to effect change we need to go outside the political establishment to bring in someone who owes nothing to any PAC, Party or other group. ALL the insiders owe something to somebody (or everything to the almighty party)

The ONLY outsider in this election cycle is Trump.

Yes he gave money to dems and repubs a business enterprise the size of his business you NEED to donate to everybody..the system is that fucked up.

I laughed when I first heard Trump was considering a presidential run..then I listened, and listened some more...then I watched and watched some more...

I believe HE believes what he's been preaching and I have yet to hear him preach one thing I don't like.

Your opinion is just that...yours. I have mine and I'm sticking to it.
He's a demagogue. Plain and simple. He's saying what people want to hear.

He isn't an outsider. He's BRAGGED about how he had politicians in his pocket in the past.

He hasn't TRULY self-funded. He LOANED his campaign money, which he is now able to pay back. He is now accepting money from the SAME "Special Interests" as all the other politicians. He even ADMITTED that he WOULD NOT SELF FUND his campaign for the General Election.

He is a Liar. He is a Demagogue. He will say anything to get elected.

If you truly think that he is "different" you're in for a rude awakening if he becomes President.
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