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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Azriel Mysterious

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What about the clinton foundation ?
What about her enabling her husband to abuse women and then destroy their reputations if they speak out ?
What about her bengazi lie ?
Why does her organization pay women less then men ?
What about all her wall st donaters?
Why does she attack investment banking when her son in law is a investment banker ?
How did they become multi millionaires in such short time from "flat broke "?
What about the emails ?

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Once again, someone can DESPISE TRUMP and NOT SUPPORT HILLARY.

Fuck BOTH of them.


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Member For 4 Years
Why you attacking me? I'm a realist, yes
I don't believe 911 was a terrorist attack
Please don't call me names, you came here on this thread to argue not to fight
If ur gonna be butt hurt then ignore/block me..

Im gonna hate myself but.....if 911 wasnt a terrorist attack what was it ? Wait it was bush getting contracts for Raytheon and General Dynamics buddies right? Kill some inocents in the most horrible way who cares ! Wait ! Wait it was the jews right !tell me it was the jews ! No wammys!
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Azriel Mysterious

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I'm kinda weird when it comes to my political views. I've been registered as an Independent from day one.

I don't like wasteful government spending.

I think we need a strong social safety net.
However able bodied people should not get a pay check to sit on their asses and shit out kids. There needs to be a vetting process and/or caps.

I think we spend too much on military and should funnel a chunk of that money into the safety net and taking care of our people.

I'm pro 2nd amendment and a gun owner. I believe we need common sense gun laws: Universal Background Checks and the enforcement of current laws.

I don't think that the government should be able to tell me what I can and can not do with my body. (Be it abortion, drugs, or even my right to die on my terms if I wanted)

I am pro-civil rights. Same Sex Marriage and adoption, Trans Gender equality (letting them use facilities that corresponds to their Gender Identity.) I see no problem with Unisex Bathrooms either.

I think we should focus our subsidies on small and sustainable farming rather than Big Agriculture field corn.

We need an overhaul of our infrastructure. That could put MANY to work fixing our crumbling infrastructure.

I think that we should also subsidise clean and renewable energy sources. We only have 1 planet and we are killing her. Gaia weeps.

As for illegals, we should go after the employers who hire them. I also think we need a path to citizenship rather than mass deportation.

I think we need to make it harder for Big Companies to ship jobs overseas. I'm not sure how, maybe tariffs? I don't know.

We need an overhaul of our tax code. There are too many loopholes that let companies like GE pay nothing in taxes. That is a problem. We need to stop them from using tax havens and DEFINITELY not "forgive" their taxes when they try to hold their money ransom and refuse to bring it back to the USA unless their taxes are forgiven.

WE NEED MONEY OUT OF POLITICS. Citizens United was a HORRIBLE ruling. Corporations are NOT people. Corporate money is NOT Free Speech.
Same with Government Agencies, like the FDA. They are influenced by corporate money. Why else do you think the E-Cigarette Deeming Regs are so harsh? Big Tobacco and Big Pharmaceutical have way too much influence on an agency whose primary purpose is the safety and wellbeing of consumers. Chantix is a killer and so are Cigarettes, yet the FDA would let those be the only options smokers and ex smokers would have. The "Cigalikes" that BT pushes won't help people quit. They didn't work for me OR many I know. Hell even the Mayo Clinic is in on it! Can't find it right now, but back in 2013 they had a "Q&A" and warned the woman about e cigarettes containing "Propylene Glycol" which they cited was "in Anti-Freeze" they then proceeded to tell her to "ask your doctor about a prescription for the new Nicotrol Inhaler." Included was a pdf of the "users manual" for the Nicotrol Inhaler, and on the ingredients list, the FIRST ITEM was PROPYLENE GLYCOL!!!

I agree with the legalisation of "stuff" like in Colorado. Tax it and free criminals in prison for non violent drug offences. The War on Drugs is a plague in this nation.

I also believe that the death penalty is sought far too often and that it should only be sought in the MOST HEINOUS of cases with SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE.

We need to stop fighting endless wars to feed the Military Industrial Complex. The Middle East has been at war since people first inhabited it. There is no fixing that. We spend more on our military than the next 10 nations combined. That money would be better used elsewhere.

Fix the VA. the MIC has no problem sending men and women to fight, get injured and die for their defence contracts. It seems like they would rather them DIE overseas than come home damaged. We need to take care of our military personnel.

There's more but this gives a general idea of where I stand.


VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Im gonna hate myself but.....if 911 wasnt a terrorist attack what was it ? Wait it was bush getting contracts for Raytheon and General Dynamics buddies right? Kill some inocents in the most horrible way who cares ! Wait ! Wait it was the jews right !tell me it was the jews ! No wammys!

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3k people died (COLLATERAL DAMAGE)on that terrible day dude..
Who cares right? These are working middle class folks, and it was enough reason to go to war right?
Was the war in Iraq worth it? I will let you answer that question!
Did Obama kill bin laden?
Fuck nope!!!
And he got his second term right?
All of them are up to no good, all they do is CAPITALIZE, and that's what this country is all about..
Like I said I'm a realist dude, did u say unamerican?
Please explain that?!
This is a different world we living and it's getting worst everyday
look at the remaining candidates we have
Is that the best we can do really?!



VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm kinda weird when it comes to my political views. I've been registered as an Independent from day one.

I don't like wasteful government spending.

I think we need a strong social safety net.
However able bodied people should not get a pay check to sit on their asses and shit out kids. There needs to be a vetting process and/or caps.

I think we spend too much on military and should funnel a chunk of that money into the safety net and taking care of our people.

I'm pro 2nd amendment and a gun owner. I believe we need common sense gun laws: Universal Background Checks and the enforcement of current laws.

I don't think that the government should be able to tell me what I can and can not do with my body. (Be it abortion, drugs, or even my right to die on my terms if I wanted)

I am pro-civil rights. Same Sex Marriage and adoption, Trans Gender equality (letting them use facilities that corresponds to their Gender Identity.) I see no problem with Unisex Bathrooms either.

I think we should focus our subsidies on small and sustainable farming rather than Big Agriculture field corn.

We need an overhaul of our infrastructure. That could put MANY to work fixing our crumbling infrastructure.

I think that we should also subsidise clean and renewable energy sources. We only have 1 planet and we are killing her. Gaia weeps.

As for illegals, we should go after the employers who hire them. I also think we need a path to citizenship rather than mass deportation.

I think we need to make it harder for Big Companies to ship jobs overseas. I'm not sure how, maybe tariffs? I don't know.

We need an overhaul of our tax code. There are too many loopholes that let companies like GE pay nothing in taxes. That is a problem. We need to stop them from using tax havens and DEFINITELY not "forgive" their taxes when they try to hold their money ransom and refuse to bring it back to the USA unless their taxes are forgiven.

WE NEED MONEY OUT OF POLITICS. Citizens United was a HORRIBLE ruling. Corporations are NOT people. Corporate money is NOT Free Speech.
Same with Government Agencies, like the FDA. They are influenced by corporate money. Why else do you think the E-Cigarette Deeming Regs are so harsh? Big Tobacco and Big Pharmaceutical have way too much influence on an agency whose primary purpose is the safety and wellbeing of consumers. Chantix is a killer and so are Cigarettes, yet the FDA would let those be the only options smokers and ex smokers would have. The "Cigalikes" that BT pushes won't help people quit. They didn't work for me OR many I know. Hell even the Mayo Clinic is in on it! Can't find it right now, but back in 2013 they had a "Q&A" and warned the woman about e cigarettes containing "Propylene Glycol" which they cited was "in Anti-Freeze" they then proceeded to tell her to "ask your doctor about a prescription for the new Nicotrol Inhaler." Included was a pdf of the "users manual" for the Nicotrol Inhaler, and on the ingredients list, the FIRST ITEM was PROPYLENE GLYCOL!!!

I agree with the legalisation of "stuff" like in Colorado. Tax it and free criminals in prison for non violent drug offences. The War on Drugs is a plague in this nation.

I also believe that the death penalty is sought far too often and that it should only be sought in the MOST HEINOUS of cases with SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE.

We need to stop fighting endless wars to feed the Military Industrial Complex. The Middle East has been at war since people first inhabited it. There is no fixing that. We spend more on our military than the next 10 nations combined. That money would be better used elsewhere.

Fix the VA. the MIC has no problem sending men and women to fight, get injured and die for their defence contracts. It seems like they would rather them DIE overseas than come home damaged. We need to take care of our military personnel.

There's more but this gives a general idea of where I stand.
but I agree with ur propositions



Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh right ! My buddies cousin's sister jill Stien .

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Azriel Mysterious

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Oh right ! My buddies cousin's sister jill Stien .

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You have no idea who she is, do you? The Green Party? Do you know anything beyond The Two Party System (plus Libertarian and Constitution Parties)?


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
3k people died (COLLATERAL DAMAGE)on that terrible day dude..
Who cares right? These are working middle class folks, and it was enough reason to go to war right?
Was the war in Iraq worth it? I will let you answer that question!
Did Obama kill bin laden?
Fuck nope!!!
And he got his second term right?
All of them are up to no good, all they do is CAPITALIZE, and that's what this country is all about..
Like I said I'm a realist dude, did u say unamerican?
Please explain that?!
This is a different world we living and it's getting worst everyday
look at the remaining candidates we have
Is that the best we can do really?!

So you didnt answer if you dont belive it was a terrorist attack what was it ?

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VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So you didnt answer if you dont belive it was a terrorist attack what was it ?

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Do I really have to explain to you
What happen after 911?
The effects of post 911 is still being felt until today..
911 was the workings of the bush whitehouse!


Azriel Mysterious

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Do I really have to explain to you
What happen after 911?
The effects of post 911 is still being felt until today..

Do you think Roosevelt provoked Japan, then let the attack on Pearl Harbour happen to galvanise Americans to support America entering the War?


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Really ? Wow and here i thought it was a bunch of muslims from saudi Arabia flying high jacked planes into the towers ? Hmm.. but bush did it ! Wow someone should get him in trouble for that .
Thanks sweetie!

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
3k people died (COLLATERAL DAMAGE)on that terrible day dude..
Who cares right? These are working middle class folks, and it was enough reason to go to war right?
Was the war in Iraq worth it? I will let you answer that question!
Did Obama kill bin laden?
Fuck nope!!!
And he got his second term right?
All of them are up to no good, all they do is CAPITALIZE, and that's what this country is all about..
Like I said I'm a realist dude, did u say unamerican?
Please explain that?!
This is a different world we living and it's getting worst everyday
look at the remaining candidates we have
Is that the best we can do really?!

you are right..none of them are up to no why are people flocking to Trump.
Bernie is a moron...there are intelligent thoughtfull people who can TRY and make a case for socialisim/communisim...but Bernie isn't one of them..he has not studied economics, he has never really had a job, he's a dipshit...he is the kind of twat that the Union bossess and the communists would send down to a factory or a loading dock to try and organize illiterate proles to join the union or go on strike... tio get the rabble ignited, to use them, and then throw them away he can't explain or illustrate how socialisim even works he just has a litany of idiotic platitudes which is about the depth his supporters can grasp seeing as they have the attention span of methheads......he is an idiot if you want to install socialisim offer us an intelligent socialist to make the case....and as a whiteman in America who grew up very poor how could I vote for an idiot who says white people don't know what it is like to be poor....
Hilary...without doubt to anyone with half a brain who has followed the carreerr of she and her partner in crime...they are probablly the single most evil and corrupt crime syndicate in American politics since the Kennedy's or the Bush's...they are simpley criminals and murderers.they will take money from anybody..hell she is doing lousy in the polls because americans know her history.
So, Trump...well republicans have been betrayed by their party under Obama creating a de facto dictator who has no serious opposition...the republican voters were screwed in the mid terms by their own party and Trump is not so much a vote for Trump as it is a vote of no confidnce in the RNC....Trump is supported because he is not part of the Party establishment, and the republican voters want to destroy the RNC...Trump may very well sell the people out but the estblishment of both parties already have ...people know they are tratiors,they are hoping Trump isn't.

Azriel Mysterious

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Really ? Wow and here i thought it was a bunch of muslims from saudi Arabia flying high jacked planes into the towers ? Hmm.. but bush did it ! Wow someone should get him in trouble for that .
Thanks sweetie!

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Bush and Cheney are far from innocent. Even if they didn't contribute/plan/allow 9/11 to happen (not enough evidence that they did) they DID commit war crimes and should be charged accordingly. They LIED about the WMD and sent us into a war that cost THOUSANDS more lives than Benghazi. Fuck Hillary for Benghazi, but Bush and Cheney get a pass? That seems like the current conservative logic.

Negligence and deceit that costs American lives should ALL be abhorred.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You do know that Trump was a Democrat and is close enough friends to Hillary and Bill that he has donated to them AND invited them to his wedding, right?

He bought a couple of's how bussiness is done.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Bush and Cheney are far from innocent. Even if they didn't contribute/plan/allow 9/11 to happen (not enough evidence that they did) they DID commit war crimes and should be charged accordingly. They LIED about the WMD and sent us into a war that cost THOUSANDS more lives than Benghazi. Fuck Hillary for Benghazi, but Bush and Cheney get a pass? That seems like the current conservative logic.

Negligence and deceit that costs American lives should ALL be abhorred.
every single democrat in Congress voted for that war and beyond that they all voted to keep funding it Only a republican Ron Paul had the guts to never vote to fund that nosense hell even that bitch Obama voted to fund that war.You're fucking hilarious you can buy the fact that Bush may have had a hand in 911.but you don't ask how many democrts did too.including Hilary....and yet Trump said it was a mistake .

Azriel Mysterious

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every single democrat in Congress voted for that war and beyond that they all voted to keep funding it Only a republican Ron Paul had the guts to never vote to fund that nosense hell even that bitch Obama voted to fund that war.You're fucking hilarious you can buy the fact that Bush may have had a hand in 911.but you don't ask how many democrts did too.including Hilary....and yet Trump said it was a mistake .
I didn't say Bush was involved in 9/11. Some believe it, but there is not enough evidence to prove he was is what I said.


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One wonders WHY he refuses to release his tax returns...
one wonders why Hilary had a private server, one wonders about the funding for the Clinton foundation, one wonders why Bill kept flying to an Island owned by a famous British pedophile for long wonders about the boys of Mena arkansas, one wonders about Clinton rapes and coverups and threats, one wonders why a man called to testify against hilary in the whitewater investigation winds up dead on a park bench in DC...with his wallet still in his pocket....yeah lots to wonder about alright.
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Azriel Mysterious

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one wonders why Hilary had a private server, one wonders about the funding for the Clinton foundation, one wonders why Bill kept flying to an Island owned by a famous British pedophile for long wonders about the boys of Mena arkansas, one wonders about Clinton rapes and coverups and threats, one wonders why a man called to testify against hilary in the whitewater investigation winds up dead on a park bench in DC...with his wallet still in his pocket....yeah lots to wonder about alright.
Ugh. You're falling into the same trap. I'll repeat myself, again, and slowly so you can (hopefully) grasp what I am saying.


Just because I can't stand "your guy" doesn't mean I support Clinton.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ugh. You're falling into the same trap. I'll repeat myself, again, and slowly so you can (hopefully) grasp what I am saying.


Just because I cants stand "your guy" doesn't mean I support Clinton.
UGH...I'm just listing things I wonder about in the presidentail candidates I also wonder if Bernie can stay awake past 4:00 PM


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Still as obnoxious as ever I see. It's no wonder you seem to not have any friends here...
still as fucking stupid as ever ...and I have plenty of friend here....The green party betrayed Britain and voted to take the ballot box from the english people and give it to the Germany the green party voted to support the rapeugees and defended Angela Merkel's insane and disasterous genocidal immigration policies...The green party are a puppets of the globalist with leftist rhetoric.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Bush and Cheney are far from innocent. Even if they didn't contribute/plan/allow 9/11 to happen (not enough evidence that they did) they DID commit war crimes and should be charged accordingly. They LIED about the WMD and sent us into a war that cost THOUSANDS more lives than Benghazi. Fuck Hillary for Benghazi, but Bush and Cheney get a pass? That seems like the current conservative logic.

Negligence and deceit that costs American lives should ALL be abhorred.
What a bunch of crap....they LIEDabout WMD...really ...really..if I knew enough not to trust Bush, and Trump knew enough not to trust Bush and if fucking Pat Buchanan knew enough not to trust Bush how is it every Democrat in Congress trusted him and swallowed his supposed LIE including Dianne Fienstien who sits on the intelligence committee....The DNC ran their presidential cmpgin against Bush on the grounds he was an idiot and evil...then they suddenly turn around and trust his word...which is it.....the entire political class started and prosecuted that war democrats and republicans.and the reason they don't prosecute Bush is because all of them are part of it.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Bush and Cheney are far from innocent. Even if they didn't contribute/plan/allow 9/11 to happen (not enough evidence that they did) they DID commit war crimes and should be charged accordingly. They LIED about the WMD and sent us into a war that cost THOUSANDS more lives than Benghazi. Fuck Hillary for Benghazi, but Bush and Cheney get a pass? That seems like the current conservative logic.

Negligence and deceit that costs American lives should ALL be abhorred.
ej1024 made the statement that 911 was not a terrorist attack . My question was if it wasnt terrorist who did it who did ? Not if the war after the attack was justified .
The war in Iraq was won Obama pulled out and inpowered Iran in the region .Iran the largest state sponser of terrorism in the world .most of our boys died from bombs made by them .was that justified ?

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Member For 4 Years
ej1024 made the statement that 911 was not a terrorist attack . My question was if it wasnt terrorist who did it who did ? Not if the war after the attack was justified .
The war in Iraq was won Obama pulled out and inpowered Iran in the region .Iran the largest state sponser of terrorism in the world .most of our boys died from bombs made by them .was that justified ?

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he also toppeled the goverment of Libya and installed al queda,toppeled the goverment of Eygpt and installed the muslim brotherhood,and ran guns into Syria...however I don't find it implausble that Bush palyed a role in 911....


Bronze Contributor
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You are correct. Insurance companies do calculate premiums based on payable incidences which are calculated as RISK. However, I question your comprehension of this statement. The more payable incidences ratio per vehicle type, i.e. Hellcats and the comparable vehicles, and the higher the risk also incorporates the type of person that drives said vehicle and the likely hood that they will behave in a manner to create payable incidences. That is why the risk is assessed as a whole which includes the geography, age, etc. that you mentioned and not just on the vehicle itself. It merely represents the likely usage of the vehicle and the probability of creating a payable incident. This does not translate to the object (Hellcat) having more significant risk, but the usage, and probable payable incident, of the object that carries more risk. The associated factors are not considered in the gun reference to simplify the comparison. Otherwise, the inference would be that fuzzy bunny gun owners are more dangerous and I am not willing to make that assumption. Thus, Hellcats are legal, but not unrestricted. Still needs to follow the same rules as other cars.

The risk of fuzzy bunny guns are inherent by design, to be fuzzy, you must be significantly more efficient in creating body count. The risk of Hellcats are not inherent by design, to be a Hellcat, you must be significantly faster than other cars, not that you'll explode on impact and cause significantly more damage.

I apologize if my response was interpreted as deflective.

Sorry, the bolded part will require proof. Proof you have not yet offered.


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Member For 4 Years
It's funny I used the think The Green Party was for hippie tree hugging potheads.

No the green party perpetuates the scam of global warming.
Jobs and manufacturing can never be created without reliable cheap power .
You cant even buy a American made solar panels, or Comercial inverter they are all made in coal burning no regulation china .
I work for the last 25 years for a large utility we have solar assets . First we buy family farms then level the place of every tree and blade of grass . We install our panels and reap the tax breaks .then sell the carbon reduction certs to other industries so the can exceed their carbon emmissions . So does the enviorment win? Or is it just about money .
George Seros the billionare global warming hero talks of burning coal is killing the earth .Yet once he has smeared the industry he buys the stocks at a very reduced price so he can then sell the coal overseas . Its a lie ! Its about money ! And control !

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
he also toppeled the goverment of Libya and installed al queda,toppeled the goverment of Eygpt and installed the muslim brotherhood,and ran guns into Syria...however I don't find it implausble that Bush palyed a role in 911....
So Bush was so warhungry and a monster he knew of the attacks and said nothing ? He wanted to be the president who let NY and DC get attacked by foreign entities? Just to start a war with Iraq? Is this your belief?

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So Bush was so warhungry and a monster he knew of the attacks and said nothing ? He wanted to be the president who let NY and DC get attacked by foreign entities? Just to start a war with Iraq? Is this your belief?

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I am open to listening to anyone that can put forth any proof one way or the for the Bush family I think they are evil pieces of shit, and I believe they are capable of anything to advance the new world order, just as I believe Obama is capable of doing anything to advance the new world order including filling the country with forgien nationals illegally in order to displace the american worker, and nullify the votes of citizens, and destroy sovergien nations and voting booths... I think they are both globalist meat puppets one with right wing rhetoric and one with left wing rhetoric.


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Yes i agree bush was a puppet but i do not belive he was complicit in any way with letting that attack happen .

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I am open to the possibility he was complicit, as I am open to the idea he was a simpelton that was easy to manipulate, .... just as I feel Obama destabilized the middle east to expand ISIS and create the syrian refugges to invade europe.The elite create chaos in order to profit from it and gain power..
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
No the green party perpetuates the scam of global warming.
Jobs and manufacturing can never be created without reliable cheap power .
You cant even buy a American made solar panels, or Comercial inverter they are all made in coal burning no regulation china .
I work for the last 25 years for a large utility we have solar assets . First we buy family farms then level the place of every tree and blade of grass . We install our panels and reap the tax breaks .then sell the carbon reduction certs to other industries so the can exceed their carbon emmissions . So does the enviorment win? Or is it just about money .
George Seros the billionare global warming hero talks of burning coal is killing the earth .Yet once he has smeared the industry he buys the stocks at a very reduced price so he can then sell the coal overseas . Its a lie ! Its about money ! And control !

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George Soros is a currency speculter who invest money in political movements to destablize countries so their currencies fall and he makes money betting against their currencies...the only people who think Soros is some idealist billionaire are morons or people who want to see chaos,and are under the idiotic impression that there wacked out political philosiphy will be chosen to fill the void created by Chaos and aren't to concerned about the human suffering the ensuing chaos creates.They tell themselves that their moral superiority justifies the collateral damage their new dawn will bring...
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I am open to the possibility he was complicit, as I am open to the idea he was a simpelton that was easy to manipulate, .... just as I feel Obama destabilized the middle east to expand ISIS and create the syrian refugges to invade europe.The elite create chaos in order to profit from it and gain power..
You know pulse im guessing it is a possibility. I just really dont want to think someone could be that evil but your right it is possible. Extraordinary sad and frightening but possible. History proves man is capable of great evil .

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You know pulse im guessing it is a possibility. I just really dont want to think someone could be that evil but your right it is possible. Extraordinary sad and frightening but possible. History proves man is capable of great evil .

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Why ....Vietnam was a bloodbath and it's sole purpose was war profitering....In every age, in every generation there has always been people who dreamed of ruling humanity...there has always been leaders who viewed the people as nothing more than cannon fodder to fulfill their grand visions, there has always been lunatics like margret sanger who sought to engineer humanity to cull out the "human weeds" as she put the history of the world Ghengis Khan, Attila, Alexander,Hitler, Stalin, Mao....It is hard for ther average human to contemplate because the average human is somewhat phsycologically healthy.But the elite are mental defects..look at Obama the man is a mental defect,abandoned by his parents drug around as a child like dirty laundery passed from one home to the other, never knew his father cast off by his mother.....the man has serious mental and emontional issues he has never resolved....psycopaths are highly functional,highly intelligent people.why is it hard to imagine that they rule so much of the world.It is hard for the average person who just wants peace, a little comfort, and simple joys to relate to the absolute lunacy and terror that drives most psycopaths who rule our nations.
Look at Hilary...anyone can tell she is absolutely you doubt for a minute...she and you are motivated by the same urges.....she is motivated by lust for power over other human beings.

Why would we imagine our generation is any diffrent,why would we for a minute beleive that people like this just disappeared into the fog of history.Why would we believe that somehow all the psycopaths went extinct....they didn't..but being highly intelligent they realized ruling from the shadows was more effective.You can't fight what you can't see, you cant kill a ghost.
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Bronze Contributor
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But, since you went there:

Big Motors, Bigger Rates

Horsepower can directly impact the cost of your insurance. The more horsepower your vehicle has, the likelier you are to drive at faster speeds and as such, the higher the risk of an accident. Different trim levels with varying engine sizes, even among the same makes and models, can bring differences in insurance premiums based on engine size.

If you're looking to save money on car insurance, opt for vehicles with less horsepower when you can.

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