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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The scumbags are trying to do everything they can before they get shown the door at the end of the year...Check this shit out:
Illegals get a free DHS van ride from the border to phoenix
I like the one where Obama is giving illegal alien youths(17,18 ) year old men a monthly allowance that is more than the monthly allowance of social security for retired american am American ..can someone remind me why I would vote for a democrat.


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kettle calling pot black.....where you been .....chasing a horse no doubt.

I hit a dog and crashed my bike. Phone was smashed and couldn't get to the PC so I've been stuck in front of the boob tube until I could move a bit.

Azriel Mysterious

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yeah alot of the liberals in America are saying the same all seems like bullshit to me, it seems that most liberal in america stands with this totalitarian shit...I haven't seen one single major democrat or even rank and file democrats stand up and speak out aginst public they stay silent and say they are shocked in private they encourage it....I haven't heard Bernie,Hillbillary,or debbie bubble head schultz speak out against it can bet your ass if it was conservatives doing this shit all these liberal fucks would be screaming their heads off....instead the liberals in America blame Trump for the violence of the left.Which is fine by me because it allows the entire country to see the truth about the left, and the silince of rank and file liberals just makes people realize if they want to be able to read, and think, and speak they can't vote for the it stands right now liberals are in favor of massive censorship .Liberal censorship of thought and speech, and even books is so prevalent we have coined a venacular term for it.."political correctness"

I'm not a Democrat. I can't stand Hillary and she and Wasserman Shultz can go choke on a bag of putrid dicks for all I care.

Being Liberal ≠ Being a Democrat

Sure, Democrats fall under the "Liberal Umbrella" but not all Liberals are Democrats.

The Democrats have been a HUGE fucking letdown as far as a political party. They have tainted the label of Liberal with their hypocritical bullshit.

Like I said before, I'm an Independent. I've been registered as an Independent from the beginning.

I stated a breakdown of my beliefs in an earlier post in this thread.

If you want to discuss policy positions I'm more than willing, but blasting me as a "rank and file democrat" is way off base.

The political parties don't speak for the electorate. Bernie and Trumps campaigns should show you that. Just because the politicians don't speak out against corruption, hypocrisy and bullshit, doesn't mean that the voters all agree. I sure as hell don't.

ANYONE who incites or engages in violence should be prosecuted. I don't care if they are "Red or Blue" or even fucking Purple Polka Dotted. Violence is NOT the answer. Period.

Censorship is NEVER the answer. We can not have a free society in the face of censorship.
Hell earlier tonight my sister told me about a kid who got expelled from school for saying "I hate Obama" with the school administration accusing him of saying something racist. THAT is bullshit.

Believe what you like, but don't let it be about blind partisan politics. Not all Conservatives are the same, and neither are all Liberals. Just spewing hate and venom at anyone who isn't the same political ideology as you is pointless. If we TRULY want to make this country better, we need a balance of Liberal AND Conservative ideals. We need to be able to communicate and compromise.

The REAL enemy are the politician puppets being controlled by special interests and the 1%. If the 99% spends all its energy fighting each other, how can we ever bring about the change we need?


Azriel Mysterious

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I believe Trump was a Billionaire in 2013 and had stated an interest in running for President long before. Obama began bashing him in 2011.
Sure he was a billionaire then, but I was responding to the comment that the lawsuit was Hillary's doing. I doubt that they (Hillary and the DNC) can see the future. Fuck, even Trump himself never thought he would get this far. Even if he had shown an interest in running, no one predicted he would LITERALLY run away with it.

Seems like blaming Hillary and the DNC is disingenuous at best, and scapegoating at worst.


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Sure he was a billionaire then, but I was responding to the comment that the lawsuit was Hillary's doing. I doubt that they (Hillary and the DNC) can see the future. Fuck, even Trump himself never thought he would get this far. Even if he had shown an interest in running, no one predicted he would LITERALLY run away with it.

Seems like blaming Hillary and the DNC is disingenuous at best, and scapegoating at worst.

Naive. Read up on Trump. It was well known in 2011 that he was positioning himself for a run for President. If you don't think the Clinton's don't plan in advance for the run everyone knew Hillary was making your living in a different world than I am.

Azriel Mysterious

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Naive. Read up on Trump. It was well known in 2011 that he was positioning himself for a run for President. If you don't think the Clinton's don't plan in advance for the run everyone knew Hillary was making your living in a different world than I am.
NO ONE knew he would succeed like he did. HE didn't even believe he would get the nomination.

I can say that I'm running in 2024, but there's no way to know in advance if I'd be able to run away with it like Trump did.

Why are you giving Hillary so much credit? You've bestowed precognitive ability to her. She didn't know Trump would take the nomination. Trump didn't know he would take the nomination. NOBODY knew it.


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NO ONE knew he would succeed like he did. HE didn't even believe he would get the nomination.

I can say that I'm running in 2024, but there's no way to know in advance if I'd be able to run away with it like Trump did.

Why are you giving Hillary so much credit? You've bestowed precognitive ability to her. She didn't know Trump would take the nomination. Trump didn't know he would take the nomination. NOBODY knew it.

Um, you don't have to know that he'd do good to set up in advance in case he does. Politics is dirty. Fucking wake up to the real world. I don't believe in coincidence. Feel free to believe that a Clinton buddy and high donator just happened to stumble onto a lawsuit that might harm a known Clinton competitor. Go ahead and live in that world.


Diamond Contributor
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I'm not a Democrat. I can't stand Hillary and she and Wasserman Shultz can go choke on a bag of putrid dicks for all I care.

Being Liberal ≠ Being a Democrat

Sure, Democrats fall under the "Liberal Umbrella" but not all Liberals are Democrats.

The Democrats have been a HUGE fucking letdown as far as a political party. They have tainted the label of Liberal with their hypocritical bullshit.

Like I said before, I'm an Independent. I've been registered as an Independent from the beginning.

I stated a breakdown of my beliefs in an earlier post in this thread.

If you want to discuss policy positions I'm more than willing, but blasting me as a "rank and file democrat" is way off base.

The political parties don't speak for the electorate. Bernie and Trumps campaigns should show you that. Just because the politicians don't speak out against corruption, hypocrisy and bullshit, doesn't mean that the voters all agree. I sure as hell don't.

ANYONE who incites or engages in violence should be prosecuted. I don't care if they are "Red or Blue" or even fucking Purple Polka Dotted. Violence is NOT the answer. Period.

Censorship is NEVER the answer. We can not have a free society in the face of censorship.
Hell earlier tonight my sister told me about a kid who got expelled from school for saying "I hate Obama" with the school administration accusing him of saying something racist. THAT is bullshit.

Believe what you like, but don't let it be about blind partisan politics. Not all Conservatives are the same, and neither are all Liberals. Just spewing hate and venom at anyone who isn't the same political ideology as you is pointless. If we TRULY want to make this country better, we need a balance of Liberal AND Conservative ideals. We need to be able to communicate and compromise.

The REAL enemy are the politician puppets being controlled by special interests and the 1%. If the 99% spends all its energy fighting each other, how can we ever bring about the change we need?

33c25e4bdbcb88e4fffd5ba8ee8c97bb.jpg is the BERNIE (the most liberal candidate)supporters who are the most to blame for all the violence...the right has no faction even coming close to can split hairs ll you want,but at the end of the day throughout the Western World the liberal ideoulogy is going down in the US and Europe..liberals cannot win the hearts and minds of the people their policies are bankrupt, and one of the main reson is because they support censorship and vilonece.The liberals in the West know the people don't support them and so they push a policy of cultural genocide on the population..the left support the massive influx of poor illiterate third world peoples who have no cultural tradition of democrcy..they use the power of state sanctioned violence to use the police to put guns to the heads of the citizens take their wealth and give it to this massive flood of poor immigrants in order to buy their vote....without poor illiterate immigrants the left in America would be dead. It is liberals, and not even people who identify as democrats on the college campuses who are demanding speech and thought be can call them democrats,socialists,or communists, or green party, or peace and freedom,...they all support the same things....These people are not classical liberals they are neo-liberals neo-facists...and I don't see liberals standing against them.To be sure both parties are globalist shills.and both support the new world order,but when you look across the world it is the liberals who are pushing for the end of the nation state,borders, and ballot is the left who are pushing for a global cabal of technocrats to replace self is liberals who are pushing for a massive state stealing more and more of the wealth and freedom of the people..Classical liberals, people like Camille Paglia are suppresed almost as harshly as Pat Buchanan by the left.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
NO ONE knew he would succeed like he did. HE didn't even believe he would get the nomination.

I can say that I'm running in 2024, but there's no way to know in advance if I'd be able to run away with it like Trump did.

Why are you giving Hillary so much credit? You've bestowed precognitive ability to her. She didn't know Trump would take the nomination. Trump didn't know he would take the nomination. NOBODY knew it.
No you are liberal tthought he would succed like he did...with the massive control the left has over the media you all thought that you would be able to control the political narritive and continue to manufacure consent...alot of people saw that he would...they realized that most registered republicans were ready to kill the RNC.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
No you are liberal tthought he would succed like he did...with the massive control the left has over the media you all thought that you would be able to control the political narritive and continue to manufacure consent...alot of people saw that he would...they realized that most registered republicans were ready to kill the RNC.

I skipped over most of @Azriel Mysterious posts that I missed the last couple days. The first couple that I read were almost verbatim MSM talking points that I see all day watching CNN(Clinton News Network) and others. I didn't see a need to read a parrot's posts when I can turn on the TV and get her talking points directly from her sources.


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I skipped over most of @Azriel Mysterious posts that I missed the last couple days. The first couple that I read were almost verbatim MSM talking points that I see all day watching CNN(Clinton News Network) and others. I didn't see a need to read a parrot's posts when I can turn on the TV and get her talking points directly from her sources.
Which is exactly why I choose to use the ignore button on idiots like that. As I posted before, I just don't have the time to read "Stupid".

The list is huge of things in life that deserve attention-- and wasting precious time on reading the mental vomit of such morons is not on that list.


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Which is exactly why I choose to use the ignore button on idiots like that. As I posted before, I just don't have the time to read "Stupid".

The list is huge of things in life that deserve attention-- and wasting precious time on reading the mental vomit of such morons is not on that list.

I have had (very limited) success in getting the occasional person to educate themselves. If the voting public remains brainwashed by media, I've failed in doing my part to get this country back on the right track. So, I do engage them. If I don't change their mindset, I've found that more people actually read posts than comment on them, so I may actually influence someone else. At the least, I've not let misinformation go unopposed.

It's a small thing but I went from ignorant to informed so others can too. I hope.


Diamond Contributor
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What happened to this thread being about politics and not attacking VU members on a personal level?

This is not ECF...we have much more freedom...if you post on VU the other members are free to express are not censored, but you are not immune from have your opinions called horseshit, and if people think you're a tool they are free to say so.All fo us have been called much worse...this is a snowflake free zone.
Personally I suspect your objection is disenguous, I suspect you are more upset that you are hearing opinions you don't agree with,than you are with fucking social etiquette.
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Platinum Contributor
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What happened to this thread being about politics and not attacking VU members on a personal level?

Politics is personal, is it not?

Ask vapers what they think of FDA policy. Most take it very personal to have something taken from them. It's no different with anything else. I really don't like the idea of the government taking my money to give it to someone else I probably don't even fucking like. It's personal.

That's what the fucking liberals and socialists don't get. Taking shit from people is personal. That's why socialism/liberalism keeps failing.


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I understand the desire to effect change by educating folks @Time but at 60 years old I've spent an inordinate amount of time and energy attempting to do just that over the years and found that for the most part it's both ineffective and extremely frustrating and consequently a waste of time and energy.

Feel free to engage however! It's all good bro.
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Gold Contributor
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It's not ecf, I lasted 1 day there.
Let me reresh you on the OP
PLEASE NO NAME CALLING! And Please keep this thread clean, and respectful with responding like a adult

Politics are personal and most people have strong opinions about it but to get all worked up and call someone an idiot is kind of childish.

Cary on, some very good reading and points being made in this thread and frankly I'm surprised it hasn't turned into a shit show yet... which most political conversations do


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It's not ecf, I lasted 1 day there.
Let me reresh you on the OP
PLEASE NO NAME CALLING! And Please keep this thread clean, and respectful with responding like a adult

Politics are personal and most people have strong opinions about it but to get all worked up and call someone an idiot is kind of childish.

Cary on, some very good reading and points being made in this thread and frankly I'm surprised it hasn't turned into a shit show yet... which most political conversations do
your opinions are only valid for you by all means enjoy them but don't expect them to be respected by others...your arbitary yardstick of what consitutes a shitshow are your own,and are in no way valid outside your own aura.


Platinum Contributor
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I understand the desire to affect change by educating folks @Time but at 60 years old I've spent an inordinate amount of time and energy attempting to do just that over the years and found that for the most part it's both ineffective and extremely frustrating and consequently a waste of time and energy.

Feel free to engage however! It's all good bro.

Oh, I agree. But when the shitshow is over I get to say, "I told you so" to the idiots and I know they just hate that.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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The scumbags are trying to do everything they can before they get shown the door at the end of the year...Check this shit out:
Illegals get a free DHS van ride from the border to phoenix
That's fucking insane. No checks, no registration, just take illegal immigrants to the Greyhound station and let them go on their merry way. How many are MS13 gang members? They don't fucking know. What makes it worse is the DHS, the agency that is supposed to protect us from terrorism and gang warfare, are the ones actually transporting known illegal immigrants to the bus station. This is just unacceptable.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That's fucking insane. No checks, no registration, just take illegal immigrants to the Greyhound station and let them go on their merry way. How many are MS13 gang members? They don't fucking know. What makes it worse is the DHS, the agency that is supposed to protect us from terrorism and gang warfare, are the ones actually transporting known illegal immigrants to the bus station. This is just unacceptable.
and then you have these people who just can't understand why Trump is surging...hhhhmmmm...must be vast right wing conspiracy again....Meanwhile the same president and same party want to regulate ...what you vape, what you eat,what websites you go on,what electric light bulb you use and what kind of toliet you shit in.....but have no intrest at all in the background of whoever staggers across the border...your fucking lightbulb is the threat...
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The majority of the masses here in the USA don't even see that there's hardly a whit of difference in the overall plan for the American people between R's and D's...just nuanced methodology to get us the the same place.

One World Government. No countries--just regions. The power elite and the sheeple.

In the USA, although the plans go back even farther, it really got started with GB senior. Every admin since Reagan has been moving the ball forward and now they are all panicking because they see Trump as the great disrupter.

See the documents outlining the UN's Agenda 21 and now it's bastard stepchild Agenda 2030 to see what our future holds unless we stop it.

The only thing I see stopping it is the big ass Trump Train rolling into DC...even that might not be enough with the deep rooted corruption in every aspect of our government starting with congress and the court system.

I for one am more than willing to give Trump the reins and let him try as he's the only one who's speaking my language.
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Gold Contributor
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The shit show here in nj is now since so many casinos have faild in atlantic city one the Revel was bailed out by the state to save the city they want to put Syrian refugees in the rooms there . Im sure they will all be Christian refugees who are facing genocide because our president talks so much about them ......oh or do i have that backwards ?

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RIP Muhammad Ali love him or hate him the guy had balls .

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Azriel Mysterious

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It's not ecf, I lasted 1 day there.
Let me reresh you on the OP
PLEASE NO NAME CALLING! And Please keep this thread clean, and respectful with responding like a adult

Politics are personal and most people have strong opinions about it but to get all worked up and call someone an idiot is kind of childish.

Cary on, some very good reading and points being made in this thread and frankly I'm surprised it hasn't turned into a shit show yet... which most political conversations do
I notice it seems to be the right wingers that start flinging ad hominem attacks. Calling people idiots and dismissing what they say.

I tried to be civil, but their dogma requires them to lash out at anyone who doesn't agree with their views. It's kind of sad. After all, how can we ever hope to make this country better if no one will ever listen to opposing views and compromise?

I feel that "ignore" is for the weak. Anyone who can't even LISTEN to an opposing view without losing their shit or dismissing it outright is obviously too insecure about their own views. Be it in politics or religion, those that plug their ears and go "la la la I can't hear you" are the ones that have the least conviction in their beliefs.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I notice it seems to be the right wingers that start flinging ad hominem attacks. Calling people idiots and dismissing what they say.

I tried to be civil, but their dogma requires them to lash out at anyone who doesn't agree with their views. It's kind of sad. After all, how can we ever hope to make this country better if no one will ever listen to opposing views and compromise?

I feel that "ignore" is for the weak. Anyone who can't even LISTEN to an opposing view without losing their shit or dismissing it outright is obviously too insecure about their own views. Be it in politics or religion, those that plug their ears and go "la la la I can't hear you" are the ones that have the least conviction in their beliefs.
Reality doesn't shore up your assertions...there are literally hundreds and hundreds of videos of liberals all across america spitting on people, hitting them, shouting people down, closing speeches down, barricading buildings to keep people from attending speeches,smearing anyone who doesn't share their views as Hitler, haters, racists, homophobes,sexist,,,, is so common it has degenerated from mundande to the ridiculous where liberals have gone from a legitamate voice in the public arena to a bunch of intellectually lazy and obese triggleypuffs who just are content to scream abuse and then run for a safe space and a counseling session when anyone voices their dissent...riots in violence in Albuquerque, annhiem,san jose,baltimore,furgeson NY all point to the fact the american liberals choose violence over thought.....
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Gold Contributor
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I tried to be civil, but their dogma requires them to lash out at anyone who doesn't agree with their views.
Funny how you object to this when "dogma" disagrees with your views, but you're fine with it (and in fact idolize some of the worst offenders in other places) when dogma jibes with your views.


Platinum Contributor
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I notice it seems to be the right wingers that start flinging ad hominem attacks. Calling people idiots and dismissing what they say.
I tried to be civil, but their dogma requires them to lash out at anyone who doesn't agree with their views. It's kind of sad. After all, how can we ever hope to make this country better if no one will ever listen to opposing views and compromise?

Sorry sweetie. You cry about right winger's words but it is liberals that are rioting. Throwing rocks. Smashing police cars. Burning flags. Making threats.


You can take your "holier than thou" fake attitude and shove it up your, whatever. There are not many non liberals that are going to compromise with you. We've actually had enough of liberal "civility". It's one sided.


Bronze Contributor
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I'm tired! I'm tired of illegal immigrants milking the system. I'm tired of all the bullshit political correctness. I'm tired of working my ass off 60 hours a week only to have 40 % of my hard earned money taxed and misused. I'm tired of this stupid bathroom debate. I live in NC and in my opinion if you have a dick you use the men's room! I'm tired of college kids saying how unfair life is and how they should be entitled to what ever. If you choose to rack up college loan debt and your degree is in juggling or "life studies" or some other worthless degree then you have chosen that path and you need to pay back the money you borrowed. I'm tired of the I'm a victim mentality. I'm tired of being lied to by the government about how good the economy is. I can go on and on. Trump wasn't my first choice but I will have no problem voting for him. Hilary is corrupt and wilcontinue to tell people how they are victims of life's unfairness and without the government they are nothing. Bernie wants us to be just like Europe . Trump wants America to be great again. So do I.


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Amen @Kevin2112

You and a whole lot more of us...

I'm betting there will be a massive turnout of us as well as those that have turned off the elections because of refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils for the past 6 or 8 elections.

Can you say landslide?


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Let's talk about the symbolism of flags. When I see the American Flag burned, pissed on or mutilated, it angers me. I served in the military and when that first amendment right to burn or mutilate the American Flag happens, I still get pissed off. What really torques me is seeing protestors in action waving the Mexican Flag, the fucking flag of another country being waved and given honor during protests in an American Presidential Election!

But they are merely symbols, right? The symbolism of a foreign flag being displayed and waved at protests during an American Presidential Election is loud and clear. The protestors either don't give a shit about America, only what the country can give them, or they are foreign nationals, most likely illegally in the country. Perhaps both. Foreign Nationals should have Zero say or influence in an American Election, but unfortunately they do. Campaign contributions from China and other overseas countries pour into Democrat coffers.

Common sense voter registration requirements, like having a State ID are viciously fought as being racist and exclusionary, yet even the poorest American's need to have a state ID to get welfare and government benefits. The folks who fight the simple requirements for voter registration have tipped their hand. Showing a pay stub and an electric bill from a residence to register - anyone can do that, including illegal immigrants and those not allowed to vote due to not being citizens. Even states doing a simple Social Security # verification against voter names is viciously fought, because it tends to show voters who are not eligible to vote due to not being citizens.


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Roger that @Zamazam

Try buying a plane ticket, a fishing license, driving a car, buying a beer or a firearm without ID and you can go to jail...But the "progressives" think it's just fine to vote without any proof whatsoever that you actually are legally qualified to vote and if you complain you're a damn racist.



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This will go down as the most bizarre election cycle in American history. I'm not even sure how Clinton can run for POTUS

Thanks for posting this.....even I hadn't realized how evil this hag was, and the extent of her crimes.....the real question is how does the DNC even contemplate running someone so corrupt and so evil.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Let's talk about the symbolism of flags. When I see the American Flag burned, pissed on or mutilated, it angers me. I served in the military and when that first amendment right to burn or mutilate the American Flag happens, I still get pissed off. What really torques me is seeing protestors in action waving the Mexican Flag, the fucking flag of another country being waved and given honor during protests in an American Presidential Election!

But they are merely symbols, right? The symbolism of a foreign flag being displayed and waved at protests during an American Presidential Election is loud and clear. The protestors either don't give a shit about America, only what the country can give them, or they are foreign nationals, most likely illegally in the country. Perhaps both. Foreign Nationals should have Zero say or influence in an American Election, but unfortunately they do. Campaign contributions from China and other overseas countries pour into Democrat coffers.

Common sense voter registration requirements, like having a State ID are viciously fought as being racist and exclusionary, yet even the poorest American's need to have a state ID to get welfare and government benefits. The folks who fight the simple requirements for voter registration have tipped their hand. Showing a pay stub and an electric bill from a residence to register - anyone can do that, including illegal immigrants and those not allowed to vote due to not being citizens. Even states doing a simple Social Security # verification against voter names is viciously fought, because it tends to show voters who are not eligible to vote due to not being citizens.
This is one of my favorites.....Project Veritas goes into a polling station and ask for the voting ballot of Obama's attorney general Eric Holder...and the poll workers give it to him.....and the same people fight against voter ID...hell even Mexico has voter ID....


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This is one of my favorites.....Project Veritas goes into a polling station and ask for the voting ballot of Obama's attorney general Eric Holder...and the poll workers give it to him.....and the same people fight against voter ID...hell even Mexico has voter ID....

No ID requirement is one of the dumbest things I've heard, I remember when that was getting air time on the news and my palm met my face.

I like the very end of that when Eric gives a very intelligent sounding... uuummm.


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There's a clip in here of James O'keffe in Greece trying to vote in their elections.....the poll workers can't believe that Americans don't have to show ID to vote.



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You are unhappy with the presidential candidate that was chosen. So you choose to act like a bunch of rabid monkeys, and act out in a violent manner because you didn't get your way? You have the gall to wave the flag of another country, while burning the flag of the country that gives you the freedom to act out like idiots. Destroying property, disrupting the flow of traffic, violently attack supporters of the presidential candidate that you decided to dislike, and disrespect your host country, by destroying its Flag?? What you are, is a terrorist,and THE enemy Within. You have proven to be incapable of being a civilized, productive member of American society. And as far as I'm concerned, there's only one way to deal with terrorists. And as a proud United States Citizen I say that if you burn my flag, you forfeit all Rights.There are certain lines that people should not cross. People need to be held accountable, including the perpetrators and those that pay them to do it!



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It is even more ironic when you learn that it is a crime for forgien nationals to participate in a political demonstration in Mexico...if arrested you are deported.....immediately.

The only problem the DNC has with America's full of Americans., they seek to remedy the situation.
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Diamond Contributor
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You are unhappy with the presidential candidate that was chosen. So you choose to act like a bunch of rabid monkeys, and act out in a violent manner because you didn't get your way? You have the gall to wave the flag of another country, while burning the flag of the country that gives you the freedom to act out like idiots. Destroying property, disrupting the flow of traffic, violently attack supporters of the presidential candidate that you decided to dislike, and disrespect your host country, by destroying its Flag?? What you are, is a terrorist,and THE enemy Within. You have proven to be incapable of being a civilized, productive member of American society. And as far as I'm concerned, there's only one way to deal with terrorists. And as a proud United States Citizen I say that if you burn my flag, you forfeit all Rights.There are certain lines that people should not cross. People need to be held accountable, including the perpetrators and those that pay them to do it!

View attachment 53315
View attachment 53316
View attachment 53317
That first meme should be summary execution via tack hammer to the forehead.


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Most of them are cut from the same mold so it's business as usual.
Actually all those videos of hideous boils being popped WISH they were filled with as much corruption as Hitlery Clitnom.
Only caught parts of that video... did they list off the people that were opposed to heir hitlery that have wound up dead with shots to the BACK of the head ruled suicides?
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