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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
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Oh dear, I don't know if people called you an idiot...that seems kind of tame for the folks here, I mean if they really wanted to insult you "idiot" would be mild at best...I think they were trying to say your views were idiotic....such as this gem....

" their dogma requires them to lash out at anyone who doesn't agree with their views. It's kind of sad. After all, how can we ever hope to make this country better if no one will ever listen to opposing views and compromise?"

You have to admitt after having to watch liberals abuse and beat Trump supporters for the last several months, after watching liberal trigglypuffs on campuses shut down free speech it's hard to take drivel like what you wrote about right wingers seriously.I think people thought that it was an idiotic statement, ...not that you persoanlly are an idiot...but then I could be wrong.

Shark Vape

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MUD Slinger
I notice it seems to be the right wingers that start flinging ad hominem attacks.
Calling people idiots and dismissing what they say.
Pot, meet kettle...

Where have I called anyone an idiot? Please quote it, I'll wait.

Not you personally princess. :) But your quote is pretty much the liberal battlecry!... It's what they do.
Not the right wingers so much.

I dunno about out there but out'chere, the ecos absolutely do that. ;)
OMG You don't drive a priapism??? I will not be shamed woman!!! :gaah:
Seriously... you guys are the no fun party. o_O


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Shark Vape

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MUD Slinger
I think California belonged to Mexico for all of something like 26 years..before that it belonged to Spain....and before that a fact which eludes these pinheads it belonged to various American Indian tribes....
And now it belongs to Mexico again... We've come full circle.


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ECF Refugee is a platform of La Raza, and MECHA....and the judge ruling on Trumps university case is a member and has been for a long time of La Raza.
A pair of facts that the media and GOPe refuse to acknowledge


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'd like to congratulate Hitlery on her historic achievement. Her nomination to run for prez by a major party.

She will always be known as the...............................most blatantly corrupt American to have been on a General Election Ballot for President of the United States.

Way to make history Dims! Congrats!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'd like to congratulate Hitlery on her historic achievement. Her nomination to run for prez by a major party.

She will always be known as the...............................most blatantly corrupt American to have been on a General Election Ballot for President of the United States.

Way to make history Dims! Congrats!
what do expect from a party who endorses beating political dissenters,targeting political enemies with the IRS and shutting down free speech....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Founding Fathers' Classical Liberalism.
yeah I don' think you fall into that catergory..your support of a massive social saftey net was not a jeffersonian vision.Also as a self described member of the Green Party I doubt any of the founding fathers would share their vision of the over reaching goverment directives the greens wish to implement.
Nor do I think they would have created a "pathway" to citizenship for tens of millions of forgien nationals who broke the democrattclly voted on laws of the people of the United States .....on the contrary I think they would have most likely called it an invasion and declared war on Mexico....
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Azriel Mysterious

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yeah I don' think you fall into that catergory..your support of a massive social saftey net was not a jeffersonian vision.Also as a self described member of the Green Party I doubt any of the founding fathers would share their vision of the over reaching goverment directives the greens wish to implement.
Nor do I think they would have created a "pathway" to citizenship for tens of millions of forgien nationals who broke the democrattclly voted on laws of the people of the United States .....on the contrary I think they would have most likely called it an invasion and declared war on Mexico....
I never said I was Green Party. Just that an online quiz said I agreed with a lot of their beliefs.

I'm hard to classify. There are some things I agree with that aren't Libertarian or Classical Liberalism, but there's a lot I do agree with too.

I have a small snippet of what my views were.

Look, you can try to dissect me and my views if you like, but I don't feel that adds anything of value to this discussion.

Perhaps we can discuss topics and views and I will weigh in on that.

However, if you all want to continue lobbing attacks and dismissing what I say, go for it. It is a free country after all...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I never said I was Green Party. Just that an online quiz said I agreed with a lot of their beliefs.

I'm hard to classify. There are some things I agree with that aren't Libertarian or Classical Liberalism, but there's a lot I do agree with too.

I have a small snippet of what my views were.

Look, you can try to dissect me and my views if you like, but I don't feel that adds anything of value to this discussion.

Perhaps we can discuss topics and views and I will weigh in on that.

However, if you all want to continue lobbing attacks and dismissing what I say, go for it. It is a free country after all...

Shark Vape

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MUD Slinger
I'm really starting to like her... I think Im'a let the tree huggin thing go. :) view of the Street Sweeper 'n all. o_O

Shark Vape

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MUD Slinger
I still like the one yer holding in the range pic.

In fact I like the entire range application!... just the fact that you go, and have a reason to go.
You go girl!

Azriel Mysterious

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I still like the one yer holding in the range pic.

In fact I like the entire range application!... just the fact that you go, and have a reason to go.
You go girl!

My Taurus


I had a blast with my friend Jon. Though I went bowling that night and hated myself for it. With a barrel drum and no shoulder stock, that gun gets HEAVY after firing a couple hundred rounds. Doing that PLUS bowling that night was a BAD IDEA ~.~ my arms were DEAD the next day...


Gold Contributor
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I'd like to congratulate Hitlery on her historic achievement. Her nomination to run for prez by a major party.

She will always be known as the...............................most blatantly corrupt American to have been on a General Election Ballot for President of the United States.

Way to make history Dims! Congrats!
...I don't disagree with anything you said, just be careful invoking Godwin's law! We can't have reasonable statements being nullified due to one bad pun.
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