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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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What amazes me is how not so long ago America warned the world and it's citizens about communism and communist Russia.
Now Russia is no longer communist but so many Americans voted for sanders a known socialist.
Since socialism is half way to communism, it's safe to say that America is more communist then Russia :D


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
What amazes me is how not so long ago America warned the world and it's citizens about communism and communist Russia.
Now Russia is no longer communist but so many Americans voted for sanders a known socialist.
Since socialism is half way to communism, it's safe to say that America is more communist then Russia :D

Not to mention that the roles for world expansion/domination have also been reversed.

The trendline is clear. Empires seek to expand. Then they die. Every Empire in history has followed this path and the US is no different.


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Obama endorses Hillary...basically sending the message she will not be charged in the email scandal.....the law is no longer applied equally.

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Gold Contributor
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Let me update that ...there is no law anymore just what obama decides is . And not one Republican will stand up and stop any of it in the house or senate

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Let me update that ...there is no law anymore just what obama decides is . And not one Republican will stand up and stop any of it in the house or senate

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there are like 20 million forgien nationals in the country illegally.....over 20 million forgien nationals that spit on the law and spit on the citizens, and the process those citizens use to create the laws which goveren their society...the political and corprate class of the country break the law with impunity, they laugh at our laws..We have a de facto dictator in the whitehouse who wipes his ass on the constitution and half the country applauds him for it...We live in chaos....Citizenship means nothing anymore...No American should feel in anyway bound to obey any law that doesn't profit them, or restrain themselves from breaking any law they don't wish to obey. The Law means nothing anymore...we have the mayor of San Jose telling the Police Department to break the law and watch peaceful citizens beaten in the streets for daring to have a political thought not approved by HIM personally, like he is a fucking king, in a country of laws he would be in jail the justice department would have indited him immediately.....leave the country if you don't like it, or arm yourself to the teeth.


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Member For 4 Years
Let me update that ...there is no law anymore just what obama decides is

There is no longer the Rule of Law in this country. That has been proven over and over. The Rule of Law requires that law apply to everyone equally. That's not what we have. What we have is Justice that is spelled 'Just Us'. The Laws apply to Just Us. They do not apply to Hitlery, Corzine, illegal aliens or a host of others. Everyone knows it.

Even worse, with the passage of the Patriot Act and a certain NDAA, Just Us does not even need to be charged with a crime to be locked up forever. The Constitution is null and void.

The most immediate problem to effect Just Us, since we likely wouldn't know if anyone has been "indefinately detained", is that the government can seize your property without charge or trial. This is being done. The police can literally seize your cash on the side of the road, not charge you with anything, and send you on your way. And they do it. It has recently gone farther than that. In Oklahoma, the police can scan your bank cards on the side of the road and empty your accounts.

The D elites are notorious for letting their friends go. Laws don't apply to them. Every military person with a clearance knows they would go to prison for what Hitlery did with emails. I have no doubt that I would. That point was made very clear to me.

The R elites, through the Patriot Act, NDAA and the Drug War have done away with due process. They have actually nullified the Constitution by granting the government the power to imprison Americans and seize property without charge let alone a trial.

This is the simple state of the country. Every bit as bad as North Korea. There is no real difference except for the (wrong) perception that our "Dear Leaders" are not as nefarious as Kim and that they would not abuse such power.

I do not follow laws that do not apply to the elite. So, I don't follow laws. There are no laws. I follow my own morals.
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Member For 5 Years
Conclusion: Cold weather causes murder.

While Chicagostan (being part of Illinois) does now have concealed carry, they still have some of the most restrictive guns laws around. (And have 1,612 shootings so far this year)

I don't think cold weather can be blamed. With the past Memorial Day weekend being pre-publicized as having huge increases of police on duty, 69 folks were still shot. Heck, just yesterday the local paper reported...

"Two men were killed and at least 17 other people were wounded in city shootings over a 17-hour span beginning Friday morning, the equivalent of someone shot every 53 minutes on the hottest day so far this year." (bold mine)

For those who might be looking for some action (or not) this might help...

"I was not proud of what I had learned but I never doubted that it was worth knowing."- Hunter S. Thompson


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Rev. Jesse Jackson supports Hilary
Mike Ditka likes Trump.

My choice is clear.;)

"If there is not justice for the people, let there be no peace for the government."- Emiliano Zapata


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50 people shot dead by gunman who pledges to Issis in florida. Our kings answer ? Americans are filled with hate for Gays we need to do more !
Its not the terrorists fault its fucking ours ! If this is not words of our enemies then what is ? Or just call me crazy .

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Dude was investigated by the neutered DHS/FBI...ISIS issues threat against Florida several days prior. ISIS claims responsibility for the attack.

The traitor in the whitehouse and leftists around the country along with the lamestream media claim it's a gun problem because of the availability of firearms...

Oh really?

Seems that the scumbags had ZERO problems getting firearms in France however where access to firearms is strictly regulated. And those weapons were REAL "assault weapons" aka full auto AKs

Ban firearms here for the general population and it won't stop gun crimes--instead of semi auto weapons there will be a proliferation of full auto AKs.

They would be shipped in just like they ship in coke and smack.

Fortunately the scumbag was killed by swat and will not live to brag about his killing spree nor will we the people have to pay for his lawyers, food and housing.


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These guns keep going off by themselves! I guess we do need more gun control

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Diamond Contributor
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another bloodthirsty gun went out a murdered a bunch of of now nobody knows the motive the gun had for these killings...however the Obama administration after conferring with the Clinton campain and the JUst-Us department have laid out a strategy to prevent further incidents.
1) impose draconian restrictions on guns.
2) erase the borders and allow anyone who wants to enter the country do so without any ID..a farcical and inept background checks which are nothing more than show will be instituted with aid from C.A.I.R....
3) All law enforcment will undergo a massive program of reducation training which will make them aware of their white guilt,their microagressions and their white privledge and they will take further training in the San Jose Police Department's techniques in evasive blind eye turning and enforcment by ommission...also they will undergo adcanced training in the Baltimore Police Department's program of creating a space for terrorists to kill will also be instituted.
4) The Obama adminstration after confering with the Swedish goverment and Angela Merkel , along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Ried have created a new educational program for gays to help prevent them bringing harm to themselves by inticing refugees to rash act by overt expressions of what may be deemed offensive sexuality...the new program will be called "redecorating your closet ...the pink veil in the 21st century"
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Member For 4 Years
Im glad they have a plan . These guns walking around by themselves cant be trusted .of course if me or my family get shot by one im sure it will be my fault ...i am after all American

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Some people aren't going to like this but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

When is the media and so called "professionals" that write books and offer advice going to learn that the "run and hide" method of survival of a mass shooting event like this does not work?

Far fewer people would die if the method employed by the three US military men on the train in EU was used. Rush and overwhelm.

Aside from the politics, I would urge people to become active in their own defense. I do not recommend the feinting goat technique.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Some people aren't going to like this but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

When is the media and so called "professionals" that write books and offer advice going to learn that the "run and hide" method of survival of a mass shooting event like this does not work?

Far fewer people would die if the method employed by the three US military men on the train in EU was used. Rush and overwhelm.

Aside from the politics, I would urge people to become active in their own defense. I do not recommend the feinting goat technique.
Except when the cowardly buddy fuckers bar the door and escape, they got their safety...


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Politically, it's fairly simple.

Is there more terrorist attacks, in the world as a whole and in the US, since Hitlery was a Senator and then S of S or less? More terror attacks.

Is the Country safer after Hitlery was directly responsible for the security of the Country or is it now less safe? Less safe.

A vote for Hitlery is a vote for a less safe Country and more dead Americans. She is a proven failure.


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ECF Refugee
It's funny how the busybody ladymods stalk those here they don't like in order to fabricate, and in some cases provoke rule violations... yet they permit this bigoted hate speech to remain because they're buddies with BN.

I guess if you're friends with the catbox, you can attack anybody you want with this kind of language.
Oh so the coward being a coward fucking fellow humans barring the door so they cannot escape is hateful?

Barring the door either active shooter or doing so in a theater after yelling fire is cowardly, chickenshit and should be held accountable.

But those criminally chickenshit motherfuckers got to their safety... preventing others from getting to safety and bottled them in one spot for slaughter. So fuck them right?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh so the coward being a coward fucking fellow humans barring the door so they cannot escape is hateful?

Barring the door either active shooter or doing so in a theater after yelling fire is cowardly, chickenshit and should be held accountable.

But those criminally chickenshit motherfuckers got to their safety... preventing others from getting to safety and bottled them in one spot for slaughter. So fuck them right?
what are you talking about Nasty ....who the fuck barred the doors.


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ECF Refugee
It's funny how the busybody ladymods stalk those here they don't like in order to fabricate, and in some cases provoke rule violations... yet they permit this bigoted hate speech to remain because they're buddies with BN.

I guess if you're friends with the catbox, you can attack anybody you want with this kind of language.
I have no fucking filter.
So take your democrat commie snivel bullshit else where.

I could not give less of a flaming fuck about you or your ideals if I lit you the fuck on fire.

Shark Vape

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No need to worry about the rules though as long as yer buddies with the "mods".
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Shark Vape

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MUD Slinger
Wait... WTF??? Did you call me a democrat???
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It's funny how the busybody ladymods stalk those here they don't like in order to fabricate, and in some cases provoke rule violations... yet they permit this bigoted hate speech to remain because they're buddies with BN.

I guess if you're friends with the catbox, you can attack anybody you want with this kind of language.

I'd call anyone that held the door shut so your buddies couldn't get out a buddy fucker. The people left inside, I would assume would be buddies, were certainly fucked.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Fuck you and your hate speech you little bitch.
You are so off base there craptain snivelshit.

I support the LG community, some of my best friends are militantly gay and I love them for living their lives and how they want to live it.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Once again you prove to be a bit light between the ears.

Buddy Fucker
noun: Someone who tends to give their friends the shit-end-of-the-stick, someone who screws their buddy for selfish reasons. Fucker
Ya holding the door listening to the panic screams and shouting as the gunman shot people getting closer to the door and still holding it shut... is a buddy fucking of epic scale.
Cowardly, criminal and there is a special place in hell for him.
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