Absolutely. That right up there with why all the cheating at the state GOP conventions to prevent Ron Paul from getting enough delegates went pretty much unnoticed (they'll cheat at the ballot box, the media is bought and paid for, and the masses are sheep that are dead asleep). And, since the elites were still scared come time for the RNC, they then held some of the delegates (and a member of rules committee) hostage on the bus, going round and round the RNC convention center, while Rule 16 was shoved through and declared to be passed BEFORE the hearing of the nay votes! Yet, the media was silent on the whole thing because the system is rigged.
For those unfamiliar with Rule 16 - before Rule 16, the delegates could vote however they wanted to, regardless of the popular vote. That's how it's always been intended. That's why voting is referred to as a poll. Rule 16 says that the state GOP delegates must either be a winner take all or the delegates be awarded based on the %. And, if the candidate(s) don't like the delegate(s) that have been elected to choose the nominee, the candidate(s) can replace them.
edit to add - who are these delegates? they're people that are elected by members of the local party. It's pretty easy to become a delegate. I had the opportunity to become one but couldn't because my work would have interfered.
Now Rule 16 is threatening to bite them in the ass because they want the delegates to NOT vote for the poll winner (Trump), since they figure they can't control him, so they're working on changing the rules and are working on getting delegate puppets in place for the RNC.
If you haven't seen it, this is a must watch