Well said @KingLouie
Exactly Smokie. Much like people skew Trump's message and paint him to be a racist or bigot. He gets up and says how he wants to put America first and everyone twists it. Where did he say he was only for a white rich America? He said Americans - and then you have protests. Especially with hispanics like happens in California.
What do we do then? Have a split bi-government system? One half of the country sitting on one side, the other half sitting on the other? I don't mean to poke the bear but it goes both ways.Not directed at any one individual, but at an idea..
Tyranny of the majority is a bad idea. A republic is not a pure democracy.
Just think about it.
50.1% could vote away everything you hold sacred...is this what you are advocating?
If so, may I heartily suggest you go fuck yourself.
The narritive being pushed by the goverment , the media, the churches,the bankers, the corporations, is Un-American..it's Un-British,Un-French,Un-Nigerian,Un-Vietnamese...it is for a New World Order...Our childeren in state run schools are being indoctrnated to give up the vote and join a global technocracy.Our History is villified and rewritten so as to justify the destruction of our country, and to discredit the idea of a nation of self determination by the people.Our childeren are being taught to forge their own chains of slavery....The left openly looks to destroy America...hell the entire illegal alien issue is meant to destroy the idea of representive goverment, to destroy the idea of citienship, and ballot boxes.....the contempt that Obama has for American law is no accident . he is getting the populace to legitamize in their minds the idea of a dictatorship, he is domesticating Americans to Obey the technocrats.The stupid are being sold a bill of goods that the global borg will manifiest Utopia, and the only fly in the ointment if human freedom.If we would all just ...OBEY......Exactly Smokie. Much like people skew Trump's message and paint him to be a racist or bigot. He gets up and says how he wants to put America first and everyone twists it. Where did he say he was only for a white rich America? He said Americans - and then you have protests. Especially with hispanics like happens in California.
Considering all the legal hispanic people in this country, I don't get their outrage. They wave the Mexican flag, jumping up and down demanding to be heard. It's like when Trump says he wants to improve the safety of Americans and improve jobs for Americans.. you're an American! That applies to you too jackass.
Unless of course they don't identify with being American, maybe that's why they feel Trump's message is against them.
People in states with small populations should totally get 20 times as many votes for president as people who live in states with larger populations. There's an idea we can all get behind.
Also that population that California has..is just that population of which millions are not citizens and yet they get political represenation in our goverment..it would be like american tourists getting political representation in mexico.The DNC floods Ca. with mexicans for those electorial votes.Agsin the only problem the DNC has with America is that it is full of Americans.There is a fine example of an obtuse, or simply ignorant, statement.
As it stands, California in which your vote doesn't count and you bitch about, has 55 electoral college votes. Idaho has 4.
California is one state. Idaho is one state. Both, as States, are supposed to be equal.
California represents the people within California. Idaho represents the people within Idaho.
As it stands, Asshat, not only does your vote not count in California because of California's population, my vote in Idaho does not count because of California's population. California gets 20 times as many votes(it's actually closer to 15 times) as Idaho.
Populations are represented in the House of Representatives. As such, California with a high population has more Representatives than Idaho with a smaller population. As it should be.
The President Represents the 50 United States, as a whole. The only way that happens is if each State has equal say in who the President is. If one state has 15 times the say than another as is the case now, the States are not Represented equally. California can, and does, elect a President that favors California as a State over other States.
So, you and California can fuck off. It's like saying China should get 50 times more votes in the UN than the US because China has 50 times more people. The thought is ridiculous. Each Nation in the United Nations is represented equally(except for the "veto" power of the superpowers) no matter of the individual population of particapating Nations. The US certainly would not join a Union where one Nation, China, had more power simply because it has more people than the US. It's simply ridiculous.
snarky and pointless drive by comment per usual.People in states with small populations should totally get 20 times as many votes for president as people who live in states with larger populations. There's an idea we can all get behind.
I think a fairer way to look at it would be to abandon the electoral college, or at least to distribute electoral votes proportionally as compared to actual votes. Since I live in the People's Republic of Kalifornia, my vote doesn't count. Every vote here is going to go to Hillary, even though a ton of people will vote for Trump or Johnson (my favorite, since my favorite is always the most popular non-ruling-party candidate, regardless of what he/she stands for). So you vote for Hillary or your vote doesn't count. Same thing for every single American that lives in a reliably "red" or "blue" state - your vote doesn't count, period. Entrust your vote to your senators, who represent the majority within your state, and your vote still doesn't count (unless you're in the majority for your particular hamlet and don't give a fuck about hearing your neighbors' voices). I think the only justice comes from giving every vote, value, be it a Republican vote in a blue state or a Democratic vote in a red state, or a non-puppet vote in any state.
I went looking for new threads from new vapers needing advice, found little aside from a bunch of conversations amongst the veterans, including dumpster fires like this thread that discourage participation. Maybe I'm missing something and I'll find it next time I hit the 'new posts' button...
only if state legislatures were in session. If not, appointed by state Governor. With a wink & a nod few state legislatures were in session..@Time One major flaw in that argument is the election of senators as is currently done as opposed to the way it was when state legislators appointed senators. If we eliminate the election and return to how it used to be then that might be a viable solution... but properly analyzing that would require far more thought than I can apply while running on only one mug of coffee.
Also that population that California has..is just that population of which millions are not citizens and yet they get political represenation in our goverment..it would be like american tourists getting political representation in mexico.The DNC floods Ca. with mexicans for those electorial votes.Agsin the only problem the DNC has with America is that it is full of Americans.
Not.gonna happen @UncleRJ .Lynch had a meeting with bill to talk about the grandkids .....ya think she will prosecute Grandma?
I am with you 100%, America is royally fucked. But we have to start fixing it somewhere, now seems like a very appropriate time. I consider myself young still, mid to late 20's, and i feel upset that the older generations have passed on this weight to our shoulders.
If you wouldve asked people in the 70's, or even 80's-90's, "do you think its possible the US could ever be trillions of dollars in debt?"
They would probably respond: "haha dude, whats a trillion?"
Now we are 20-some trillion in debt(probably more, because students cant pay off their trillion-sum debt, especially in this economy) and nobody seems to care, or be doing anything about it.
Honestly, although hes blasted by the media, im not really scared of Russia. They are just prepared to fuck the US because Putin knows we are unpredictable, but he has no direct intention of wiping out the US, unless we give him a reason to. IMO, he is one of the most level-headed and respect-worthy leaders i have seen in a LONG time. He fricking *loves* his country, and his people love him. Hes well spoken, and a true leader In my opinion. Something we havent seen since the likes of JFK.
I asked my friend the same question the other day, "what are people doing? what are we doing?" its a mess. I really hope Trump can do something about it. I know people always say something like this, but if Hillary does get elected, i am going to move to Canada with my friend and his sister. Im serious.
Neither party WANTS citizen participation...they don't want you on their centrl committees they DON"T want your imput...they want to place a group of so called activists or rather their buddies who they know are corruptable on the committes who decide the political parties policy....if the average citizen tries an participate in the activities of either party they will be shown the door one way or another..I know this from personal experince.The idea of reprsenative goverment is being eroded we are entering a phase where once again the people are being sold the lie that a small group of technocrats and elite are the only ones qualified to goveren..