Are you completely disregarding the rampant frequency of these attacks on US soil? Of the attacks made by the group ISIS? which is fairly new to this world... Because that is what i was referencing, it seems everyone else understood what i was speaking of, maybe it went over your head.
Yes, i said another, because they are happening on a weekly basis it seems. I made no comment about terrorist attacks in the past, we are talking about the 2016 election here, talking about current and relevant information. You are twisting my words, making it seem as if i disregard all of the terrorist attacks in the past. As unfortunate as those were, i believe the ones going on RIGHT NOW are more relevant to you and i, and no doubt more relevant to the 2016 election, what this thread is titled. Come on man.
Well, who do you blame for the debt we hold? god? fate? yes, i blame the generation who accumulated this debt, or the leaders at the time more specifically. How bout YOU tell me who's fault YOU think it is? because frankly you are just attacking me, and giving no stance of your own, while i defend mind. So ill say again, can you back up that tough talk? refer to my original post, where i said i hope to keep this light-hearted, you dont see me attacking anyone- even if their views differ from mine.
And by the way, I never once mentioned:
-bernie sanders
-student debt
Im not liberal. Bernie sanders is all talk and no action, reminds me of you. We need a leader right now, which is why i will vote for Trump. im assuming you are going to vote for Hillary, based on your snobby comments towards my views. Some leader she is.