You forgot the mention ass fucked to death by Billary and Hitlery. There was no time that we were in the black it was hidden and fucked around with to hide the failings.To say deaths of the past is irrelevant is preposterous.
I work in the Trust Dept. of a multinational bank. I'm an Economist & research commodities.
The past is important to form baselines for trend analysis.
Attacks on American soil are due to work place violence & assault rifles. Or so says Obama. Who am i to question a just & prurient government. I'm not FBI nor NSA. Are you?
The Public debt cannot be repaid. Was run up by the Bush Crime Syndacate, then just piled on by Obama.
You did mention student debt, an angst of your empty generation.
You are a product of a miserable Kali educational system.
Oh,, will your parents let you go to Canada?..
Then the removal of certain restrictions, the conflicting interests and the fucking Bawrny blubbergums franks did with the head of fanny may.
It has been one ass fucking since 92.