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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Abnormal Chevy Guy
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Im so tired of this BS, and they wont stop talking about her & the FBI on the news, surely so that the people will get sick of hearing about it and gladly forget once the newest thing happens in a week or less, like a racy trump comment or another attack.

I noticed it was the same way about orlando, the media wouldnt shut up about it for 1 minute, it was ALL they talked about. So the news satisfies their dissapointment with the subjects at hand.
I'm super happy that orlando bullshit is over! BUT Wait for the next BIG Planned shooting/bombing! I have a BAD Feeling its gonna be here in Cleveland,Ohio at the RNC :( *Which I'm attending while being armed, along with 167 other soldiers - Protecting the convention & officers*


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It was all well planned

"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that"...Carlin was spot on...!

No... George was PC. The real number is closer to 90%.. considering the state of educational system.


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For all the wailing and gnashing of teeth consider this.
Ryan and crew are going to call Comey and take him to task.
Think about it, Comey knows Lynch is bought and bribed and paid for... the last AG was in contempt of congress.
So he lays it all out, ALL OF IT and if the house and senate want to save face and take hitlery to task.


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The Bitch likes hot sauce,..she has the cobweb covered traces of a vagina, that hasn't seen a penis in 40 years.and she will grant amnesty to a100 million illegal mexicans....that is why she will be elected.
I thought she Boffed Charley Rose about 10 years ago..


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I thought she Boffed Charley Rose about 10 years ago..
Forgot that Hubble cocksucker.


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Cummy never said hilly was not guilty.
"No reason to press charges",
Independent Council should be convened to look further into this matter.
Am i beating a dead horse? No, a dead soul..


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Cummy never said hilly was not guilty.
"No reason to press charges",
Independent Council should be convened to look further into this matter.
Am i beating a dead horse? No, a dead soul..
LOL Think.
And put yourself in his shoes.
The DOJ is bought bribed and fucking rife with corrupt motherfuckers.
Info points to crazy joe, and jug ears as treason, corruption, murder and bribery.
The only way to tackle Hydra is go after all the heads at once.
The only way is to get called before the oversight with special council.

Lay info, lay charges, walk away clean.


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In case any new comers to this thread lack factual information.
That's a really good video that shows just how corrupt and sociopathic the Clintons are. I knew about most of it, but there were some details that I didn't know. Thanks. For example, didn't know the details of Travelgate and knew about the pay for pardon scandal, but didn't know just how bad it was. Pardoning terrorists? :eek: Shame it didn't cover more about Benghazi and how she was funneling weapons to terrorists (if you watched her congressional testimony, even Rand Paul touched on the subject, which of course she denied).


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That's a really good video that shows just how corrupt and sociopathic the Clintons are. I knew about most of it, but there were some details that I didn't know. Thanks. For example, didn't know the details of Travelgate and knew about the pay for pardon scandal, but didn't know just how bad it was. Pardoning terrorists? :eek: Shame it didn't cover more about Benghazi and how she was funneling weapons to terrorists (if you watched her congressional testimony, even Rand Paul touched on the subject, which of course she denied).
But the phoney bitch gots her hot sauce.


Not normally on the side with anything Farrakhan says but he got this she beast dead to rights and spot on.
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But the phoney bitch gots her hot sauce.


Not normally on the side with anything Farrakhan says but he got this she beast dead to rights and spot on.
Hadn't heard what he said about her, searched youtube and found these two and you're right, he's spot on. The second one is highlights of a 2 hr video that I'll have to watch later

The compulsive liar is featured in this one. E.g. showing how she was completely opposed to gay marriage, then suddenly for it and claims that her stance on it has never changed, never waivered


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Its not over
And the stupid, sheep-herding bitch goes on and on about intent. Like that has anything to do with anything. Sorry officer, I didn't *intend* to run over all 200 people that were lined up outside of BestBuy for Black Friday; I just wanted to get that doorbuster and my foot slipped on the gas pedal.


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And the stupid, sheep-herding bitch goes on and on about intent. Like that has anything to do with anything. Sorry officer, I didn't *intend* to run over all 200 people that were lined up outside of BestBuy for Black Friday; I just wanted to get that doorbuster and my foot slipped on the gas pedal.

I agree about the intent part, everyone keeps going on about it. Think of this though:

The best point that Trump made in a recent speech is- the very fact that she used servers that could easily be compromised is reason enough she should not be president. Her information could have been (and most likely was) hacked by anyone, including our enemies. This would give them blackmail over our leader, something that cannot be allowed to happen. It is simple logic.

Its obvious what her intent was. Her excuses are such a blatant insult to the people's intelligence. "Oh, it was for my convenience. I just didnt want people to see my yoga pants orders"

Nobody goes behind the back of the government for 'convenience'. Its truly awe-striking. Forget Hillary, why is nobody blasting the Attorney General?


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I agree about the intent part, everyone keeps going on about it. Think of this though:

The best point that Trump made in a recent speech is- the very fact that she used servers that could easily be compromised is reason enough she should not be president. Her information could have been (and most likely was) hacked by anyone, including our enemies. This would give them blackmail over our leader, something that cannot be allowed to happen. It is simple logic.

Its obvious what her intent was. Her excuses are such a blatant insult to the people's intelligence. "Oh, it was for my convenience. I just didnt want people to see my yoga pants orders"

Nobody goes behind the back of the government for 'convenience'. Its truly awe-striking. Forget Hillary, why is nobody blasting the Attorney General?
True, even with Comey's recommendation, the AG could still file charges. There's been many an instance where the plaintiff didn't want to press charges, merely wanted police intervention to make the person leave premises, to scare their kid, whatever, but the local DA filed anyway.

What really disgusts me is the thought that she'll get away with it simply because in a couple of days, both the media and the masses will have forgotten about it or will be telling the rest of us to move on, just like they did with Obama's forged birth certificate that he posted online, and just like they did with so many other things the Clintons have done in the past.


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That lying bitch shouldn't be a dogcatcher, let alone president.


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Just another quick "Fuck y'all!" flyby - let's hear it for Gary Johnson, the only candidate that's not a career criminal/perpetual business failure left standing!

No, I probably won't be responding. May the Trumpian ball-scratching/primate-esque-grunting resume on schedule...


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Just another quick "Fuck y'all!" flyby - let's hear it for Gary Johnson, the only candidate that's not a career criminal/perpetual business failure left standing!

No, I probably won't be responding. May the Trumpian ball-scratching/primate-esque-grunting resume on schedule...
There are things I like about Johnson, and a few things I don't agree with him on, but isn't that always the way, it seems? But, with the way the system is, 3rd party politicians don't have much of a chance. Not to mention the states that make it nearly impossible for a 3rd party candidate to even get on the ballot. If they had more money backing them, so that the general public was aware of 'em and so they could end up in the debates, then it might be different. There for a bit, Perot was polling pretty well when he ran in '92, even leading in Texas and California, but then he made several missteps. When addressing the NAACP he made a reference to, "you people", he dropped out of the race (which he later said was because Rep. operatives threatened to disrupt his daughter's wedding if he didn't) and never regained traction after re-entering it, his VP pick was an unknown who couldn't manage to speak on the issues of the time, etc.

Both prospects (Hillary and Trump) scare me. I think Hillary will cause cause even more problems for us in the Middle East and might even go so far as to end up being at war with Russia (even though we're already in a proxy war with 'em), not to mention doing even more damage to the middle class and working hard to strip away even more rights of the people (more spying on the citizens, more gun control, etc etc). After all, it was during Bill's presidency that there was talk of mandating that all phones (hardline and cellular) have the capability of remote, on-hook, wiretapping for hearing what's going on in the vicinity. With Hillary, we have a known crook, who has no regard for the citizens nor this country, and someone who has repeatedly voiced her desire to create chaos in the Middle East. With Trump we have a hothead who's got a history of shady business dealings.


Diamond Contributor
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Just another quick "Fuck y'all!" flyby - let's hear it for Gary Johnson, the only candidate that's not a career criminal/perpetual business failure left standing!

No, I probably won't be responding. May the Trumpian ball-scratching/primate-esque-grunting resume on schedule...
you ever been to New Mexico, you know anything about it? fucking New Mexico makes appalachia look like Oxford..knuckeldragging populace like the fucks that rioted in Albuquerque at the Trump speeches..Gary Johnson is no libertarian ..he's just another pathetic old hippy that thinks the pinnacle of human freedom is the ability for him to smoke one of the most banal drugs around.I think the idiot even supported the TPP. being the govenor of New Mexico is no noteworthy accomplishment..Ron Paul is a libertarian Gary Johnson is a pinhead.Fuck I have a cat that's not a career criminal for that matter and would make a better president than Gary Johnson.

as an aside penis envy is ugly...grow a pair of balls that way you can play with your own instead of worrying about what men do with theirs.You are a perfect emobdiment of a femminized have swallowed the mass narritive created by the media and the elite that the masculine aspect , and male power is dangerous, threatening,stupid,impulsive, and that it has to be controled and surpressed or they will blow up the nest....Tell me did your mother lock you in the hall closet for hours at a time, while she was having her ...Lesbians and Gaia worshipers for a free Palastine coffee klutches.
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Platinum Contributor
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Just another quick "Fuck y'all!" flyby - let's hear it for Gary Johnson, the only candidate that's not a career criminal/perpetual business failure left standing!

No, I probably won't be responding. May the Trumpian ball-scratching/primate-esque-grunting resume on schedule...

Gary Johnson is (partly) the reason I am a little l libertarian(Ideology) and not a capital L Libertarian(Party member).

He was an acceptable candidate before Libya, Syria, Iraq or US foreign policy as a whole(globalization) helped bring on much of the mess we are in as the mess may have been avoided. But in today's terms, his policies do not address the circumstances the US is now in. In other words, the country has moved on in a direction that Gary Johnson's policies cannot address.

Anyone voting for Gary Johnson in the current election is naive or willfully ignorant. His policies may have been fine before the push for globalization but they do nothing to address the current state of the Country.
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Comey came out and flat said Hitlery flat committed espionage (as far as I know not under the purview of the FBI) by handing classified info to people for destruction that have no clearance.
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Diamond Contributor
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The FBI still hasn't answered the question of...If the bitch wasn't knowingly doing something illegal....why the fuck did she have a private server in the first place..which she knowingly passed classified information on...what was the purpose of a private server? for yoga schedules.Let's be honest here folks how many people in the state department and the intelligence community have installed private servers in their homes they conduct official bussiness on.


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The FBI still hasn't answered the question of...If the bitch wasn't knowingly doing something illegal....why the fuck did she have a private server in the first place..which she knowingly passed classified information on...what was the purpose of a private server? for yoga schedules.Let's be honest here folks how many people in the state department and the intelligence community have installed private servers in their homes they conduct official bussiness on.
Consider the tiny scope of that the FBI actually did investigate.
The IGs just said she is dumber than a box of hammers and should not hold clearance.
Comey said she willingly handed over state secrets to a non vetted person.. Umm ya. They get one shot at tacking her wrinkled skin to the wall and this was not it since the evidence was thinner than tissue.


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Consider the tiny scope of that the FBI actually did investigate.
The IGs just said she is dumber than a box of hammers and should not hold clearance.
Comey said she willingly handed over state secrets to a non vetted person.. Umm ya. They get one shot at tacking her wrinkled skin to the wall and this was not it since the evidence was thinner than tissue.
well it seems to me the fact that she set up a private server proves "intent"...


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well it seems to me the fact that she set up a private server proves "intent"...
and then there's the lying to the fbi (based on huma's statement regarding the reason the server was set up Vs. hillary's statement to the fbi saying that it was for convenience), the lying under oath to congress, and the giving of classified info to people without security clearance (her attorneys, which some statements have been that they read the emails, other statements have been that they only read the headers, either way, though, they were given access to classified info w/o clearance). Several possible counts to charge her with.


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Intent plays no part in espionage and treason.
yeah, and it's nowhere in the statute, despite Comey's insistence that they need to be able to prove that there was an intent to commit a crime.


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and then there's the lying to the fbi (based on huma's statement regarding the reason the server was set up Vs. hillary's statement to the fbi saying that it was for convenience), the lying under oath to congress, and the giving of classified info to people without security clearance (her attorneys, which some statements have been that they read the emails, other statements have been that they only read the headers, either way, though, they were given access to classified info w/o clearance). Several possible counts to charge her with.
Even sheer incompetence and stupidity discounts in holding office higher than a peepshow jizz moper.


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yeah, and it's nowhere in the statute, despite Comey's insistence that they need to be able to prove that there was an intent to commit a crime.
For the lesser charge intent does.
But that was not the scope of said FBI investigation, which was narrow as a sliver.
They only get one single chance of going after her and those in the cabal.
He gave more than enough to pin that whore to the cross in the court of public opinion.
Now it is in the IG's ball court and congress to go after her for treason.


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Comey did hint at there being an investigation of the Clinton Foundation, and from what some of the congressmen were saying, it looks like they might go after her for lying under oath to congress.


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Comey did hint at there being an investigation of the Clinton Foundation, and from what some of the congressmen were saying, it looks like they might go after her for lying under oath to congress.
Toothless blubbering race apologists.
They held Holder in contempt of congress and he was forever is getting out of office.
Now the IG pushing the FBI for treason and espionage it might be different.


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Even sheer incompetence and stupidity discounts in holding office higher than a peepshow jizz moper.
after being married to Buba she has more than enough experince in that arena.he'll she could teach a doctarate in mopping up after all kinds of shows.


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after being married to Buba she has more than enough experince in that arena.he'll she could teach a doctarate in mopping up after all kinds of shows.
Plumbing the depths of the foundation would have far reaching long lasting effects.


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Killary leads Trump in new national poll. The sheep have spoken!

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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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after being married to Buba she has more than enough experince in that arena.he'll she could teach a doctarate in mopping up after all kinds of shows.
He went to bat for her with the Attorney General of the U.S. and then of course the FBI won't charge her for classified emails on a non classified personal email server. Any other person in government would be facing multiple felony charges. Her lawyers even erased information permanently from the server with a mil-spec shedding program and they face no destruction of evidence charges.


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Still giving Comey the benefit of doubt.
He KNEW as a prosecutor the scope of the IG investigation was weaker than wet toilet paper.
But he put out the glaring criminal treasonous shit out there, let congress refer and then he can open up the fbi anal gaping machine into high gear.

The IGs were shown to be worthless as cumming's grasp of fucking reality.


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There would have been a time for such a word.
— To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing.


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Grilled cheese, cottage cheese stuffed in lulu lemons. certainly have a way with words, which capture images in the mind....truly some Nasty stuff....:)


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Still giving Comey the benefit of doubt.
He KNEW as a prosecutor the scope of the IG investigation was weaker than wet toilet paper.
But he put out the glaring criminal treasonous shit out there, let congress refer and then he can open up the fbi anal gaping machine into high gear.

The IGs were shown to be worthless as cumming's grasp of fucking reality.
Go watch an episode of Law and Order...........

Who really runs an investigation and decides wether to bring charges. The Investigators or the prosecutors office.

The FBI do not bring charges.... they investigate the facts and REPORT them to the Attorney's. .. the attorneys in charge are all Obama APPOINTED.

Hilly was never ever going to be charged.

We should change the name of the country to Banana Republic of America.

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