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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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I wonder when Baltimore is gonna blow guessing after the next 3 acquittals

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who the fuck cares.....maybe Pelosi will burn her bra if they don't get the verdict they it seems the DNC has had a mass childhood regression.....I'm waiting for them to bust out the bell bottom pants and the neru jackets.


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Outside of the rich I think what obummer was hinting at were all the housekeepers at hotels being hispanic. Because you know, if you're hispanic in this country you flip a coin and either pick fruit/veggies or clean rooms. lmfao. Maybe next obummer should get up there and address the nation and tell us he has his best asians on it figuring out the numbers of the fruit pickers and housekeepers we'll lose due to deportation. I'm sure under the obummer administration, if you're asian and not working at an asian buffet restaurant obviously you're blowing the keys off a calculator doing all that math. But no worries because it's the old white rich republicans that are racist. (smh)


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Senators should choose the President. Each State is represented equally in the Senate. The President is the President of the fifty United States.

That would solve the issue of the over populated, bloated and highly immoral Cities having way too much influence over the entire country.

As it stands, States with high population(huge ass bloated cities) run roughshod over the rest of the country. But the President is not supposed to represent the people(population). He is supposed to represent fifty united states. The Senate represents each state individually. Every State gets 2, no matter their population. The house represents the people(population) and Congressmen are alloted by population.


I can't stress this enough. The President represents the United States, not the people. Each state should have an equal say, either by Senate vote, or equal share vote from each State.

Congressmen represent the people.
Senate represents the State.
President represents the UNITED States.
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The minute my government is ruling the people and not representing the people it's time to burn the bitch down. If we wanted a monarchy we would've stuck with the queen. It says 'we the people' for a reason, not 'me and my minions'. As history has proven time and time again when the rules no longer benefit the people, rules can be changed. As can governments. Ultimately the people will decide as we did during the revolution. For those who think the current government system is some sort of concrete staple set in stone they forget that just 240 years ago this government didn't even exist. We dumped the old shit we were sick and tired of, formed new rules, new laws and chose to observe them over the old ways. Suddenly just like that the previous entrenched monarchy didn't matter. Amazing how quickly things can change.


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Here's betting that Brexit will win.

I'm betting that Brits are finally fed up with being told what to think and what to do by the elite in their own country and the EU.

Even the queen finally made her thoughts known.

It looks like you may have won that bet. Good call.

The next couple weeks should be interesting. The Brits may have started a new trend. Nationalism. The good kind. Let's hope it spreads. Brits voted for Britain first, I will vote for Trump and America first.


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It looks like you may have won that bet. Good call.

The next couple weeks should be interesting. The Brits may have started a new trend. Nationalism. The good kind. Let's hope it spreads. Brits voted for Britain first, I will vote for Trump and America first.
And Cameron has announced that he will be resigning as PM

Meanwhile, stocks markets are dropping and gold, silver, and bitcoin are all spiking upwards.
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@Time One major flaw in that argument is the election of senators as is currently done as opposed to the way it was when state legislators appointed senators. If we eliminate the election and return to how it used to be then that might be a viable solution... but properly analyzing that would require far more thought than I can apply while running on only one mug of coffee.


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Excellent speech in Scotland this morning by Donald Trump.

Also an excellent statement posted on

- June 24, 2016 -
Donald J. Trump Statement Regarding British Referendum on E.U. Membership
The people of the United Kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all free peoples. They have declared their independence from the European Union and have voted to reassert control over their own politics, borders and economy. A Trump Administration pledges to strengthen our ties with a free and independent Britain, deepening our bonds in commerce, culture and mutual defense. The whole world is more peaceful and stable when our two countries – and our two peoples – are united together, as they will be under a Trump Administration.

Come November, the American people will have the chance to re-declare their independence. Americans will have a chance to vote for trade, immigration and foreign policies that put our citizens first. They will have the chance to reject today’s rule by the global elite, and to embrace real change that delivers a government of, by and for the people. I hope America is watching, it will soon be time to believe in America again.


Diamond Contributor
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Senators should choose the President. Each State is represented equally in the Senate. The President is the President of the fifty United States.

That would solve the issue of the over populated, bloated and highly immoral Cities having way too much influence over the entire country.

As it stands, States with high population(huge ass bloated cities) run roughshod over the rest of the country. But the President is not supposed to represent the people(population). He is supposed to represent fifty united states. The Senate represents each state individually. Every State gets 2, no matter their population. The house represents the people(population) and Congressmen are alloted by population.


I can't stress this enough. The President represents the United States, not the people. Each state should have an equal say, either by Senate vote, or equal share vote from each State.

Congressmen represent the people.
Senate represents the State.
President represents the UNITED States.

Historically this federal goverment just imports massive waves of forgien nationals any time the people look like they are getting too much freedom.and start thinking about taking power from the federal goverment.....they call it immigration...of course it's done against the will of the goverened.


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Diamond Contributor
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It looks like you may have won that bet. Good call.

The next couple weeks should be interesting. The Brits may have started a new trend. Nationalism. The good kind. Let's hope it spreads. Brits voted for Britain first, I will vote for Trump and America first.
I find it hard to believe the elite allowed a free election in sounds real fishy....I bet Merkel is shitting her panties right about now.This shit keeps up Germany will find themeselves with all the rapeugees in Berlin.
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It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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This image was taken out of context.
He has "free palastine" headband which means he wants to kill Israelis not Americans.
But same difference, that's what the desert monkeys teach their children.


Platinum Contributor
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@Time One major flaw in that argument is the election of senators as is currently done as opposed to the way it was when state legislators appointed senators. If we eliminate the election and return to how it used to be then that might be a viable solution... but properly analyzing that would require far more thought than I can apply while running on only one mug of coffee.

Sure. But how Senators are appointed can be a discussion for each individual State. Just focusing on the President, each State should have equal say. Idaho should have one fiftieth vote or two out of 100, not 4 votes against California's 55 votes.

I don't care how California chooses it's two votes. I have a say in how Idaho chooses it's two votes. I only care that Idaho and California, as one STATE each, have equal votes for a President that is supposed to represent ALL States rather than a President that represents California's 55 votes over Idaho's 4 votes.

Frankly, there is no reason for Idaho to be in the Union if our representation for the President is a fraction of that of other States. We are simply a dog subject to the whim of a President working to satisfy the goals of those he/she truely represents.

The current system seriously degrades the Republic as a Representative Republic and turns it into a system that much more closely resembles a pure Democracy.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Historically this federal goverment just imports massive waves of forgien nationals any time the people look like they are getting too much freedom.and start thinking about taking power from the federal goverment.....they call it immigration...of course it's done against the will of the goverened.

It can do that because the Republic now more closely resembles a Democracy. The States are no longer represented as States. The Republic is represented as a whole population. More of a Democracy than a Representative Republic.


Platinum Contributor
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I find it hard to believe the elite allowed a free election in sounds real fishy....I bet Merkel is shitting her panties right about now.This shit keeps up Germany will find themeselves with all the rapeugees in Berlin.

The elite are losing control. The people are waking up. The elite have shown their hand, their corruption has become obvious, nay, their corruption has become overt.

The harder the elite try to keep control, the more they tip their hand and show us their cards.

I believe things will continue to get ugly as the elite try to punish us by making threats like is happening now. Market turmoil, etc. Continued threats that Nationalism will result in more turmoil. They will continue to push Globalism over Nationalism with threats of economic turmoil.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The elite are losing control. The people are waking up. The elite have shown their hand, their corruption has become obvious, nay, their corruption has become overt.

The harder the elite try to keep control, the more they tip their hand and show us their cards.

I believe things will continue to get ugly as the elite try to punish us by making threats like is happening now. Market turmoil, etc. Continued threats that Nationalism will result in more turmoil. They will continue to push Globalism over Nationalism with threats of economic turmoil.
I don't know ...yeah people are waking up but look at how close the election was for Brexit even allowing for the fact every single muslim in the UK voted to remain, there is still alot of people that are buying this globalist kool-aid of utopian snake oil.

I was pretty shocked watching Obama's speech in Britian where he actually threatened Britians with a trade war if they didn't vote to remain....he's gone from America's first dictator to a global lord.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't know ...yeah people are waking up but look at how close the election was for Brexit even allowing for the fact every single muslim in the UK voted to remain, there is still alot of people that are buying this globalist kool-aid of utopian snake oil.

I was pretty shocked watching Obama's speech in Britian where he actually threatened Britians with a trade war if they didn't vote to remain....he's gone from America's first dictator to a global lord.

Just a couple years ago people laughed when Nigel Farage would rant and say that the people of the UK would have a referendum and vote to leave the EU. Few people believed it, least of all the Brits. The press and politicians, from all countries, heavily pushed to remain. All the polls showed a 'remain' win, even just the day before.

Just like with Trump, a whole lot of people are no longer listening to the elite politicians, media talking heads and bullshit polls. They are breaking away from the lies.

Is it enough to overcome the globalists? I don't know. I think when the elite become desperate, the wars will start. I see more "Russian threat" propaganda in the near future. Something to rally sheep around. Something to prove that globalization is the only answer.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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You know if Trump is able to get elected there is a real good chance we can get all the FDA deeming regs repealed.
Don't think he'll get to it since there are so many other things to overturn first.
Maybe if he's elected twice like Obama.


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Out of curiosity, what is everyone going to do when voter fraud hands the election to Hillary? We seen massive voter fraud last election, and there is nothing to stop it this election either.


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Out of curiosity, what is everyone going to do when voter fraud hands the election to Hillary? We seen massive voter fraud last election, and there is nothing to stop it this election either.
If the margins are large enough, then voter fraud that changes the outcome is harder if not impossible to pull off (See Brexit)

If in fact the election is stolen there might just be some serious problems in this country.


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If the margins are large enough, then voter fraud that changes the outcome is harder if not impossible to pull off (See Brexit)

If in fact the election is stolen there might just be some serious problems in this country.
Why the push and rush for total due process stripping, gun bans and control, and 4th amendment stripping.

I took my oath and live by it and no fucking where did it say obey, support or defend the senate, house or the commie and thief.


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Armed bloody revolt or coup.
Last election had massive voter fraud. %140 voter turn out in parts of Fla and Colo, 100000 Romney votes found in a dumpster behind the voting place in a Fla panhandle county. Republican election watchers being ran out of voting places in Detroit at gun point. Black Panthers running elections in the cities off Penn, Ohio had people show up to vote and being told their vote was already cast. Entire counties in Ohio had not one single Romney vote yet many yards with pro Romney signs. Voting machines changing the vote from Romney to Obama in front of peoples eyes. Enough voter fraud occurred last election in enough states that shows Obama didnt win. Yet nothing was done. Not a single damn thing. What makes you think this time will be any different?


Diamond Contributor
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Last election had massive voter fraud. %140 voter turn out in parts of Fla and Colo, 100000 Romney votes found in a dumpster behind the voting place in a Fla panhandle county. Republican election watchers being ran out of voting places in Detroit at gun point. Black Panthers running elections in the cities off Penn, Ohio had people show up to vote and being told their vote was already cast. Entire counties in Ohio had not one single Romney vote yet many yards with pro Romney signs. Voting machines changing the vote from Romney to Obama in front of peoples eyes. Enough voter fraud occurred last election in enough states that shows Obama didnt win. Yet nothing was done. Not a single damn thing. What makes you think this time will be any different?
Romney is a weak sister.


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Two new polls released Sunday show Hillary Clinton's lead over presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is growing with one poll giving her a tight lead while the other puts her comfortably ahead with a double-digit lead.

A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll Trump is 5 percentage points behind Clinton but the race is essentially tied when factoring in third-party candidates. The polls shows Clinton leading 46-41 over Trump but that lead drops to one point (39-38) when Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are included.

The same poll in May had Clinton leading Trump 46-43.

A second Washington Post/ABC News poll shows a much wider lead for Clinton putting her 12 percentage points ahead with a 51-39 lead over Trump. The same poll conducted last month showed the race statistically tied.

According to the Washington Post, "Roughly two in three Americans say they think Trump is unqualified to lead the nation; are anxious about the idea of him as president; believe his comments about women, minorities and Muslims show an unfair bias; and see his attacks on a federal judge because of his Mexican American heritage as racist."

Trump has come under increased scrutiny lately beginning with his repeated attacks on Judge Gonzalo Curiel who ordered documents in the Trump University case to be unsealed. Trump had attacked the judge as being a "Donald Trump hater" and said he may be biased against him because of his Mexican heritage and the wall he was building to seal the southern U.S. border was an inherent conflict of interest.


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Two new polls released Sunday show Hillary Clinton's lead over presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is growing with one poll giving her a tight lead while the other puts her comfortably ahead with a double-digit lead.

A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll Trump is 5 percentage points behind Clinton but the race is essentially tied when factoring in third-party candidates. The polls shows Clinton leading 46-41 over Trump but that lead drops to one point (39-38) when Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are included.

The same poll in May had Clinton leading Trump 46-43.

A second Washington Post/ABC News poll shows a much wider lead for Clinton putting her 12 percentage points ahead with a 51-39 lead over Trump. The same poll conducted last month showed the race statistically tied.

According to the Washington Post, "Roughly two in three Americans say they think Trump is unqualified to lead the nation; are anxious about the idea of him as president; believe his comments about women, minorities and Muslims show an unfair bias; and see his attacks on a federal judge because of his Mexican American heritage as racist."

Trump has come under increased scrutiny lately beginning with his repeated attacks on Judge Gonzalo Curiel who ordered documents in the Trump University case to be unsealed. Trump had attacked the judge as being a "Donald Trump hater" and said he may be biased against him because of his Mexican heritage and the wall he was building to seal the southern U.S. border was an inherent conflict of interest.
View attachment 55042

100 liberals was polled and of those 100 liberals, 51 of them wanted Hillary. Go figure. I stopped believing polls a long time ago.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Two new polls released Sunday show Hillary Clinton's lead over presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is growing with one poll giving her a tight lead while the other puts her comfortably ahead with a double-digit lead.

A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll Trump is 5 percentage points behind Clinton but the race is essentially tied when factoring in third-party candidates. The polls shows Clinton leading 46-41 over Trump but that lead drops to one point (39-38) when Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are included.

The same poll in May had Clinton leading Trump 46-43.

A second Washington Post/ABC News poll shows a much wider lead for Clinton putting her 12 percentage points ahead with a 51-39 lead over Trump. The same poll conducted last month showed the race statistically tied.

According to the Washington Post, "Roughly two in three Americans say they think Trump is unqualified to lead the nation; are anxious about the idea of him as president; believe his comments about women, minorities and Muslims show an unfair bias; and see his attacks on a federal judge because of his Mexican American heritage as racist."

Trump has come under increased scrutiny lately beginning with his repeated attacks on Judge Gonzalo Curiel who ordered documents in the Trump University case to be unsealed. Trump had attacked the judge as being a "Donald Trump hater" and said he may be biased against him because of his Mexican heritage and the wall he was building to seal the southern U.S. border was an inherent conflict of interest.
View attachment 55042
The pollsters in Britian said Remain would win easily....


Diamond Contributor
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It doesnt matter who ran against Obummer, what matters is the amount of voter fraud that happened and how the media was shut up about it.
The RNC help put Hussien into power....the RNC are just globalist shills...if Hilary wins the RNC won't do shit, but.....Trumps supports are going to raise hell, and they are not going to ignore voter fraud, and they are not going to sit on their hands and wait for the RNC to do something they are going to fight back.....the RNC is history...fuck them they can go get together on a golf course and have a circle jerk...the rest of us are gonna keep charging.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Two new polls released Sunday show Hillary Clinton's lead over presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is growing with one poll giving her a tight lead while the other puts her comfortably ahead with a double-digit lead.

A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll Trump is 5 percentage points behind Clinton but the race is essentially tied when factoring in third-party candidates. The polls shows Clinton leading 46-41 over Trump but that lead drops to one point (39-38) when Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are included.

The same poll in May had Clinton leading Trump 46-43.

A second Washington Post/ABC News poll shows a much wider lead for Clinton putting her 12 percentage points ahead with a 51-39 lead over Trump. The same poll conducted last month showed the race statistically tied.

According to the Washington Post, "Roughly two in three Americans say they think Trump is unqualified to lead the nation; are anxious about the idea of him as president; believe his comments about women, minorities and Muslims show an unfair bias; and see his attacks on a federal judge because of his Mexican American heritage as racist."

Trump has come under increased scrutiny lately beginning with his repeated attacks on Judge Gonzalo Curiel who ordered documents in the Trump University case to be unsealed. Trump had attacked the judge as being a "Donald Trump hater" and said he may be biased against him because of his Mexican heritage and the wall he was building to seal the southern U.S. border was an inherent conflict of interest.
View attachment 55042

Absolute and total bullshit...the media is lying...the are trying to create a narritive so when the steal the election they can make a plausable rationale.....this is as transparent as hell...the media refuses to actually vet the know damn well Trumps attorneys vetted this judge before he was handed the case..I've read a bit about this judge and I think he is biased....but that is not the point the law is....a judge must recuse himself if their is any APPEARANCE of conflict..conflict does not have to be proven....this fucking judge is corrupt....


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Funny how it doesnt seem that long ago since Reagan was in office but in my opinion since then the RNC stopped standing for conservatism and starting aligning with the liberals.


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The propoganda mills called the media keep trying to sell they lie that Hilary is ahead I doubt it very much...look at how many people go to Trump's rallies..meanwhile I've seen bigger crowds in a laundrymat than Hilary is attracting so explain to me how she is ahead in the polls.
After the Orlando shooting,and after Hussien went over and threatened the British people to remain in the EU or be punished with a trade war, and was then soundly told to go to hell by the british people...after having his illegal amnesty thrown out by the supreme court..I call bullshit lie, that Hilary is leding in the polls.
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It doesnt matter who ran against Obummer, what matters is the amount of voter fraud that happened and how the media was shut up about it.

But it does matter. The run of the mill republican that would have voted for Romney is also the same run of the mill republican that condones the party to lay down and not fight Obomber, allows themselves to be labeled racist, blames themselves for rioting leftists and does not call out Hitlery for her overt corruption. Those of us that don't tow the party line are not going to fight for a party or a Romney that refuses to fight for themselves.

Now we have a Trump. We are not letting them label us. We will not be shamed. We will not be quiet. :bomb:


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Im not one to jump to a political debate, but i hope the people at VU can keep everything light-hearted.

I do not like to commit to a single party, rather choose myself. Though i have voted democrat in the past- the choice is clear in my opinion. I will be voting for Trump. To make it short and sweet- here is my opinion:

While everyone can agree to an extent that trump may not be the best public speaker, for he offends many people and this is not smart politically...
I would rather have someone who is blatantly truthful in office than a canidate who has time-and-time again shown to lie or deceive the public (Clinton)

Quite possibly the best reason to support trump is because of his intention to better the United States relations with Russia.. and Putin has praised this. With these two superpowers united- we could crush any Terrorist opposition. ISIS has targeted Russia in attacks before, and a leader like Putin would be happy to assist in removing this parasite from the world.

Lastly, Trump is using his own money(i know he takes donations post-primaries, but why hinder yourself)
Someone who uses their own money must have some sort of good intentions, i doubt hes doing it for business reasons. Hes had wild success up to this point- if he was merely in it for the money, i doubt he would use a single penny of his own money, and campaign like the Clintons. Knowing this fact, and watching his speeches, he seems to be a real Patriot, no matter how much the media slanders him to look like a racist biggot. If you listen, his comments about Mexico are justified and completely rational. He wants to give benefits to wounded veterans, not illigal immigrants.

I love hearing people's opinions.. Cheers VU. this should be fun to read.
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