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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Trump is not perfect . But is he better then Hillary? Hell yes ! You want to talk about a record of lying! Pay for play ! Corruption! She makes John Gotti (RIP) look like a amateur. Do we really want 4 more years of Obama? The guy who apologies for winning ww2 ? The same people who want everyone to use the same bathroom .or have the DOJ investigate you if you dont agree on global warming ?
Trump is the ONLY choice !!!

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Hillary is an uninspiring crotchety old witch that feels the presidency is owed to her. She earned NOTHING.



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He's a demagogue. Plain and simple. He's saying what people want to hear.

No, He's saying what many of us have said for years.
He isn't an outsider. He's BRAGGED about how he had politicians in his pocket in the past.
No, he played the same game all successful businessmen do which is to donate to political campaigns when asked. Those that ignore those "requests" find sudden roadblocks appear whenever they attempt to conduct business..and other roadblocks magically disappear when you do donate.

Nothing that isn't done by all major business across the USA every damn year.

He hasn't TRULY self-funded. He LOANED his campaign money, which he is now able to pay back. He is now accepting money from the SAME "Special Interests" as all the other politicians.

Bullshit. Prove it.

He even ADMITTED that he WOULD NOT SELF FUND his campaign for the General Election.
He always has said that when it got down to nut cutting time for the general election he would probably need other funds to be able to compete with a billion plus dollars on the other side...
He is a Liar. He is a Demagogue. He will say anything to get elected.

More bullshit and opinion only. Prove one lie. Times up--you can't.
If you truly think that he is "different" you're in for a rude awakening if he becomes President.
No, sorry's the libtards and rinos whose heads will explode.

If you don't like him that's fine--go vote for the hildabeast... but don't fabricate attacks like the lamestream media tries will get called out on it here like trump did today in his news conference.

Fuck off. --and by the way...welcome to my ignore list. I don't read stupid people's bullshit.

Azriel Mysterious

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No, He's saying what many of us have said for years.

No, he played the same game all successful businessmen do which is to donate to political campaigns when asked. Those that ignore those "requests" find sudden roadblocks appear whenever they attempt to conduct business..and other roadblocks magically disappear when you do donate.

Nothing that isn't done by all major business across the USA every damn year.

Bullshit. Prove it.

He always has said that when it got down to nut cutting time for the general election he would probably need other funds to be able to compete with a billion plus dollars on the other side...

More bullshit and opinion only. Prove one lie. Times up--you can't.

No, sorry's the libtards and rinos whose heads will explode.

If you don't like him that's fine--go vote for the hildabeast... but don't fabricate attacks like the lamestream media tries will get called out on it here like trump did today in his news conference.

Fuck off. --and by the way...welcome to my ignore list. I don't read stupid people's bullshit.
Notice how he came out swinging on me? I did not insult him once, but he insulted me. He asks me for proof, which I can provide, but immediately says "times up". He doesn't WANT proof.
Hell he even said he will put me on ignore. Hahahaha


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Notice how he came out swinging on me? I did not insult him once, but he insulted me. He asks me for proof, which I can provide, but immediately says "times up". He doesn't WANT proof.
Hell he even said he will put me on ignore. Hahahaha
Like I said..fuckoff.

Azriel Mysterious

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Why would anyone care about this funding issue? Is your candidate only funded by the morally upright?

When you vote for Hillary, and your taxes are tripled, your rights are abridged,
and your vape products are made illegal...will you be happy with your decision?
I can't stand Hillary. She and Trump are both awful. I just can't stand it when people act like Trump is better than Hillary.


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I Don't give a fuck where they get funding
Hilary lies
Trump lies
How can you support someone that first off all a billionaire
Trying to get more billions....
Is that what you all learn from
Hilary is a better face for the USA
I don't like it but who's to vote?
Maybe Bernie? Another Obama


Azriel Mysterious

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And here is a list of his Lies:


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I think people are just fed up and angry all round its been 8 years of being told how much we all suck and how much we owe everyone else .How our cops are killers and being white is a privilege. Selective prosecution , admitted being lied too with healthcare and Iran deal ,IRS .And how we have to be kind to are enemies and not ofend them . Too much shit too eat people are done with it
Its time to make America great

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America will never be great again
There's too much money involve, that's the only reason why people run for office, they don't give a fuck about us.. They don't and you all know that
There's no fix PERIOD



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How can you make America great again
If ur own political party is not united?
Come on people



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So you think Hillary will make things better?

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Azriel Mysterious

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I Don't give a fuck where they get funding
Hilary lies
Trump lies
How can you support someone that first off all a billionaire
Trying to get more billions....
Is that what you all learn from
Hilary is a better face for the USA
I don't like it but who's to vote?
Maybe Bernie? Another Obama

Don't forget Trump's Pyramid Scheme "Trump Network" Trump University isn't the only time he's preyed on people who believed in him...


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Trump's lie never killed any Americans... Hillary's did.

She should be tried for treason.

Oh come on man, really!
Email or no email
We lost a lot of American soldiers because of GREED...
I think the gop are very itchy to go to war again..
I agree with small government I agree with all republican principles, I'm a registered republican btw... But trump is not for that, he is a business man like ROMNey that only cares about the 1%, trump is not for the people he is not and will never will be.. Billionaires don't know shit how to be poor.. They are blinded by wealth, they will make sure they stay that way...and that's what trump is!!
People support him because he is different and not a politician..
Trumps plan is to CAPITALIZE as much as he can if he becomes president... Be careful what you all wish for



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What about the clinton foundation? What about all the money she takes from wall st? What about her son in law the investment banker?
What about her husband and the treatment of women facilitated by her in destruction of anyone who speaks out ?

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Azriel Mysterious

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@ej1024 im guessing you think there is nothing to fight for it can never be fixed why bother right ? Lets hope we can get some crumbs . Im glad our founding fathers didnt have your attitude "oh biggest army and navy in the world ! Fuck it pay the king we cant win" aww poor poor us .
You douchebag ! Thats the problem with America crybaby little man girls like you !

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So you think Hillary will make things better?

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I don't think she will make things better, it will never be better thing I know
Don't you see the trend
Dems don't like GOP
and it's gonna be like this forever!
These 2 parties are there to destroy each other and that the reality of this great nation...



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What about the clinton foundation? What about all the money she takes from wall st? What about her son in law the investment banker?
What about her husband and the treatment of women facilitated by her in destruction of anyone who speaks out ?

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What about them?
They all have fucking garbage dude.. They all do
You have to get past all that shit..



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@ej1024 im guessing you think there is nothing to fight for it can never be fixed why bother right ? Lets hope we can get some crumbs . Im glad our founding fathers didnt have your attitude "oh biggest army and navy in the world ! Fuck it pay the king we cant win" aww poor poor us .
You douchebag ! Thats the problem with America crybaby little man girls like you !

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Why you attacking me? I'm a realist, yes
I don't believe 911 was a terrorist attack
Please don't call me names, you came here on this thread to argue not to fight
If ur gonna be butt hurt then ignore/block me..



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Trump owes neither one of those groups anything at best he has already changed politics as usual thats the trend i see .

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Azriel Mysterious

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What about them?
They all have fucking garbage dude.. They all do
You have to get past all that shit..

What was that question? Who would you rather have a beer with? I don't drink beer but Bernie has a "Doc Brown" Vibe going on so I'd choose him for cocktail hour ^.~


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What was that question? Who would you rather have a beer with? I don't drink beer but Bernie has a "Doc Brown" Vibe going on so I'd choose him for cocktail hour ^.~
I like Bernie when he talks
He looks like he will hit his head on the microphone when he talks lol...


Azriel Mysterious

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Trump owes neither one of those groups anything at best he has already changed politics as usual thats the trend i see .

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You do know that Trump was a Democrat and is close enough friends to Hillary and Bill that he has donated to them AND invited them to his wedding, right?


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All this garbage will come out pretty soon
Who knows how much money trump owes, he wants to CASH IN in the White House... I see a lot of back door deals going on... Trump is a JACK ASS NOW



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Why you attacking me? I'm a realist, yes
I don't believe 911 was a terrorist attack
Please don't call me names, you came here on this thread to argue not to fight
If ur gonna be butt hurt then ignore/block me..

Ok you just lost all your credibility with your 911 statement . You may need to go to your safe space if i hurt your feelings . But when you say oh just give up we cant fix it . It seems not to have the American spirt to me . Sorry honey for being a silly goose . We good ?

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Azriel Mysterious

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All this garbage will come out pretty soon
Who knows how much money trump owes, he wants to CASH IN in the White House... I see a lot of back door deals going on... Trump is a JACK ASS NOW

One wonders WHY he refuses to release his tax returns...


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Ok you just lost all your credibility with your 911 statement . You may need to go to your safe space if i hurt your feelings . But when you say oh just give up we cant fix it . It seems not to have the American spirt to me . Sorry honey for being a silly goose . We good ?

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Yes we good



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You do know that Trump was a Democrat and is close enough friends to Hillary and Bill that he has donated to them AND invited them to his wedding, right?
Yes i do .like i said hes not perfect . But why not answer my questions about the clintons ? If donalds worst is being a real estate developer in Manhattan and inviting the state senator to his wedding i think i can get past that .

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Azriel Mysterious

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Again... why do you care? Do you cast your vote based on a candidate's tax return?
If one wants to run for the highest office in the land, transparency is imperative.

He'd be the only candidate in decades not to release his return.

Plus he's a raging fucking hypocrite, since he BASHED Romney for not releasing his. Saying the only reason to do so is to hide something.

Azriel Mysterious

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Yes i do .like i said hes not perfect . But why not answer my questions about the clintons ? If donalds worst is being a real estate developer in Manhattan and inviting the state senator to his wedding i think i can get past that .

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Which questions? You haven't posted any to me that I have seen.


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Why doesn't hillary release her wall st speeches?

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My 2 cents.

Starting with this..................


Hillary is a power hungry BITCH.

Bernie is a Communist at heart.

Both of them wan't to tax us to death to provide for the "Disenfranchised"

AKA 3rd generation welfare recipients that never worked a day in their lives but we the working taxpayers pay for their meals, cellphones and cable TV.

BE honest, have you ever stood behind a welfare recipient at the grocery store stocking up on STEAK and CANDY?

All while tooling around in one of the HANDIFAT carts at the Walmart Fashion Show!

Trump is one hell of a wildcard.

But he is not one of THEM!


IMHO, should he win and become our next President, his massive Ego will drive him to to out perform and go down in the history books as one of the best presidents in US history!


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Which questions? You haven't posted any to me that I have seen.
What about the clinton foundation ?
What about her enabling her husband to abuse women and then destroy their reputations if they speak out ?
What about her bengazi lie ?
Why does her organization pay women less then men ?
What about all her wall st donaters?
Why does she attack investment banking when her son in law is a investment banker ?
How did they become multi millionaires in such short time from "flat broke "?
What about the emails ?

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What about the clinton foundation ?
What about her enabling her husband to abuse women and then destroy their reputations if they speak out ?
What about her bengazi lie ?
Why does her organization pay women less then men ?
What about all her wall st donaters?
Why does she attack investment banking when her son in law is a investment banker ?
How did they become multi millionaires in such short time from "flat broke "?
What about the emails ?

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What about the Dem's supporting her?

She belongs on JAIL and not behind the desk that Bill used to get Blow Jobs at!
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