I didn't know what a meme was prior to 2015. I now realize that many just got so sick of typing out expansive discourses designed to express their opinions to someone who invariably disagreed no matter how well crafted the argument was because they didn't even bother to honestly examine that information and educate themselves on the issue before replying with the stock party line answer they themselves did not understand but were simply programmed to do.You must have issues with reading comprehension. My statement could not be more clear.
What isn't clear is the stupid, retarded meme smokie posted. Are those people in a mosque or a school? Are you saying muslims should not be allowed to pray any where in the country? Are you opposed to religious freedom? Do you get it now?
Maybe you can post another meme with a willy wonka quote that clears it all up.
How willy wonka got mixed up in politics I'll never understand. But that's the meme life for you.
Memes were an effort to get the message across to those programmed individuals using the same mind control techniques employed by the CIA in MSM programing under project mockingbird to get competing thoughts to register on the Audio Visual Cortex and possibly break that psychological programing regularly employed by the CIA in an effort to get the individual to wake up and think for themselves. Turns out it is a lot more effective than the most cohesive argument one can employ in a discussion.
The meme that Smokie posted:
Seems quite clear in it's meaning. Why is it OK to pray to Allah in the streets but not OK to Pledge Allegiance to your country in school as most of us older people did growing up. You rightly pointed out that one has nothing to do with the other, but they are also not mutually exclusive, something that should be obvious if you choose to see it, but you are regularly programed not to.
The answer as I see it is that those who sought to destroy our country recognized they had to attack and eliminate religion, family values and patriotism to promote globalism and accomplish their goal of ushering in a World Government so they could fleece, manipulate and control all of humanity equally. Unfortunately the concept of patriotism has been so thoroughly attacked in media that it is in danger of extinction by attack by subversive forces. Just look at the NFL flap & try to understand it's true goal.
They are trying to program the sheep to resent conservatives, family values, sexual norms, white people, God and Country (& seemingly reality itself) before they can be awakened to the control techniques regularly employed against them. The establishment must keep us divided and fighting against each other or we would all band together in a concerted effort to eliminate them so we can prosper and live in peace with good will toward one another.
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